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#1 |
:السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُه:
I would like to know from the Fiqhi masa'il of the 4 Matha'ib what is the correct ruling regarding Qurbani. Is it fardh/wajib on each person of the household or will one per household suffice. This question after I read the following quote by a Salafi inclined scholar: It is a known practice in India and elsewhere that Muslims slaughter in Eidul Ad’ha a sheep for every member of the family. This is an extravagant as the Sunnah is to slaughter only one sheep on behalf of the whole family in the house. This is done by the head of the family, usually the father. It is he only who doesn’t cut his hair or clip his nails from the beginning of Thul Hijjah until he slaughters his sacrifice (Shaykh Assim Al-Hakeem) |
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#3 |
6/7 name can be mentioned. It is generally the persons paying for the animal and any of their relative i.e mother, father, grand father, grand mother, son, daughter, wife etc. I also heard that from the salafis that one qurbani is sufficient per household. Is this the view of any other madhab? Is qurbani wajib in the other madhabs as well? |
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#5 |
The Fiqh of the Qurbani of Eid-ul-Adha Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool Question: salams. I pray this finds u in the best of afiya and imaan. Could you please explain the fiqh of the qurbani given at the end of Hajj, in terms of (a) Who is it wajib upon? (b) Does the husband have to pay for his wife's qurbani, or is she legally responsible to pay for herself? (c) How does one make-up missed qurbani's? (d) Is is wajib for parents to pay for their children, and is this payed individually or can it be included with the parent's niya? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Kind. The udhhiya is the sacrifice which is made during the Days of Sacrifice - from the the first day of Eid al-Adhha, i.e. 10th Day of Dhul Hijjah, until the last day - the end (i.e. sunset) of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. The best is to do the sacrifice on the first day. It is obligatory on every sane, mature (one who has reached puberty) Muslim who is not a traveler, who is rich (meaning who owns wealth which is beyond one's need equal to (or more than) nisab = 72 grams of gold or 100 grams of silver), and who has come upon the Day of Sacrifice of Eid. Therefore, a wife who fulfills the latter conditions is obliged to pay for herself, though children who have not reached puberty are not. If one fulfills the above, it is obligatory on him to sacrifice one goat or sheep, or a seventh of a camel or cow. (In other words, one goat or sheep fulfills one person's obligation, and one camel or cow fulfills seven peoples' obligation.) Conditions of the validity of the sacrifice 1-If the animal is a camel - it is at least 5 years old; if a cow, it is at least 2 years old, if a sheep or goat, it is at least 1 year old. 2-It does not have any defects e.g. blindness in one or both eyes, or a limp which prevents it from walking to the place of sacrificing, or that it is very skinny, or it has an ear (or most of the ear) cut off, or its tail is cut off, or other deficiencies, worst than those mentioned. 3-That the sacrifice be made after the 'Eid prayer, such that if it is done before, it is considered merely a slaughter, and the person stills owes a sacrifice. From the sunnah acts of sacrifice: -To eat from the meat of the animal he has sacrificed. It is also sunnah for him to give some of it as charity (to the poor), and to store some, and to give some as a gift to the wealthy. -To not cut the animal's hair or nails when the month of Dhul Hijjah comes. It is sunnah to do the slaughter by oneself, if capable, and to say and do what the Prophet, the greatest of peace and blessings of Allah upon him, did. Abu Dawud narrated in his Sunan: "The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, sacrificed on the day of sacrifice...When he turned the faces (of the animals for sacrifice), he said: [Arabic text:] إني وجهت وجهي للذي فطر السماوات والأرض على ملة إبراهيم حنيفا وما أنا من المشركين إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا من المسلمين اللهم منك ولك عن محمد وأمته باسم الله والله أكبر ثم ذبح 'I turn my face to the Creator of the of the heavens and the earth, on the religion of Ibrahim, worshipping only Allah, 'and he [Ibrahim] was not of the idolators'. Indeed my prayer, my rituals, my life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of Worlds, He has no partner, and with this I was commanded and I am from the Muslims. O Allah! [It is] from You and to You, on [behalf of] Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah upon him] and his ummah. In the Name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.' Then he slaughtered." -If one is incapable of slaughtering by oneself, he gives the animal to someone who is and he witnesses the slaughter. -It is preferable (mustahab) for the one who is sacrificing to give the skin of the animal in charity. He may use it for himself, but he may not sell it or use it to pay the slaughterer with it. -It is not valid to give the price of the sacrificial animal instead of actually slaughtering it. This is because here the sacrifice in itself is the objective, contrary to zakah - where money may be given instead of the actual food - because the aim is to aid the poor. -It is okay to delay slaughtering the animal to the third day if there is an excuse such as rain, after this it is not allowed. [References from Al-Hadiyyah al-'Alaiyyah of Imam 'Ala al-Din son of Ibn 'Abideen and from Arkan al-Islam of Dr.Wahbi Sulayman Ghawiji, a contemporary Hanafi scholar.] If one did not make the sacrifice in previous years in which it was obligatory on him, he must give the price (rather than slaughtering an animal) of a sacrificial animal in charity, as stated in the Hashiyah of Ibn Abdieen. See Mufti Muhammad Kawthari's response on this topic (under Giving Qurbani - for more detail. |
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#7 |
So as per the above fatwa and reading Mufti Taqi Sahebs article on Qurbani I conclude that it is Wajib on each person to make Qurbani, if he is able to, and this is the stance of the Haanafi Mathab. So how would you reply to the quote in my initial post where the scholar says 1 per household would suffice? Is this the stance of other matha'ib? Can anyone provide quotes to further the evidence used by us, the Ahnaaf.
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#8 |
So as per the above fatwa and reading Mufti Taqi Sahebs article on Qurbani I conclude that it is Wajib on each person to make Qurbani, if he is able to, and this is the stance of the Haanafi Mathab. So how would you reply to the quote in my initial post where the scholar says 1 per household would suffice? Is this the stance of other matha'ib? Can anyone provide quotes to further the evidence used by us, the Ahnaaf. As for other Madhabs, as i mentioned, i have heard that for Shafi'i Madhab, 1 from the household will suffice, but only he will get the reward. So the others can also contribute. If none from the family with Nisab does Qurbani then it Makhrooh as Qurbani is a strong sunnah according to Shafi'i Madhab. (I heard this in the last Juma'a Khuthbah.) |
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#9 |
So as per the above fatwa and reading Mufti Taqi Sahebs article on Qurbani I conclude that it is Wajib on each person to make Qurbani, if he is able to, and this is the stance of the Haanafi Mathab. So how would you reply to the quote in my initial post where the scholar says 1 per household would suffice? Is this the stance of other matha'ib? Can anyone provide quotes to further the evidence used by us, the Ahnaaf. |
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#10 |
So as per the above fatwa and reading Mufti Taqi Sahebs article on Qurbani I conclude that it is Wajib on each person to make Qurbani, if he is able to, and this is the stance of the Haanafi Mathab. So how would you reply to the quote in my initial post where the scholar says 1 per household would suffice? Is this the stance of other matha'ib? Can anyone provide quotes to further the evidence used by us, the Ahnaaf. Udhiyah is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah mu’akkadah) and is not obligatory, according to the majority of fuqaha’. Some scholars are of the view that it is obligatory for the one who is able to offer it. This is the view of Abu Haneefah and of Ahmad according to one report, and it is the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The view that it is obligatory is stronger that the view that it is not obligatory, but that is subject to the condition that one be able to do it. End quote from al-Sharh al-Mumti’ (7/422) Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: Is it permissible to offer one udhiyah for two brothers living in one house with their children and sharing their food and drink? He replied: Yes, that is permissible. It is permissible for the members of one household to offer only one sacrifice, even if they are two families, and they will attain thereby the virtue of sacrifice. End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb. (this is the views of shaykh uthameen and shaykh bin baz (ra)). (Philosophy of Qurbani By Mufti Taqi Usmani) There is a Hadith from Hadhrat Abu Hurayra (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) said, 'That person who has the means of performing Qurbani but does not do so should not even come near the Eidgah (Place of Eid Salaat). |
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#11 |
He must be a really stingy salafi, because not only does he himself do only one Qurbani, he is stopping others from doing so as well.
I mean, nowadays, a sheep qurbani can be done for as little as 15 pounds in some places, and a cow, for 7 people, for 70 pounds - thats just 10 pounds per person! Is he seriously saying people should stop doing one each? that they should miss out on the great rewards of Qurbani, for the price of a pizza? And for him to quote the sunnah to stop people from doing qurbani is disgusting. There are millions of people dying in places like somalia and who would be delighted with a qurbani - so he should be encouraging all those who can affort it to do one, not whinge about 'waste'. :السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُه: |
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#12 |
Further, the same scholar quotes the following Hadith which proves that one Qurbani per household was done during the time of Nabi
![]() Al-Tirmidhi (1505) narrated that ‘Ata’ ibn Yassaar said: I asked Abu Ayyoob: How was the sacrifice done at the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? He said: A man would offer a sheep on behalf of himself and the members of his family, and they would eat some and feed others with some.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi. Based on this Hadith, majority of scholars believe that slaughtering is only to be done by the head of the household. |
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#13 |
He must be a really stingy salafi, because not only does he himself do only one Qurbani, he is stopping others from doing so as well. Let me add, if you are slaughtering more then 1 share for your family members as well as the deceased then continue to do so and Allah Most High will reward you. |
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