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Old 09-20-2011, 03:51 AM   #21

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It all works out if you take what the Ulamaa have said about lining up for Salah to mean aligning the rows and not actual touching of all the body parts mentioned in those Ahadith.
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Old 09-20-2011, 05:08 AM   #22

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Joining the ankles adjacent to the neighbor in prayer is part of the 'Salafi' made up Fiqh.

Salafi Shaykh, Ibn al-'Uthaymeen clearly says regarding the hadith:

، وليس معنى ذلك أن يلازم هذا الإلصاق ويبقى ملازماً له في جميع الصلاة .

ومن الغلو في هذه المسألة ما يفعله بعض الناس من كونه يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه ويفتح قدميه فيما بينهما حتى يكون بينه وبين جاره في المناكب فرجة فيخالف السنة في ذلك، والمقصود أن المناكب والأكعب تتساوى .

"....It does not mean that he should continue this joining and remain so for the whole salah.

From the extremism that has occurred with regard to this issue is what is done by some people in that one of them will join his ankle to the ankle of his companion, and he will spread his feet so far apart until there is a gap between his shoulder and the shoulder of his companion, so he will oppose the Sunnah by doing that. But the aim is that the shoulders and ankles should be in line with each other."
Iv been to a Salafi Masjid in my locality where they have it plastered on the wall (poster) clearly saying please join the ankles in Jama'ah (along with mentioning shoulders).

I was like, WOW! Subhan-Allah.
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Old 09-20-2011, 05:52 AM   #23
Nadin Maison

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Dawud, I don't think because a couple of posters cracked jokes that equates to bad akhlaq. No offense intended, but I think it's in your head. I'm referring to this thread specifically. Yes, there are a couple of posters here that can be aggressive as evidenced in other threads, but they are hardly the majority.
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:18 AM   #24

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but im sure its not only salafis who say join ur feet together)
Ok, who else?

iit sorta spits in teh face of the other ulema of the past who were just as high if not higher than the four imams in status who held differing oppinions,
Who are the ulema of the past with an higher status than the Aimma Mujtahidin?

And who of them held the "Salafi" position regarding joining ankles during Salah?
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:23 PM   #25

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It all works out if you take what the Ulamaa have said about lining up for Salah to mean aligning the rows and not actual touching of all the body parts mentioned in those Ahadith.
Yes that's it, on one extreme we have indo-pak people leaving huge gaps within the rows and on the other hands those who insist on having a lego-type packed row.

But in truth, majority of both groups agree to leave a minimal gap or slightly touching the sides of the feet.
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:26 PM   #26

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But in truth, majority of both groups agree to leave a minimal gap or slightly touching the sides of the feet.
Both groups? (Salafis and whom?) believe that you touch the feet? something new, please elaborate.
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:45 PM   #27

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I don't know for the worldwide situation, but the salafis I know don't mind if you leave a little gap or slightly touch the neighbouring musalli's feet (to be frank I've never seen them touching ankles with ankles literally...).
And in general muqallidoon don't mind touching slightly the sides of feet with the neighbour or leaving a little gap.

Is it something new in your area ?
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Old 09-20-2011, 06:53 PM   #28

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I don't know for the worldwide situation, but the salafis I know don't mind if you leave a little gap or slightly touch the neighbouring musalli's feet (to be frank I've never seen them touching ankles with ankles literally...).
And in general muqallidoon don't mind touching slightly the sides of feet with the neighbour or leaving a little gap.

Is it something new in your area ?

That makes more sense, sorry i mis-understood you the first time round.

When you said "they both agree" i thought you were referring to the fiqh also (referring to the Muqallidoon here).

In that case then i do join my feet to a Salafi who wishes to join (but not going beyond my shoulder width).

But since Salafis are the ones that generally shout 'Bid`ah' at others, maybe they need to look in their own court first.
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:28 PM   #29

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That makes more sense, sorry i mis-understood you the first time round. No need to feel sorry, my english is pathetic
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Old 09-20-2011, 11:56 PM   #30

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No need to feel sorry, my english is pathetic
Then i feel sorry for your English Joke.

But on a more serious note (?) when i read the title of this thread i thought the Salafis have gone one step further from feet to feet, to now: "leg to leg", imagine that!! Couldn't stop laughing.
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:39 AM   #31

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Yes that's it, on one extreme we have indo-pak people leaving huge gaps within the rows and on the other hands those who insist on having a lego-type packed row.
i personally feel also uneasy when am being in Bangladesh and cause of the weather and sweat i dont bother to stay closer with next one. And also cause of the warm i feel uneasy. may be thats what the reason why in indo-pak they dont bother that much.
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:03 AM   #32

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Yes that's it, on one extreme we have indo-pak people leaving huge gaps within the rows and on the other hands those who insist on having a lego-type packed row.

But in truth, majority of both groups agree to leave a minimal gap or slightly touching the sides of the feet.

Well, both the two extremes could be easily avoided following the actual Sunnah, i.e. beling lined up and with the shoulders touching, with no gaps..
And the feel being at their normal position (i.e., four fingers of gap between's one's own right and left foot).
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:58 AM   #33

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This is what I was told by Mufti Saeed Ahmed DB:
During the time of Rasoolullah , the floor was made of dirt and there were no markers to delineate the sufoof. Therefore, the companions would join the ankles before the start of salah to straighten the sufoof and would then move they ankles away after the lines had been straightened. They would still be standing shoulder to shoulder.

I have noticed that whenever there are people forming a saff when there is no marked line on the floor, the saff is hardly straight. Therefore, the sunnah would be to align by joining the ankles to ankles and once the line is straight, to stand normally, shoulder to shoulder and not have the ankles touching.
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:05 PM   #34

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This is what I was told by Mufti Saeed Ahmed DB:
During the time of Rasoolullah , the floor was made of dirt and there were no markers to delineate the sufoof. Therefore, the companions would join the ankles before the start of salah to straighten the sufoof and would then move they ankles away after the lines had been straightened. They would still be standing shoulder to shoulder.

I have noticed that whenever there are people forming a saff when there is no marked line on the floor, the saff is hardly straight. Therefore, the sunnah would be to align by joining the ankles to ankles and once the line is straight, to stand normally, shoulder to shoulder and not have the ankles touching.


A point to note is that even though these "salafis" seem to interpret the ahadith on the "zahir", still they don't even attach one another ankle to ankle; but rather, they just attach their smaller toes!..
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Old 09-21-2011, 11:12 PM   #35

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Can someone explain me what is this salafi's ?
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Old 09-21-2011, 11:48 PM   #36

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Can someone explain me what is this salafi's ?
They are the people whose arguments you're lately repeating here on Sunniforum..
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:10 AM   #37

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They are the people whose arguments you're lately repeating here on Sunniforum..
are they non muslim's ?
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:19 AM   #38

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are they non muslim's ?
So now you suddenly recognized and remembered who Salafis are?

Where did I say they are non-Muslims, please?
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:58 AM   #39

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Can someone explain me what is this salafi's ?
Can you tell us if the information we have given you is sufficient for? or not?
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Old 09-22-2011, 09:55 PM   #40

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Can you tell us if the information we have given you is sufficient for? or not?
The people in this forum always give more information than the person's need and makes confused, why dont you try to answer it simple so that some one can understand..
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