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Old 05-22-2011, 04:46 AM   #1

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Default Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani Meets Shaykh Osman Sirajuddin
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Old 05-22-2011, 05:34 AM   #2

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We don't care about Nazim, as you've been told before.
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Old 05-22-2011, 07:22 PM   #3

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We don't care about Nazim, as you've been told before.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Asalam Alaikum

How many r u?

I am interested in Sh. Nazim. So does many others.
Hope you understand
Asalam Alaikum
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Old 05-22-2011, 07:37 PM   #4

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We don't care about Nazim, as you've been told before.
I dont care much for Guru Nazim either
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Old 05-23-2011, 02:30 AM   #5

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We don't care about Nazim, as you've been told before.
Nice of you to nominate yourself to speak on behalf of every member of the forum.
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Old 05-23-2011, 02:57 AM   #6

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'We' refers to sunniforumers, obviously.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:08 AM   #7

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yes! we dont care about guru nazim and also your efforts to promote deviants and your deviant ahle biddah website on this forum of the ahle sunnah.

you come on here talking about peace and tolerance and unity yet on your very own filthy biddati and shirki website you degrade and villify the ulama that we hold dear in our hearts.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:34 AM   #8

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yes! we dont care about guru nazim and also your efforts to promote deviants and your deviant ahle biddah website on this forum of the ahle sunnah.

you come on here talking about peace and tolerance and unity yet on your very own filthy biddati and shirki website you degrade and villify the ulama that we hold dear in our hearts.
You're very clever and your Lord must be so lucky to have you as His protector.
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:47 AM   #9

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'We' refers to sunniforumers, obviously.
Oh I see what you did there!

On another note, who the heck is Shaykh Osman Sirajuddin? I actually googled that and the first result is a sunniforum post "Who the is Shaykh Osman Sirajuddin?", but it didn't have an answer.

Maybe this "Osman Sirajuddin Naqshbanidi Exposed" youtube video will have some clear, unbias information...
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Old 05-23-2011, 04:49 AM   #10

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You're very clever and your Lord must be so lucky to have you as His protector.

may Allah protect us from such thoughts.

Allah IS the protector. without Him there is NO protection. Allah does not need protection.
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Old 05-23-2011, 04:56 AM   #11

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You're very clever and your Lord must be so lucky to have you as His protector.
How lightly you can utter such words...astaghfirullah
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Old 05-23-2011, 05:12 AM   #12

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Shaykh Osman Is The Leader Of The Naqshabandi Tariqah In Iraq/Kurdistan he is Revered By Shaykh Hisham Burhani Of Damascus,Shaykh Usrayn The Last Student Of Qadi Shaykh Yufuf Al Nabhani Who Accompanied The Shaykh For Over 10 Years , Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani,Shaykh Mahmud Efendi , Shaykh Abdul Baqi , Shaykh Abdullah Habashi, Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro,qari abdul basit abdus samad , Shaykh Hazim Abu Ghazaleh, Shaykh Ahmad Habbal Al Rifai,Shaykh Zakariyah Al Bukhari Of Madinah, Shaykh Masum Naqshabandi,Shaykh Masum Naqshabandi,Shaykh Al-Arif Shaykh Abdul Karim Mudarris Al Bayyarah,Shaykh al-Sayyid Yusuf as-Sayyid Hashim ar-Rifa‘i Amongst Others !
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Old 05-23-2011, 05:13 AM   #13

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And As For That Filthy video made By ''Damishq'' against the shaykh ! we should all know that he is clearly salafi by watching all of his other videos !
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Old 05-23-2011, 05:17 AM   #14

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If you clearly see the scholars on our website :

Imam Abdassamad Clarke:
Prominant Student Of As-Shaykh Abdul Qadir As-Sufi

Shaykh Syed Afeefuddin Al Gilani:
The 19th direct descendant of Sultan Ul-Auliya (King of Saints) Kuthub-Ul-Aktab Al Ghouzul-Ul-A'zam Al Sheikh Al Sayed MUHIYIDEEN ABDUL QADIR AL GAYLANI AL HASSANI WAL HUSSEINI (Qaddasalaahu Siraahu Al Azeed). And the 33rd direct descendant of SAYIDINAH RASSULULLAH (Salah Allahu Alaihi Wasallam).
Sayidinah Sl Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gaylani (Q.S.A) is the most renowned Islamic Scholar and the founder and leader of the Al Tariqah Al Qadriyah school of Islamic thought and teaching which publish the Islamic guidance called Al Tasawuf that, in English, is called Suffism.

Shaykh Syed Waleed Al Rifai:
Sheikh Waleed was born in Damascus, Syria in a family adherent to the Qur’an and Sunnah traditions. He is a descendant of a family of Awliya’ and scholars, descendents of The Scholar, Grand Sufi, Al Qutb, Al Ghawth Al Imam Ahmad Ar-Rifā`ī Al Kabir, may Allah preserve his sacred secret, descendant of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

Amongst Others
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Old 05-23-2011, 06:55 AM   #15

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If you clearly see the scholars on our website :

Imam Abdassamad Clarke:
Prominant Student Of As-Shaykh Abdul Qadir As-Sufi

Shaykh Syed Afeefuddin Al Gilani:
The 19th direct descendant of Sultan Ul-Auliya (King of Saints) Kuthub-Ul-Aktab Al Ghouzul-Ul-A'zam Al Sheikh Al Sayed MUHIYIDEEN ABDUL QADIR AL GAYLANI AL HASSANI WAL HUSSEINI (Qaddasalaahu Siraahu Al Azeed). And the 33rd direct descendant of SAYIDINAH RASSULULLAH (Salah Allahu Alaihi Wasallam).
Sayidinah Sl Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gaylani (Q.S.A) is the most renowned Islamic Scholar and the founder and leader of the Al Tariqah Al Qadriyah school of Islamic thought and teaching which publish the Islamic guidance called Al Tasawuf that, in English, is called Suffism.

Shaykh Syed Waleed Al Rifai:
Sheikh Waleed was born in Damascus, Syria in a family adherent to the Qur’an and Sunnah traditions. He is a descendant of a family of Awliya’ and scholars, descendents of The Scholar, Grand Sufi, Al Qutb, Al Ghawth Al Imam Ahmad Ar-Rifā`ī Al Kabir, may Allah preserve his sacred secret, descendant of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

Amongst Others
Nice avatar. Is that Senegal?
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Old 05-23-2011, 08:31 AM   #16

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If you clearly see the scholars on our website :

Imam Abdassamad Clarke:
Prominant Student Of As-Shaykh Abdul Qadir As-Sufi
How can Abdassamad Clarke be on your website when the Murabitun have an open hatred of Nazim al-Qubrusi (as seen in Umar Vadillo's excellent book, The Esoteric Deviation in Islam.)
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Old 05-23-2011, 09:46 AM   #17

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اللهم اهدي الشيخ الضال و من والاه
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Old 05-23-2011, 02:57 PM   #18

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“There can be no Jihad until Imam Mehdi comes. Those who are proclaiming the right to declare Jihad now are liars. First we must have a Sultan, then Jihad can be permitted. ...Whoever does so now is sinning by going against the Holy Laws of Allah.”
source:Shaykh Nazim Haqqani, Star from Heaven, Trowbridge (England), 1996, p. 26.

If some could remove the word 'Jihad' from the Islamic world, they would.................
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Old 05-23-2011, 03:23 PM   #19

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Asalam Alaikum

How many r u?

I am interested in Sh. Nazim. So does many others.
Hope you understand
Asalam Alaikum
Then you should find these quotes from him quite interesting. Please consider whether these belong to mainstream Islam.

Shaykh Nazim 'completes' the Sahaba who were placing their own wills in front of Nabi
"....we have been given a miraculous favour from the Lord that if we notice an incompleteness on the part of anyone, and point it out, it will become complete. When I was pointing out that some of the Sahaba were sometimes using their own wills and not putting their desires in line with the Prophet’s thus causing their incompleteness, at that moment Allah Almighty completed for them their development there in the grave, and so, they are very happy indeed." (Nazim, Mercy Oceans’ Hidden Treasures, pp. 66-67).

In my humble opinion, this is an open statement of Kufr and hatred for the Sahaba.

Shaykh Nazim believes that Amir al Mu'minin 'Umar and Amir al Mu'minin 'Uthman SET THEIR WILLS AGAINST THE PROPHET
"....he [Umar] did at times set his will against the will of the Prophet....[his] soul is kept from awakening, it remains passive." (Mercy Oceans Hidden Treasures, pp. 43-44).

"....he [Uthman] sometimes held on firmly to his own desires instead of putting them completely in line with the Prophet's....[and was unable to] totally leave his own desires behind." (ibid., pp. 38-39).

Shaykh Nazim looks at women because it is 'Wajib' for him:
"For every action, you may find three ways or positions. These are called wajib, sunnah, and haram. We will illustrate these terms with some examples: The top class of people are the Awliya, the Saints. They have, in their eyes, a divine light, a divine power, that burns away badness in those people upon whom they look. Because of this divine quality, THEY MAY LOOK EVERYWHERE, AT MEN OR AT WOMEN. IT HAS BEEN ORDERED FOR THEM TO LOOK. THERE IS NO PROHIBITION FOR THEM TO LOOK. THEREFORE, THEIR LOOKING IS 'WAJIB.'" (Mercy Oceans, p. 20).

Shaykh Nazim believes that the Naqshbandis are at the level of Muhammad al Mustafa
"The Naqshabandi Order teaches the very highest good manners, manners which make its followers lovely to their Lord and to all people. It gives them subtle and exact perception which enables them to arrive at the very essence of any matter; that is the level of the Holy Prophet himself." (Mercy Oceans' Endless Horizons, 1982, pp. 85-86).

Shaykh Nazim believes that he who acts on their principles will reach a Maqam HIGHER than Nabi
"Our master the Sheikh says that a person who manages to act on these principles in our times will achieve what earlier generations did not achieve … he who attains an exalted stage and a great rank, such a rank which the Prophets themselves and the companions were unable to attain." (The Naqshbandi Way, p. 1).

"Especially those who hold to the Prophet’s Sunnah, will attain special stations that weren’t opened to earlier people - not even to the Prophet’s companions." (ibid., p. 4).

Shaykh Nazim comes to take the souls of his murids:
"As for anyone who is related to Mowlana Sheikh Nazim as a mureed, the Angel of Death Israel (Alai) will have nothing to do with him, the soul of this mureed at the time of his death will be taken by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim, he shall look at the mureed and immediately the soul of that mureed will leave his body. There is nothing for either the Angel of death or for the Angels of the grave to do with the mureeds of Sheikh Nazim. This is because it has been so ordered and it is by the Divine Power of Allah Almighty which has been given to him that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is so empowered. This is specially for Mawlana Sheikh Nazim." (Haqiqat ul-Haqqani, p. 35).
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Old 05-23-2011, 04:10 PM   #20

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Then you should find these quotes from him quite interesting. Please consider whether these belong to mainstream Islam.

Shaykh Nazim 'completes' the Sahaba who were placing their own wills in front of Nabi
"....we have been given a miraculous favour from the Lord that if we notice an incompleteness on the part of anyone, and point it out, it will become complete. When I was pointing out that some of the Sahaba were sometimes using their own wills and not putting their desires in line with the Prophet’s thus causing their incompleteness, at that moment Allah Almighty completed for them their development there in the grave, and so, they are very happy indeed." (Nazim, Mercy Oceans’ Hidden Treasures, pp. 66-67).

In my humble opinion, this is an open statement of Kufr and hatred for the Sahaba.

Shaykh Nazim believes that Amir al Mu'minin 'Umar and Amir al Mu'minin 'Uthman SET THEIR WILLS AGAINST THE PROPHET
"....he [Umar] did at times set his will against the will of the Prophet....[his] soul is kept from awakening, it remains passive." (Mercy Oceans Hidden Treasures, pp. 43-44).

"....he [Uthman] sometimes held on firmly to his own desires instead of putting them completely in line with the Prophet's....[and was unable to] totally leave his own desires behind." (ibid., pp. 38-39).

Shaykh Nazim looks at women because it is 'Wajib' for him:
"For every action, you may find three ways or positions. These are called wajib, sunnah, and haram. We will illustrate these terms with some examples: The top class of people are the Awliya, the Saints. They have, in their eyes, a divine light, a divine power, that burns away badness in those people upon whom they look. Because of this divine quality, THEY MAY LOOK EVERYWHERE, AT MEN OR AT WOMEN. IT HAS BEEN ORDERED FOR THEM TO LOOK. THERE IS NO PROHIBITION FOR THEM TO LOOK. THEREFORE, THEIR LOOKING IS 'WAJIB.'" (Mercy Oceans, p. 20).

Shaykh Nazim believes that the Naqshbandis are at the level of Muhammad al Mustafa
"The Naqshabandi Order teaches the very highest good manners, manners which make its followers lovely to their Lord and to all people. It gives them subtle and exact perception which enables them to arrive at the very essence of any matter; that is the level of the Holy Prophet himself." (Mercy Oceans' Endless Horizons, 1982, pp. 85-86).

Shaykh Nazim believes that he who acts on their principles will reach a Maqam HIGHER than Nabi
"Our master the Sheikh says that a person who manages to act on these principles in our times will achieve what earlier generations did not achieve … he who attains an exalted stage and a great rank, such a rank which the Prophets themselves and the companions were unable to attain." (The Naqshbandi Way, p. 1).

"Especially those who hold to the Prophet’s Sunnah, will attain special stations that weren’t opened to earlier people - not even to the Prophet’s companions." (ibid., p. 4).

Shaykh Nazim comes to take the souls of his murids:
"As for anyone who is related to Mowlana Sheikh Nazim as a mureed, the Angel of Death Israel (Alai) will have nothing to do with him, the soul of this mureed at the time of his death will be taken by Mowlana Sheikh Nazim, he shall look at the mureed and immediately the soul of that mureed will leave his body. There is nothing for either the Angel of death or for the Angels of the grave to do with the mureeds of Sheikh Nazim. This is because it has been so ordered and it is by the Divine Power of Allah Almighty which has been given to him that Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is so empowered. This is specially for Mawlana Sheikh Nazim." (Haqiqat ul-Haqqani, p. 35).

it is as if these people have never heard of the quran and sunnah!
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