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Old 08-29-2011, 12:09 PM   #1

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Default racism
where i am living in the usa and where i am from (iraq) there is alot of racisim here i get stange looks when i go out side and they see my sister or any of my relitivves wairing a hijab and i hear alot of racist coments thaat eople are saying like at school some one makes terrorists joke making someone evan aked the teacher why dont we just bomb iraq and the taliban in iraq (and there is no taliban in iraq) and i am proud to be a muslim and to be from iraq and i say i am a muslim and i am from iraq but my qwestion is can i say something back to them if they insoult my e or religon or cant i can i fiht back to them or is it haram
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:25 PM   #2

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MashaAllah you will need all the moral support! Maybe you stop telling people you are from Iraq and lay low?
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:26 PM   #3

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they bring up the name of the country
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:29 PM   #4

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MashaAllah you will need all the moral support! Maybe you stop telling people you are from Iraq and lay low?
i was talking about islam to but people bring up iraq
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:31 PM   #5

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I wish I could help you better... instead hoping brother Julaybib does not mind, i'll link you to his thread...

"A Muslim does not suffer any mental or physical anguish, or any distress, grief, pain or sorrow - even from the prick of a thorn - except that Allaah expiates his mistakes and sins." Bukhaari and Muslim


Please click the link and read post 625 in Julaybib's 'Start with the self' thread
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:32 PM   #6

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Are you in high school brother?
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:33 PM   #7

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Are you in high school brother?
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Old 08-29-2011, 12:41 PM   #8

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You know something,

please don't think i'm patronising but this is important. It's very impressive that instead of getting yourself into trouble by fighting etc, you posted here asking for advice. Why? Because you held yourself back. You restrained your instincts, and rose above that. Alhumdullilah. To me that is already a massive step. It is SO HARD to not shout, swear etc. But to keep sabr. it's impressive, especially when our emotions run high. Please look at that post i linked. There are a few great quotes and hadith in it =). I know you might think its not the 'answer' you want. But I guess what i'm saying is. You're already behaving properly. It doesn't mean you can never answer back (i wont comment about that because someone else will have a better suggestion than me). What i AM saying is that Sabr in itself is a good act. You are already getting sawab for it.
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Old 08-29-2011, 09:53 PM   #9

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Dont cause yourself trouble that would be worse than the original problem you tried to face. Put your effort in avioding places where your family might be harassed. Learn to ignore. It actually angers some lol. I think you probably read Arabic, if you do, think about these lines in poems and insha'Allah you'll be able to see things differently.

First the Quranic verse :

ادفع بالتى هى احسن فاذا الذى بينك وبينه عداوة كأنه ولى حميم)

Then Imam Al Shafi'i said :

يخاطبني السفيه بكل قبح ..... فأكره أن أكون له مجيبا
يزيد سفاهة فأزيد حلما ..... كعود زاده الإحراق طيبا

وقال الشافعي في فضل السكــوت :

وجدت سكوتي متجرا فلزمته ..... إذا لم أجد ربحا فلست بخاسر
وما الصمت إلا في الرجال متاجر ..... وتاجره يعلو على كل تاجر


لما عفوت ولم أحقد على أحد ..... أرحت نفسي من هم العداوات
إني أحيي عدوي عند رؤيته ..... لأدفع الشر عني بالتحيات
وأظهر البشر للإنسان أبغضه ..... كما إن قد حشى قلبي مودات

And if anything gets serious you can call the police.

And always, always aviod politics. And if the setting isnt welcoming, dont discuss religion either. Its their loss if they dont know.
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Old 08-29-2011, 11:03 PM   #10

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If you are in a position to respond to the racism then do it in the best possible manner especially avoiding getting yourself in trouble with the law i.e. picking a fight.

Just because someone is racist to you does not mean you have to be racist back or swear. Be tactical i.e. putting the person to shame, getting the support of other peers or teachers [in high school].

Also know that it is not as bad as it was. I have had my nose broken four time and fought all the time against racist bullies in the 1990's, we had it really tough to the extent they would attack man, women or child of all ages...

So keep your head up and be street smart..
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Old 09-02-2011, 11:04 AM   #11

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You know something,

please don't think i'm patronising but this is important. It's very impressive that instead of getting yourself into trouble by fighting etc, you posted here asking for advice. Why? Because you held yourself back. You restrained your instincts, and rose above that. Alhumdullilah. To me that is already a massive step. It is SO HARD to not shout, swear etc. But to keep sabr. it's impressive, especially when our emotions run high. Please look at that post i linked. There are a few great quotes and hadith in it =). I know you might think its not the 'answer' you want. But I guess what i'm saying is. You're already behaving properly. It doesn't mean you can never answer back (i wont comment about that because someone else will have a better suggestion than me). What i AM saying is that Sabr in itself is a good act. You are already getting sawab for it.
thank you for your nice coment brother
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