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Old 07-21-2011, 07:00 PM   #1

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Default Blatant Racism of Indian/Pakistanees!
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Old 07-21-2011, 07:30 PM   #2

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Racism is definitely a problem and is not to be underestimated. Pakistanis are even divided amongst themselves (Pathan, Muhajir, Punjabi etc.) and literally willing to murder neighbours of different race. Amongst my own relatives I can sense baseless prejudices against Pathan & Punjabis. I heard Haaji Abdul Wahhab sahab [HA] say on many occasions: "Whoever calls himself Pathan, Muhajir, Balochi or Punjabi has degraded himself. Because his real indentity is that of Rasulullah 's Ummati." Teachings like the following need to be promoted (I never heard the Hadith before):

This is what happened when a person was prejudiced towards a language (whether it be Urdu, Arabic or otherwise) as explained to us by Maulana Sa'd in Nizamuddin Markaz.

The Incident Between Ibn Mataatiyyah and Hadhrat Mu'aadh Radhiyallah 'anhu and the Lecture that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam Delivered in this Regard

Hadhrat Abu Salamah bin Abdur Rahmaan reports that Qais bin Mataatiyyah once came to a gathering that included Hadhrat Salmaan Faarsi, Hadhrat Suhayb Roomi and Hadhrat Bilaal Habshi Radhiyallahu 'anhum He remarked, "Here (in the gathering) are the Aws and Khazraj tribes who have stood up to assist that man (Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) (this I can understand because they are Arab and people of standing). However, what is the matter with these other people (these poor non-Arabs who have no social standing? Of what use are they)?"

Hadhrat Mu'aadh Radhiyallahu 'anhu stood up and and grabbing Ibn Mataatiyyah by the collar, brought him to Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. When Hadhrat Mu'aadh reported the statement, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam stood up in anger and pulling his shawl along, he entered the Masjid. The announcement "Gather for Salaah" was made (to assemble the people) and after duly praising Allaah, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "O people! Verily your Rabb is but One Rabb, your father (Aadam 'Alayhis salaam) is but one father and your Deen is but one Deen. Take note that Arabic is neither your father nor your mother. It is merely a language and whoever speaks Arabic is therefore Arab."

Still holding on to the collar of Ibn Mataatiyyah, Hadhrat Mu'aadh Radhiyallah 'anhu asked, "O Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam! What is your instruction concerning this Munaafiq?" "Leave him to the Fire of Jahannam!" replied Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ibn Mataatiyyah was therefore amongst those who left the fold of Islaam was killed in this condition.

(Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kanzul Ummal (Vol.7 pg.46) Excerpt from Hayatus Sahabah 2nd Vol.)
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Old 07-21-2011, 07:45 PM   #3

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I have not personally witnessed racism within Islamic institutes between Asians. Outside of Islamic institutes i have seen a lot of racism, mainly from the elders

What i have noticed in Islamic institutes those that are in the hands of Asians is they seem to think there only exist arab and asian muslims

they often use the words "gorey" (whites) and "kaley" (blacks) as a synonym for kafir

I have heard things like

"if you don't give your daughters good tarbiyyah they will run of with a gora or a kala"

those sorts of comments are made by those who are considered knowledgeable and islamic leaders within society
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Old 07-21-2011, 07:52 PM   #4

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Even if it was Hadhrat Bilal RA himself most of the Asians will still refuse
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:10 PM   #5

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I've come across some snobbish Indians and Pakistanis who look down upon Bengalis, South Indians , Sri Lankans etc and make fun of their accents, their skin colour etc. The worst part is they think they're doing something natural, because no body dares to question them or reprimand them.

It's disgusting . It makes me wonder : Is it a crime to be born in a place which others don't like ? Do looks really matter that much ? Why is there so much discrimination amongst us, Muslims - the best Ummah ? I feel helpless at this mindless prejudice that goes on because these people who get discriminated against develop an inferiority complex and feel that they are worth nothing.

I don't know how we can help the older generation, but we can atleast teach our younger generation to respect & love every person , regardless of his/her nationality or skin colour. Encourage them to be friends with people of all races. Parents should avoid addressing people from other countries usiig derog terms in front of their children. Children imitate what parents do...so, if parents rectify their behaviout then InshaAllah, there will be some hope for the future generations to grow up as tolerant individulas.
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:18 PM   #6

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I don't know how we can help the older generation
well firstly i don't see the ulemah paying too much attention to racist behaviour amongst the Asians, they could if they wanted have a big impact if they were to teach the elder generations why racism is wrong

secondly, if i was to approach an Aapa or a shaykh because in his/her bayaan they used the word gora or kala to mean kafir or something else which came across as a racist comment...all their students would probably jump me apparently its rude and disrespectful to disagree with an aalim or aalimah
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:23 PM   #7

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The periodical of our town talked about this issue and there was a huge uproar from those who misinterpret hadith and Quran to justify seperation. Hell, Masjids and institutes are built on this discriminations. Colonel you say dont get emotional. How can you not?
This is a bitter issue very close to my heart. It wreaks of such pungent filth especially when the "bastards" openly display their...... that it is impossible for you to ignore. The sun shines from... and they think.... they ice cream!!!!! Sorry!!
In Africa it the worst problem!! and we are baffled about how to get out this deep.....!!!!
and more importantly the Shks ignore this in the Juma Bayaans!! Hypocrytes!!!
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:34 PM   #8

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The periodical of our town talked about this issue and there was a huge uproar from those who misinterpret hadith and Quran to justify seperation. Hell, Masjids and institutes are built on this discriminations. Colonel you say dont get emotional. How can you not?
This is a bitter issue very close to my heart. It wreaks of such pungent filth especially when the "bastards" openly display their...... that it is impossible for you to ignore. The sun shines from... and they think.... they ice cream!!!!! Sorry!!
In Africa it the worst problem!! and we are baffled about how to get out this deep.....!!!!
and more importantly the Shks ignore this in the Juma Bayaans!! Hypocrytes!!!
I feel you bro

You can’t begin to imagine how the blatant racism witnessed in Makka Mukarrama and Madinatul Munawarra by Arabs towards non arabs and then Indians and Pakistanis towards others has bothered me. It totally spoilt much of the feelings that i experienced whilst on Umrah. I am soooo frustrated and i can’t figure out a way to stop feeling like this.

This issue is rotting the Ummah from within!!!
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:40 PM   #9

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Assalamualaykum. It is, without any doubt, rasism\discrimination within the south Asian communities. Particullary amongst our elders. This is a serious problem which needs to be taken care of with hikmah and good manners. I even remember some Masheikh in Tabligh "talking about high cast people" and I was very dissapointed because those elders had given their life for the purpose of Dawaa and their beards have become white while they were working with Tabligh and still they have takabbur in their hearts. I guess everybody can make some mistakes, even the Akabireen, but my point is to make it clear that we have to combat the rasism and cast-problematics(particullary the young generation have a responsibility). Remember that it is not any space for proudness in Islam based on casts and skin color.

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Old 07-21-2011, 08:42 PM   #10

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is the tablighi jamat accommodating to non Asians?
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Old 07-21-2011, 08:53 PM   #11

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"Aram:is the tablighi jamat accommodating to non Asians?" Yes, the Dawaa effort is inn all corners off the world, alhamdulillah. But the quality of Tabligh is not on the same level all over..
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:03 PM   #12

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They do pay "lip service"

During the last 2-3 years almost all of the Tableeghi elders from Nizamuddin (India) who have toured UK have emphasised two points:

  1. Non-inclusion of Non-Asians
  2. Abysmal work amongst women (in general).
Excuse me, but do they have emphasised solving or simply emphasised the two listed issues? I hope you meant the first.

When the elders come to Germany they always praise the mixed gatherings. They feel like having the entire Ummah infront of them. It's nothing special to have in a gathering of 40 people more than twenty different nationalities. In our city the brothers at the fore-front are African, despite Asians and Arabs being involved in the effort. So, I'm surprised about your observation.
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:04 PM   #13

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You dont need to look beyond the recent killings and violence in Karachi to realize the extent to which Racism has affected the Pakistani society.

Its even common among many so called religious people to openly blame other casts and races.

Its an unfortunate reality that cannot be denied...

And this is precisely the type of opeining that foreign intelligence agencies look for to create unrest in Pakistan. They dont need to do too much....they just trigger the process and the rest looks after itself.

I cant really see any other resolution to this except for the true implementation of Shariah in our lives....as brother True Life pointed out, anyone who discriminates among muslims by calling themselves pathans, sindhis, muhajir etc. are choosing the smaller platform...the platform of Muhammad ur Rasoolullah(SAW) is the only universal platform which brings all the muslims together.

That is the reason why Hazrat Wala Db has also started emphasizing on this issue a lot more for the last 5-6 years.

May Allah(SWT) help us in realizing our true potential as muslims.
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:04 PM   #14

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They do pay "lip service"

During the last 2-3 years almost all of the Tableeghi elders from Nizamuddin (India) who have toured UK have emphasised two points:

  1. Non-inclusion of Non-Asians
  2. Abysmal work amongst women (in general).

From London to Glasgow the same two points have been emphatically made over and over again.

London (Tableeghees) are way ahead of the rest in terms of inclusion of "Non-Asians" and that should be admitted, Masha'Allah.
when jamaats come from places like India to the UK for tabligh, do they only target Asians? i don't imagine the elders amongst them would know English and aren't most of the bayaans in urdu

this maybe why you don't often see non-Asian converts within tablighi circles, most of the converts i know are salafi.... they have adapted themselves more in terms of dawah and appeal to different races

Asians often give of the impression that Islam is explicit to Asians and everyone must know urdu, it probably feels more like trying to change a persons race than religion to converts
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:35 PM   #15

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Assalamu Alaykum

I personally think br Colonel has raised a very important topic one that i wanted address quite a while back.

In the UK there are incidents of racism of particlar asian communities which are totally saddening and it goes right to the top including scholars and the shura of the Markaz's. This is not something i am making up but incidents related to me first hand by those who have had to recieve such high level of racism. If i was to mention these if will seriously affect you and i do not wish to do this.

These individuals wear the gard of Sunnah but have racism, arrogance, pride, love of power and money in their hearts which make them act in the way they do.

Only Allah Taala can deal with them
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Old 07-21-2011, 10:12 PM   #16

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Merely translating a Bayan (in bad English)
its not just bayaans, have you ever read the translations of famous urdu books which were originally written by indo/pak ulemah

i don't know who they get to do these translations but they are really bad! spelling mistakes everywhere, words that don't make sense within a sentence

They certainly don't look like they used professional translators
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Old 07-21-2011, 11:51 PM   #17

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...in Malaysia there is a funny kind of reverse discrimination...

Sometimes, what happens is a Malaysian Chinese or a Tamil Hindu becomes a Muslim... and somewhere along the way Govt officials sometimes "forget" and classify them as Malays... LOL! Sometimes even when they don't really want to be. It's one way of boosting the percentage of Malays in a country with sizable non-Malay minorities.

My bro told me that in the Constitution, a "Malay" is defined to be a Muslim who speaks Malay language and practices at least some Malay customs...

Local Indian Muslims who have family links with local Malays are sometimes classed "Malays" in their identification... We do have "Malays" named Patel and Khan and Mir, and Mahathir's full name is said to be Mahathir bin Mohamad Kutty... (his politics emphasized ethnic Malay nationalism... it's rather funny when you think about it). Some rise to high positions. They seem to have a reputation for being cunning and a bit tricksy.

But this applies to ethnic Indians and Chinese whose families migrated here before or somewhat after Independence, it's probably a bit harder now for new immigrants.
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Old 07-22-2011, 12:18 AM   #18

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I hope im not going to offend anyone here but here goes...


Gujis are afraid of pakistani's - fact!!

They find them to be rough, dangerous & bad mannered.... generally there is a saying, when ever you have a bad experience with a pakistani its often said that look he has shown his true colours.

Now im not saying gujis are any better, not at all.

They tend to stay away from and refuse to socialise with pakistanis for the above reasons. There was a mosque in our town run by guji barelwis, the pakistanis joined and before you know it they took over the mosque. Literally. Now its a pakistani run mosque.

This is why you will see that guji mosques tend not to allow pakistanis on the mosque board.

Apparently this has happened in many other towns too, that coupled with the fear factor leads to blantant racism amongst gujis.

In my life the harshest treatment a molvi ever got was from a Pakistani, basically the poor lad wasnt well behaved, and the molvi kept picking on him. One day he flipped and called him a *** and threw a bench at him.

Some guji molvi's can be ruthless when it comes to bullying and poor treatment of kids. They beat up kids like they are getting bonus points. Absolutely no understanding about their actions. Just beat them up. One molvi beat up kids so bad he used to shake with rage.
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Old 07-22-2011, 12:22 AM   #19

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I think the charecterstics you mentioned is not exclusive to Pakistani or Gujrathi. There are always some (or many) people in all communities that behave in such manner. In India rather than nationalism regionalism is stronger. Hence the dislike between South Indians and North Indians etc etc.
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Old 07-22-2011, 12:58 AM   #20

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This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in jumu'ah khutbahs, again and again. The extent of the racism is disgusting. Most gujaratis just can't understand why someone would want to marry a black man.

I was once told that 'of course black men are not attractive', why else would the Prophet SAW have let Aisha RA watch the abyssinians in the mosque? (apparently this is an explanation from one of the mufassireen).
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