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#2 |
بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على خير خلق و أشرف الأنبياء
Proofs of the Prophet’s Superiority to All Creation A dear Muslim brother sent the following query: “some brothers even question that the Messenger of Allah was the Best of Creation. Do you have something handy that I can allude to as 'evidence' in this regard?” “They swear by Allah to you (Muslims) to please you [all], but Allah, with His messenger, hath more right that they should please H/him if they are believers” (9:62). Do they know any other Prophet or angel-brought-near with whom Allah Most High shared as many of His own Names in the Qur'an as He did with the Prophet (SAWS)? See the end of this post on this. With respect to his foremost name - Muhammad - sallallahu `alayhi wa Alihi wa Sallam, consider the poetic verse of Hassan ibn Thabit (RA): wa shaqqa lahu min ismihi liyujillahu fa dhul-`arshi Mahmûdun wa hâdhâ Muhammadu Meaning: And He drew out for him [a name] from His own Name so as to dignify him greatly: The Owner of the Throne is the Glorious [Mahmûd], and this is the Praiseworthy [Muhammad]! Do they know any other Prophet or angel whom Allah addressed directly and by whose life He swore? “By thy life (O Muhammad)!” (15:72); “And who is better in his discourse than he who calls unto Allah and does good and says: I am one of the Muslims?” (41:33) i.e. who is better in speech than the Prophet (SAWS)? “Lo! those who believe and do good works are the best of created beings” (98:7) i.e. the Prophet (SAWS) is the best of created beings; “Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct” (49:13) i.e. the Prophet (SAWS) is the noblest of those to whom the Qur'an is addressed in the sight of Allah; “And lo! thou (Muhammad) art [I swear] of a tremendous nature” (68:4). The reality of this compliment - khuluqin `azim - can be fathomed only by the Speaker Himself and whoever He wills; “Of those messengers, some of whom We have caused to excel others, and of whom there are some unto whom Allah spake, while _some of them He exalted (above others) in degree_” (2:253) i.e. the Prophet (SAWS). “And we preferred some of the Prophets above others” (17:55) then He said: “It may be that thy Lord will raise thee to a praised estate” (17:79), a Station which the Prophet (SAWS) said none but he would receive. and this is the Station of Intercession at the right of the Glorious Throne as we described at length in the posting "The Seating of the Prophet (SAWS) on the Throne." “And [have We not] exalted thy fame?” (94:4) Mujahid said: "Meaning, every time I [Allah] am mentioned, you [Muhammad] are mentioned." Ibn Kathir mentioned it in his Tafsir. Al-Shafi`i narrated the same explanation from Ibn Abi Najih and so did Ibn `Ata' as cited by al-Nabahani in al-Anwar al-Muhammadiyya min al-Mawahib al-Laduniyya (p. 379). Al-Baydawi said in his Tafsir: "And what higher elevation than to have his name accompany His Name in the two phrases of witnessing, and to have his obedience equal His obedience??" “And My Mercy embraceth all things, therefore I shall ordain It for those who ward off (evil) and pay the poor due, and those who believe Our revelations” (7:156); and He said “truly the Mercy of Allah is near those who do good”: “Inna rahmat Allahi qaribun min al-muhsinin” (7:56) without putting qaribun in the feminine (qaribatun) although rahma is feminine, because in reality that rahma is the Prophet (SAWS), as explicited in the verse: “wa ma arsalnaka illa rahmatan lil-`alamin”: “And We did not send you (Muhammad) except as a Mercy to the worlds” (21:107); “Say: In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy: therein [alone] let them rejoice. It is better than what they hoard” (10:58). Ibn `Abbas said: "The bounty of Allah is Knowledge [of Tawhid], and His mercy is the Prophet (SAWS)." Abu al-Shaykh narrated it as stated by al-Suyuti in al-Durr al-Manthur (4:367). Al-Alusi in Ruh al-Ma`ani (10:141) and Abu al-Su`ud in his Tafsir (4:156) said that the bounty is general while the mercy is specific and therefore emphasized. Al-Razi in al-Tafsir al-Kabir (17:123) said the command is emphatically restrictive, meaning that a human being should not rejoice in anything else than the mercy. “Truly, Allah and His angels send praise and blessings [forever] upon the Prophet. O ye who believe! Praise and bless the Prophet with utmost laud and blessing” (33:56); “That ye (mankind) may believe in Allah and His messenger, and may honor h/Him, and may revere h/Him, and may glorify h/Him at early dawn and at the close of day” (48:9). Al-Nawawi said that the scholars of Qur'anic commentary have given this verse two lines of explanation, one group giving the three personal pronouns "HIM" a single referent, namely, either Allah ("Him") or the Prophet ("him"); the other group distinguishing between two referents, namely, the Prophet (SAWS) for the first two ("honor and revere him"), and Allah for the last ("glorify Him"). Those of the first group that said the pronouns all refer to the Prophet (SAWS) explained "glorify him" (tusabbihuhu) here to mean: "declare him devoid of inappropriate attributes and pray for him." “And Allah sufficeth as a witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” (48:28-29). Excerpted off: |
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#4 |
Assalamu alaikum. ![]() ![]() Not sure if we need a hadeeth to "prove" that Prophet Muhammad ![]() Some Selected Verses From The Holy Qur'an On OUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD Sallallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam HIS EXALTED STATUS 1. He is Nur (Sacred Light) (5:15) 2. Allah blesses him (33:56) 3. Mercy for all the worlds (21:107) 4. His name is Muhammad (Meaning the Most Praised One) (47:2) 5. Allah has exalted his Zikr (remembrance) (94:1-4) 6. His exaltation on the Night of Mi’raj: his heavenly ascent (53:8-9) 7. His Station of Praise (Al-Maqam al-Mahmud) (17:79) THE BELOVED OF ALLAH 1. If you want to gain the love of Allah, follow him (3:31) 2. Allah addresses him with love and affection (20:1) (36:1) (73:1) (74:1) 3. Allah says: Realize that My Prophetic Messenger himself is with you (49:7) 4. Allah describes him with His Own Attributes of Rauf (Most Kind) and Rahim (Merciful) (9:128) 5. Allah Himself praises him (33:45-47) 6. Possessor of Allah’s Grace (4:113) 7. He is a special favour of Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (3:164) 8. Allah does not punish people if he is in their midst (8:33) 9. Allegiance to him is allegiance to Allah (48:10) HE RECEIVED THE HOLY QUR'AN 1. Allah gave him Surah al-Fatiha and the whole Qur’an (15:87) 2. Totally inspired (53:3-4) 3. Allah revealed the Noble Qur’an on his blessed heart (26:192-197) 4. The first revelation he received (96:1) 5. Teaches the Holy Qur’an and Hadith Sharif (Wisdom) and purifies people (62:2) AMONG THE PROPHETS ('Alayhimussalam) 1. He is the Final Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) (33:40) 2. Mentioned first among the greatest Prophets (‘Alayhimussalam) (33:7) (4:163) 3. A Prophet whom Allah appointed with proven prophecies (30:1-6) (48:1) (48:27) (61:13) 4. Given the knowledge of the unseen (3:179) 5. Nabi Ibrahim (‘Alayhissalam) prayed for his coming (2:129) 6. Foretold by Nabi ‘Isa (Jesus) (‘Alayhissalam) (61:6) 7. Allah asks all the Prophets to believe in him (3:81) 8. Confirms the previous (Prophetic) Messengers of Allah (37:37) SERVES ONLY ALLAH (THE GLORIFIED AND THE EXALTED) 1. Worships only Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (72:19-20) 2. Puts total trust in Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (9:129) 3. Selflessly labours for Allah, asks for no reward (25:57) (42:23) 4. Rewarded by Allah (68:3) (108:1) HIS EXEMPLARY CHARACTER 1. Most examplary character (33:21) (68:4) 2. Sadiq (Truthful) (33:22) 3. Final judge and arbiter (4:65) (24:51) 4. Honoured, Noble (69: 40) 5. Forgiving (7:199) 6. He is Burhan (Clear Proof) (4:174) 7. Brave: Commands Muslims in battle (3:121) PREACHES ISLAM 1. Established the correct Message of Islam (6:161-163) (39:11-12) 2. Preacher to all humanity (4:170) (25:1) (34:28) 3. He is Bashir and Nadhir (Bearer of glad tidings and a warner) (5:19) 4. Invites people to Islam (12:108) 5. Even the jinn respond to his call (46:29-31) 6. He brought the truth (17:81) (39:33) 7. He brought a new law (Shari’a) (7:157) 8. A perfect guide to be followed (7:158) 9. He calls you to that which gives you life (8:24) 10. Brings people from the darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Islam) (65:11) 11. His religion prevails over all religion (48:28) HIS BLESSED FAMILY AND COMPANIONS (Rady Allahu 'Anhum) 1. His Family purified by Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (33:33) 2. His Companions praised by Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (48:29) 3. His Companions: The Muhajirin and the Ansar (8:74) (9:100) (59:8-9) 4. His Companions pledge allegiance to him (48:18) BELIEVE, HONOUR, LOVE, RESPECT AND OBEY HIM 1. Believe, honour and respect him (48:9) (61:11) 2. Love Allah and His Beloved Prophet more than anything else (9:24) 3. He is closer to the believers than their own selves (33:6) 4. Respect him (49:1-3) 5. Obey Allah (Ta’ala) and His Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) (3:132) (4:13) (4:59) (4:69) (4:80) (9:71) (24:52) (24:54) (24:56) (33:71) (49:14) (64:12) 6. Follow the Commands of Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) and of His Beloved Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) (33:36) 7. Whatever he gives you, take it (59:7) 8. The reward of believing in him (57:28) WAGED JIHAD AMIDST PERSECUTION 1. Non-believers plot to kill him (8:30) 2. His persecution (22:39-40) 3. Commanded to fight alone for Allah (Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala) (4:84) 4. He led Muslims in prayer while in battle (4:102) 5. Allah asks him to seek peace (8:61) 6. Allah helped him in Jihad (33:9) 7. Allah made him victorious (110:1) HIS MIRACLES 1. Living miracle: The Holy Qur’an (2:23) (17:88) (52:34) 2. Human miracle: he was the wasila (means) through whom people’s hearts were transformed (5:83) 3. Heavenly miracle: Isra’ and Mi’raj (his heavenly ascent) (17:1) (53:8-18) 4. Historic miracle: Hijra; escaped while surrounded (9:40) 5. The miracle of the Battle of Badr: Victory against all odds (3:123-125) 6. The splitting of the moon (54:1-2) INTERCESSOR (SHAFI') 1. Allah appointed him as an intercessor to plead for people’s forgiveness (3:159) (4:64) (60:12) 2. An accepted intercessor (19:87) (20:109) 3. His supplication a relief for hearts (9:103) Compiled by: Siddiq Osman Noormuhammad Toronto, 1421/2000 Source: Allah ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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#5 |
Assalamu alaikum. Only a madman or hypocryte will ask such a question. Shame on u and repent to ALLAH swt Do u not read the quran? By they way do u follow the deviant ahle hadith sect Salaam |
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#6 |
yes it has been affirmed by hadeeth
Narrated Sharik bin 'Abdullah bin Abi Namr: I heard Anas bin Malik telling us about the night when the Prophet was made to travel from the Ka'ba Mosque. Three persons (i.e. angels) came to the Prophet before he was divinely inspired was an Aspostle), while he was sleeping in Al Masjid-ul-Haram. The first (of the three angels) said, "Which of them is he?" The second said, "He is the best of them." That was all that happened then, and he did not see them till they came at another night and he perceived their presence with his heart, for the eyes of the Prophet were closed when he was asleep, but his heart was not asleep (not unconscious). This is characteristic of all the prophets: Their eyes sleep but their hearts do not sleep. Then Gabriel took charge of the Prophet and ascended along with him to the Heaven. (sahih Bukhari) |
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