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Old 09-17-2011, 01:54 PM   #21

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I live amongst jews and work with lots of them, orthodox to reformed lesbian homosexual jews, all across the board. I have asked many jews what they believe in but no one has given me a straight answer. The best answer I got was "Judaism is a debating ever changing religion, we are constantly at debate about our beliefs."

A lot of jews are satan worshippers did you know that? I bet you didnt.
I thought that a lot of Christians were Satan worshippers. That is certainly new to me.
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Old 09-19-2011, 01:41 PM   #22

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The best answer I got was "Judaism is a debating ever changing religion, we are constantly at debate about our beliefs."

Some religion.
"Anti-Semitism will be a psychological phenomenon as long as Jews come in contact with non-Jews—what harm can there be in that? Perhaps it is due to anti-Semitism that we survive as a race: at least that is what I believe."—Albert Einstein, English translation by A. Engel, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 7, Document 37, Princeton University Press, (2002), p. 159.
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Old 09-19-2011, 09:37 PM   #23

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A lot of jews are satan worshippers did you know that? I bet you didnt.
Would you expand a bit over it?
Do you mean they are willingly and openly worshipping shaytan, or do you mean that they think they're worshipping God but in reality are worshipping Shaytan due to the corruption of their 'Aqa'id/ibadat?
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Old 09-19-2011, 10:15 PM   #24

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In Judaism you DON'T have to believe;what is of paramount importance is the fulfillment of their commandments.Thus,you are considered a 'good Jew'if you keep the shabat(i.e.you don't flush your toilet,don't ring door-bells,don't brush your hair,don't get on a bus,don't carry a pen in your pocket,don't switch on tv,cell-phone,computer,etc.)but nobody'll ask you if you actually believe in God or if you do all these things just because everybody around you does them and you feel the social pressure to do them.Judaism does NOT have an akeedah;it focuses only on single details of how to keep the Law and not on a set of beliefs.Besides that,it's not as monotheistic as Islam either:reading carefully the old testament,one will see that they believed in the "God of Israel"while surrounding peoples had their own national 'gods'.This idea is called monolatry,not monotheism and a proof of this might be that even at the time of thei maximum strenght,they NEVER even tried to convert peoples thay discomfited and conquered to the true God(as Islam did).The 'God of Israel'spoken of in the Bible is not a universalistic God of all the creation like God in the Quran;anyone reading the story of Moses and Pharaoh in both books will notice that in the Torah Moses invites Pharaoh to let his people go in order to serve thei God without ever thinking of converting an Egyptian who had his own national deities to the worship of the one true God.In the Koran on the other hand,Moses tries hardly to invite the Pharaoh to monotheism,viewing that God is universal and not just a national deity of the Jews who can live along with the gods of other peoples.More or less the same difference between Torah and Quran can be noticed in the story of Salomon and the queen of Saba:here too Salomon doesn't even think of inviting her to the belief in God in the Torah,but does so in the Quran.Apart from all these fallacies,Jews also indulge in shirk:they believe in astrology,intercession o f saints,in vicarious atonement(google kaparot),in amulets and in reincarnation.
You don't flush the toilet on Sabbath?
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Old 09-19-2011, 10:46 PM   #25

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What are you guys really talking about? We were born to serve the jews. We owe them our life. Didn't you know? Fall in line, you stupid Goyims / Gentiles / Donkeys! !!

Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
10/18/2010 05:13

According to Rabbi, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.
Talkbacks (2)

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.

According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews.

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.

Yosef’s Saturday night sermons have seen many controversial statements from the 90-year-old rabbi. In August, Yosef caused a diplomatic uproar when he wished a plague upon the Palestinian people and their leaders, a curse he retracted a few weeks later, when he blessed them along with all of Israel’s other peace-seeking neighbors. http://www.jpost.com/JewishWorld/Jew...aspx?id=191782

^They say it themselves on their own website. ^This is judaism's real face.
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Old 09-20-2011, 01:31 PM   #26

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What are you guys really talking about? We were born to serve the jews. We owe them our life. Didn't you know? Fall in line, you stupid Goyims / Gentiles / Donkeys! !!


^They say it themselves on their own website. ^This is judaism's real face.

Angry aren't you akhi?
How is everything in B? Your brother in D is ok?
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:48 PM   #27

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They definitely don't worship Satan,but they sacrifice to him:if you look up 'kaparot' on youtube,you'll see Jews waving white chicken over their heads in order to tranfer their sins to these innocent animals.Now,apart that it is theologically ridiculous to believe in vicarious atonement(as also Christians do when they claim that Jesus bore all their sins),and an unheard of cruelty to animals,this obscene ritual derives from the Torah where Jews offer a scapegoat to Azazel on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur.Since Azazel was a bad desert demon and they sacrificed to him,it can almost certainly be said that they are NOT sacrficing white chicken today to God either.Just look at this vid for example

Although I should not say it Judaism appears dumb and dumber.
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Old 09-22-2011, 01:13 AM   #28

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That's true!And the dumbest part of it derives from kabbalah:apart from this ridiculous kaparot ritual,it also condones palmistry,astrology,the "feminine nature"of God and other idiocies!
Well I guess that is why it is becoming popular among Hollywood actors.
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Old 09-22-2011, 01:07 PM   #29

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"We must expel Arabs and take their places."
-- David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.
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Old 09-22-2011, 06:26 PM   #30

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You know what the most famous line of the (present age) Talmud is ??

"the best among Gentiles should be slain"

Gentiles or goyims are non-jews.

I'll give you the source........
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Old 09-22-2011, 09:35 PM   #31

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Thank you bro Georgie boy.

================================================== ===========

Read this too.

It is hard to miss the intention of the Talmud, or misinterpret its noble meaning, or pilpul it into something other than what it is, when it says:

Rabbi Shemeul says advantage may be taken of the mistakes of a Gentile. He once bought a gold plate as a copper one of a Gentile for four zouzim, and then cheated him out of one zouzim in the bargain. Rav Cahana purchased a hundred and twenty vessels of wine from a Gentile for a hundred zouzim, and swindled him in the payment out of one of the hundred, and that while the Gentile assured him that he confidently trusted his honesty. Rava once went shares with a Gentile and bought a tree, which was cut up into logs. This done, he bade his servants to go pick out the largest logs, but to be sure to take no more than the proper number, because the Gentile knew how many there were. As Rav Ashi was walking abroad one day he saw some grapes growing in a roadside vineyard, and sent his servant to see whom they belonged to. "If they belong to a Gentile," he said, "bring some here to me, but if they belong to an Israelite, do not meddle with them." The owner, who happened to be in the vineyard, overheard the Rabbi's order and called out, "What? Is it lawful to rob a Gentile?" "Oh, no," said the Rabbi evasively, "a Gentile might sell, but an Israelite would not" (Bava Kama, Fol. 113, col. 2).
This great website: http://library.flawlesslogic.com/goyim.htm
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Old 09-22-2011, 10:05 PM   #32

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And even if you convert to Judaism,they have a whole set of categories ranging from the Kohen(priest)downwards;converts(known as gherim)are the lowest!There is a talmudic doctrine that says that if you have to chose to save the life of a Jew among several ones who are in danger,you have to save first a Kohen,the a Levi,then an Israel(the common average jew without 'titles'),than a mamzer(a bastard)and finally a convert.Besides this,converts all bear the patronimic 'ben Avraham our father'and the matronimic 'ben Sarah our mother',so every born Jew immediately knows they are second rate Jews and can discriminate against them.
it would be truly tragic if a jew does not follow the doctrine during an emergency to save as many people as possible and yet he would be punished for it.
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Old 09-23-2011, 05:16 PM   #33

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Let's put it this way:two Jews are lying on the floor in immediate danger of life,a Jewish ambulance arrives(made up of a crew educated in jewish law)but they can carry away only one of the two senseless dying Jews.If the id of one of them says he is called for instance Joseph ben Avraham avinu(our father),the crew will let him die in order to save the other one,who is a born Jew.So,converts are still viewed as inferior to born Jews.
Pathetically sublime.
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Old 09-24-2011, 03:15 PM   #34

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This attitude of ignoring the political rights of the Palestinian people was (and still is) the rule among most Zionists. According to Ben-Gurion's biographer, it's not only that Palestinians were the majority in their homeland as early as 1906, it also should be noted that:

The majority of Palestine's Jews were not citizens of the country, but guests from Tsarist Russia.

The Jews in Palestinian were mostly Orthodox Jews who made up 7.8% of the total population.

At the time, the majority of Orthodox Jews were non-Zionist. Actually, the majority were anti-Zionist.

Zionist pioneers were almost absent in Palestine as of 1906, and constituted only 1% of the total Jewish population in Palestine.
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Old 09-27-2011, 01:27 PM   #35

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We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!"
-- Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.
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Old 09-27-2011, 09:56 PM   #36

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I have read in the Quran that the Jews are said to be'above all humankind'or something similar also in the Islamic Book.I would therefore like to know the muslim doctrine on the Jews' choseness;i.e. whether they WERE chosen,ARE STILL chosen by God and if they are not deemed superior anymore,when did their choseness end and why.Many thanks.
Hi GB.
The Holy Qur'an refutes the chosen concept. Allah(SWT) says since they claim that they are chosen ones then ask them to wish to meet their beloved, that Alah(SWT). If you are so beloved then you'd like to meet Him at the earliest. Allah(SWT) says that they'll never wish for death.

From this it is clear that Allah(SWT) does not confirm this concept of chosen people-He refutes it.

There are related things that might also confuse the unwary person. At few places Allah(SWT) says that remember the day one Allah(SWT) gave you preference over other people of the world. This might give a vague declaration of the chosen people. It is not. The preference consisted in the fact that many Prophets (AS) were sent to the Jewish people so that they can be guided. This is preference enough. The treatment meted out to those Prophets (AS) by Jewish people is one of the most disliked things by Allah(SWT). They disobeyed most of them and even slew some of them. Hadhrat Isa (AS) was sent to them only. It is strange that other people have adopted them (we call them Christians) while the Jewish people reject him thoroughly. In fact they are most unkind to him and his mother may peace and blessings be upon both of them.

Then there are other favours also to the Jewish people that Allah(SWT) repeatedly reminds them 9and us). Like sending of many worldly blessings, for example, Manna and Salwa. These too were devalued by them.

So preference lies in the fact that they were given attention again and again and incentives so that they may obey Allah(SWT) but they rejected all of these gestures in the senses mentioned above.

Clearly the chosen-ness does not reside in the fact that they have been declared superior to others. Nor it lies in the assertion that they are exempted from accounting on the Judgment Day. Nor it lies in the assertion that they have been or will be assigned special duty. All chosen-ness is over. They were supposed to follow Hadhrat Isa (AS). Hence every single one of them must have become a Christian 2000 years ago. (Some must have and thus they will be counted among the guided and thus are out of consideration here.) After arrival of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) they should have become Muslims. But this question does not arise at all because they did not obey Hadhrat Isa(AS) himself.

In summary chosen-ness is not what they assume and it ended with the arrival of Hadhrat Isa (AS).
And Allah(SWT) knows the best.
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Old 09-28-2011, 05:22 AM   #37

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Outstanding answer!Thanks.My opinion is that they should have spread monotheism to as many nations as possible(like Muslims did from their birth as an Umma)as soon as they got out of Egypt under Moses,instead of exterminating the inhabitants of Canaan.Maybe God's plan was to give them guiding,prophets and a holy Book in order to spread tawheed all over the World.But they kept God for themselves only and that's why He eventually got fed up with them and sent Muhammad and the Quran in order to at last teach monotheism to everyone.Maybe,if they had spread monotheism to all nations,God would have never needed to send Muhammad to accomplish this.Can this be a possibility?
No, there are no "possibilities" when it comes to history in Islam. That is because everything that was preordained and predestined has come to pass. The Jews did what they did because they were meant to do it. The reality of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad existed before creation. So, nothing could have stopped Prophet Muhammad from arriving in Makkah and declaring prophethood. The Christians, for example, did spread their message around the world, but their message was changed to that of polytheism pretty early on, with only a tiny and persecuted minority (branded as heretics by the Roman church) clinging on to the idea of the humanity of Jesus and rejecting his divinity.

The problem with the Jews wasn't that they refused to spread monotheism around but their problem was that they used to and still do hide the laws of God in the Torah, making up excuses to exclude themselves from some laws (and even changing their book to suit them), as well as the fact that they attacked truthful messengers that were sent to them to set them straight. From even the time of Moses you can see this rebellious nature. If a messenger of God shows you miracles and saves you from the worst fo oppressors through the will of God, would you turn around, forge a golden calf, and start worshiping it? Then when this messenger tells you, "Enter this city and it will be yours," would you reply, "You and your god can go; we'll just sit around here"?

This was the nature of the Jews at the time of Moses .

Compare that with the companions of our Prophet Muhammad . Once they knew the truth, they would say, "We hear and we obey," whereas the Jews, once messengers were sent to them would say, "We hear and we disobey." When Moses was sent, they rejected him over and over again until they reached their destination after years of wandering. When Jesus was sent to them, they rejected him and conspired to get him killed - and if the Christian narrative is to be believed, they were quite successful at it (and in spite of what the politically correct view says, the truth is that the Jewish sanhedrin was behind the charges and were the principal callers for the killing of Christ).
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Old 09-28-2011, 01:12 PM   #38

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Outstanding answer!Thanks.My opinion is that they should have spread monotheism to as many nations as possible(like Muslims did from their birth as an Umma)as soon as they got out of Egypt under Moses,instead of exterminating the inhabitants of Canaan.Maybe God's plan was to give them guiding,prophets and a holy Book in order to spread tawheed all over the World.But they kept God for themselves only and that's why He eventually got fed up with them and sent Muhammad and the Quran in order to at last teach monotheism to everyone.Maybe,if they had spread monotheism to all nations,God would have never needed to send Muhammad to accomplish this.Can this be a possibility?
They were not bothered about spreading monotheism because they did not want to throw pearls before swine.
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Old 09-28-2011, 02:04 PM   #39

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Outstanding answer!Thanks.
I am completely humbled brother.
My opinion is that they should have spread monotheism to as many nations as possible(like Muslims did from their birth as an Umma)as soon as they got out of Egypt under Moses,instead of exterminating the inhabitants of Canaan. As I understand it the Godly provision up to coming of beloved Prophet was that Prophets(AS) will spread the word of God. Unity, Prophethood and Hereafter included. That is why he sent messengers to all the people. Arabs, Africans, Iranians, Indians, Chinese, Caucasians, Scandinavians, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs and all. In a sense people were exempted from spreading the word of God. Of course I stand corrected by the scholars in this aspect. But after coming of the last Prophet now it is incumbent upon us to spread the word of Allah(SWT). This is what beloved Prophet said at the time of Last Sermon that the people present should take the word to the people absent and so on. Thus a chain of responsibility started with him.
Maybe God's plan was to give them guiding,prophets and a holy Book in order to spread tawheed all over the World. God gives whatever He(SWT) wishes to whom so ever He wishes. So He gave them all those blessings. He (SWT) only wanted them to be obedient in particular and worship Him only. It was an extremely wonderful deal to them. God makes some people rich and some poor. that is His decision
but given a choice we would like to be born rich. Or with any other blessings that God might want to give-that also we would like to have. Jewish people were given many of them. Manna ans Salwa is free food. Wont we love to get that? The only condition was to worship him and him alone.

Since I have not come across any mention of spreading the word of God I can not vouch for that.
But they kept God for themselves only More precisely they changed it to suit themselves as it has been said by a brother above.
and that's why He eventually got fed up with them This is a correct conclusion. And there is a an important lesson here. God gives complete and thorough opportunity to be obedient. He knows the outcome in advance but even then He does not force everybody into submission. Submission is left as an voluntary act by and large.
and sent Muhammad and the Quran in order to at last teach monotheism to everyone. We should not be dogmatic about Prophet Muhammed coming because of Jewish failure regarding obedience. (As pointed out earlier by another brother). Beloved Prophet is epitome of obedience. We have capacity to obey and dis-obey. The epitome of obedience is reached in the personality of beloved Prophet . When the angles showed their surprise at creation of of a vice regent who'll create trouble in the world God told them that He(SWT) knows what they do not know.
It is the act and level of obedience that man will reach that Allah(SWT) knew in advance and that reached its highest level in beloved Prophet .
Maybe,if they had spread monotheism to all nations,God would have never needed to send Muhammad to accomplish this.Can this be a possibility? See above again.

Finally a word about opinions. Personally this sinner has come to a realization that though it is perhaps difficult to wade through life without making opinions but one must be very cautious about reality, faith and opinion. The last one is the one that mostly gets us into trouble.
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Old 09-29-2011, 02:48 AM   #40

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Let's put it this way:two Jews are lying on the floor in immediate danger of life,a Jewish ambulance arrives(made up of a crew educated in jewish law)but they can carry away only one of the two senseless dying Jews.If the id of one of them says he is called for instance Joseph ben Avraham avinu(our father),the crew will let him die in order to save the other one,who is a born Jew.So,converts are still viewed as inferior to born Jews.
That's a bold claim i honestly doubt the authenticity of your story.
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