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Old 10-05-2011, 01:16 AM   #1

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Default Going on Holidays is it a waste of money?
How do people waste so much money!
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Old 10-05-2011, 02:42 AM   #2

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How do people waste so much money!
How is it a waste Maulana ? by taking your family on a relaxing holiday to enjoy the creation of Allah is a waste? I don't see it as a waste . If Allah have blessed a person with wealth,one of the best ways is to spend on his family. Obviously he should use his wealth wisely and prioritize in channeling it towards beneficial ways for the sake of Allah.

Or maybe I'm wrong ? halal recreation is allowed and if one can afford it by all means I think they should explore the world !
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Old 10-05-2011, 03:34 AM   #3

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How is it a waste Maulana ? by taking your family on a relaxing holiday to enjoy the creation of Allah is a waste? I don't see it as a waste . If Allah have blessed a person with wealth,one of the best ways is to spend on his family. Obviously he should use his wealth wisely and prioritize in channeling it towards beneficial ways for the sake of Allah.

Or maybe I'm wrong ? halal recreation is allowed and if one can afford it by all means I think they should explore the world !
! everyone needs a break once in a few months... otherwise you SNAP! Lol.
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Old 10-05-2011, 02:05 PM   #4

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How is it a waste Maulana ? by taking your family on a relaxing holiday to enjoy the creation of Allah is a waste? I don't see it as a waste . If Allah have blessed a person with wealth,one of the best ways is to spend on his family. Obviously he should use his wealth wisely and prioritize in channeling it towards beneficial ways for the sake of Allah.

Or maybe I'm wrong ? halal recreation is allowed and if one can afford it by all means I think they should explore the world !
It is a waste and these days it more dangerous than recreation (and not halal most of the time):

1) It is a waste because we don't find this kind of thing in Seerah anywhere that Rasool Allah would take his wives to Taif for a trip because the weather there is great.

2) It is a waste because you spend money on something which you really don't need to. For example, a person from Pakistan doesn't need to go to Europe to see the creation of Allah (unless he wants to see the nudity there). He can go to Kashmir.

3) It is DANGEROUS for your IMAN which is very obvious why! What would a Pakistani going to UK for recreation bring back with him?

4) It is dangerous for people to go to South African beaches for recreation. What would they find there? Niqabi women? And if you say they can go to secluded beaches, then they really don't need to travel all the way to south africa just to find a spot on an empty beach.

5) How is it halal recreation when most of the time you have to remove your niqab (most people do it) when you go to some Kafir country?

6) How is it allowed to go to a trip to US for example where the country is full of zina and alcohol.

Doesn't this come into the category of Don't go out of your houses Unnecessarily?

More later.

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Old 10-05-2011, 07:26 PM   #5

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Anything which is halaal without naked women all around you, without music, zina, alcohol, Be hayaai, Fahashi around you.
Living is something else, but going on a vacation to these countries? And on top of that, most of these recreational halal vacation spots are in DARUL HARB. I don't think it will be allowed to go site seeing in darul harb (from outside).
okay, but all over the world there is these "problems", so if you are living in a non muslim country... (just say S.A) and you go to durban or cape town for a holiday, of course you gona find all the above sins taking place at the hotel, on the beach, in the malls, on the streets and just everywhere, which makes it basically the same if you travel abroad to another kuffaar country. so are u gona still say it's haraam to go on holiday to other non muslim countries and we must we rather go to pakistan and india ect. for hols? since seeing its the same things you're facing whether taking a break in you own country or another unislaamic country abroad.
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Old 10-05-2011, 07:42 PM   #6

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okay, but all over the world there is these "problems", so if you are living in a non muslim country... (just say S.A) and you go to durban or cape town for a holiday, of course you gona find all the above sins taking place at the hotel, on the beach, in the malls, on the streets and just everywhere, which makes it basically the same if you travel abroad to another kuffaar country. so are u gona still say it's haraam to go on holiday to other non muslim countries and we must we rather go to pakistan and india ect. for hols? since seeing its the same things you're facing whether taking a break in you own country or another unislaamic country abroad.
if the whole world starts wandering around without clothes, it wouldn't become Halal.

If all the meat in the world becomes Haram because of haram slaugher, then you wouldn't be excused to eat it. You will have to eat vegatables. You can't say, oh I need meat to maintain a healthy diet.

If you don't have any halal holiday places then you can't go. As simple as that.

Best would be to go for UMRAH/HAJJ.

This is not an excuse that your family needs recreational vacation. Remember, dunia itself is a jail for momineen. We don't want to loose our Iman for vacations.

JazakAllah Khairaa

And if you really face all these troubles even inside S.A if you go for vacation, then you can't go. SIMPLE. Stay at home. Just because a woman wears a burqa, doesn't mean that she can go anywhere she wants to.

Just how our Akabir Ulama have given Fatwas that it's haram to go to Mixed weddings, it is greater Haram to go to naked beaches.
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Old 10-05-2011, 09:07 PM   #7

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South Africa isn't Darul Harb

Not everyone can go Hajj/Umrah. And all I hear is that Allah is the one who calls to His House. So until Allah calls, that's impossible.

If a person makes sure to go to a place without fitnah, then I see nothing wrong. In fact many Ulama go on such vacations.
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Old 10-05-2011, 09:17 PM   #8

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South Africa isn't Darul Harb

Not everyone can go Hajj/Umrah. And all I hear is that Allah is the one who calls to His House. So until Allah calls, that's impossible.

If a person makes sure to go to a place without fitnah, then I see nothing wrong. In fact many Ulama go on such vacations.
South Africa is not darul harb ofcourse but it is Darul Fahashi and one friend of mine said that he had to go to cape town from Durban (where he lives) just to enjoy a fitnah free beach. So it must be very fitnah-full that he didn't go to a beach of his own city!

Secondly, maybe Ulama have high imans thats why they can go, but personally I can't go to such places and bring back my Iman intact!

Thirdly, even if we accept that you don't get affected by such places but how about your children? Can they withstand all the fahashi?

I'm 90% sure it's not allowed to go to such places and beaches as it is not allowed to go to mixed weddings.
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Old 10-05-2011, 09:53 PM   #9

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South Africa is not darul harb ofcourse but it is Darul Fahashi and one friend of mine said that he had to go to cape town from Durban (where he lives) just to enjoy a fitnah free beach. So it must be very fitnah-full that he didn't go to a beach of his own city!

Secondly, maybe Ulama have high imans thats why they can go, but personally I can't go to such places and bring back my Iman intact!

Thirdly, even if we accept that you don't get affected by such places but how about your children? Can they withstand all the fahashi?

I'm 90% sure it's not allowed to go to such places and beaches as it is not allowed to go to mixed weddings.
1. There are beaches a person can go to in Durban where there won't be fitnah.

2. If it is so wrong, Ulama shouldn't go either. Laymen are taabi' of Ulama.

3. There is Fahashi everywhere, save perhaps Makkah and Madeenah, although even there according to Moulana Yunus Patel saheb you could hear musical tones by the Rawda. Obviously we'll take our kids to fitna free places, as we ourselves go.

4. Yes, its wrong to go to such places if there is fitna there. However if there isn't, what is so wrong?
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Old 10-05-2011, 09:58 PM   #10

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The problem here is that we have become totally desensitised to the fahshaah around us. We simply do not feel the trepidation of Imaan to the level which we need to. What Maulana Taliban is saying is 100% correct insha'Allah. If you read Mukhtasar Minhaj Al Qasidin of Imam Ibn Qudama it mentions clearly the impermissibility of tourism just for sightseeing. If you want to reflect on Allah Ta'ala's creation then this can be done in your own home. There is absolutely no need to waste money and enter into haraam or at the least doubtful matters.

If it is possbile to safeguard all deeni injunctions then a recreational break to spend time with your family then I hope that Allah Ta'ala will excuse the expenditure made. Spending on ones family does not mean squandering hundreds of pounds/rands to go on holiday even if it is to go for Hajj/Umrah. If the niyyah is for holiday then what type of a niyyah is this?

Has this practise been recorded from our righteous predecessors that they took their famililes on holidays. For a mu'min it is possible to have a hoilday righ tin his/her own home.

However, I do understand that for us who have lived and are even born in western culture to go on holiday is a must and this has seeped into us. It is impossible to live in this type of environment and come out unscathed.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all ma'rifah.
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Old 10-05-2011, 10:00 PM   #11

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I cannot see the benefit or the permissibility if going to a beach full of half naked men and women and would avoid it at all cost. But not all beaches are like this. The beach in Wales that I referred to earlier had very little people on it anyway;mostly old people with cardigans and walking sticks. The beach in Durban, where we spent a week on the beachfront had times of the day and ceratin where it was quite private. People in the distance yes, but no uncovered flesh right in front of you. In fact, there is often more nudity on the streets on a hot day in a country where sun is rare than on a South African beach. Barbados too; I am told there are many times and places where the beaches provide not only a refuge from nudity, but enough seclusion for a woman to lift her niqab.
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Old 10-05-2011, 10:02 PM   #12

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@sister Sudoku - The practise of the Ulama in this age of immorality is not a given to model your life on. It will be no excuse on yaum-ul-qiyaamah that I went on holiday and got dragged into haraam even unintentionally and then say that it was Maulana so and so did so.

It is very difficult to find the true Ulama-e-Haqq. They are rarer than the finest pearls. As Qiyaamah nears it will be even harder and true ilm will disappear.

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Old 10-05-2011, 10:05 PM   #13

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I cannot see the benefit or the permissibility if going to a beach full of half naked men and women and would avoid it at all cost. But not all beaches are like this. The beach in Wales that I referred to earlier had very little people on it anyway;mostly old people with cardigans and walking sticks. The beach in Durban, where we spent a week on the beachfront had times of the day and ceratin where it was quite private. People in the distance yes, but no uncovered flesh right in front of you. In fact, there is often more nudity on the streets on a hot day in a country where sun is rare than on a South African beach. Barbados too; I am told there are many times and places where the beaches provide not only a refuge from nudity, but enough seclusion for a woman to lift her niqab.
You have to use common sense as well. A person going at noon to the beach on Sunday, what else will they expect but see a bunch of semi naked people? That's why most of the time my husband and I go early morning or night time, when there is no one in a bathing suit around. Plus we don't even go on the sand The pier is where you best see the power Allah has given the waves of the sea. Perhaps we are weak in Emaan, but seeing the creation of Allah like the ocean and fish is truly awe inspiring and makes you think !!!

@ br abd- If the 'aalim is going to a perfectly fitna free place, then why not. the 'ulama I know would never even step on Durban's famous 'Beachfront'. I follow ulama such as Mufti Ebrahim Desai & Moulana Yunus Patel .
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:04 AM   #14

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Send him with us tomorrow that he may eat well and play. And indeed, we will be his guardians. Al-Quran: 12:12
Permissibility of a trip for pleasure
-Maariful Quran

Anyways I am also against spending too much of money in the name of spending holidays but as far as some relaxation from time to time like going out with family, I think it is good provided there is no fear of falling into fitna. Allahu alam
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:04 AM   #15

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! everyone needs a break once in a few months... otherwise you SNAP! Lol.
Thats why its necessary to stay away from Media. It dictates your life.
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:08 AM   #16

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Send him with us tomorrow that he may eat well and play. And indeed, we will be his guardians. Al-Quran: 12:12
Permissibility of a trip for pleasure

Anyways I am also against spending too much of money in the name of spending holidays but as far as some relaxation from time to time like going out with family, I think it is good provided there is no fear of falling into fitna. Allahu alam
It wasn't a holiday trip to a darul harb or a country with naked men/women all around you. Most probably they went for hunting. And it was all men going to a forest. Not on beaches!

And the most important thing to remember is that Our Nabi and our Sahaba are the first role models for us.
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:13 AM   #17

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It wasn't a holiday trip to a darul harb or a country with naked men/women all around you. Most probably they went for hunting. And it was all men going to a forest. Not on beaches!

And the most important thing to remember is that Our Nabi and our Sahaba are the first role models for us.
Does the child really hunt? I think they were saying like let him play and thus enjoy his time. I heard in a bayan it was about picnics. I think there is nothing wrong if one wants to have a good time outside provided there is no fitna. Allahu alam.
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:13 AM   #18

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1. There are beaches a person can go to in Durban where there won't be fitnah.
A person can go to a place in his own city. The main problem is wasting huge amounts of money like 20-30,000 Riyals on a pleasure trip to Malaysia or to Canada!

2. If it is so wrong, Ulama shouldn't go either. Laymen are taabi' of Ulama. Actions of 'Ulama have never been Hujjah. Only Sahaba hold that honour.

3. There is Fahashi everywhere, save perhaps Makkah and Madeenah, although even there according to Moulana Yunus Patel saheb you could hear musical tones by the Rawda. Obviously we'll take our kids to fitna free places, as we ourselves go. You hear musical tones by the Rawdha only once in a blue moon and the administration tries its best to stop that. You don't see other kinds of Fahashi in the whole of Saudia. Musical tones are not Fahashi.

4. Yes, its wrong to go to such places if there is fitna there. However if there isn't, what is so wrong? ان المبذرين كانوا اخوان الشياطين

Over-spenders are the brothers of Shayateen.
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:15 AM   #19

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Does the child really hunt? I think they were saying like let him play. I heard in a bayan it was about picnics. I think there is nothing wrong if one wants to have a good time outside provided there is no fitna. Allahu alam.
That's what I"m saying. You are most welcome to go to a place inside your city where you live. But spending millions to go to a beach in South Africa is just Waste of MONEY and ALLAH WILL ASK ABOUT IT!

  • They were going to a secluded place inside their own city/village.
  • There was no spending of millions on air tickets.
  • There were no naked women around.
  • There was no open display of Fahashi on streets (like you see in UK,US).
  • There was no spending millions on 5 star hotels.
  • There was no time wasted on discussing the standard and stars of hotels.

Just as the brother said, our minds are so corrupted by the media that we think it's farz to go on holidays otherwise we will face a Holiday deficiency....

The whole thing to remember is that we came here in this world for a limited time. Allah has again and again told us to strive hard to attain Jannah. وسارعوا الي مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات والارض - Run towards Allah's forgiveness and the Jannah who's width is like that of the skies and earth.

Sahaba understood this. That is why you don't see them wasting time. They didn't go on leisure trips. Actually Sahaba did not even indulge in Dunia much. I read in one book Hazrat Umar told some Sahaba who had indulged in farming that whoever indulges himself in farming and leaves the Path of Allah, i will put Jiziya on him.

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Old 10-06-2011, 01:17 AM   #20

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A person can go to a place in his own city. The main problem is wasting huge amounts of money like 20-30,000 Riyals on a pleasure trip to Malaysia or to Canada!

Over-spenders are the brothers of Shayateen.
I agree with this for I too somehow hate spending more money in the name of holiday trips. Allahu alam
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