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Old 08-18-2011, 12:01 AM   #1

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Default Who is pir zulfiqar?

I used to talk to a sister - a religious person.she told me last time that why don't to get 'beyht' (sorry I am not sure how will that you spell exactly but hope you getting me) so the way she *Explained* I got nervous, she said you will reach Allah (s.w.t) through that Pir like he will give me some Awraad and I will simply Do that and reach Allah(s.w.t).

I said No, I don't want that beyht now, many things other are there to change and to be concentrated in me, and I couldn't prove her wrong as my knowledge is limited, but still I want to know who is this person? and can't we reach or love Allah (s.w.t) just following Quran and Sunnah? or some stair is necessary?
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:27 AM   #2

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"No Muslim can traverse the path of spirituality without fulfilling the basic Faraaidh...one can easily attain Wilaayat and closeness to Allah by adhering to the Faraaidh and abstaining from sins." Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:57 AM   #3

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and can't we reach or love Allah (s.w.t) just following Quran and Sunnah?
"No Muslim can traverse the path of spirituality without fulfilling the basic Faraaidh...one can easily attain Wilaayat and closeness to Allah by adhering to the Faraaidh and abstaining from sins (i.e strict adherence to the Quran and Sunnah)." Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Edit: sorry for the double post.
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Old 08-18-2011, 02:42 AM   #4

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This will give you more info what the sister meant


And a brief introduction to Pir Zulfiqar(HA)
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Old 08-18-2011, 03:16 AM   #5

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I used to talk to a sister - a religious person.she told me last time that why don't to get 'beyht' (sorry I am not sure how will that you spell exactly but hope you getting me) so the way she *Explained* I got nervous, she said you will reach Allah (s.w.t) through that Pir like he will give me some Awraad and I will simply Do that and reach Allah(s.w.t).

I said No, I don't want that beyht now, many things other are there to change and to be concentrated in me, and I couldn't prove her wrong as my knowledge is limited, but still I want to know who is this person? and can't we reach or love Allah (s.w.t) just following Quran and Sunnah? or some stair is necessary?
Salam u alaykum Sister,

You are right the path to reach Allah SWT is by following the Quran and Sunnah. The job of a shaykh/pir is that of a spiritual mentor, he basically guides you how to apply Quran and Sunnah. And above all he develops a desire within you to remember Allah in abundance . He also addresses the bad traits within ourselves and advises us on what to do about them to purify our characters and action. So he is just a mentor, guide, teacher.

Pir Zulfiqar D.B is one of such mentors of our time. A lot of people are benefiting from him. The point is to keep intouch with pious people and benefit from them. The whole peeri mureedi is not to be taken as some cult or group thing. Just be balanced and real about it. And only do Bayt when you have listened to the shaykh for sometime and from inside you start to feel an inclincation towards him as someone who can guide you on your spiritual path. A sign of a real shaykh or Pir is how consistent and practicing is he of the outward and inward Sunnahs.But always make dwa cuz in the end all guidance is from Allah and he is the one who guides.Wasalam
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Old 08-18-2011, 08:58 AM   #6

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"No Muslim can traverse the path of spirituality without fulfilling the basic Faraaidh...one can easily attain Wilaayat and closeness to Allah by adhering to the Faraaidh and abstaining from sins (i.e strict adherence to the Quran and Sunnah)." Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Edit: sorry for the double post.
Never mind sister, Its ok...
the bold part is what I told her, Allah knows best, may He (s.w.t) save us from distraction--ameen.

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Old 08-18-2011, 09:05 AM   #7

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I used to talk to a sister - a religious person.she told me last time that why don't to get 'beyht' (sorry I am not sure how will that you spell exactly but hope you getting me) so the way she *Explained* I got nervous, she said you will reach Allah (s.w.t) through that Pir like he will give me some Awraad and I will simply Do that and reach Allah(s.w.t).

I said No, I don't want that beyht now, many things other are there to change and to be concentrated in me, and I couldn't prove her wrong as my knowledge is limited, but still I want to know who is this person? and can't we reach or love Allah (s.w.t) just following Quran and Sunnah? or some stair is necessary?

No its not necessary at all. Just focus on increasing in your ibadah and amaal, and through that your love and fear of Allah will also increase in'sha'Allah.

Pledging to a Peer is to do with Sufism. Theres lots of dangers with Sufism so you have to be careful. But the most they can say is that its one of the methods to increase in your love and fear of Allah, no one can say its necessary. Personally I avoid it and prefer the method of the early Muslims.
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Old 08-18-2011, 09:06 AM   #8

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This will give you more info what the sister meant


And a brief introduction to Pir Zulfiqar(HA)

brother, I hope you wont mind but you see I am just here for adding with my knowledge, not for criticizing etc so, I want to say that Once I asked a query from your mentioned Org, and they answered me exactly opposite of what most of brother sisters guided me when I asked here.

Now how can I trust that site any more? or the bro/sis here were wrong? I am confused now...
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Old 08-18-2011, 09:15 AM   #9

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@PirBaba walaikom assalaam brother,

Yes this is something positive you said - defined what being linked by 'Abu Suliman' brother in his post, but I am a bit confused as I said him anyway,

akhi for your help.
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Old 08-18-2011, 09:24 AM   #10

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No its not necessary at all. Just focus on increasing in your ibadah and amaal, and through that your love and fear of Allah will also increase in'sha'Allah.

Pledging to a Peer is to do with Sufism. Theres lots of dangers with Sufism so you have to be careful. But the most they can say is that its one of the methods to increase in your love and fear of Allah, no one can say its necessary. Personally I avoid it and prefer the method of the early Muslims.
by early muslims, you mean, In the time of Prophet (s.a.w) there was no any concept of as such?

Inshaa Allah, I also want to internalise His (s.w.t) love through deeds, not through some Pir, but I asked as Islam is complete code of conduct, there is no area for what 'WE' feel or like, but we have to Imitate just.
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Old 08-18-2011, 10:31 AM   #11

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@PirBaba walaikom assalaam brother,

Yes this is something positive you said - defined what being linked by 'Abu Suliman' brother in his post, but I am a bit confused as I said him anyway,

akhi for your help.
salam u alaikum Sister,

Often what happens is that sometimes the mureed of a particular shaykh are a bit over excited about their shaykh because they are feeling tremendous improvement under his guidance, so you might feel that sometimes people are pushy or exaggerating to join their Shaykh's tariqa or Halaqa. But everyone is not compatible with a single shaykh as people have different nature and there is no munasbat.

Sister if you have a knowledgeable father or brothers in your family, they can be enough, just take guidance from them and maintain your pardah, and strive hard in your prayers, zikr, akhlaq to please Allah tala. And inshallah you will rise in your spiritual levels.

Incase you dont have very knowledgeable and mutaqi family members around and you need guidance in matter of deen , then you can adopt various means, such as internet(asking to a mufti), taking a bayt with a rightly guided shaykh, asking to knowledgeable sisters that you know or read books of tazkiya where scholars address spiritual diseases and their cures.

But mainly keep yourself busy with remembrance and Zikr of Allah through following Shariat, praying nafl after being punctual with your 5 times daily, tilawat of quran and then do the special azkar that are prescribed by the Prophet S.W. in the books of hadeeth such as Fazail e amal. And be punctual with dwa as how much you make dwa to Allah is like a check of how much you are connected to him.

InshAllah keep striving, whether you find a shaykh or not, deen and its demands are clear , Inshallah may Allah make it easy on you. And no need to get too confused, the people who go to a spiritual mentor and do bayt they are not doing anything wrong, and the people who do not do bayt and just learn on their own that is fine too. Whatever works well for you is fine, but in both the cases the effort is on you. Ask Allah to make it easy for you to follow deen. Wasalam
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:06 PM   #12

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I used to talk to a sister - a religious person.she told me last time that why don't to get 'beyht' (sorry I am not sure how will that you spell exactly but hope you getting me) so the way she *Explained* I got nervous, she said you will reach Allah (s.w.t) through that Pir like he will give me some Awraad and I will simply Do that and reach Allah(s.w.t).

She had no business pushing it down your throat-if that is what she did.
Bayt is mustahab-rewarding if you do it and no sin if you do not.
Purpose of bayt is cleaning of our inner self but cleaning of inner self can be done without bayt.
To clean our inner self is obligatory.
(Rest later, IA, got to hurry.)

brother, I hope you wont mind but you see I am just here for adding with my knowledge, not for criticizing etc so, I want to say that Once I asked a query from your mentioned Org, and they answered me exactly opposite of what most of brother sisters guided me when I asked here.

Now how can I trust that site any more? or the bro/sis here were wrong? I am confused now...
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:41 PM   #13

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by early muslims, you mean, In the time of Prophet (s.a.w) there was no any concept of as such?

Inshaa Allah, I also want to internalise His (s.w.t) love through deeds, not through some Pir, but I asked as Islam is complete code of conduct, there is no area for what 'WE' feel or like, but we have to Imitate just.
Instead of taking advice from anonymous members in the Internet , you should get your knowledge from the good books written by reliable scholars. Below you can find some good books . After reading those books , you will have the ability to understand the true significance of a Pir and the extra-ordinary world of Tasawwuf - which is the inner beauty of Islam. You do not need a guide to climb a molehill. But , to climb a mountain for the first time , do you dare to go alone ?

-------- Warm up ---------------
Love for Allah








Beads of Dew from the source of life --Rasahat Ayn Al Hayat

A classic book on the Naqshabandi saints and their amazing feats


Travelling Across Central Asia


The Book of Strangers

A fantastic spiritual novel -higly suitable for the Wesntern and Westernized Muslims.

During reading those books , you may find some difficult terms. Write down those words in a separate notebook and read the following books

-----beginner-------subtle concepts of Tasawwuf ( Sufism ) ----------

Kashful Mahjub


A classic book on Tasswuf. Written by an extraordinary Sufi master. The translation is done by a Pakistani Sufi master. Better then Nicolson translation.

Shariah & Tariqat by Shaykh Muhammed Zakariya RA


Irshadul Mulook --Awesome

Shariat & Tariqat by Shaykh Maseehullah Khan RA


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Old 08-18-2011, 11:27 PM   #14

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@Maripat its ok brother take your time... and she did't force me, just asked me why not?

Instead of taking advice from anonymous members in the Internet , you should get your knowledge from the good books written by reliable scholars. Below you can find some good books . After reading those books , you will have the ability to understand the true significance of a Pir and the extra-ordinary world of Tasawwuf - which is the inner beauty of Islam.
sorry, you didn't get me, I am not asking someone whether to take bayt or not I was just to get to know about this Piree Mureedi and as you recommended me that books, I was't aware of which before, and even I can't trust many of books in this Time of err.
I was just wondering about what the sister asked me, so I asked here.

jazakAllah brother for your help, I will go through these links at peace.
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Old 08-19-2011, 11:38 AM   #15

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So the object of Peeri-Mureedi is to get rid of our blameworthy habits (like kibr, riya, anger)(akhlaq-e-razeela) and to inculcate praiseworthy habits (like sabr, shukr, tawakkul) (akhlaq-e-hameedah). When you want that from a Shaikh, whether you are bayt or not it does not matter, you first find a Shaikh and then start communicating with him about your blameworthy habits. He starts giving you instructions and you start following those instructions. The speed of your progress in the guidance of an expert (kamil) Shaikh is really astronomical (very high) while if you want to give up your sins and bad habits on your own then the speed is nearly nil. You have to find your Shaikh yourself and that is the most important step. You should have a congeniality, consonance (muasibat) with your Shaikh. As per Shariah instruction you have to communicate with him in the presence of a mehram and if you write a letter it has to be read by a mehram first and same about the reply you get. This all may sound heavy to talk but Insha Allah it will be all routine. This Pir-Murid relation is one of the most wonderful things in life. Write back for any clarification.
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Old 08-19-2011, 07:16 PM   #16

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jazakAllah brother, yes I got well Alhamdulillaah what for is the relation between a Pir and Mureed but In this time of fitna even its hard to find a Pir by definition.
however, I am not talking about myself as its a difficult task and decision also, so I can work on myself with the help of Allaah (s.w.t) Inshaa'Allah.

may Allaah (s.w.t) guide and save us from distraction-ameen.
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