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Old 12-05-2010, 06:49 PM   #1

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Default Funny Warning Against Tabligh and the Haba'ib by a Bida'ti!
Tablighi Jamat Penetrated in the blessed land of Yemen
06/17/2008 by Abdul Billi

The Tableeghi Jamaat have entered into new terrority in Yemen using their age old methods of penetrating Shaikhs of Tassuwuf. In this case they are using the Habib Omar madrassa to promote themselves as mainstream. Thier new victims are Habib Omars pool of international students. Here they have a pools of lame duck students to convert to their devient ways. Many Sunni youngsters are going to Tarim and coming back brainwashed Sula-Kuli, semi tableeghi zombi like fashion, giving presidence to actions, ‘unity’, so called dawa over the aqeedah of the Ahl-e-Sunnah.
These new recruits after been brain washed in Tarim are then followed up in the UK by making them feel the elected elite of 1 of 5, chosen people of the Habiab to extend the Dawa. This way the newly recruited semi-tableeghi now becomes a dedicated zombified machine. It is time for the Sunni’s to stand up and reject Habib Omar position. TJ, Deos, Wahabi are deviant, we need to safeguard our imaans and not to mingle with the deviants.

Say no to the new sect of neo-tableeghi’s, reject the new age unity sect in the name of mercy, mercy, love, love, Mawlid, Mawlid and Dawa Dawa…This is the new Shatian ploy…Stick to the Ahl-e-Sunnah behind our imaam Ahmad Rida Khan (RA).

This TJ strategy has proven so successful, much of Indonesia has been impacted due to Habaib connections. To the extent one of the senior Habiab in Indonesia has now become a Salafi. A masjid in Tarim has been taken by the Wahabi’s. Many senior scholars have bought this to light to Habib Omar and Habib Ali Jafri but they prefer to turn the blind eye, at the expense of thousands of people having thier imans robbed by the parasites of TJ. TJ and Neo-TJ (Unity Habaib sect) becoming increasingly impossible to destinguish. Be warned......taken from a brelwi blog.

Makes me feel good to read that.
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Old 12-05-2010, 07:55 PM   #2

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Tablighi Jamat Penetrated in the blessed land of Yemen
06/17/2008 by Abdul Billi

The Tableeghi Jamaat have entered into new terrority in Yemen using their age old methods of penetrating Shaikhs of Tassuwuf. In this case they are using the Habib Omar madrassa to promote themselves as mainstream. Thier new victims are Habib Omars pool of international students. Here they have a pools of lame duck students to convert to their devient ways. Many Sunni youngsters are going to Tarim and coming back brainwashed Sula-Kuli, semi tableeghi zombi like fashion, giving presidence to actions, ‘unity’, so called dawa over the aqeedah of the Ahl-e-Sunnah.
These new recruits after been brain washed in Tarim are then followed up in the UK by making them feel the elected elite of 1 of 5, chosen people of the Habiab to extend the Dawa. This way the newly recruited semi-tableeghi now becomes a dedicated zombified machine. It is time for the Sunni’s to stand up and reject Habib Omar position. TJ, Deos, Wahabi are deviant, we need to safeguard our imaans and not to mingle with the deviants.

Say no to the new sect of neo-tableeghi’s, reject the new age unity sect in the name of mercy, mercy, love, love, Mawlid, Mawlid and Dawa Dawa…This is the new Shatian ploy…Stick to the Ahl-e-Sunnah behind our imaam Ahmad Rida Khan (RA).

This TJ strategy has proven so successful, much of Indonesia has been impacted due to Habaib connections. To the extent one of the senior Habiab in Indonesia has now become a Salafi. A masjid in Tarim has been taken by the Wahabi’s. Many senior scholars have bought this to light to Habib Omar and Habib Ali Jafri but they prefer to turn the blind eye, at the expense of thousands of people having thier imans robbed by the parasites of TJ. TJ and Neo-TJ (Unity Habaib sect) becoming increasingly impossible to destinguish. Be warned......taken from a brelwi blog.

Makes me feel good to read that.
As Salamu alaikum,

It sounds like the Barelwis are losing their following and they are starting to get worried. Surely, Tabligh Jamat in Tarim is hardly noticeable, though the Ulama of Tarim seem to respect the effort. There are wahhabis in Tarim but they are pretty much in every other place as well. It is weird how the write mentions, " Many senior scholars have bought this to light to Habib Omar and Habib Ali Jafri but they prefer to turn the blind eye." Who are these senior scholars exactly ? Why would they bring it up to Habib Ali in the first place, he lives in the U.A.E !
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:04 PM   #3

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Why would they bring it up to Habib Ali in the first place, he lives in the U.A.E !
since when?
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:58 PM   #4

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As Salamu alaikum,

It sounds like the Barelwis are losing their following and they are starting to get worried...
It's true for all the efforts including them whose bases are constructed on Bida'a. During my first chilla, I met a plenty of people who were previously Bida'ati. When they went for 4 months or 40 days in Jamaat and avoided these, their shaikhs(!) became angry due to losing many followers. Some of them gave Fatwa- all the Tablighis are Kafir! Even a great Bida'ati shaikh(!) announced that- If anyone kills a Tablighi, he'll get double reward than killing a Kafir!!!
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Old 12-05-2010, 09:27 PM   #5

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their shaikhs(!) became angry due to losing many followers.
this attendency can be seen in all human being, its not just only in them.
Even a great Bida'ati shaikh(!) announced that- If anyone kills a Tablighi, he'll get double reward than killing a Kafir!!!
dont believe in rumors broter, verify first inshallah.
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:07 AM   #6

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As Salamu alaikum,

It sounds like the Barelwis are losing their following and they are starting to get worried. Surely, Tabligh Jamat in Tarim is hardly noticeable, though the Ulama of Tarim seem to respect the effort. There are wahhabis in Tarim but they are pretty much in every other place as well. It is weird how the write mentions, " Many senior scholars have bought this to light to Habib Omar and Habib Ali Jafri but they prefer to turn the blind eye." Who are these senior scholars exactly ? Why would they bring it up to Habib Ali in the first place, he lives in the U.A.E !
Walaykum salam.
They are very worried, indeed. Before each and every one of our ijtemaat, they take pledges at street corners and in the slums where they are centred that the Barelwis will not go to attend the Ijtema. Its "Shock and Awe" for al Barelwiyyah. I don't know who their "senior scholars" are because their definition of a scholar is someone dressed in a flourescent green, yellow or saffron robe accompanied by two cabbages on his head which he ties with a huge brown turban, shrieks and shouts on the stage, abuses the people of Tawhid & Sunna roundly, collects his money for his "act", eats like a glutton and sleeps like Kumbhakaran while Fajr is going on. So you might have some difficulty in searching for a "scholar" in them. They might want to bring it up with Sayyidi Habib 'Ali because they have started suspecting his Sunnism because of his support for the work of Da'wah. WS.
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Old 12-06-2010, 12:09 AM   #7

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since when?
Brother Abu Layl, I may be wrong but I think that he is not centred in Tarim since 2003. Please confirm. WS.
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Old 12-06-2010, 01:23 AM   #8

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More divide and rule tactics here then
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:11 AM   #9

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Masha'Allah, I love these type of booster shot threads
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:12 AM   #10

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I have heard that the barelvi's have got division i.e.
1) They are wearing white safa - turban (dawat-e-islami)
2) The other group endorses green safa

Infact one of the group send their followers in khurooj, their jamate is called as "kafela" (caravan).
Instead of staying and cooking in the masjid they stay in the nearby house and eat in hotel.

Maybe some brother on the forum can ponder light on their menace.

Brother Tamim is surrounded mostly with laddu's / shia's / bohri's / khoja etc. I am sure even he must be experiencing that barelvis are loosing ground slowly and steadily.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:21 AM   #11

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I have heard that the barelvi's have got division i.e.
1) They are wearing white safa - turban (dawat-e-islami)
2) The other group endorses green safa

The White turbaned ones are the Sunni Dawat-e-Islami. The Green turbaned ones are just Dawat-e-Islami. Both groups are fools.

Infact one of the group send their followers in khurooj, their jamate is called as "kafela" (caravan).
Instead of staying and cooking in the masjid they stay in the nearby house and eat in hotel.

That is a third group called the Sunni Tableeghi Jamaat. They copy the original Jamaah al Tabligh. Presently they are the ones fighting most rabidly with the Green turbaned ones.

Maybe some brother on the forum can ponder light on their menace.

Well their menace can be controlled with pest control.

Brother Tamim is surrounded mostly with laddu's / shia's / bohri's / khoja etc. I am sure even he must be experiencing that barelvis are loosing ground slowly and steadily.

I am surrounded by Laddoos. They are surely and steadily losing ground. In the Memon community which used to form the backbone of their earnings, they have lost ground dramatically over the last few years. WS.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:24 AM   #12

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Masha'Allah, I love these type of booster shot threads
Then wait for more. The barelwis are always whining.
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Old 12-06-2010, 06:05 AM   #13

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May I ask what is laddoos? Last I knew this was a mithai (which is great when well made, but not a lot of people know how to make it just right!)
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Old 12-06-2010, 08:14 AM   #14

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I think it's better not to open such threads.

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Old 12-06-2010, 09:09 AM   #15

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May I ask what is laddoos? Last I knew this was a mithai (which is great when well made, but not a lot of people know how to make it just right!)
Don't eat them all at once bro!!
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:47 PM   #16

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Tablighi Jamat Penetrated in the blessed land of Yemen
06/17/2008 by Abdul Billi

The Tableeghi Jamaat have entered into new terrority in Yemen using their age old methods of penetrating Shaikhs of Tassuwuf. In this case they are using the Habib Omar madrassa to promote themselves as mainstream. Thier new victims are Habib Omars pool of international students. Here they have a pools of lame duck students to convert to their devient ways. Many Sunni youngsters are going to Tarim and coming back brainwashed Sula-Kuli, semi tableeghi zombi like fashion, giving presidence to actions, ‘unity’, so called dawa over the aqeedah of the Ahl-e-Sunnah.
These new recruits after been brain washed in Tarim are then followed up in the UK by making them feel the elected elite of 1 of 5, chosen people of the Habiab to extend the Dawa. This way the newly recruited semi-tableeghi now becomes a dedicated zombified machine. It is time for the Sunni’s to stand up and reject Habib Omar position. TJ, Deos, Wahabi are deviant, we need to safeguard our imaans and not to mingle with the deviants.

Say no to the new sect of neo-tableeghi’s, reject the new age unity sect in the name of mercy, mercy, love, love, Mawlid, Mawlid and Dawa Dawa…This is the new Shatian ploy…Stick to the Ahl-e-Sunnah behind our imaam Ahmad Rida Khan (RA).

This TJ strategy has proven so successful, much of Indonesia has been impacted due to Habaib connections. To the extent one of the senior Habiab in Indonesia has now become a Salafi. A masjid in Tarim has been taken by the Wahabi’s. Many senior scholars have bought this to light to Habib Omar and Habib Ali Jafri but they prefer to turn the blind eye, at the expense of thousands of people having thier imans robbed by the parasites of TJ. TJ and Neo-TJ (Unity Habaib sect) becoming increasingly impossible to destinguish. Be warned......taken from a brelwi blog.

Makes me feel good to read that.
i read this way back infact Im the one debating the guy.
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:49 PM   #17

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since when?
its been years now.
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:51 PM   #18

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Walaykum salam.
They are very worried, indeed. Before each and every one of our ijtemaat, they take pledges at street corners and in the slums where they are centred that the Barelwis will not go to attend the Ijtema. Its "Shock and Awe" for al Barelwiyyah. I don't know who their "senior scholars" are because their definition of a scholar is someone dressed in a flourescent green, yellow or saffron robe accompanied by two cabbages on his head which he ties with a huge brown turban, shrieks and shouts on the stage, abuses the people of Tawhid & Sunna roundly, collects his money for his "act", eats like a glutton and sleeps like Kumbhakaran while Fajr is going on. So you might have some difficulty in searching for a "scholar" in them. They might want to bring it up with Sayyidi Habib 'Ali because they have started suspecting his Sunnism because of his support for the work of Da'wah. WS.
how sure are you about the cabage & of the scholar sleeping during fajr.
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:59 PM   #19

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I have heard that the barelvi's have got division i.e.
1) They are wearing white safa - turban (dawat-e-islami)
2) The other group endorses green safa

Infact one of the group send their followers in khurooj, their jamate is called as "kafela" (caravan).
Instead of staying and cooking in the masjid they stay in the nearby house and eat in hotel.

Maybe some brother on the forum can ponder light on their menace.

Brother Tamim is surrounded mostly with laddu's / shia's / bohri's / khoja etc. I am sure even he must be experiencing that barelvis are loosing ground slowly and steadily.
dawat-e-islami have the green turban. its not correct to say that they are devided. in reality they are groups of organisations or madrasahs that fall under one umbrella. in south africa we have your sabri chisti guys, dawat islami & sultan bahu or jamia rasvia, habiya movement & another soofi movement in Durban. they all fall under one group, the sunni ulama council. its just recent that the name Berelwi got attached to them. I think because all these groups have maulid & watever & their practices fell under the attack of deobandis & salafies berelwi creept in to show some "scholarly" suport. I watch Madani channel on tv but since its in urdu I just see if there is still something on. man you can go on at any time you would find a dars. while they performing salah there would be adds & nasheeds.
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:06 PM   #20

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May I ask what is laddoos? Last I knew this was a mithai (which is great when well made, but not a lot of people know how to make it just right!)
Laddoos= Barelwis.
Patthar ke Laddoo= Staunch Barelwis.
Lokhand ke laddoo= Extremist Barelwis.
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