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Old 09-22-2011, 04:48 PM   #1

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Default Why has Salaah Become So Difficult?
Al Salamu Alykum guys I hope some of you might be able to help me. Recently I've been finding Salaah incredibly difficult to preform. I forget almost everything I said and have too much waswasu in my head when reciting the Quran. I often find myself repeating the prayer over and over and over to the point I've become incredibly frustrated. For example sometimes it takes me up half an hour just to preform two rakaat because I go back,stall and start again etc.
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Old 09-22-2011, 05:50 PM   #2

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Al Salamu Alykum guys I hope some of you might be able to help me. Recently I've been finding Salaah incredibly difficult to preform. I forget almost everything I said and have too much waswasu in my head when reciting the Quran. I often find myself repeating the prayer over and over and over to the point I've become incredibly frustrated. For example sometimes it takes me up half an hour just to preform two rakaat because I go back,stall and start again etc.
hmmmm. i think alot of people go through the same thing sometime in their life, i did anyway! the best thing is just to IGNORE the wasaawis! just strat your salaah, concentrate to the best of your ability, recite everything only once(or just the prescribed amount of times), complete your salaah, and DON'T repeat it, even if you feel everything was wrong and your salaah is'nt accepted! its just about the only way to handle this. if you keep on giving into the wasaawis and repeating your salaah a million times over you become so frustrated that you dont even feel like going to read salaah... and then shaytaan wins!!!
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Old 09-22-2011, 06:19 PM   #3

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Don't go into Salah directly. First go to your prayer place, sit there for 10 mins and meditate. For 10 mins repeat in your mind what you have to do in Salah. Meditate that you have to stand before Allah, you can't make a mistake! Read the 3 quls 3 times and Ayat al kursi 3 times to keep Shaytaan away.

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Old 09-22-2011, 07:45 PM   #4

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Don't go into Salah directly. First go to your prayer place, sit there for 10 mins and meditate. For 10 mins repeat in your mind what you have to do in Salah. Meditate that you have to stand before Allah, you can't make a mistake! Read the 3 quls 3 times and Ayat al kursi 3 times to keep Shaytaan away.


Will keep that in mind.
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Old 09-23-2011, 02:10 AM   #5

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Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi t3ala wa barakatuhu sister,
Some advice for myself first, then you. May ALLAH t3ala give us all the tawfeeq to act upon this advice, aameen thumma aameen

You have to remind yourself who your standing in front of. Is he just some random person?
Is he a friend? How would you approach a person of big status like a king? Remember
the one who you are approaching is your creator; The king of ALL kings! When you think about his status, and that hes capable of anything and everything.

Also, like brother taliban recommended, the ulema always advice not to rush right to salah.
Make ablution about 10-5 minutes before salah time, sit down on the prayer mat, and do
zikr from your heart, ponder over who you are about to talk to. You have to take your
heart and mind out of your daily activites, and bring them towards your salah. Salah is
the only ibaadah in islam in which you do takbeer (raising your hands to your
shoulders/earlobes, and saying ALLAHU akbar), and you know why?
Raising your hand to your shoulders is a sign that you are leaving everything, the
world, anything that concerns it, all thoughts behind you,
and now you are approaching ALLAH t3ala. InshaALLAH t3ala when you do this,
your brain will get the time to take itself
out of the worldy activities, and concentrate in salah.

Once you start your prayer, you need to keep on reminding yourself, You are in salah,
ALLAH t3ala has moved all the curtains out of the way, Its just you and him, without
ANYTHING in the middle, you are talking to him, Your tongue is reciting the beautiful
words of ALLAH t3ala. Think about what you are reading (read the translation of the
surahs you are going to read if you dont understand arabic), It will help you concentrate
in your salah, and enjoy even more. Dont rush in your salah, take a second to recall what
your doing before every rukn (before ruku, think that you are bowing in front of ALLAH t3ala,
out of humility, make yourself feel humble), and everytime you see subhana rabbiyal azeem,
subhana rabbiyal a'ala think what your saying, make yourself say it from your heart.
Believe what you say, He is very almighty, he is very exalted.

When you go to sajdah, imagine your putting your palms and head on the the feet of ALLAH t3ala the almighty (ofcourse, ALLAH t3ala doesnt have features like us, and we dont know the reality of them)
(I heard this in a bayan, and have been doing it since then, and it is very beneficial), you will feel like
crying when you imagine it, and you will start to mean what you say.

The whole time while you pray sister, fight with yourself! Keep your mind out of wordly thoughts! Remember a prayer in which a person fights his nafs, and reminds himself what hes doing, and tries
to keep his mind in salah, is better, and gets more ajar, then someone who prays easily without and difficulty. There is an example given by the ulema, that there is a guy who sells fruits, he has a cart,
which he walks around with selling the fruits, and when the Muazzin gives the azan, he immedietly stops, and goes towards the masjid, and covers his cart, and enters the masjid to pray. While hes praying, hes so worried, that someone will steal something from the cart, and the whole time while hes praying, hes constantly tries to fight his nafs, and tries to concentrate in his prayer. There is another man who is old, and has retired, he doesnt have any duties, so he easily prays with concentration, without any difficulty. Whos prayer do you think is more virtious? who gets more good deeds? If you said the person who sells fruits, your correct! That is because he prays with difficulty, and whenever someone has difficulty in ibaadah, he gets double good deeds.

Finally, Ask ALLAH t3ala for khushoo3, and khudhoo3, and to give you the halawah of ibaadah (abstain from sins, you will be blessed with the halawah of imaan), cry and make lots of duas for ME *smile*, yourself, and the rest of the ummah!
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Old 09-23-2011, 02:16 AM   #6

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beauuutiful post masha-allah, may ALLAH TA'AALA reward you for your time.
JennaJJxoxoxo is offline

Old 09-24-2011, 02:32 AM   #7

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aameen thumma aameen,
jazakumullah t3ala khairan

Sister, remember me in your duas
May ALLAH t3ala give me the tawfeeq to act upon my every word, aameen thumma aameen
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Old 09-24-2011, 02:46 AM   #8

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aameen thumma aameen,
jazakumullah t3ala khairan

Sister, remember me in your duas
May ALLAH t3ala give me the tawfeeq to act upon my every word, aameen thumma aameen
ameen. remember me in your duas tooo!
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:07 AM   #9

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, you have received some thoughtful replies already. Just like another brother or sister said, I think we all go through the same, sometimes more than others.

I will kind of repeat much of what has already been said... don't let the waswasu get to you at all. If you end up repeating your salah several times, then you are letting shaytaan accomplish exactly what his accursed self set out to do.

Try to pray the fardh salah in Masjid as much as possible, as that helps greatly as well. I find the masjid to be more of a shaytaan-free zone.

One thing I like to do at times, even if I am praying alone, is to make Adhan before praying. Why? Due to it's effect on shaytaan.

Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Number 0756:

Abu Huraira reported: The Apostle (may peace be upon him) said When the call to prayer is made, Satan runs back and breaks wind so as not to hear the call being made, and when the call is finished. he turns round. When Iqama is proclaimed he turns his back, and when it is finished he turns round to distract a man, saying: Re- member such and such; remember such and such, referring to something the man did not have in his mind, with the result that he does not know how much he has prayed. So, since Adhan makes shaytaan run, , it certainly helps to make Adhaan before salaah. You don't have to do it in a loud voice for the entire house to hear if you don't feel comfortable doing so, but just doing so in your own room or wherever you are praying, in a low voice will suffice.

The bottom line is... seek refuge in Allah from satan the accursed, make wudhu, make salat, make it once and try your sincere best to make it right. Do not repeat your salaah over and over.

"Allah intends for you ease, and does not want to make things difficult for you" [2:185]

"Allah does not want to place you in difficulty" [5:6].

Such easiness is well explained in the hadeeth reported by Abu Hurairah, radiya Allahu 'anhu, that the Prophet, salla Allaahu 'alaihe wasallam, said, "Religion is easy..." [Bukhari], he also said; "The best of your religion, is the easiest." [Ahmad] What you are currently doing is placing yourself in difficulty. Allah does not wish so as He has clearly told us in the Quran.

Also, make dua and beg Allah to rid of you shaytaans waswasu during salah and all the time, and He will help you.

The true test is to stick through times like this and make it out on the other side, stronger than before, .

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