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#21 |
His Educational Background
After finishing school in Cyprus, young Shaykh Nazim went to university in Istanbul and graduated in Chemical Engineering. While in Istanbul, he also studied Arabic and fiqh under Shaykh Jamal al-Din al-Alsuni (d. 1375/1955) and received ijaza from him. He also took initiation into the Naqshbandi Tariqa from Shaykh Sulayman Arzarumi (d. 1368/194 who eventually sent him to Syria in search of the renowned Wali of the epoch, Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani, who held the secrets of the Naqshbandiyya. Shaykh Nazim then left his homeland and headed towards the Middle East, where he sought the company of Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani. He spen five years looking for his Shaykh. During these intense five years, he continued his Shari'a studies in Halab (Aleppo), Hama, and Hims. He studied at the shrine and madrassah of Khalid ibn al-Walid (radi allahu anhu) in Hims under its great Ulema and obtained ijaza in Hanafi fiqh from Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali 'Uyun al-Sud and Shaykh 'Abd al-Jalil Murad, and ijaza in hadith from the Muhaddith Shaykh 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Muhammad 'Ali 'Uyun al-Sud al-Hanafi. Shaykh 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Muhammad 'Ali 'Uyun al-Sud al-Hanafi is one of the ten great hadith teachers of the late Rifa'i Hafiz of Aleppo, Shaykh al-Islam 'Abd Allah Siraj al-Din (1924- 2002 CE) who met Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani in 1959 and gave bay'a to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim during the latter's last visit to him in Aleppo in 2001. Shaykh Nazim also studied under Shaykh Sa'id al-Siba'i who sent him to Damascus after receiving a sign related to the coming of Mawlana Shaykh 'Abd Allah al-Daghistani to Syria. After his initial arrival in Syria from Daghistan in the late thirties, Mawlana Shaykh 'Abd Allah lived mostly in Damascus but often visited Aleppo and Hims. In the latter city he got to know Shaykh Sa'id al-Siba'i who was director of the Khalid ibn Walid madrassah. Shaykh Sa'id wrote to him, "We have a remarkable student from Turkey studying with us." Mawlana Shaykh 'Abd Allah replied to him, "That student belongs to us; send him over!" That student was Mawlana Shaykh Nazim who came to Damascus and gave his bay'a to Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani between 1941 and 1943. According to the Ulema The director of Dar al-Ifta' in Beirut, Lebanon, Shaykh Salah al-Din Fakhri wrote by hand: “On the morning of al-Ahad 20 Rabi' al-Akhir 1386 corresponding to Sunday 7 August, 1966, we were granted the privilege of visiting Shaykh 'Abd Allah al-Daghistani - Allah have mercy on him - in Mount Qasyun in Damascus on the initiative and in the company of Mawlana al-Shaykh Mukhtar al-'Alayli - Allah have mercy on him - the Mufti of the Republic of Lebanon at the time; Shaykh Husayn Khalid the imam of Nawqara Mosque; Hajj Khalid Bashir - may Allah have mercy on both of them; Shaykh Husayn Sa'biyya [the present director of Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiyya in Damascus]; Shaykh Mahmud Sa'd; Shaykh Zakariyya Sha'r; and Hajj Mahmud Sha'r. The Shaykh received us most kindly, with a warm welcome full of happiness and mirth. This was in the presence of Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi - Allah save and keep him! We sat from nine o'clock in the morning until the zuhr call to prayer while the Shaykh - Allah have mercy on him - explained and spoke about Sham, its excellence, its extraordinary merits, and the fact that it is the site of the Resurrection and that Allah will gather all human beings in it for the final Reckoning. He mentioned things that moved our hearts and minds, imbued with the glorious spirit of the Salihiyya district, and he spoke about the indissoluble link - in practice as well as discourse - between tasawwuf and the Shari'a....” Reverence From the Pious Ulema There are many more prestigious names of the Ulema and Awliya' of Syria who loved and associated with both Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani and Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani during the golden thirty-year period of their association such as Shaykh Muhammad Bahjat al-Baytar (1311-1396), Shaykh Sulayman Ghawji al-Albani (d. 137 the father of Shaykh Wahbi, Shaykh Tawfiq al-Hibri, Shaykh Muhammad al-'Arabi al-'Azzuzi (1308-1382) the Mufti of Lebanon and principal Shaykh of Shaykh Husayn 'Usayran, al-'Arif Shaykh Shahid al-Halabi, al-'Arif Shaykh Rajab al-Ta'i, Shaykh al-Qurra' Shaykh Najib Khayyata al-Farazi al-Halabi, al-'Arif Shaykh Muhammad al-Nabhan, Shaykh Ahmad 'Izz al-Din al-Bayanuni, al-'Arif Shaykh Ahmad al-Harun (1315-1382), Shaykh Muhammad Zayn al-'Abidin al-Jadhba, and others - Allah have mercy on all of them! Thus has it been noted that in every encounter with the Awliya' and righteous Ulema of this Ummah, they invariably show the highest respect and most fearsome humbleness to Mawlana and his silsila even when they are ostensibly on a different path such as al-Habib 'Ali al-'Aydarus in Malaysia; Sayyid Muhammad ibn 'Alawi al-Maliki in Makka; al-Habib 'Umar ibn Hafiz of Tarim; Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa'i of Kuwait; Shaykh 'Isa al-Himyari in Dubai; Sayyid 'Afif al-Din al-Jilani and Shaykh Bakr al- Samarra'i of Baghdad; al-Sharif Mustafa ibn al-Sayyid Ibrahim al-Basir in central Morocco; the Grandmufti of Syria Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro ibn Mawlana al-Shaykh Amin and his friends Shaykh Bashir al-Bani, Shaykh Rajab Dib, and Shaykh Ramazan Dib; the Kattani Shuyukh of Damascus; the late Shaykh 'Abd Allah Siraj al-Din and his nephew Dr. Nur al-Din 'Itr; Mawlana al-Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghuri;shaykh ali ashrafi ; Dr. Samer al- Nass; shaykh zakariyah al bukhari , shaykh osman sirajuddin al naqshabandi,shaykh abdul karim mudarris al bayyarah,shaykh idjan , shaykh kwaja Muhammad aslam,shaykh habib ali, shaykh abdur raoof al yamani khalifa of imam mehdi,shaykh Mahmud effendi, shaykh abdul baki,shaykh Mahmud khalifa of ghaus e azam shaykh abdul qadir jilani, shaykh shukri al lukhfi,shaykh ahmad habbal, shaykh pir nasiruddin naseer , shaykh tahir ul qadri ; shaykh usayn the last student of the pious shaykh yusuf al Nabhani , Mufti E Hindi Shaykh Akhatar Raza Khan , Khawaja Muhammad Aslam , Mufti Faiz Ahmad Owaisi , Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh Shaykh Mahmud Sami , Shaykh Mousa TopBash , Shaykh Ali Al Daqr At-Tijani and many other great ulama- may Allah have mercy on them! Each of the above-named Ulema all invoke tarazzi on Mawlana al-Shaykh Nazim, expressing belief in the loftiness of his wilaya and asking for his du'a. "And Allah suffices as Witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" (48:28-29). Shaykh Abdullah Sirajuddin Took Bayyah With Shaykh Nazim In 2000 His Seclusions During his thirty years of intense training under Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim was placed in numerous seclusions. When he was only 33 years old, he was ordered into seclusion by Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani who told him, “I have received an order from the Prophet for you to make seclusion in the mosque of Shaykh 'Abd al Qadir Jilani in Baghdad. You go there and make seclusion for six months.” About this same seclusion Shaykh Nazim himself states, "I only emerged from my room for the five prayers. Other than that I spent my whole time in that room. I was able to reach such a state that I was reciting the whole Qur'an in nine hours. In addition to that I was reciting 124,000 times the Dhikr 'Laa ilaha ill-Allah' and 124,000 prayers on the Prophet (salawat) and I was reading the entire Dalail al-Khayrat [book of devotions]. Added to that I was regularly reciting 313,000 'Allah Allah' every day, in addition to all the prayers that were assigned to me. Vision after vision was appearing to me every day. They used to take me from one state to another and give me a state of complete Annihilation in the Divine Presence." Inheritor of the Masters Before his passing from this temporary abode, Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Daghestani made a will and appointed Shaykh Nazim Adil Al Haqqani as his Caliph and Sucessor. He granted to him his office and the secrets of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. He ordered that Shaykh Nazim’s name be included in the Silsila of the Naqshbandi Tariqat and that people take Shaykh Nazim as their Murshid in his place, who would now connect them to the Naqshbandi Masters. Since then, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in addition to his travels towards the East, he began frequenting the West regularly, conveying to Europeans and Americans the spiritual and peaceful message of Islam and its mystical teaching as taught by the Naqshbandi Masters. Mashallah, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani is currently over eighty four years old and resides in Cyprus, where he dedicated his entire life to Defending Truth and constant ascetic worship of his Lord. His spirituality has attracted hundreds of thousands of Seekers to the Path from all walks of life and from all over the world, including internationally acclaimed musicians, artists, businessmen and even Monarchs and Heads of States such as the Sultans of Malaysia and the Sultans of the UAE. His miracles (Karamah) are countless, from literally disappearing into thin air and later reappearing while in presence of numerous witnesses to appearing countless times in dreams and visions with the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to guide his Murids to their heavenly destinations. Mawlana’s efforts to spread Islam in the West have resulted in more than 100,000 persons having taken the Naqshbandi Order through him both directly and indirectly and more than 10,000 people having embraced Islam through him. As such, it is our prayer that Allah Most Majestic protects him and keeps him healthy and grants him a long life so more from humanity may benefit from the barakah of his presence and breaths. Ameen. the sheikh's knowledge is immense, If you actually check the Naqshbandi Silsila (Order) and see how it came down, it has been passed down by Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself, to his beloved Best Friend, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Radi Allahu anhu and so on, until Shaykh Nazim is the 40th Disciple and holder to this "secret knowledge" and head of the Sufi's at this present time. Such a close connection to RasoollAllah (SAW) should be enough to show the position of this great Shaykh, ulema of such a high rank and value have taken bayat and said such then why is it that we have such doubts that whether he is a genuine shiekh or not? Have you not seen or heard of the masses that have reverted to Islam in the West many people even his enemies put their hand up and say what Sheikh Nazim has achieved in the west is unmatchable and truly a karamah should this raise doubts in sunni hearts? Grand Mufti of Syria the late Shaykh Yaseen Ahmed Kuftaro calls Mawlana al-Shaykh Nazim "Our greatest Shaykh" Shaykh Yaqoubi never mentions Shaykh Nazim except with awe and respect. Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jili of Madina the son of Sidi Muhammad Mahi al-Bukhari when he visited the shiekhs house in Damascus shook from head to toe and was saying Allah, Allah the whole visit. Hazrat Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghuri, Shaykh Nuh Keller's Shaykh, when he sees a Murid of Sheikh Nazim always says to them: "Remember us in your Du`a." Sheikh Syed Alawi al Malaiki who is considered by millions to be one of the main supreme knowledgeable ulema of this century took bayat with the sheikh Nazim al Haqqani and said; "If you follow Shaykh Nazim then you must be Haqqani." he also added Sheikh Nazim Is the 'sheikh of sheikhs' perhaps some of you don't know Syedina Nazim al Haqqani holds many of the most fascintateing hadith sharif's along with there entire chains which have been narrated over period of time, which ulema such as Sheikh Syed Alawi al Malaiki have been presented with, which many sub continental ulema continue to translate even today, To quote Shaykh.G.F.Haddad " May Allah support Shaykh Nazim the Hope of our time ever more, grant him ever higher stations here and hereafter by the Baraka of the Owner of the Flag of Glory our Liege-Lord Muhammad, upon him and his Familyand Companions all blessings and peace and the Baraka of the Silsila of the Most Distinguished Tariqatu Naqshbandiyya, and turn over to him the good deeds of his enviers!" |
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#22 |
Then you should find these quotes from him quite interesting. Please consider whether these belong to mainstream Islam. Have you read a single one of the books cited in these lists? Have you asked any of the scholars who follow Shaykh Nazim about them? Shaykh Gibril Haddad's contact information is readily available; have you ever contacted him regarding these? Doesn't a Muslim (let alone the fact that Shaykh Nazim is a shaykh that thousands of Muslims, scholars and laymen alike, love and respect) deserve that we have a good opinion? I am not sure how new you are to this, but this is an old issue, brother. If you are new to it, you should have gone through the many other threads on this site and the many discussions of this issue online. Shaykh Gibril Haddad answered these claims several years ago. |
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#23 |
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#24 |
'' '' WOW its amazing that you think this Is a representative Of The Ummah ! We dont make takfeer On Ulama But you obviously Follow Mr.Damishq Who Does !
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#25 |
Presenting these lists of quotes ("So-and-so Exposed!!!") can be and is done against every group. I am sure you have seen such lists against scholars you respect and follow. Did you find those interesting and consider their place in mainstream Islam? Or did you, in your understanding of the tactic of selective quotation, treat them as deceptive polemics?
I am not talking of those whom 'I love and follow' and I have been through the list of objections that the enemies of Deoband have prepared. It is not worth the paper it has been printed on. By the way there was an interesting discussion between Maulwi Abu Hajira and a Barelwi in the indepth section. You can see for yourself the level of knowledge of those who attack the Ahl Haqq. So, there is no sense in my presenting quotes from barelwis against Deobandis in a thread of Nazim Haqqani, if that is what you mean. Why, then, do you expect others to do otherwise? I expect nothing from others. Have you read a single one of the books cited in these lists? I have had that misfortune. Have you asked any of the scholars who follow Shaykh Nazim about them? Shaykh Gibril Haddad's contact information is readily available; have you ever contacted him regarding these? Why should I talk to the monkey when I can talk with the organ-grinder? After reading what he has written, what is left to ask? Doesn't a Muslim (let alone the fact that Shaykh Nazim is a shaykh that thousands of Muslims, scholars and laymen alike, love and respect) deserve that we have a good opinion? Musaylima was also followed by thousands. Ditto for Ghulam Ahmed of Qadiyan. I am not sure how new you are to this, but this is an old issue, brother. If you are new to it, you should have gone through the many other threads on this site and the many discussions of this issue online. Shaykh Gibril Haddad answered these claims several years ago. Haddad's answers as always are an exercise in obfuscation. |
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#26 |
can you please give an explanation for these allegations. |
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#27 |
'' The Naqshabandi Order teaches the very highest good manners, manners which make its followers lovely to their Lord and to all people. It gives them subtle and exact perception which enables them to arrive at the very essence of any matter; that is the level of the Holy Prophet himself ''
Obviously You must follow ahbash as They Said shaykh Nazim Believed In Hulul which is not the case as I sat in a lecture given by shaykh hisham in which he said that we cannot reach the level Of Rasulalah or above it ! |
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#28 |
'' The Naqshabandi Order teaches the very highest good manners, manners which make its followers lovely to their Lord and to all people. It gives them subtle and exact perception which enables them to arrive at the very essence of any matter; that is the level of the Holy Prophet himself '' ![]() The exact quote is as follows: "A little over two years ago, in the winter of 1995, I attended a celebration in Chicago commemorating the birth of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, along with some People of Merit. During that celebration, a man named Hisham Kabbani stood at the podium and delivered a speech in which he said, "Ar-Rahman is Muhammad." My body shivered from horror when I heard his words. Not wanting to let his words pass unchallenged, and as my speech was scheduled to be given immediately after his, I decided to forgo my original speech to refute his words. I took the platform and explained that his words contradict the Religion and are blasphemous, may Allah protect us. Hisham Kabbani heard my speech and was silenced by the truthfulness of my words based on the proofs from the Qur'an and Sunnah. However, he did not clear himself of his blasphemous saying nor did he show any remorse. I was astonished by his negligence.............." |
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#29 |
And Also Where Is The video proof we need to hear shaykh abdullah habashi attacking the shaykh or this is another ploy by jamil halim who after the death of shaykh abdullah and the assasination of shaykh nizar halabi Jamil Halim called 60 + ulama Of Damscus Deviants And It was The Same Abdullah Habashi That Met Shaykh Osman Sirajuddin Who Had Met Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani Several times ! where were these accusations then he could have met shaykh osman and shaykh nazim and had a debate BUT no this was not the case and shaykh Abdul Razaq Al Halabi Was A Teacher Of Abdullah Habashi ,yet shaykh Abdul Razaq has the utmost respect of shaykh nazim as Did shaykh Abdul Rahman Shaghouri Who Shaykh Abdul Razaq Al Halabi Accomponied if they believed that shaykh nazim was a deviant then shaykh shaghouri would never have said to the murids of shaykh nazim ''pray for us '' when they would meet also some have stated that shaykh abdullah habashi visited the funeral of shaykh abdullah daghestani and theyre is also a photo of shaykh abdullah habashi and shaykh nazim together !
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#30 |
It Was The Same Ahabash That Declared Deobandis,Barelwis And Tabligh Jamat Kafirs ! also you never answered my query eventhough i asked you twice. |
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#31 |
i have read similar accusations on the ulama of deoband and tabligh on your website that you promoted on here. so in that case why should we listen to you? we dont have ahabash on our website except a small minority and they dont know about shaykh nazim at all |
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#32 |
Biography of Shaykh Abdullah Al-Harariyy
He is the great ^alim (Islamic scholar), an example of the ^ulama' (Islamic scholars), Al-'Imam, Al-Muhaddith, the pious worshipper, Ash-Shaykh Abu ^Abdir-Rahman, ^Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf, Al-Harariyy, Ash-Shaybiyy, Al-^Abdariyy, the Mufti of As-Sumal (Somalia). He is Al-Harariyy because he is from the city of Harar. In 1887, As-Sumal was occupied and divided into five parts and the western province (Harar) was given to Al-Habashah (Ethiopia). He is ash-Shaybiyy because Banu Shaybah is a clan of Quraysh and they are the people in charge of Al-Ka^bah. He is Al-^Abdariyy because he also belongs to ^Abdud-Dar, a clan of Qusayy Ibn Kilab, the fourth grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Shaykh Abdullah Al Harariyy He was born in Harar around 1339 A.H., or 1920 R.C. He grew up in a humble house loving Al-^Ilm (Islamic knowledge) and its people. He memorized Al-Qur'an by heart and tartil (reading correctly with tajwid rules) when he was seven years old. He continued to scoop from the sea of knowledge. He memorized numerous books in various Islamic sciences. He gave ^Ilm Al-Hadith a great amount of attention. He memorized the six books of Al-Hadith (Al-Bukhariyy, Muslim, At-Tirmithiyy, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, An-Nasa'iyy) and other books of Al-Hadith with their isnad (names and biographies of the chains of relators). He was authorized by Al-^ulama' to pass al-fatwa and to relate Al-Hadith when he was less than eighteen years old. He was not satisified with taking knowledge only from al-^ulama' of his own city. He went to many places in al-Habashah and as-Sumal seeking knowledge and its people. He had many trips with hardships and difficulties, but he did not care about them; whenever he heard about an ^alim he went to him, which is the habit of the righteous Salaf (Muslim scholars of the first 300 Hijriyyah years). His intelligence and wonderful memory helped him get in depth in al-Fiqh ash-Shafi^iyy (Islamic knowledge following al-'Imam ash-Shafi^iyy), and also the same in al-Fiqh al-Malikiyy, al-Hanafiyy, and al-Hanbaliyy, so that he became a person at whom fingers point; people would come to him from different places in al-Habashah and as-Sumal. He became the Mufti of as-Sumal (the highest religious authority qualified to pass Islamic judgements). He took al-Fiqh ash-Shafi^iyy and its Usul (science of inferring rules and judgements) and an-Nahw (Arabic Grammar) from Al-^alim ash-Shaykh Muhammad ^Abdus-Salam Al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad ^Umar Jami^ Al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad Rashad Al-Habashiyy, ash-Shaykh Ibrahim Abil-Ghayth Al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Yunus Al-Habashiyy, and ash-Shaykh Muhammad Siraj Al-Jabartiyy. From those ^ulama' (Islamic scholars) he took many main texts such as Alfiyyat-uz-Zubad, at-Tanbih, Al-Minhaj, Alfiyyat-ubni-Malik, Al-Luma^ by ash-Shiraziyy and other main texts. He took the sciences of the Arabic Language, especially from the righteous Shaykh Ahmad Al-Basir and ash-Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Habashiyy and others. He read the Fiqh of the three Mathahib and their Usul under ash-Shaykh Muhammad Al-^Arabiyy Al-Fasiyy, and ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman Al-Habashiyy. He took at-Tafsir (science of explanation of Al-Qur’an) from ash-Shaykh Sharif Al-Habashiyy in his town, Jummah. He took Al-Hadith and its sciences from many teachers notably from Al-Hafiz ash-Shaykh Abu Bakr Muhammad Siraj Al-Jabartiyy, the Mufti of Al-Habashah, and ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman ^Abdullah Al-Habashiyy, and others. He met with the righteous Shaykh, Al-Muhaddith, Al-Qari' (Reciter of Al-Qur'an), Ahmad Ibn ^Abdil-Muttalib, the Head of the Qurra' (plural of Qari') in Al-Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah (he was appointed as the Imam and Shaykh of Al-Masjid-ul-Haram by as-Sultan ^Abdul-Hamid II, the last Muslim, Ottoman Khalifah). From this Shaykh he took the 14 ways of reciting Al-Qur'an, as well as ^Ilm Al-Hadith and he also met ash-Shaykh, Al-Qari', Dawud Al-Jabartiyy. He started giving classes at a young age for the students who were maybe older than he was; so he was both learning and teaching. He was superior in both Al-Habashah and as-Sumal to his peers in knowing the biographies of the people of Al-Hadith and their ranks, and memorizing the texts and getting in depth in the sciences of as-Sunnah, language, Tafsir, and others. He did not leave any known Islamic science without mastering it. He may talk about some knowledge or science and a person may think that he specialized in that only. You would see him humbly listening to a Hadith with his ear and his heart, although he knows better about it than the speaker himself. He went to Makkah and met its ^ulama' such as ash-Shaykh, Al-^Alim, as-Sayyid, ^Alawiyy Al-Malikiyy, and ash-Shaykh Amin Al-Kutubiyy. He attended circles by ash-Shaykh Muhammad Al-^Arabiyy at-Tabban. He contacted ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Ghafur an-Naqshabandiyy and took at-Tariqah an-Naqshabandiyyah from him . Afterwards, he went to Al-Madinah and contacted its ^ulama'. He took Al-Hadith from ash-Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Muhammad as-Siddiqiyy Al-Bakriyy. He stayed by and in ^Arif Hikmat and Al-Mahmudiyyah libraries going through the manuscripts. He stayed in Al-Madinah close to the Prophet's Mosque for about a year. He received permission to teach from many ^ulama'. Shaykh Abdullah Al Harariyy In the 5th decade of this century and then he went to Damascus where he was welcomed by its people, especially after the death of its Muhaddith Badr-ud-Din Al-Hasaniyy. He went to Damascus, Beirut, Hims, Hamah, Halab, and other cities. He then lived in Jami^-ul-Qatat, and his fame spread in the area. Consequently, the scholars and students of ash-Sham (area including Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan) came seeking him, and he got to know some of its scholars. They benefited from him and acknowledged his knowledge, and he was called “the Successor of ash-Shaykh Badr-ud-Din Al-Hasaniyy”. He was also known as “the Muhaddith of ash-Sham countries”. A great number of the ^ulama' of ash-Sham praised him such as ash-Shaykh ^Izz-ud-Din Al-Khaznawiyy, ash-Shafi^iyy, an-Naqshabandiyy from Al-Jazirah in the north of Syria, ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Razzaq Al-Halabiyy, the Director of Al-Masjidul-'Umawiyy in Damascus, ash-Shaykh Abu Sulayman az-Zabibiyy, ash-Shaykh Mulla Ramadan Al-Butiyy, ash-Shaykh Abul-Yusr ^Abidin, the Mufti of Syria, ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Karim ar-Rifa^iyy, ash-Shaykh Naji Nur from Jordan, ash-Shaykh Sa^id Tanatirah, ash-Shaykh Ahmad Al-Husariyy, the Director of the Islamic school of Ma^arratun-Nu^man, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah Siraj Al-Halabiyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad Murad Al-Halabiyy, ash-Shaykh Suhayb ar-Rumiyy, the Amin of Al-Fatwa in Halab, ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-^Aziz ^Uyunus-Sud, the Head of the Qurra' of Hims, ash-Shaykh Abus-Su^ud Al-Himsiyy, ash-Shaykh Fayiz ad-Dayr^ataniyy, the Shaykh of Damascus who knows the Seven Qira'at (ways of recitations of Qur'an), ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Wahhab Dibs wa Zayt of Damascus, Dr. Halawaniyy, the Shaykh of reciters in Syria, ash-Shaykh Ahmad Al-Harun of Damascus, the righteous waliyy, ash-Shaykh Tahir Al-Kayyaliyy from Hims, and others, may Allah benefit us from them. He was also praised by ash-Shaykh ^Uthman Siraj-ud-Din, the descendant of ash-Shaykh ^Ala'-ud-Din, the Shaykh of an-Naqshabandiyyah in his time and they had brotherly and scholarly correspondances between them. He was praised also by ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Karim Al-Bayyariyy, the teacher in Jami^-il-Hadrah Al-Kilaniyyah in Baghdad, ash-Shaykh Ahmad az-Zahid Al-'Islambuliyy, ash-Shaykh Mahmud Al-Hanafiyy, who is one of the famous and active Turkish shuyukh (pl. of shaykh), ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah Al-Ghammariyy, the Muhaddith of the Morrocan area, ash-Shaykh Habibur-Rahman Al-'A^zamiyy, the Muhaddith of the Indian Peninsula, whom he met with many times and stayed as his guest for some time. He took permission for at-Tariqah ar-Rifa^iyyah from ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman as-Sibsibiyy, and ash-Shaykh Tahir Al-Kayyaliyy, and permission in at-Tariqah Al-Qadiriyyah from ash-Shaykh Ahmad Al-^Irbiniyy, may Allah have mercy upon them. Ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah came to Beirut in 1950 R.C. and he was the guest of the famous shuyukh like ash-Shaykh, Al-Qadi Muhyid-Din Al-^Ajuz and ash-Shaykh, Al-Mustashar Muhammad ash-Sharif and ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Wahhab Al-Butariyy, the imam of Jami^ Al-Basta Al-Fawqa, ash-Shaykh Ahmad Iskandaraniyy, the Imam and Mu'aththin in Jami^ Burj Abi Haydar and they learned and benefited from him. Then he met with ash-Shaykh Tawfiq Al-Hibriyy, may Allah have mercy on him, and at his residence he used to meet the important people in Beirut. He also met with ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman Al-Majthub and ash-Shaykh Muhammad Al-Butariyy, the Qadi of Beirut presently, and they benefited from him. He met with ash-Shaykh Mukhtar Al-^Alayiliyy, may Allah have mercy upon him, who was the Amin of Al-Fatwa who acknowledged his honor and breadth of his knowledge, and prepared for his residence in Beirut to teach in different mosques. The Department of Al-Fatwa paid the expenses of his residence during that period. In 1969 R.C., upon the request of the Director of Al-'Azhar in Lebanon, he lectured in at-Tawhid to the students there. Ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah's primary goal was to spread the correct belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah wAl-Jama^ah, a task which has been occupying most of his time. He fought the atheists and the people of Al-bida^ (prohibited innovations) to extinguish their fitan (misguidings). Ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah Al-Harariyy is very pious, humble, and worshipful Muslim. He spends his time teaching Al-^Ilm and performing Adh-Dhikr (mentioning sentences containing the names of Allah) at the same time. He does not care about acquiring worldly things. He has a good and pure heart. He does not waste a moment without teaching, performing thikr, reciting, admonishing, or guiding. He has the correct belief in Allah and is holding on to Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. He has a good memory and powerful and brilliant proofs. He is wise, managing things at the right time and place. He refuses and renounces disobeying Allah very much . He has a high effort in bidding Al-Ma^ruf and forbidding Al-Munkar (ordering with obedience and prohibiting the disobedience) until the people of misguidance and prohibited innovations feared and envied him. This did not lessen his efforts to fight them, because Allah supports and defends the people who believe in Him. This was just a summary of his honorable biography. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books Authored by Shaykh Abdullah Al-Harariyy An explanation of Alfiyyat-ul-^Iraqiyy in the Science of al-Hadith. A poem in at-Tawhid (Islamic Belief) of about sixty lines. As-Sirat-ul-Mustaqim in at-Tawhid, published. Ad-Dalil-ul-Qawim ^alas-Sirat-il-Mustaqim in at-Tawhid, published. Mukhtasaru ^Abdillah-il-Harariyy, al-Kafilu bi ^Ilm-id-Din-id-Daruriyy, published. Bughyat-ut-Talib lima^rifat-il-^Ilm-id-Diniyy-il-Wajib, published. At-Ta^aqqub-ul-Hathith ^ala man ta^ana fima sahha min-al-Hadith, published. In this book, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah refuted the claims of al-'Albaniyy against some Ahadith. The Muhaddith of the Morrocan area, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah al-Ghammariyy, said about the book “it is a good and well written refutation”. Nusrat-ut-Ta^aqqub-il-Hathith ^ala man ta^ana fima sahha min-al-Hadith, published. Al-Mawlid-ush-Sharif, published. Sharh-ul-^Aqidat-in-Nasafiyyah. Sharh-ul-^Aqidat-it-Tahawiyyah. Sharhu Alfiyyat-iz-Zubad in the Shafi^iyy Fiqh. Sharhu Matni Abi Shuja^ in the Shafi^iyy Fiqh. Sharh-us-Sirat-il-Mustaqim. Sharhu Matn-il-^Ashmawiyyah in the Malikiyy Fiqh. Sharhu Mutammimat-il-'Ajurummiyyah in an-Nahw. Sharh-ul-Bayquniyyah in the Science of al-Hadith. Sarih-ul-Bayan fir-raddi ^ala man Khalaf-al-Qur'an, published. |
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either you have misunderstood me or i have misunderstood something. i asked you about certain sayings of nazim but instead you get lost in something else.
so lets do this a different way. can you first of all confirm that the following quote is indeed that of nazim? and if it is can you explain what he means that he completed the sahaba (rd)? "....we have been given a miraculous favour from the Lord that if we notice an incompleteness on the part of anyone,and point it out, it will become complete. When I was pointing out that some of the Sahaba were sometimes using their own wills and not putting their desires in line with the Prophet’s thus causing their incompleteness, at that moment Allah Almighty completed for them their development there in the grave, and so, they are very happy indeed." (Nazim, Mercy Oceans’ Hidden Treasures, pp. 66-67). |
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#35 |
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani And Shaykh Gibril Haddad On The Ahabash :
Question: Is it permissible to take knowledge from the group named the Ahbash, (AICP, Ahbash, Habashis, ...)? They state that they follow the Ashari Aqeedah, and the Madhhab of Imam Ash-Shafi'i (RA). That is if pray in the proper direction of the Qibla for us? Answer: No, it is not permissible to take knowledge from this pseudo-Sunni group. The Ulema of Syria consider their founder `Abd Allah al-Harari a deviant who misguides others (dall mudill). Among those deviancies, he has authored a book in which he attacks some of the Sahaba, Allah be well-pleased with all of them, and he and his group have made takfir and tadlil of many of the Ulema and Awliya of the past and present. Gibril Haddad Faraz Rabbani writes: I agree completely. They are a group that spreads fitna and division wherever they are. |
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and they include Shaykh Sa`id Foudah, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, the entire Naqshbandi Haqqani Tariqa of Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi [including Shaykh Gibril Haddad and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani], the entire Shadhili Tariqa of Shaykh Ahmad al-`Alawi [including Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi, Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir `Isa, Shaykh Ahmad Jami, Shaykh `Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri, Shaykh Nuh Keller, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Abu Bakr Sirajuddin and Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Sufi and his Murabitun], the entire Tijani Tariqa – with ‘perhaps’ the exception of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani himself – the Bralewis, the Deobandis, yes even someone like `Amr Khalid!
AHABASH are Deviants ! |
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