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Old 11-24-2011, 05:18 PM   #1

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Default Tableeg vs tasawwuf
Assalamu alaykum

Let me declare (rather swear), I have deep respect for Shuyookh and scholars of tasawwuf and khanqahs. I have visited many khanqahs. I have listened to the shuyookh and khulfa when they visit our city.

I am discussing here about the normal persons who visit the khanqah or listen to the dars (in simple words ordinary murideen). These brothers call the TJ saathees towards tasawwuf with the intention; to put in simple in words; to get elevation, promotion, super islaah etc.

But these friends think (may be I am wrong) that going in tableeg is demotion, means of getting spoiled etc. Also it is a just recommended activity, ordinary persons only should participate in TJ.

I am directing this towards people who are in tasawwuf and not in TJ.

I am not doing tashkeel to go in jamaath. But whether that approach is correct or not.
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:22 PM   #2

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depends brother on which shaykh you are talking of and his taleem but generally all works go hand in hand and should be done together or at the very least respect should be shown to all efforts.
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:30 PM   #3

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Assalamu alaykum

I am not discussing here about shuyookh.
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:31 PM   #4

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depends brother on which shaykh you are talking of and his taleem but generally all works go hand in hand and should be done together or at the very least respect should be shown to all efforts.
i concur
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:33 PM   #5

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Assalamu alaykum

Let me declare (rather swear), I have deep respect for Shuyookh and scholars of tasawwuf and khanqahs. I have visited many khanqahs. I have listened to the shuyookh and khulfa when they visit our city.

I am discussing here about the normal persons who visit the khanqah or listen to the dars (in simple words ordinary murideen). These brothers call the TJ saathees towards tasawwuf with the intention; to put in simple in words; to get elevation, promotion, super islaah etc.

But these friends think (may be I am wrong) that going in tableeg is demotion, means of getting spoiled etc. Also it is a just recommended activity, ordinary persons only should participate in TJ.

I am directing this towards people who are in tasawwuf and not in TJ.

I am not doing tashkeel to go in jamaath. But whether that approach is correct or not.
I have never seen anyone with this kinda thinking..
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:50 PM   #6

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Assalamu alaykum

But these friends think (may be I am wrong) that going in tableeg is demotion, means of getting spoiled etc. Also it is a just recommended activity,
Not all people are that way. there are extremes in every effort (Tabligh/Tazkiyah).
on the contrary, there are also tableeghi's who denounce tasawwuf.

Both go hand in hand.

ordinary persons only should participate in TJ. This is ok. But, one should also look for a mashayk/buzurg with-in TJ with whose mashwarah things are done. This will lead to progress (although this is not usually done). All our akabireen of tableegh still do things with mashwarah. As our moulana saad sb (d.b) says, "ulema ki ziyarath ko ibadath mano"
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Old 11-24-2011, 05:59 PM   #7

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Assalamu alaykum

Not all people are that way. there are extremes in every effort (Tabligh/Tazkiyah). I have started this thread to understand from the people who are at extremes. I know most of them are not.

I have heard words like "you can go in tableeg, only if the ameer is from tasawwuf, else you will be spoilt", and ameer from tasawwuf is very rare, so no tableeeg.

Also recently a friend of mine have intended to go in jamaath from 4 months, a known elder from tasawwuf stopped him.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:01 PM   #8

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But these friends think (may be I am wrong) that going in tableeg is demotion, means of getting spoiled etc.
what does this mean...?
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:02 PM   #9

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From the malfuzaat of hadrath maulana Ilyasji ra..

1. On one occasion he said:
The actual object of this movement is to teach the Muslims everything which our nabi (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) brought (i.e.
To make the whole ummah acquainted with all the Islamic teachings and its practical system of implementation). This is our real
object; as for our gusht (going out to meet brothers) and movement of jamaats (groups), these are the initial means, the
encouragement and the teaching of the kalima and salaat which are the a,b,c's of this effort.
It is also obvious that the jamaats cannot do all the work. All that can be done is that they reach all places and through their efforts
awaken the people and make the negligent aware so that they may benefit from the learned people in their locality. An effort
should be made to connect the public with the ulama and pious so that they could be reformed. In every place only the local
workers can fulfil this task. The public will benefit more and more from the learned people of their locality.
However, the correct method and procedure could only be learnt from those who are long in this work and have been involved in
its learning and teaching so much so that they have reached a high degree of efficiency and have mastered its method reasonably.

2. 29
Our workers in general, wherever they go, should make efforts to visit the righteous ulema and pious persons. The intention
should only be to benefit from them and not to invite them to this work.
These people are well versed and have experienced the advantages of the deeni work they are busy with, hence you will not be
able to convince them in a wholesome way that this work is of greater benefit than their other deeni engrossments.the outcome
will be that they will not accept your explanation. Once they say "no" it will be difficult to change this "no" to "yes". Your talk
will not be heard and it is possible that you yourself will become uncertain.
Therefore meet them only to gain benefit from their auspicious company. In their locality every effort should be made to stick
closely to the principles of the work. In this way it is hoped that the reports of the progress of your work will reach them and draw
their attention. I thereafter, if they do pay attention, you should request them topatronise and supervise you and with due reverence
and respect explain the work to them.

----Tabligh is the answer. Today if I know any Ilm, Mashaikh, its due to the effort of tabligh, and yes, I know some of the biggest of them
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:08 PM   #10

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My 'personal understanding' is, the message and aim of tableeg and tasawwuf are not contradictory to each other.

But the problem is with the members with 'cult' mentality. Preference over tableegi over non-tableegi or mureed of the same shuyookh over others. This is 'one' of the reasons for conflict, as difference in opinions will not be tolerated even if the difference is valid.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:10 PM   #11

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Assalamu alaykum

what does this mean...?
May be who believe in those words "getting spoiled" would be explain that.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:13 PM   #12

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My 'personal understanding' is, the message and aim of tableeg and tasawwuf are not contradictory to each other.

But the problem is with the members with 'cult' mentality. Preference over tableegi over non-tableegi or mureed of the same shuyookh over others. This is 'one' of the reasons for conflict, as difference in opinions will not be tolerated even if the difference is valid.
Assalamu alaykum

agreed. Infact I have heard in duas of both tableeg and tasawwuf mashayakh, asking to save the deeni maraakiz and khanqah from shuroor.

But getting demoted in going in tableeg is not understood yet.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:17 PM   #13

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I think we need to understand firstly, what is tasawuf? If we come to a conclution that it is sitting in a corner with a tasbih at home, in a khanqah, in a group or alone then we dont know what tasawuf is. infact to choose which is beter between tableegh or tasawuf is really foolish. because the two have to move together or atleast the one should inspire the other.
tasawuf is largely to do with purification of the heart, you need a pure heart to do da'wah. so without tasawuf you will be comming short in your tableegh too. & calling to Allah is also part of tasawuf, so why try to devide the two.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:28 PM   #14

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I think we need to understand firstly, what is tasawuf? If we come to a conclution that it is sitting in a corner with a tasbih at home, in a khanqah, in a group or alone then we dont know what tasawuf is. infact to choose which is beter between tableegh or tasawuf is really foolish. because the two have to move together or atleast the one should inspire the other.
tasawuf is largely to do with purification of the heart, you need a pure heart to do da'wah. so without tasawuf you will be comming short in your tableegh too. & calling to Allah is also part of tasawuf, so why try to devide the two.
Assalamu alaykum

If you read my OP. My question was that why our brother with purified hearts think that going in tableeg will corrupt their heart.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:30 PM   #15

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Assalamu alaykum

If you read my OP. My question was that why our brother with purified hearts think that going in tableeg will corrupt their heart.
then they dont have pure hearts, they need to check themselves. look maybe they still do dawah they just dont want to do it as tabligh do. or they dont want to be bound by any tarteeb. there are many sufis doing dawah & are not in anyway connected to the Indo/park tableeghi movement. & some are great da'ees.
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Old 11-24-2011, 06:33 PM   #16

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Assalamu alaykum

then they dont have pure hearts, they need to check themselves. And they should revisit their shuyookh and do re-islaah.

look maybe they still do dawah they just dont want to do it as tabligh do. or they dont want to be bound by any tarteeb. there are many sufis doing dawah & are not in anyway connected to the Indo/park tableeghi movement. & some are great da'ees. I agree with that and I have experienced that.
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:03 PM   #17

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I have heard words like "you can go in tableeg, only if the ameer is from tasawwuf, else you will be spoilt", and ameer from tasawwuf is very rare, so no tableeeg. Allah make it easy. Dear brother, are you talking about something that happened on the forum or something that happened offline?

May be who believe in those words "getting spoiled" would be explain that. Are the people who used these words on the forum? If not they will not be able to explain it.

Frontier Work

They all have to happen. If one can, he should do all this. If he cant he should do as many as he can. If he still cant he should get involved in at least one and then Support the other efforts as much as he can.

The Ultimate Objective of all efforts is what? Pleasure of Allah. There are many ways to get this. I have heard that the ways to Allah Ta'ala and gain His Pleasure are as many as the breaths of human beings. Some Mashaikh say that a persons breaths/ day are 24, 000. Then imagine how many breaths of all mankind combined.

The Rahmat of Allah Ta'ala and His Qabooliyat (acceptance) is not limited to any effort. It is not even limited to the 4 efforts mentioned above. The notion of people getting spoiled by going in Jamat may have been spoken by someone who does not understand the effort. Allah give us all understanding. I just met a brother who spent 40 days in Jamat and got out of drinking alcohol. Alhamdulillah

I have seen Sufis bashing Tablighis
I have seen Tablighis bashing Sufis
I have seen Ahle Ilm bashing Tablighis
I have seen Tablighis bashing Ahle Ilm
I have seen Alhe Ilm bashing Sufis and more

It is never ending. There are people who think only ordinary people should do Tabligh. Which is wrong, everyone should do it if they can. There are people who think Tabligh is enough and you need not learn Ilm or Zikr. You get all kinds of people brother
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:08 PM   #18

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Assalamu alaykum

If you read my OP. My question was that why our brother with purified hearts think that going in tableeg will corrupt their heart.
Maybe they are in the process of purifying. The Work Tabligh has done today is amazing. Allah spread the effort even further. Ameen

then they dont have pure hearts, they need to check themselves. look maybe they still do dawah they just dont want to do it as tabligh do. or they dont want to be bound by any tarteeb. there are many sufis doing dawah & are not in anyway connected to the Indo/park tableeghi movement. & some are great da'ees.
Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They do Tabligh in a different way. Allah accept everyones efforts
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Old 11-24-2011, 10:34 PM   #19

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from my experience tabligh jamaat will give the participator a desire to do good deeds but will not rid him of the hidden illnesses of the heart. usually people do not even recognise the illnesses that one has in his heart. it takes another person to point them out and who better than a person who is experienced in such a field and who has a special connection with Allah ? thats where tassawuf comes in. in my opinion both tassawuf and tabligh jamaat is needed and both will benefit inshallah.

as for being lead astray, then that can happen both in tabligh and tassawuf. its just depends on the group one joins. there is good and bad in both. find the good in each and attach yourself to that, and always remember that you are in it for your own islah and not to do the islah of others.
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Old 11-24-2011, 10:45 PM   #20

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from my experience tabligh jamaat will give the participator a desire to do good deeds but will not rid him of the hidden illnesses of the heart. usually people do not even recognise the illnesses that one has in his heart. it takes another person to point them out and who better than a person who is experienced in such a field and who has a special connection with Allah ? thats where tassawuf comes in. in my opinion both tassawuf and tabligh jamaat is needed and both will benefit inshallah.

as for being lead astray, then that can happen both in tabligh and tassawuf. its just depends on the group one joins. there is good and bad in both. find the good in each and attach yourself to that, and always remember that you are in it for your own islah and not to do the islah of others.
Assalamu alaykum


May be you should revisit my OP. One goes in TJ he gets desire, he goes to tasawwuf his heart gets purified, then he returns to TJ his heart gets corrupted, is that true?, that is the discussion here.
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