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Old 06-21-2011, 09:55 PM   #1

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Default Broad-mindedness of the scholars.


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Old 06-21-2011, 10:49 PM   #2

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Indeed a very important lesson for the ummah! Unfortunately such qualities no more exist , if they do than very rare..
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Old 06-22-2011, 01:41 PM   #3

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Indeed a very important lesson for the ummah! Unfortunately such qualities no more exist , if they do than very rare..

These qualities exist amongst our elders, alhamdulillah.
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Old 06-27-2011, 02:35 PM   #4

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These qualities exist amongst our elders, alhamdulillah.
But they do not seem to exist amongst us juniors.
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Old 06-29-2011, 02:04 PM   #5

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Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah shower His mercy upon him) related:

‘‘Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (may Allah shower His mercy upon him) once wrote a fatwa concerning a particular issue. Mawlana Muhammad Qasim Nanautwi’s (may Allah shower His mercy upon him) renowned disciple, Amir Shah Khan, sent a letter to Mawlana by post, in which he expressed an objection to this fatwa. Thereafter, feeling he had disrespected the Mawlana, he wrote a second letter, seeking forgiveness. Mawlana Gangohi wrote in reply, ‘I liked your first letter in which you had expressed an objection. I do not like this second letter, as whatever you had written in your first one was sincerely for the din. I am certain that you had no intention to be disrespectful and therefore I was not offended in the slightest.’

(A couplet of Mawlana Rumi is quoted here, the translation of which has been omitted).

In contrast to this, on another occasion, someone who had obtained a fatwa from Mawlana [Rashid Ahmad Gangohi] expressed objections to him in an argumentative tone. In reply, Mawlana wrote, ‘we have answered according to our knowledge. If you do not approve, then refer to a scholar whom you trust. Above every man of knowledge, there is someone more knowledgeable.’’

Majalis-e-Hakim al-Ummat, p. 102-103 (Karachi: Dar al-Isha‘at, Dhu ‘l-Qa‘dah, 1366 AH ed.) compiled by Mufti Muhammad Shafi‘ Usmani.
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:10 PM   #6

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Then why hanafi scholars forbide praying behind a shafi' imam for Witr during taraweeh when it is known the founders of our madhhab used to tolerate much more ?

The only scholar I know from deobandi background who permitted it was faraz Rabbani.

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Old 06-29-2011, 08:23 PM   #7
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Then why hanafi scholars forbide praying behind a shafi' imam for Witr during taraweeh when it is known the founders of our madhhab used to tolerate much more ?

The only scholar from deobandi background who permitted it was faraz Rabbani.

Whilst in Umrah some students asked some of the senior teachers of Darul 'Uloom Bury and they all answered that it was okay to pray witr behind the aimmah of Haramayn. There was some ikhtilaaf as to whether the hands should be raised in the dua, or should be kept by the side, (different people asked different scholars at different times..) but they said it was permissible for Hanafis to pray behind the aimmah.
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Old 06-29-2011, 08:32 PM   #8

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Then why hanafi scholars forbide praying behind a shafi' imam for Witr during taraweeh when it is known the founders of our madhhab used to tolerate much more ?

The only scholar from deobandi background who permitted it was faraz Rabbani.

I have reported that we have confirmed this matter with Shaykh (Mufti) Rafi Usmani (HA) and he permits it.

Shah Abdul Aziz (RA) also permits it over 200 years ago and I "think" I may have posted the Fatwa and translation on the forum somewhere.

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Old 06-29-2011, 08:54 PM   #9

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Some related posts / threads :


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Old 06-30-2011, 04:04 AM   #10

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Another example from one of the Deobandi Akabir:


Love for the Hadith and Sunnah, and Respect in Differences of Opinion

Hazrat Shaykh (نور الله مرقده)'s attitude regarding those who had a different opinion to him is remarkable and one worthy of following. Note: that the Ahlul Hadeeth are a group who do not find it acceptable, in their opinion, to be affliliated to a Madhab. They are also known as Salafis.

During my early days of teaching, a certain Ahl-e-Hadith follower, whose name I have forgotten, came to my room quite often. There must still be quite a number of his own publications such as "Meezaanul-Shariat" lying around somewhere in my room.

Although he was blind, he used to collect all the Hadith from Mishkat which favored the mazhab of the Ahlul-Hadith. He would collect ehm in small booklets with very little commentary. For example one was on "Babul-Wudhoo", one on "Babul-Tayammum", "Babul-Haidh", etc. He wrote them himself and had them printed himself and he sold them himself.

Whenever he came to Saharanpur, he stayed at my place and in Deoband, he was the guest of Maulana Anwar Shah Kahsmiri (rh). He had a habit of going into the classrooms and presenting one copy to the teachers. Because of Hazrat Anwar Shah and me, all the other teachers came to know him quite well. Most teachers after accepting a free copy, still paid him the three annas or more and often encouraged students to also purchase from him.

Many people however used to excuse themselves from buying because the booklets only contained those Hadith which favoured the Ahlul-Hadith. I however, always used to purchase twenty five to thirty copies, while Maulana Anwar Shah used to purchase about a hundred and fifty and we both used to pay him more than the prescribed price. We felt that was our duty in view of his service to Hadith, as well as our duties as his hosts. The booklets were always distributed among the student, telling them that although the booklets favoured the Ahlul-Hadith view, it did after all contain Hadith with translations. We did not however, distribute the booklets in his presence, as it would adversely affect his sales.

There must still be some copies in my own library on which his name and address will be found. He was blind and there always used to be a young boy guiding him around. At night he always sat near me when he made up his accounts. The price of all the booklets were written on the covers, but he never used to tell anyone the price. Whoever wished was allowed to give whatever he wished and whatever was given was given was accepted with pleasure.

When he made up his accounts he used to say: "Two copies at two annas each, three copies at three annas each and eight at "Jazakallah" each."

He was a very simple person and at that time my own relations with the Ahlul-Hadith was good. They very often came to me. In both Deoband and Saharanpur, there were many Ahlul-Hadith students, but they never disclosed their adherence to the Ahlul-Hadith.

I told them not to hide their mazhab from me. They could come to my hosue at any time to discuss their problems. Some students (may Allah reward them) came to me to be connected in bay'at.

Some of them even suggested that should I demand of them, they would stop "raf-ul-yadayn" [raising the hands], "ameen-bil-jahr" [saying ameen loudly], etc., but I told them: You people are doing those things in your earnest desire to implement Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم's commands and practices. How can I ever prohibit you from doing so?"

Aap Beti, Page 556-558

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Old 06-30-2011, 01:13 PM   #11

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Then why hanafi scholars forbide praying behind a shafi' imam for Witr during taraweeh when it is known the founders of our madhhab used to tolerate much more ?

The only scholar I know from deobandi background who permitted it was faraz Rabbani.

Following the principles of their school.
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Old 06-30-2011, 06:06 PM   #12

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Following the principles of their school.

I am not sure about this because we have no incidents of earlier Imams of the Madhab forbidding this and after reading the Fatwa of Shah Wali-ullah (RA)'s son I am not sure if even the "Pre-Deoband" Scholars were unanimous on this matter.

So this must be the case where two opinions have always existed, may be? As far as Aqeedah Tahawiyyah is concerned, the issue is dead-clear that we pray behind any Muslim and Imam Tahawi "Hanafi" (RA) didn't say that we pray behind any Muslim EXCEPT when they contradict with the Madhab.

Also Mulla Ali Qari (RA) didn't say anything like that in his commentary either.

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Old 07-01-2011, 01:19 PM   #13

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The only scholar I know from deobandi background who permitted it was faraz Rabbani.

Sidi Faraz actually took this opinion from leading Hanafi scholars of Pak. This is the actual fatwa he gate: "Walaikum assalam,

I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

I consulted a number of leading Hanafi scholars, including Mufti Rafi Usmani (Grand Mufti of Pakistan), about this. Their response was that it is permitted for Hanafis to pray witr behind Shafiis even if they pray it differently from the Hanafi three rakats--such as two-plus-one. This is based on a followable position within the Hanafi school that what matters is the imam's prayer regarding the validity of his prayer.

And Allah alone gives success.

Faraz Rabbani"
You can see it here: http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.asp?id=1299
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Old 07-01-2011, 01:25 PM   #14

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I am not sure about this because we have no incidents of earlier Imams of the Madhab forbidding this and after reading the Fatwa of Shah Wali-ullah (RA)'s son I am not sure if even the "Pre-Deoband" Scholars were unanimous on this matter.

So this must be the case where two opinions have always existed, may be? As far as Aqeedah Tahawiyyah is concerned, the issue is dead-clear that we pray behind any Muslim and Imam Tahawi "Hanafi" (RA) didn't say that we pray behind any Muslim EXCEPT when they contradict with the Madhab.

Also Mulla Ali Qari (RA) didn't say anything like that in his commentary either.

The problem that arises is because there is no 1 rakah prayer in the Hanafi school.
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Old 07-04-2011, 03:41 PM   #15

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Mawlana Shams al-Haq Afghani (may Allah shower his mercy upon him) related:

Our teacher Shaykh al-Islam Mawlana Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri would say: ‘‘Mawlana ‘Abd al-Hayy Lucknowi is dependable in his opinions. However, the reverence for him in my heart is due to his piety (taqwa). One of his students informed me, ‘‘I remained in Mawlana Lucknowi’s company for seven years. In all that time – despite having many opponents – I did not hear him utter a word of ghibah.’’ (Our revered teacher, [‘Allamah Anwar Shah] Kashmiri would say), ‘‘this is a quality which is rare among scholars, let alone the masses.’’

Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Ke ‘Ulum wa Ma‘arif (Karachi: Dar al-Isha‘at, June 1980 ed.) p. 43-44 by Mawlana Muhammad Iqbal Qureshi, citing Sawanih Hadrat Mawlana Rasul Khan saheb, p8.
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Old 07-30-2011, 01:23 PM   #16

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Yahya ibn Sa`id, one of the great hadith narrators among the Followers (Tabi`un), said: "The people of knowledge are the people of broadness (ahl tawsi`a). They continue to give fatwas which are different from each other, and no scholar reproaches another scholar for his opinion."
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Old 10-03-2011, 03:09 PM   #17

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It is reported that Abul-Jawzâ` – Allâh have mercy on him – said, “I would prefer to sit with swine than to sit with the people of desires (heretics, adherents of bid’ah).”

Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ`, in his biography of the Abul-Jawzâ`. He reported from a number of Companions, and Al-Dhahabî considered him to be one of the senior scholars.
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Old 10-06-2011, 11:30 AM   #18

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Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

Hope, Insh'Allah, that now we know how to differentiate between a genuine Scholar and a man-made one.

Brotherly yours
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Old 10-07-2011, 01:27 PM   #19

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Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

Hope, Insh'Allah, that now we know how to differentiate between a genuine Scholar and a man-made one.

Brotherly yours
What is a man-made scholar, brother?
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Old 10-08-2011, 01:21 AM   #20

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What is a man-made scholar, brother?
Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

A man-made scholar is one who has some book knowledge, is eloquent enough to make the masses dance to his tune. He is like a one-eyed man in the midst of the blind - so he is the one the masses (that would also include quite a few members of the Ullama - unfortunately) look to. Usually, he causes division in Islam.

If one looks around, one can find many such examples.

Brotherly yours
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