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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Wednesday 17 August 2011 | 17 Ramadhaan 1432 AH Please Contribute Brothers And Sisters. When Other Than The Month Of Ramadhan Will We Perform Tahajjud And Thereafter Raise Our Hands At Such A Blessed Time. Please Contribute Towards This Thread As Encouragement For Others. Maybe You Can Also Add The Virtues Of Sitting In The Company Of The Pious Too. A Free Book Of Just Duas - Please Read - Click Here ALLAH'S MERCY AT THE TIME OF TAHAJJUD Rasulullah [salallahu alaihi wasallam] said, "At night there is such a moment in which a Muslim supplicates Allah Ta'ala for the good of this world or the Hereafter, Allah Ta'ala will grant him his request, and this moment appears every night." [Muslim] Note: This Hadith bears the good fortune of acceptance of ones Duas at night. However, mention is not made of the specific moment of acceptance. Some Ulama are of the opinion that this period is not known like that of Lailatul Qadr and the special moment of acceptance on Jumua, while others opine that it is at midnight. [Mazahir] In another Hadith, Rasulullah [salallahu alaihi wasallam] said, "The closest Allah Ta'ala gets to his servant is in the last portion of the night. If you possess the ability to be from among those who remember Allah, then become one of them." [Tirmidhi] Note: "The closeness of Allah" refers to Allah's pleasure and mercy showered upon his servants who sacrifice their sleep and strive in His worship. [Mazahir] Rasulullah [salallahu alaihi wasallam] said, "When one third of the night remains our Rabb [Lord], Most High, Most Exalted, descends to the first sky and announces, "Who is there to beseech Me that I may answer his prayer and who is there to seek forgiveness that I may forgive him.' Then He spreads out His hands [of kindness and mercy] and proclaims, "Who will grant a loan to the One who is neither a destitute or an oppressor.? [Muslim] Note: 1. Allah Ta'ala is free from bodily form and shape. He is Omnipresent and He is not confined to space. Hafiz Ibne Hajar and Imaam Malik [rahmatullah alaihimal have stated that "Allah Ta'ala descending to the first sky" signifies His special Mercy through which He accepts Duas and forgives sins. [Lam'aat] 2. The loan mentioned in the Hadith refers to bodily and financial devotions offered to Allah Ta'ala with the hope of attaining rewards.[Mazahir] THE CORRECT TIME FOR TAHAJJUD The time of Tahajjud extends from the time of Isha until SUBHE SADIQ [true dawn]. Ahadith related from Hadhrat Aa'isha [radhiyallahu anha] state that Nabie [salallahu alaihi wasallam] sometimes performed Tahajjud in the early portion of the night and on occasions when half the night had passed. However, towards the latter part of his life he frequently performed it in the last portion of the night. As the night progresses, Allah Ta'ala's Mercy and Blessings increase. Hence, the last sixth of the night is most preferred. [Maktoobat Shaikh ul Islaam 77 p 202 - Fatawa Rahimiya vol 2 p 376] DUA TO ASSIST ONE IN AWAKENING FOR TAHAJJUD A person remarked to Abdullah bin Abbas [radhiyallahu anhu], "I always intend awakening in the last portion of the night to perform Salaat but sleep overpowers me." Ibne Abbas [radhiyallahu anhu] replied, "Before sleeping recite from "QUL LAW KAANAL BAHRU MIDADAL..." to the end of Surah Kahf. Allah Ta'ala will waken you at whatever time you intend rising." [Tha'labi-Ma'ariful Quraan vol 5] NUMBER OF RAKAATS IN TAHAJJUD The number of rakaats performed by Nabie [salailahu alaihi wasallam] varied according to the prevailing circumstances. Although on certain occasions sufficient time was available, Nabie [salailahu alaihi wasallam] would perform less rakaats reciting lengthy Qiraat.[Khasa'ile Nabawee p 156] Deducing from the various narrations four to twelve rakaats in units of two or four have been recommended. [Imdaadul Fatawa vol 1 -Baab finnawaafil / Maraqiyul Falah], However if two rakaats are performed in the prescribed time it will be regarded as Tahajjud.[Raddul Mukhtaar vol 1 p 715] OCCASIONS WHEN ONE IS UNABLE TO AWAKEN FOR TAHAJJUD Hadhrat Aa'isha [radhiyallahu anhal relates, "If for some reason Rasulullah [salallahu alaihi wasallam] was unable to perform Tahajjud, he would perform twelve rakaats during the day [at the time of Chaast - before midday". [Shamail Baab fi Ibadah] Note: Hadhrat Umar [radhiyallahu anhu] relates that Rasulullah [salallahu alaihi wasallam] said, "Whoever was unable to complete his devotions at night should complete it in the morning before noon. It will be regarded as though he had completed it at night." [Muslim]. One should not overlook it because of the time passing by, otherwise the nafs will become accustomed to omitting it. [Khasail p 156] [ Virtues of Tahajjud, Ml. Ahmad Chohan ] In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Tahajjud Salaah begins after half the night has passed; whether one sleeps or not, Tahajjud Salaah can be performed. Sleeping is not a condition for the validity of Tahajjud. This is the accepted opinion. However, it is better to sleep and thereafter to rise and perform the Tahajjud Salaah. (Fatawa Rahimiyah vol4 p81)(Mahmoodiya vol7 p234) (Radul Muhtaar vol2 p23) There is great reward for performing Tahajjud Salāh. Rasūlulah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: قال عليكم بقيام الليل فإنه دأب الصالحين قبلكم وهو قربة إلى ربكم ومكفرة للسيئات ومنهاة للإثم “Perform Tahajjud Salāh; for indeed it was the practice of those before you, and it is a means of gaining nearness to your Lord, and it is atonement for bad deeds and it prevents sins.” (Tirmidhi) أشراف أمتي حملة القرآن و أصحاب الليل “The most noble of my Ummah are the Huffādh and those who perform Tahajjud.” (Bayĥaqi) قال يا أيها الناس أفشوا السلام وأطعموا الطعام وصلوا بالليل والناس نيام تدخلوا الجنة بسلام “Oh people! Spread Salām, feed the people, perform Tahajjud whilst people are asleep, you will enter Jannah with peace.” (Ibni Mājah) أفضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة قيام الليل وأفضل الصيام بعد رمضان المحرم “The most virtuous Salāh after the Fardh Salāh is Tahajjud and the most virtuous Fast after Ramadhān is Muĥarram.” (Nasāi) قالت عائشة رضي الله عنها لا تدع قيام الليل فإن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان لا يدعه وكان إذا مرض أو كسل صلى قاعدا Hazrat Aysha رضي الله عنها said: “Do not leave Tahajjud; verily Rasūlulah صلى الله عليه وسلم would not omit it; when he was sick or tired, he would perform it sitting down.” (Abu dawud) And Allah knows best Wassalaamu `alaykum Ml. Zakariyya bin Ahmed, Student Darul Iftaa Checked and Approved by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah |
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