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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Sunday 6 November 2011 | 10 Zul Hijjah 1432 AH EID GREETINGS! Watch The Live Broadcast Of Prayers From Makkah And Madinah Live Including 24 Hour Broadcast In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. When Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam emigrated from Makkah Mukarramah to Madinah Munawwarah, he learnt of the two days of festivity which the people had inherited from the time of Jahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic era). These two days of festivals were days of sport and amusement associated with evil and immoral customs. Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam then announced to the Muslims, “Allah Ta’ala has most certainly substituted these two days for you with two better ones, Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha.” [Sunan Nasai #1556] Both these days have been reserved as days of festivity and celebration; such festivity and celebration that would be within the limits prescribed for joy by the Shariah. It is for this reason that the Úlama state that, expressing one’s delight and joy on these days is not only meritorious but in fact forms part of the salient features of Islam. [Fathul Bari #950] Greeting and congratulating one another with special wordings is another aspect which enhances the joy of this day. This has been the practice of the honorable Sahabah radi allahu anhum, Tabieen رحمهم الله as well as those coming thereafter. There are several narrations which support this practice of theirs. A few of these are quoted below: Sayyiduna Jubayr Ibn Nufayr radi allahu anhum states, “When the Sahabah radi allahu anhum of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam met one another on the day of Eid, they would say to each other, ‘May Allah accept (the worship) from us and from you!” [Muhamiliyat, kaza fil Fathil Bari #952] Muhammad Ibn Ziyad رحمه الله (a Tabi’ee) states, “I used to be with Abu Umamah Al Bahilee and several other Sahabah radi allahu anhum. (I noticed that) when they would return (from the Eid prayer), they would say to one another, ‘May Allah accept (the worship) from us and from you!” [Jowharun Naqee’ v.3 p.319] One should also take note that the customary practice of shaking the hands and embracing one another immediately after the Eid salah as an Eid congratulation is incorrect. This should be changed with hikmah (tact and wisdom). [Raddul Muhtar v.6 p.381; Ahsanul Fatawa v.1 p.354] The servant of Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez الله رحمه, Adham, mentions, “We used to congratulate Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez (the Khalifah of the time) on both the Eids with the words, ‘O leader of the Muslims! May Allah accept (the worship) from us and from you.’ He would reply with the very same words and he would not disapprove of this practice.” [Sunanul Kubra Lilbayhaqi v.3 p.319] The books of ahadith contain other similar incidents of this nature to support this noble practice of greeting one another with these words. To sum up the discussion, we quote the statement of Imam Abu Bakr Al Aajurree رحمه الله whose practice was to only record and mention the selected and preferred practices of the Sahabah radi allahu anhum. He states regarding these greetings, “This was the (continuous) practice of the Sahabah radi allahu anhum as well as that of the Úlama.” [Al Insaf v.2 p.441; kaza Fi Juzin Fit-Tahniati Fil A’yadi Wa Ghayriha libni Hajar] The Fuqaha (Jurists) mention, “This (type of greeting) is a commendable and praiseworthy practice since it is supported by many incidents of the Sahabah radi allahu anhum and Tabi’een.” [Hashiyatut Tahtawi p.530] A closer glance at the meaning of the dua will reveal the intense well wishing it contains for one’s fellow Muslim brothers. So instead of us opting for the words ‘Eid Mubarak’ only (which is correct), let us combine it with the very same words which the Sahabah radi allahu anhum as well as those who came thereafter used when they verbally greeted and congratulated one another on these two days, that is, the under mentioned dua: تَقَبَّلَ الله ُمِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ Taqab-balal-lahu minnaa wa minkum May Allah accept (the worship) from us and from you! Click The Following Links: Beautiful Sunnats Of The Beloved Nabi | Online Book | 37 Pages | Free Download |FREE!!&highlight= Profit From Ramadhan Book: Short Lectures In Urdu And English About Ramadhan: Article : A MUST READ : Respect For The Sacred Cities: How To Perform Umrah Book How To Perform Hajj Book |
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