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#1 |
Assalamu alaykum
I was contemplating the ex muslim webistes and I came to a conclusion. The non muslims want to destory islam, because they know if all the muslim lands are united as a khilafah with the same sort of power as the US or USSR or china inshAllah, this will be sorry news for everyone except the muslims. As they have tried killing us en masse and it didnt work, they devised a new plan, to plit us into little statelets, put dictators at their heads with strict orders to oppress islam as much as possible while psuhing anything else except islam (whetehr it be communism, secular democracy etc). Now that we were divided up, it is easier to target each little group with means of bringing them away from islam, so they plot and plan on courses fo action for this country or that country and what the next move to make is. They realised we still wouldnt leave islam despite decades under the kinf od circumstances tunisians and turkish have faced, and that nwo we live in teh information age, a new strategy was born. A movement starts from a group of people. In order for the muslims to leave islam, it would take an initial group to leave first, and then it would pick up pace and more would follow, this pattern can be observed anywhere from the spread of atheism, to things like the french revolution etc, you will see it starts from a few people and builds into a movement. The one problem they face however, is getting that spark. As most muslims are vbecoming more religious, they felt the need to synthetically try to create a spark by pumping kufr ideologies into the muslim minds, and at the same time trying to create a synthetic movement of non muslims that cause a snowball effect. So while they push so called liberal freedoms in our lands, they are also busy creating ex muslim movements in the west that they hope will spread and snowball into the muslim lands. So they get some genuine ex muslims, make them prominent, and then add a load of fake invented ex muslims behind computer screens in a CIA office somewhere in the US or MI5 office who try to create loads more online "ex muslims" in order to make the movement look bulkier. When they see that even then, the next genertaion of muslims are becoming even more religious, they need to take more action so they gradually start banning islam from us, from the hijab/niqab, to minerats, to praying in streets, to halal meet, to creating hostile groups of skin herad thugs to intimdate you into removing your muslim appearance in favour of a western appearance etc. Here is the debunking of some so called ex muslims: This is my theory on why an "ex muslim" movement is being synthasised by the west and government money is being thrown at any apostate who will speak in public, what do you think? Do you agree that this is their plan? No doubt teh kuffar are plotting on a serious level and we need to be plotting also inshAllah and also praying to our lord as our lord is the best of plotters, so let us make efforts against teh plans of the kuffar, may Allah humiliate his enemies in this life and the next and bring their plans to destruction, ameen. Also, let us remember, the idiots who do leave islam are generally not knowledgable or cultivated upon islam, so its very important that we create a REAL grass roots movement in all the muslim communituies, with knowledge, respect for our deen activities, love and respect for our people of knowledge, action upon islam, so that we create the opposite effect to what the kuffar hope for, and we build up a youth islamic movement inshALlah, whether we are united and showing concern for the oppression against muslims at rallys or talks from ex detainees, or raising money for muslim lands in poverty, or we are attending lectyures, courses or conferences, or spending itikaaf together in the masjid, or having days out to do fun activities like paintballing or eating food, let us build up a strong islamic identity inshAllah and love for islam, and lives that revolve around islam, and let us sacrifice our wealth and time for these efforts inshAllah, pour your money into worthwhile projects, do everythign you can insHAllah, and inshAlllah on the yawmil quiyama you will be able to face your lord knowing at least you were doing something to better the musilms condition. May Allah rectify us and give us streghth. Allah knows best. Anything good was from Allah, all errors are mine |
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#3 |
A brother has suggested we make an ex kafir council of britain. Who thinks this woudl be a good idea and who will contirbute? I will buy teh webspace inshAllah if brotehrs and sisters will contibute to teh effort inshAllah? ![]() Its a nice idea, but must be done under care. It would be really nice if there is a scholar to advice us on the dos and do nots. |
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#4 |
![]() No idea whether the ex-muslims are a genuine movement or not, some of them seem to be genuine while other's are quite controversial and never seemed to be religious at all. Anyway, behind all that comedy that they have set up and the physical journey they've been through, they have also been through a spirital journey that brought them where they are today. Some of them give an excuse that they just met bad people, or elements of religion like hell that they don't agree with while other's say that muslims are bad people and therefore Islam cannot be true. The real problem is the state of their heart, the outward elements they point too are merely justifications for who they are. I'd say leave them, life is short and God knows best what their destination will be. I still don't understand why people don't people in Islam but I do know how it feels like. For a very long time this question was bugging me: 'How can you not believe?', especally if there are no downsides. You'll face ultimate happiness in having faith and it's certainly not a burden, who wouldn't want that? Till one day I woke up and all of a sudden I noticed that I had no imaan, there was a dark void somewhere in my heart. My knowledge had not increased or decreased, it's simply that I just didn't believe anymore in all that I knew and nothing could help bringing back that imaan, it was quite frightening and depressing by realising that all my efforts where pointless. Two or three days later when I woke up, everything was back, the whole dimension of imaan was there as if it had never left my heart. I don't want to sound arrogant, but I sincerely believe that, that is how Allah ![]() how easily it can be taken away and how precious this gift is. So be careful how you act and behave and be conscious of the state of your heart.... |
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#5 |
![]() I would sincerely suggest we stay away from such sites. In the guise of 'research' we will end up encountering a LOT of information which is specifically designed to sow doubts in our hearts. Alhumdullilah, I, like you, am firm in my faith and convictions. But that does not mean I need to test it. I'll give you a crude example, it's better, and easier for us to practice lowering our gaze when we're in good company, e.g. in a masjid. it's much harder in a low place, like the high street at midnight. Why would I go to the high street, if it's better I mix with good company? This does not mean there shouldn't be people tackling this issue. There probably should be. But I would prefer if our best and brightest tackled the problems afflicting Muslims before some become 'ex'. I'm sure you all know the phrase, a stich in time saves nine. Let's get to the problems 'on time'. E.g. let's explore the interface between culture and religion. Where do people mistake one for the other? And why does it cause people to resent Islam? How are the ways we can inculcate Islamic behaviour into our lives? How can we shed cultural practices contrary to Sharia? ![]() |
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