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Old 07-26-2011, 02:04 AM   #1

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Default Dealing with a person with no madhab.?

I hope everyone is alhumdulilah well. It feels good to be back.

I have a friend who is has no madhab because he claims they were no madhahib in the time of Nabi salalahu alayhi wasallam. Also he doesn't want to be called a salafi or wahabi or anything. He claims he follows the quraan and ahadeeth from Bukhari and Muslim shareef. He reads only 8 rakats of taraweeh. And he doesn't nbelieve in purdah. I constantly have these arguments with him.. Trying to convince him, to no avail. Any help.? Please.?
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Old 07-26-2011, 02:46 AM   #2

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I hope everyone is alhumdulilah well. It feels good to be back.

I have a friend who is has no madhab because he claims they were no madhahib in the time of Nabi salalahu alayhi wasallam. Also he doesn't want to be called a salafi or wahabi or anything. He claims he follows the quraan and ahadeeth from Bukhari and Muslim shareef. He reads only 8 rakats of taraweeh. And he doesn't nbelieve in purdah. I constantly have these arguments with him.. Trying to convince him, to no avail. Any help.? Please.?

Br. Nomadic has given some good advice.
If the person in question is not a mahram, you should immediately abstain from keeping any contact, and rather ask him to consult a brother or sheikh instead.

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Old 07-26-2011, 02:56 AM   #3

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al-Slamu Aleykum,

It's not obligatory that he follows a Madhab, there's no need to go out of your way to convince him that he should although it would be better if he did join a Madhab but not obligatory.
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Old 07-26-2011, 05:07 AM   #4

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al-Slamu Aleykum,

It's not obligatory that he follows a Madhab, there's no need to go out of your way to convince him that he should although it would be better if he did join a Madhab but not obligatory.

We are living in such a time where theres an upsurge in 'new thinking' and if one doesn't adopt a Madh-hab - especially if he / she is new to Islam then such a person will get dragged into this mindest - he may have already been dragged into it as he thinks there is no purdah (Hijab).

A person who doesn't follow a set of Usools will start making his own up - they will mix and match what their heart desires - they may even end up becoming like the Munkiroon al-Hadith, as some have - especially if someone is new to practicing Islam.

No doubt we are living in such a time where this new phenomenon is taking mold - infact it already has!! Rulings change due to the envoironment. Though not Fardh to adopt a Madh-hab, but it would be Wajib (Due to External Factors).
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Old 07-26-2011, 05:08 AM   #5

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I had no idea that purdah means Hijab, anyway if you think dealing with a non-Madhabi is hard try dealing with this guy:
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Old 07-26-2011, 05:22 AM   #6

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Why would he be considered a Salafi? He doesn't seem very conservative from your description.
In the time of the Prophet {sall allahu alayhi wasallaam} there were no madhahib because it was in his time. Nothing needed to be subject to analyzing because the Prophet {sall allahu alayhi wasallaam} was alive, and those influenced by him and his revelation were alive. All one would have to do was ask.
Edit: Also, the Sahabah (radiallah anhu) had differences of opinion too, yet they were united under Islam. Following a different madhab does not lead to disunity, as some would argue.
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Old 07-26-2011, 01:03 PM   #7

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I hope everyone is alhumdulilah well. It feels good to be back.

I have a friend who is has no madhab because he claims they were no madhahib in the time of Nabi salalahu alayhi wasallam. Also he doesn't want to be called a salafi or wahabi or anything. He claims he follows the quraan and ahadeeth from Bukhari and Muslim shareef. He reads only 8 rakats of taraweeh. And he doesn't nbelieve in purdah. I constantly have these arguments with him.. Trying to convince him, to no avail. Any help.? Please.?
If all four imam's are correct then why we should stick with one ? any of the imam has not said that all should follow him blindly, what you will do if ahadith or quranic aayat comes agains't shariia ? will you follow ahadith or shariaa ? (ans) you have to follow quran and sunnah only.
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Old 07-26-2011, 01:05 PM   #8

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Ask Brother David.(Dawud Beale) He has a lot of personal experience in this field. He has now started studying Hanafiah.
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Old 07-26-2011, 01:11 PM   #9

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Dear Brother David.(Dawud Beale) is there is any problem to follow all four imam's ? is there is any compulsory to follow only one ? pls answer me.
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Old 07-26-2011, 02:15 PM   #10

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if your confused abt following a madhab and the question "if all madhabs are right then why can't i follow ALL of them?" then you must read this:

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Old 07-28-2011, 12:55 PM   #11

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if your confused abt following a madhab and the question "if all madhabs are right then why can't i follow ALL of them?" then you must read this:

Dear Brother, The book for which you have given link is total 79 pages and it take's time to read can you please say me in simple term's that is there is any compulsary to follow only one imam when all four imam's are 99.9% correct ?
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Old 07-28-2011, 01:27 PM   #12

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Dear Brother, The book for which you have given link is total 79 pages and it take's time to read can you please say me in simple term's that is there is any compulsary to follow only one imam when all four imam's are 99.9% correct ?

Akhi, why do you not wanna spend time to know the truth?
Do you think all the muqallid muslims (including scholars) are too ignorant to realize what you are realizing?

My brotherly suggestion, please take time and study why muslims follow madhhab. Your confusions will be solved InshaAllaah.
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Old 07-28-2011, 01:34 PM   #13

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I hope everyone is alhumdulilah well. It feels good to be back.

I have a friend who is has no madhab because he claims they were no madhahib in the time of Nabi salalahu alayhi wasallam. Also he doesn't want to be called a salafi or wahabi or anything. He claims he follows the quraan and ahadeeth from Bukhari and Muslim shareef. He reads only 8 rakats of taraweeh. And he doesn't nbelieve in purdah. I constantly have these arguments with him.. Trying to convince him, to no avail. Any help.? Please.?

Respected sister,

No need to deal with him because he is non-mahram for you. According to Quran it's forbidden for you to interact with him.

Just make Dua and stop interactions immediately.
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Old 07-28-2011, 03:06 PM   #14

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Akhi, why do you not wanna spend time to know the truth?
Do you think all the muqallid muslims (including scholars) are too ignorant to realize what you are realizing?

My brotherly suggestion, please take time and study why muslims follow madhhab. Your confusions will be solved InshaAllaah.
If you know the truth then why don't you say the answer in simple term's.. what you will do if non muslim ask's the same question with you ? if you ask him to read 79 pages note book then it will be very difficult for him to understand this issue.. If non muslim ask's us what is islam then we cant say him go and read quran, and all valid ahadith.. we have to answer him in simple term's so that he should not be confused right ? we cant ask every one to read this book.. if someone has asked simple question means answer should also be simple to understand..

Repeating the question, answer me in simple if you know the truth..

Why to follow only one imam if all four imam's are correct ?..
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Old 07-28-2011, 03:52 PM   #15

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If you know the truth then why don't you say the answer in simple term's.. what you will do if non muslim ask's the same question with you ? if you ask him to read 79 pages note book then it will be very difficult for him to understand this issue.. If non muslim ask's us what is islam then we cant say him go and read quran, and all valid ahadith.. we have to answer him in simple term's so that he should not be confused right ? we cant ask every one to read this book.. if someone has asked simple question means answer should also be simple to understand..

Repeating the question, answer me in simple if you know the truth..

Why to follow only one imam if all four imam's are correct ?..

The simple answer of your question is- A person who is not a Mujtahid, he should follow a school of thought for fiqhi issues. And it's necessary.
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:17 PM   #16

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Dear Brother David.(Dawud Beale) is there is any problem to follow all four imam's ? is there is any compulsory to follow only one ? pls answer me.
Wa alaykum salaam bro. I dont consider it waajib to follow madhab, as long as you aren tfollowing your desires and are staying within the oppinions of the salaf. However I consider it to be better to follow madhab due to the difficulties of studying fiqh without a madhab. I simply consider you to be making life harder for yourself by not studying a madhab, but as long as all your oppinions are valid then no problem. If the so called madhabis in your area are into extreme shirk and whatnot it is understandable if you prefer to stick to what can be proven in qur'an and hadeeth. As long as you respect people who follow mainly the oppinsion of abu hanfiah and his school and the others schoolas too and dont attack them for it.

As for the guy who claims hijab isnt wajib (If thats what he menat) then this is a different kettle of fish, this oppinion isnt only restricted to one madhab, there is no one from the salat that I have ever herad of that said hijab wasnt wajib. This means there is ijma sakuuwti, the whole ummmah gathered upon this, so to say this is kufr. If he steps outside the oppinions of the salaf he's in trouble to be honest.

Also to say he only accepts hadeeths from bukhari and muslim is not correct either and no scholar says that, he is coming up with things himself.

However, I suspect its because he hasnt got a lot of knowledge and inshAllah as he studies, these issues will become clear to him.

Mya dvice, dont bother about the madhab issue. But definitely advise him on any issue that is outside the views of the salaf. The issue of hijab you must change his oppinion on this because he may be committing kufr
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:17 PM   #17

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Ask Brother David.(Dawud Beale) He has a lot of personal experience in this field. He has now started studying Hanafiah.

If this innocent person itajamulrahman ends up outside the fold of Islam then the responsibility on the day of Judgement will rest on you brother Qibla.
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Old 07-28-2011, 09:17 PM   #18

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If this innocent person itajamulrahman ends up outside the fold of Islam then the responsibility on the day of Judgement will rest on you brother Qibla.
what does that mean?
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Old 07-28-2011, 10:09 PM   #19

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I hope everyone is alhumdulilah well. It feels good to be back.

I have a friend who is has no madhab because he claims they were no madhahib in the time of Nabi salalahu alayhi wasallam. Also he doesn't want to be called a salafi or wahabi or anything. He claims he follows the quraan and ahadeeth from Bukhari and Muslim shareef. He reads only 8 rakats of taraweeh. And he doesn't nbelieve in purdah. I constantly have these arguments with him.. Trying to convince him, to no avail. Any help.? Please.?
salaamz sis i think like every1 else says: if this guy is non-mahram for you then you shud'nt even be greetin him 4get goin into arguments with him. any way if he is mahram you shud tell him that it is absolutely necessary to have a math-hab... btw salafis, and not one of the 4 math-habs beleive that purdah is not waajib. Also in the time of the prophet (peace be upon him) people neva used to follow a math-hab because they had rasoolullah salallahu-alaihiwasallam as their illustrious and practical teacher...to answer they questions and explain to them that which they did not understand. you know, math-habs neva appear on the scene last night! - we follow a math-hab, because our elders (the 4 imams) learned the interpretation and intricate meaning and explanation of THE QUR'AAN AND AHADEETH from their elders and it goes on until eventually their elders and ustaadh's learnt from the holy prophet (salallahu-alaihiwasallam) himself,,, so will we understand the qur'aan and ahadeeth better than what they understood it? of course not. also it is necessary to follow ONE imam, even tho all four imams are hundred% correct, because just like if you are sick and go to 4 different doctors (even if they are all the best in their profession) you will still have to choose ONE to follow and take only his treatment and advise! if you choose to follow all four of them you are naturally going to harm yourself and get more sick... anyway this is just a bit of my understanding this issue. t.c
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Old 07-28-2011, 10:10 PM   #20

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If you can't even read a booklet, what makes you think you've reached the level of ijtihad??? LOL!
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