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Old 02-13-2009, 06:50 AM   #1

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Default 'Worst economic collapse ever' triggered by ILuminati bankers
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Illuminati Bankers trigger global financial collapse


Roadmap to Muslim Massacre in the West

'Worst economic collapse ever' triggered by ILuminati bankers



Russia Today Transcript – February 11, 2009

In 2009 we’re going to see the worst economic collapse ever, the ‘Greatest Depression’, says Gerald Celente, U.S. trend forecaster. He believes it’s going to be very violent in the U.S., including there being a tax revolt.

RT: The fragile U.S. economy has been met with bank bailouts and stimulus plans. So what’s to come in 2009? Joining me now to answer that question is Gerald Celente, founder and director of the Trends Research Institute. Thank you for joining me.

Gerald Celente: My pleasure.

RT: How would you define the economic trend that you have forecasted for 2009?

G.C.: We’re going to see the economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen before. It’s not only in the United States; it’s going global. At the end of 2008 we saw Christmas retail sales: women’s apparel down 23%; home furnishings and electronics off 27%; luxury items down 35%. These are Depression Era collapses. We saw major bankruptcies, such as retailers Circuit City and Linens and Things. One bankruptcy after another. Then we saw store closings. Starbucks, Home D&D Power and down the line.

The question becomes who is going to take all of the vacant retail space? Who is going to rent it? The answer is - nobody. Now we look at the financial collapse in 2008, we saw the Merrill Lynch mob go under the bed and the Lehman boys went bankrupt. You saw bond companies, brokerage firms, and banks go belly up. Who is going to rent all the vacant commercial business space that they used to occupy? The answer is - nobody. The commercial real estate collapse that’s going to happen in 2009 is going to dwarf the residential real estate collapse.

RT: You use the Great Depression as an analogy, as a comparison. During the Great Depression unemployment was 25%. Now it has increased, it’s I think over 7.2. Is that number going to get much, much bigger?

G.C.: We have to look at the real number. There are two sets of books that the government keeps. When they measure up unemployment they don’t add in the people who are no longer looking for jobs because they have become discouraged since they cannot find employment after looking so long. And they don’t include part-time workers. When you put that number into it, the number is 13.7%. And that’s a government number. And this is just beginning. And again, current events form future trends.

What did we see? We saw in one day some 61,000 jobs evaporate off the map. You’re going to see Great Depression numbers. Because, as I mentioned, with this commercial real estate collapse, all of these retail stores closing, like Starbucks and Macy’s, you go down the line. You look not only at people who work for these places that no longer have jobs, but how about all the supportive industries - the advertising, the manufacturers, the products. They’re going to be laying off people as well. We’re going to see Great Depression numbers. In that effect, this is going to be worse than the Great Depression.

RT: What are we going to see happening to the society, to people’s day-to-day lives in terms of how they treat one another, how they behave, crime?

G.C.: When I say it’s going to be worse than the Great Depression, we call it the Greatest Depression. By the way, to be using 1930s models to get the U.S. out of this is really stupid. Back then when we first crashed most people didn’t have homes. There was no such thing as home equity loan. And back then, people didn’t have credit cards. The consumer wasn’t 14 trillion dollars in debt. We had a manufacturing base that built the world out of the Great Depression following World War Two. We no longer have that.

Now people are at the edge. They’re stressed out. Look, the Americans are the most depressed nation on the world already. They take more antidepressant drugs than anybody, plus the other kinds of drugs that they are taking. You’re going to see crime levels in America that are going to rival the third world. Welcome Mexico City. You’re going to start seeing people being kidnapped in this country like they do in other underdeveloped nations. So it’s going to be very violent in America.

RT: You’re not exaggerating?

G.C.: I’m not exaggerating, the facts are there. I have a saying: when people lose everything and they have nothing to lose, they lose it. You’re going to see people saying, off with their heads. There’s going to be another revolution in this country.

RT: When will this revolution that you have forecasted in your Trends journal happen and what will ignite it?

G.C.: It’s going to be a tax revolt. We’re going to start seeing a tax revolt in the United States. People are one job away from losing everything. We’re seeing more and more closures, people are being laid off. People are stretched to the limits. And what do they do in New York State? Some130 new taxes are being proposed, they’re raising sales taxes. There’s going to be a tax revolt in this country from property taxes first and school taxes second. That’s what we’re going to see start to happen.

RT: Do you feel people are not hopeful that Obama will make a difference?

G.C.: People are hopeful, they are desperate and they are fearful. And they’ll hang on to anything. Let’s look at the facts. A man of change, who did he bring into Washington? You know they say by their deeds you shall know them. Let’s look at his Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, former Robert Rubin from the Clinton administration, the former president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Change? How about Larry Summers, the former Clinton Secretary of Treasury? I mean, I’ve been around a long time. I never remember a newly elected president bringing in basically the national security team from the last administration who happen to be from another party.

RT: Do you not think Obama’s different in any way?

G.C.: By their deeds you shall know them! If I bring in a baseball hitter that strikes out every time and I want him to play in the World Series is he going to hit the ball over the fence? They brought in Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner. Look at the crew. Look who they are. They’re strike out artists, every one of them. The only thing that they know how to do is not to get their finger nails dirty.

RT: There was a sentence in your report, the Trends Journal, that really caught my attention. You wrote: ‘On 9/11, those who listened to the authorities and returned to their offices went down with the towers.’ So are you saying that Americans should not be listening to the officials who are saying the Stimulus Plans are going to make everything better? Is that the analogy?

G.C.: Read my lips. No new taxes. I didn’t have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski. I smoked but I didn’t inhale. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda. Why would anybody believe these people?

RT: So what are Americans supposed to do if they’re not supposed to trust their leaders?

G.C.: Personally, I buy gold. And I’ve been talking about gold since the Trends Journal 2001. We peg the bottom and we said it would start going up at 275. Number two, you don’t spend a dime you don’t need to spend.

RT: What would be the good jobs to benefit from in this year?

G.C.: Anything having to do with health. Anything. It’s going to be a growth industry. And fortunately a lot of them are going to pay a lot of money in that field because a lot of that is going to be care for the elderly. And the other thing really is anything having to do with conservation engineers, anything that’s going to prove technologically sound and smart to save money and to make money.

RT: What about geopolitics, what trends are we going to see in terms of the relationships between the United States and the rest of the world?

G.C.: Well the rest of the world is very hopeful, using the word ‘hope’, with the Obama administration. And again, we’re going to have to see what transpires, but so far, and again, by their deeds you shall know them.

Obama, when he first started to run, he was going to be out of Iraq. As soon as he became president he was going to start bringing soldiers home. Now they won’t be out for 16 months and now their reports say they’re going to bring upwards of 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan. He was also talking about preventive strikes in Pakistan. So it really doesn’t look like it’s going to be much of a smoothing of geopolitical relations.

The one factor we’re looking at, at a time that could only be the worst time for it to happen, is what’s going on in the Middle East, in the Israel-Gaza war. Israel, as they said, they were trying to do as the reports have come out, if they attack Iran at any level, it will begin World War Three. Because if this war spreads beyond Gaza, it’s going to inflame the Middle East. It can cause an oil crisis as we saw in 1973, that’s what ended the Arab-Israeli war when they embargoed oil going into the U.S. That’s our major concern. We’re also seeing, and we’re going to wonder, if Obama continues with putting the so-called missile defense shield in Poland and in Czech Republic in Eastern Europe and if they keep pushing more and more into Georgia. If that keeps happening we’re going to see a re-ignition of the Cold War.

RT: You have been trend casting since 1980, more than two decades. How do you compile your information and why do you believe you’ve been so spot-on most of the time?

G.C.: Current events form future trends. You can see what’s going on. A great scholar said, “In today already walks tomorrow.” So we say current events form future trends. But when people look at the trends, they colour them or shade them with their own ideology, their own beliefs. It’s what they want, what they hope for, what they wish for.

I’m a political atheist. I look at things for the way they are, not the way I want them to be. I don’t colour them or try to change them because of an ideology. The other major factor that we do differently at Trends Research Institute than anywhere else is we look at over 300 different categories on a global basis. So we’re looking at economics, we’re looking at politics, we’re looking at changes in the family, we’re looking at geopolitics. We’re making connections between different fields continually.

RT: How can America get out of the situation?

G.C.: All you have to do is to look back to the 1990s when America entered into a recession. We had 7.2 unemployment rate in 1993. What got the U.S. out of the 1990s recession was something called the ‘internet revolution’ that had a productive capacity. Products were invented, designed, manufactured, marketed and serviced. So you’re asking about new jobs, ask about alternative energies. Anything that’s going to advance the U.S. into the 21st century in an intelligent way. That’s where the job opportunities are going to be.

RT: Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute, thank you very much for taking time to speak with us.

G.C.: My pleasure.
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:29 AM   #2

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Its not important to know if a secret society is behind the collapse of the world capitalist system. In fact, mentioning them as responsible removes the blame on the ideological explanation for the failure of the capitalist financial system.

Capitalism is contrary to Islam. But its failures lie in its incompatibility with reality. In particular, the current financial collapse is a result of the rise of economic theory that deregulation is necessary for productivity, and that the businesses of the financial markets can regulate and monitor themselves. This is an ideological dogmatic claim: that man does not regulation, that he can regulate and monitor his own transactions.

As well, in America, the nationwide deregulation theories meant governments no longer adequately enforced existing regulations, such as that mortgage brokers should be without criminal pasts, and that commercial banks and private banks do not have to be separated.

In the case of mortgage brokers, 10s of 1000s of convicts obtained mortgage brokerage licenses ( including convicts guilty of fraud) and tricked homebuyers into mortgages that were detrimental to their interests. A conventional mortgage contract is usually 100 pages long. A defrauding broker would summarize the contract, skipping important information to encourage buyers to sign. Once they signed, teh broker woudl sell the mortgage as a bundle of mortgages on the securities market so it would be traded. The mortgage bundle would be negligently graded as prime and stable, aka a good investment. Thus, investors would buy them up by the 1000s and include them in their mutual funds and portfolios. When people began defaulting on their mortgages, ie. abandoning their homes and mortgage payments, these bundles of mortgages were all of a sudden recognized as subprime, unstable, 'bad investments'. Since no one knew how to distinguish one from another, the entire securities market began to unfold and trillions. Banks intentionally hid the losses, or redirected them in accounting shelters to avoid the appearance of loss so as their stock values and investments would not loose value. But they were defrauding people as well.

The believers have to identify the problem for what it is.
Mankind is incapable of devising a system by which to govern his affairs justly, fairly, consistent with his needs and instincts, and consistent with his intellect.
The capitalist market system has been proven over and over to be inconsistent with the needs of mankind, leaving the poor to suffer and starve while the rich become more and more powerful.

Every so often, terrible fraud is perpetrated upon the people in capitalism, leaving millions if not billions suffering. A few laws are passed and new theories are devised to patch the hole, but the leaks slowly resurface, resulting in more and more flooding. This time, the entire world has been defrauded in the most expensive fraud in human history, ranging in the trillions.

More later insha Allah.
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:33 AM   #3

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Salaam alaikum

Its not important to know if a secret society is behind the collapse of the world capitalist system. In fact, mentioning them as responsible removes the blame on the ideological explanation for the failure of the capitalist financial system.

Capitalism is contrary to Islam. But its failures lie in its incompatibility with reality. In particular, the current financial collapse is a result of the rise of economic theory that deregulation is necessary for productivity, and that the businesses of the financial markets can regulate and monitor themselves. This is an ideological dogmatic claim: that man does not regulation, that he can regulate and monitor his own transactions.

As well, in America, the nationwide deregulation theories meant governments no longer adequately enforced existing regulations, such as that mortgage brokers should be without criminal pasts, and that commercial banks and private banks do not have to be separated.

In the case of mortgage brokers, 10s of 1000s of convicts obtained mortgage brokerage licenses ( including convicts guilty of fraud) and tricked homebuyers into mortgages that were detrimental to their interests. A conventional mortgage contract is usually 100 pages long. A defrauding broker would summarize the contract, skipping important information to encourage buyers to sign. Once they signed, teh broker woudl sell the mortgage as a bundle of mortgages on the securities market so it would be traded. The mortgage bundle would be negligently graded as prime and stable, aka a good investment. Thus, investors would buy them up by the 1000s and include them in their mutual funds and portfolios. When people began defaulting on their mortgages, ie. abandoning their homes and mortgage payments, these bundles of mortgages were all of a sudden recognized as subprime, unstable, 'bad investments'. Since no one knew how to distinguish one from another, the entire securities market began to unfold and trillions. Banks intentionally hid the losses, or redirected them in accounting shelters to avoid the appearance of loss so as their stock values and investments would not loose value. But they were defrauding people as well.

The believers have to identify the problem for what it is.
Mankind is incapable of devising a system by which to govern his affairs justly, fairly, consistent with his needs and instincts, and consistent with his intellect.
The capitalist market system has been proven over and over to be inconsistent with the needs of mankind, leaving the poor to suffer and starve while the rich become more and more powerful.

Every so often, terrible fraud is perpetrated upon the people in capitalism, leaving millions if not billions suffering. A few laws are passed and new theories are devised to patch the hole, but the leaks slowly resurface, resulting in more and more flooding. This time, the entire world has been defrauded in the most expensive fraud in human history, ranging in the trillions.

More later insha Allah.
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:48 AM   #4

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Everyone should look up on:

1. Fractional Reserve Banking.
2. Money Creation.
3. Riba in accordance with 1 and 2

You will understand why this recession is going to be worse than people are expecting. Debt is at an all time high and soon the bubble will burst.

Why would a government, loan money from an private entity who simply creates money whenever it pleases and out of thin air? How can you pay back debt with debt? In all of this a grand conspiracy arises and it's bigger than the fault of a economic system.
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Old 02-13-2009, 10:02 AM   #5

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Sale out your houses as soon as possible and buy small houses without mortgage or loan in Muslim countries and half of the money invest to house and half keep it in hands for bad time even don’t let them to banks because this financial crisis will not stop any where it will be go more worst.
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:42 PM   #6

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Australian government passes economic stimulus package
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:13 PM   #7

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this is not a recession or depression

it is a countdown to a new system and new leader

muslims should see this as a new beginning and oppurtunity to turn to allah and see and propogate the benefits of shariah whilst every other false system collapses
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Old 02-13-2009, 10:45 PM   #8

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that what all this barak obama was about... hyping up a new leader and making people believe that hes bringing something new, with 'change we can believe in'

i think he will be the next hitler
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Old 02-14-2009, 12:04 AM   #9

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this is not a recession or depression

it is a countdown to a new system and new leader

muslims should see this as a new beginning and oppurtunity to turn to allah and see and propogate the benefits of shariah whilst every other false system collapses
very true.
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Old 02-14-2009, 01:56 AM   #10

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that what all this barak obama was about... hyping up a new leader and making people believe that hes bringing something new, with 'change we can believe in'

i think he will be the next hitler
I think Hitler hatedness is a propaganda against him from westerns as a war tool same like today they using for Muslims. I don’t think he done wrong for his peoples as a leader to safe them Wallah Alaam.

But obama is in Hadith no one left like him in the past humanity he will do in future for humanity let see him.
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:02 AM   #11

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what hadith are you talking about?

the one where it says an abyssinian will try to steal the secret of the kaba?
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:21 AM   #12

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that what all this barak obama was about... hyping up a new leader and making people believe that hes bringing something new, with 'change we can believe in'

i think he will be the next hitler
I think it is really propaganda against Hitler and peoples they use his name as a abuse word each others but he let them go out all fittna peoples jews from his country but who destroy millions innocents peoples in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What you call that person who orders to destroy humanity in Japan that time?
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Old 02-14-2009, 10:59 AM   #13

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what hadith are you talking about?

the one where it says an abyssinian will try to steal the secret of the kaba?
Yes I am also thinking about dajjal (curly hairs and red person).
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:48 PM   #14

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but obama isnt red or white and hes not a jew
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:52 PM   #15

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this is not a recession or depression

it is a countdown to a new system and new leader

muslims should see this as a new beginning and oppurtunity to turn to allah and see and propogate the benefits of shariah whilst every other false system collapses
Before the new system appears. the Illuminati bankers , according to Hegelian Dialectics, prepare the world public ready for the new system. So, they will try to cause unprecendented financial chaos leading to social chaos, lots of bloodshed including the Muslim massacre in the West.

So, you should take care of your own protection.
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Old 02-14-2009, 07:31 PM   #16

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but obama isnt red or white and hes not a jew
his mother was jew and red.
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:03 PM   #17

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his mother was jew and red.
she was a christian
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Old 02-14-2009, 09:47 PM   #18

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Yes I am also thinking about dajjal (curly hairs and red person).
are you saying that obama could be dajjal?

what about having just one eye. obama has 2.
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:29 PM   #19

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are you saying that obama could be dajjal?

what about having just one eye. obama has 2.
How about gorden he has one blind?
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Old 02-15-2009, 07:40 AM   #20

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Muslims don’t have eagle eye then who has that one eye? Who control that eagle eye who take the advantages from that one eye?
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