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#21 |
First thing needed to be asked is why there are so many women in the Islamic world selling there body? I would guess much of it comes down to poverty and the state not making sure these people are provided for.
Secondly prostitution, just like HIV, drug and alcohol abuse must not be ignored or brushed under the carpet. These things are happening all over the Islamic world but there is still too much denial. |
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#22 |
Being a gyneologist i get a lot girls in my clinic many of them muslims, the problem out there is very big in London and in BIrmingham and the big cities.
I get a lot of Asian, Somali and Arab girls coming through the doors with various STD's. Many of them drug addicts , running away from a forced marriage, forced into prostituiton emotional black mail etc. I see the same things i saw when use to work in Damascus disgusting behaviour of some men that go to these woman . Poverty is not a reason for those living in the west it other reasons like drugs and emotional and mental issues. alhamdulilah i got a couple through rehab, many i tried to help have families now and are happilty married but so many do i see yearly that are inches away from death. they come in with lung infections , chronic diseases , mental problems , many have been raped multiple times . by allah it hurts to see this but our imams are doing nothing about the community there are so out of touch |
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#25 |
Being a gyneologist i get a lot girls in my clinic many of them muslims, the problem out there is very big in London and in BIrmingham and the big cities. Honestly, I can understand your feelings, but you must understand this as well. Our Imams of the Masjid are mere paid workers. People like you are in a better position to help the community than them. Their every speech is being listened to skeptically. The slightest mistake they make, they're kicked out of the masajid by the "Committee". It's not just the case in UK, it's everywhere. Our masajid are filled with hypocrites who just want to "rule" over them. You're speaking of UK, Imagine the same happening in Karachi, less than 1 kilometer from a highly beneficial Khanqah ( Imdadia Ashrafia ) and one of the best Madaris ( Ahsanululoom ). There are actually professional doctors who make most of their living through murder ( Abortions ). One can only hope to keep themselves away from Sin nowadays. As per hadeeth, those who remain steadfast in the times of fitnah will get the reward of the Shuhada of Uhud, or so I've heard from Sheikh Riyadhul Haqq. |
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#26 |
Also a recent problem in our community here in Minnesota:
29 charged in bust of sex slave ring tied to 3 Minneapolis gangs |
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#27 |
Shukran for posting this!
This is a big topic. And almost untouched. The irony of it- the topic of rape has more hayya on it than the brothers who indulge in it! I've heard a lot of stories about sisters getting raped and abused in Canada and the USA. It boggles my mind how common this is. Often its at a young age, a family relative or aunt or family friend that the family is very close to. They stay silent because its their honor which is in question. Some of the sisters are just so naive and innocent, its easy for a male to trap them. It makes your heart bleed. How does the sister go to the masjid when the one who raped her is there? Prostitution is not rare either. Why would it be? We know pornography is very popular in the Muslim world, is it inconceivable to service a whore-house? There were projects in Pakistan to rehabilitate the prostitutes and get them married and to take care of them. I don't know how that is going. There are more slaves no in the world, more slaves in the Western hemisphere now than there ever was- in the form of sexual slavery. That is a fact. Do Muslims have the strength to challenge this? Why is this as big a problem as it is? Are we that sexually frustrated or is it that many of us simply are too greedy? Or have our hearts dried up? Have we really addressed poverty? By Allah, this is an injustice that the ummah needs to confront before it is our sisters and mothers who are dragged into this humiliation! Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam said: 'Allah raises the nation that honors its women and debases a nation that degrades its women.' Some links: |
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#28 |
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#29 |
Brothers and sisters, |
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#31 |
Being a gyneologist i get a lot girls in my clinic many of them muslims, the problem out there is very big in London and in BIrmingham and the big cities. |
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#32 |
truly and utterly sad reading that. may i ask which city in the UK you work/practice in sister? it's a sad state of affairs out there and the problem in london is no phenomenal i have and Egyptian who is a gyno like me and she tells me that abortions amongst muslim girls is so high its not normal . and she says most parents wouldn't know that sweet habiba in her jilbaab is carrying a child allah mustaan may allah rectify this ummah |
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#35 |
is this thread about muslim protitution ( women standing in street corner etc) or just zina in general amongst the muslims. if its the latter this is a old problem which is just having a snow ball effect getting worse and worse as time goes by. unless something is done there will be more muslims who indulge in this filthy act than the ones who dont ( if that aint the case already). we have sleep walked into this situation. you wouldnt have heard about these cases in the 60s and 70s when the muslims first came here but now its the order of the day. we only have ourselfs to blame. when the muslims left salaah the alarm bells should of start ringing. as umar (ra) said as he was dying 'there is no portion of islaam for the one who abandons salaah' then came the issue of hijaabs and jilbaals become more trendy to the extent its normal in east london to find women in the most tightest and revealing of clothes with a silly pink hijab on. the muslims then became relaxed on the issues of purdah to such an extent we hear heart aching stories about muslims commiting zina with their own brothers wife or wifes husband. i was told of one incident which made me sick. a guy went for haj and during that time his wife inviting her boyfriend over. when the husband came back he wasnt even allowed back into the house the police and courts got involved turned out the wife was in the right. laa howla wala qoowata. anyway the main point i wanted to make and iv said it before is what ever sins and crimes the kuffar are involved the muslims are doing the same. walaahi they are. cant remember to hadith exaactly but to the nearast meaning rasoolullah (saw) said ' my ummah will follow the kuffar step by step to such an extent if they entered a lizards hole so shall the muslims' there is no point in trying to make it harder for muslims to do zina as they will always find away its not very difficult espeically here in the uk. we must get to the root of the problem which will automatically solve all the problems. from my own experince majority of the muslims who are committing zina, drugs, alchahol their parents are just as bad. their mothers dress like prostitues themselfs, their fathers have no shame about it and even happy for her to speak to his mates. i even know of muslims who say their parents are ok with them have boyfriends and girlfriends as long as they dont have sex walahi im not lying when i say this. they bring their children up watching bollywood and eastenders then come crying to the masjid saying someones doen jaadu on their child when they return home pregenant or arrested for drug abuse. dont want to sound pestamistic but i cant see any solution to this problem as the problem lies with the parents most of the time. a fool only raises a fool. i dont even care for such people anymore there are more deserving muslims in the world who deserve my duas, tears and blood not these romeos and juliiets. fianlly recently on the national papers there was an article about this operation women have so it hides they are not virgins. didnt come as a suprise it was mostly muslims from pakistani and indian background followed closely by arab. i think instead of worrying about these scum we should make utmost to protect ourselfs from this desease and our children and future generations |
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#36 |
Mainly due to western influences and secularization! And the West has decriminalized all sex outside of marriage and rendered it a 'human right' for all the world to embrace. Their position is the individual should be free to choose and consent, and that men and women are equal. But in reality, men are the more aggressive gender, resulting in women succumbing to men's desires. Men persuade women to consent to sex even against their own interests. Thus, prostitution is legalized to grant women who succumb to male desires some protection and legitimacy. But in reality, men use legalized prostitution as a front for sex slavery, pimping, trafficking. The West continues to lead the world down the path of fahsha and corruption of society. Girls are kidnapped or sold or manipulated into prostitution and sex slavery like they were for 1000s of years. There are now more slaves in the world than at any time in history and a growing percentage of them are sex slaves. The rulers of the Muslim world have betrayed Islam and the Ummah by catering to Western pressure to varying degrees. Egypt is a secular Arab republic adopting socialism. This has meant the government grants the evil secularists and murtad media producers the freedom to make porn and media encouraging fahsha, while placating ulama every once in a while. The Prophet (saaw) said: the imam is a shield behind who you fight and behind who you seek protection. The Muslim Ummah needs an 'imam'. Allah AWJ requires it. |
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#37 |
Yes, the absence of the Islamic state provides the void which has been filled by Western ideology of secularization. The impression you're giving here is that when we had an Islamic state, men satisfied themselves solely through their wives. You're ignoring the fact that having concubines was very normal. The problem now seems to be the fact that having four wives is discouraged and men can't have sex slaves anymore. |
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#38 |
All you hypercrites ever do is say onething and do another, its about time you grow up. What are Muslim prostitutes? There's no such thing. There a bunch a Kaffir! What do you guys mean Muslim countries there isnt any, its all a blind eye for example, Pakistan every corner in the UK has a pub every corner in pakistan has a "palm hand" fortune tellers. This isnt practising Islam this is Shirk... Open your Eye's...
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#39 |
All you hypercrites ever do is say onething and do another, its about time you grow up. What are Muslim prostitutes? There's no such thing. There a bunch a Kaffir! What do you guys mean Muslim countries there isnt any, its all a blind eye for example, Pakistan every corner in the UK has a pub every corner in pakistan has a "palm hand" fortune tellers. This isnt practising Islam this is Shirk... Open your Eye's... |
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#40 |
Salam, The impression you're giving here is that when we had an Islamic state, men satisfied themselves solely through their wives. You're ignoring the fact that having concubines was very normal. Ohh and if you have a problem with having concubines.... so did Sayyidina Ibrahim ![]() ![]() The problem now seems to be the fact that having four wives is discouraged and men can't have sex slaves anymore. Ohh and why are you using the word "sex slaves"???? Itaqillah! The problem is that people have lost their haya! ![]() |
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