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Old 10-01-2011, 11:56 PM   #1

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Default What if sahaba(rd) were alive today?
let share inshallah some statement or stories of salaf, where they mentioned how would sahaba(rd) or prophet might have behave by seeing the environment of salaf time. (so that we can think more deeply how sahaba(rd) might have act if they were present today).

here is one:

Mu`awiyah bin Murrah, “I lived during the time of seventy of the Companions of Muhammad, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, and had they lived among you today, they would not recognize any of your acts except the Adhan!” [Hilyat al Awliya 2/299]
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Old 10-02-2011, 12:00 AM   #2

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The following is a description of the the Companions of the Prophet (saw) by Hasan Al Basri (rahimahullah). Taken from the english translation of : Saviours of Islamic Spirit-By Sheikh Abul Hasa Ali Nadvi.

Description of the Sahabah

Hasan Al Basari comparing the moral conditions of his own times with that of the Prophet's companions and delineating(outlining) the Islamic ethics, he observes:
(describing people of his times)
"Alas, people have gone to rack and ruin through their own fond hopes and daydreams,
they talk but do not act;
knowledge is there but without endurance,
faith they have, but no conviction,
men are here, but without brains;
a crowd here is , but not a single soul agreeable to one's heart;
people come here simply to go away;
they acknowledge the truth , then deny it and make things lawful and unlawful at their sweetwill.
Is your religion a sensual delight?
If you are asked 'Do you have faith in the Day of Judgment?'
You say: 'Yes' But , No, it is not so! I swear by the Lord o the Day of Requital that your answer is wrong.

(then Describes the Sahaba)
It's only beseeming(matching) for the faithful that he should be sound of faith and a man of conviction, his knowledge entails forbearance(patience) as moderation is an adornment for the learned. He is wise but soft-hearted, well dressed and restrained in order to conceal his indegenre, never prodigal(extravagant) even if a man of substance, charitable and compassionate to the destitute, large-hearted and generous in giving to the kinsfolk their due, strenuous and unflinching in providing justice to others; never crosses the prescribed limits in favoring his near and dear ones not does he find fault or cull out the errors of those whom he dislikes. A Muslim is indifferent to revilings and taunting, frolics and sports, decrials and backbitings. He never runs after what is not his right nor denies what he owes to others, never debases himself in seeking an apology nor takes delight in the misfortune or misdeed of others."

" Humble and submissive, devoted and enchanted, as a faithful is in his prayers, he is a messenger of cheer, his endurance is owing to the awe of Allah; his silence is for meditation and reflection; he pays attention for edification and instruction; he seeks company of the learned for acquiring knowledge; keeps mum to avoid transgression; and if he speaks, he speaks to spread the virtue. A Muslim is pleased when he acts virtuously; entreats forgiveness from the Lord when he goes astray, complains when he is aggrieved only to make for the loss sustained; is patient and prudent when an illiterate joins issue with him; proves enduring when ill-treated, he is never unjust and never seeks succor or protection from anyone save Allah the Almighty."

" Dignified in the company of their friends, praising Allah when they were left alone, content with the lawful gains. Grateful when easy of means. resigned when in distress. remembering Allah Almighty among the indolent(inactive) and craving the grace of Allah when among the pious. Such were the companions of the Prophet(saw), their associates and friends. No matter what station they occupied in life. they were held in high esteem by their compatriots and when they died, their spirit took flight to the blessed Companionship on High, as the most celebrated souls. O' Muslims, these where your righteous ancestors, but when you deviated from the right path, Allah Almighty too withheld his blessings from you. ' Lo' Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in their hearts, and if Allah willeth misfortune for a fold there is none that can repel it, nor have they a defender beside Him.' (Ar-Ra'd-11)"
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Old 10-02-2011, 02:36 AM   #3

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Khalid Bin Al-Walid had appointed his commandar Dhirar Bin Al-Azwan to attack the Byzantines as part of the war strategy against the Byzantine empire. Dhirar took his orders and engaged the enemy but was captured in the ensueing raids. When Khalid came to pursue the Byzantine army he noticed a lone warrior attacking and killing many of the enemy soldiers and withdrawing. Attacking, killing and withdrawing again. Khalid demanded that the lone warrior make himself known. The warrior obliged and came before Khalid removing the head covering and stated clearly ?I am Khaula sister of Dhirar?...

and from that she began telling Khalid that she was of mind to attack the Byzantines and free her brother. Khalid was very impressed by this display of courage and her skill with the spear so he asked her to join the war against the Byzantines to free Dhirar, she accepted. They ambushed the Byzantine contingent which guarded Dhirar and Khaula fought visciously and killed many men ending the battle with a decisive victory for the Muslims and freedom for her beloved brother, who was also one of the most famous warriors of Islamic history, our beloved Dhirar Bin Al-Azwan The Naked Fighter! He was given this loving nickname because he would throw off his armour and shirt when combating an enemy as a sign of wishing martyrdom and dedication to death in battle.
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Old 10-02-2011, 02:46 AM   #4

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wa rahmatullah,

^^ Khawlah bint al-Azwar is a mythical character, see here.

On the topic :
Umm Al-Dardâ` [the Younger] – Allâh be pleased with her – reports:

One day, Abû Al-Dardâ` came home angry, so I asked him, “What has made you so angry?” He replied, “By Allâh, I do not recognize anything from the Ummah of Muhammad except that they pray (salâh) in congregation.”

Al-Bukhârî, Al-Sahîh, Chapter on the Virtue of Praying Al-Fajr in Congregation.

We learn from this narration:

· Prayer (salâh) in congregation is from the characteristics of the Ummah of Allâh’s Messenger – Allâh’s peace and blessings be upon him.

· The noble Companion Abû Al-Dardâ` was conveying the idea that deficiency and negative changes had begun to creep in to the practices of the Muslims, and he wanted to point out this evil so that people could be aware and try to keep to the original teachings. Al-Hâfidh Ibn Hajr states, “Abû Al-Dardâ` intended to point out that all the deeds of those mentioned had suffered some degree of deficiency and change, except praying in congregation. This [change] is relative, for the condition of the people during the time of the Prophet was better compared to how it changed after that time; and during the time of the Two Shaykhs (Abû Bakr and ‘Umar) it was better compared to how it was after them. It is as if this concern came from Abû Al-Dardâ` towards the end of his life – during the latter part of ‘Uthmân’s Caliphate. And just imagine, if that virtuous generation was described by Abû Al-Dardâ` as it was, then what about those who came after them up to our own time?!”

· This narration shows us that we should be angry if some aspect of the religion is changed, and that renouncing evil can be done by showing one’s anger if one is not able to do any more than that.

Taken from Fath Al-Bârî of Ibn Rajab and Fath Al-Bârî of Ibn Hajr; both of which are commentaries on Sahîh Al-Bukhârî.
- Sayings of the salafs
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