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Old 05-31-2011, 08:54 AM   #1

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Default The “Balkanization” of Pakistan: Blaming the Pakistanis



On February 1, 2008, Selig Harrison threw his renowned “predictive” abilities on Pakistan in an op-ed for the New York Times in the run-up to the Pakistani elections. He started by stating that, “Whatever the outcome of the Pakistani elections, now scheduled for Feb. 18, the existing multiethnic Pakistani state is not likely to survive for long unless it is radically restructured.” Harrison then went on to explain that Pakistan would likely break up along ethnic lines; with the Pashtuns, concentrated in the northwestern tribal areas, the Sindhis in the southeast uniting with the Baluch tribesmen in the southwest, with the Punjab “rump state” of Pakistan.[28]

The Pashtuns in the north, “would join with their ethnic brethren across the Afghan border (some 40 million of them combined) to form an independent ‘Pashtunistan’,” and the Sindhis “numbering 23 million, would unite with the six million Baluch tribesmen in the southwest to establish a federation along the Arabian Sea from India to Iran,” presumably named Baluchistan; while the rump state of Pakistan would remain Punjabi dominated and in control of the nuclear weapons. Selig Harrison explained that prior to partition from India, which led to the creation of the Pakistani state in 1947, Pashtun, Sindhi and Baluch ethnicities had “resist[ed] Punjabi domination for centuries,” and suddenly: they found themselves subjected to Punjabi-dominated military regimes that have appropriated many of the natural resources in the minority provinces — particularly the natural gas deposits in the Baluch areas — and siphoned off much of the Indus River’s waters as they flow through the Punjab.

The resulting Punjabi-Pashtun animosity helps explain why the United States is failing to get effective Pakistani cooperation in fighting terrorists. The Pashtuns living along the Afghan border are happy to give sanctuary from Punjabi forces to the Taliban, which is composed primarily of fellow Pashtuns, and to its Qaeda friends.

Pashtun civilian casualties resulting from Pakistani and American air strikes on both sides of the border are breeding a potent underground Pashtun nationalist movement. Its initial objective is to unite all Pashtuns in Pakistan, now divided among political jurisdictions, into a unified province. In time, however, its leaders envisage full nationhood.

... The Baluch people, for their part, have been waging intermittent insurgencies since their forced incorporation into Pakistan in 1947. In the current warfare Pakistani forces are widely reported to be deploying American-supplied aircraft and intelligence equipment that was intended for use in Afghan border areas. Their victims are forging military links with Sindhi nationalist groups that have been galvanized into action by the death of Benazir Bhutto, a Sindhi hero as was her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.[29]

This passage is very revealing of the processes and perceptions surrounding “Balkanization” and “destabilization.” What I mean by this, is that historically and presently, imperial powers would often use ethnic groups against each other in a strategy of divide and conquer, in order “to keep the barbarians from coming together” and dominate the region.

While imperial powers manipulate, and historically, even create the ethnic groups within regions and nations, the West portrays conflict in such regions as being the product of these “ethnic” or “tribal” rivalries. This perception of the East (Asia and the Middle East) as well as Africa is referred to as Orientalism or Eurocentrism: meaning it generally portrays the East (and/or Africa) as “the Other”: inherently different and often barbaric. This prejudiced perspective is prevalent in Western academic, media, and policy circles.

This perspective serves a major purpose: dehumanizing a people in a region that an imperial power seeks to dominate, which allows the hegemon to manipulate the people and divide them against each other, while framing them as “backwards” and “barbaric,” which in turn, justifies the Western imperial power exerting hegemony and control over the region; to “protect” the people from themselves.

Historically and presently, Western empires have divided people against each other, blamed the resulting conflict on the people themselves, and thus justified their control over both the people, and the region they occupy. This was the strategy employed in major recent geopolitical conflicts such as the breakup of Yugoslavia and the Rwandan genocide.

In both cases, Western imperial ambitions were met through exacerbating ethnic rivalries, providing financial, technical, and military aid and training to various factions; thus, spreading violent conflict, war, and genocide. In both cases, Western, and primarily American strategic interests were met through an increased presence militarily, pushing out other major imperial and powerful rivals, as well as increasing Western access to key economics resources.
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Old 05-31-2011, 01:26 PM   #2

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Any one having some more information on this issue please?.Seems very important,as i can find a glimpse of reality in it.
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:41 AM   #3

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Any one having some more information on this issue please?.Seems very important,as i can find a glimpse of reality in it.
Many Pakistanis are simply not smart enough to see the big picture !!! The article below shows how easy it is to fool the Pakistanis.



We are told we must intervene in Afghanistan and Pakistan to combat terrorists. This high profile story has the potential to smash that paradigm. Davis was working with the same terror groups Western forces are supposed to be fighting.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Davis is the 'acting head of the CIA in Pakistan'. He 'claimed one of his main tasks was to keep the CIA network intact in the tribal areas where al-Qaeda militants operate, and that he was familiar with their local languages.'

'Telephone records suggest he was in contact with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Pakistan Taliban in South Waziristan.'

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have committed a long list of horrendous crimes. In 2002, two members of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombed the International Protestant Church in Islamabad during a church service, killing five people and wounding 40.

The Pakistani government have claimed that the murder of iconic Pakistani president Benazir Bhutto in 2007, along with the murder of 20 others in Rawalpindi was orchestrated by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

Pakistan is an Islamic nation with nuclear weapons so it is targeted for destruction and disarmament by the global power elite. Organizations like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are designed to create chaos in Pakistan, to fracture the country into smaller, more easily manageable pieces to ease Pakistani's integration into the NWO.

It is also likely that Davis was researching targets for drone attacks. Since 2004, the US military have sent unmanned aircraft to bomb strategic locations in Pakistan. The drones increasingly are controlled by computer game whiz-kids recruited into the army.

Drones attack opponents of military operations in Afghanistan. They also attack conservative regions in Pakistan which are resistance to change.

If you search the drone target lists, one area that crops up repeatedly is South Waziristan. Wikipedia describes the social life of this region:

'The tribes are divided into sub-tribes governed by male village elders who meet in a tribal jirga. Socially and religiously, Waziristan is an extremely conservative area. Women are carefully guarded, and every household must be headed by a male figure. Tribal cohesiveness is strong through so-called Collective Responsibility Acts in the Frontier Crimes Regulation.'

The Illuminati Satanists are waging a war on Islam. The local men of South Waziristan are warriors and refuse to allow the destruction of their culture. Their leaders are assassinated and referred to in our media as 'Al-Qaeda leaders.'
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Old 06-01-2011, 12:31 PM   #4

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Many Pakistanis are simply not smart enough to see the big picture !!! The article below shows how easy it is to fool the Pakistanis.



We are told we must intervene in Afghanistan and Pakistan to combat terrorists. This high profile story has the potential to smash that paradigm. Davis was working with the same terror groups Western forces are supposed to be fighting.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Davis is the 'acting head of the CIA in Pakistan'. He 'claimed one of his main tasks was to keep the CIA network intact in the tribal areas where al-Qaeda militants operate, and that he was familiar with their local languages.'

'Telephone records suggest he was in contact with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Pakistan Taliban in South Waziristan.'

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have committed a long list of horrendous crimes. In 2002, two members of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombed the International Protestant Church in Islamabad during a church service, killing five people and wounding 40.

The Pakistani government have claimed that the murder of iconic Pakistani president Benazir Bhutto in 2007, along with the murder of 20 others in Rawalpindi was orchestrated by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

Pakistan is an Islamic nation with nuclear weapons so it is targeted for destruction and disarmament by the global power elite. Organizations like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are designed to create chaos in Pakistan, to fracture the country into smaller, more easily manageable pieces to ease Pakistani's integration into the NWO.

It is also likely that Davis was researching targets for drone attacks. Since 2004, the US military have sent unmanned aircraft to bomb strategic locations in Pakistan. The drones increasingly are controlled by computer game whiz-kids recruited into the army.

Drones attack opponents of military operations in Afghanistan. They also attack conservative regions in Pakistan which are resistance to change.

If you search the drone target lists, one area that crops up repeatedly is South Waziristan. Wikipedia describes the social life of this region:

'The tribes are divided into sub-tribes governed by male village elders who meet in a tribal jirga. Socially and religiously, Waziristan is an extremely conservative area. Women are carefully guarded, and every household must be headed by a male figure. Tribal cohesiveness is strong through so-called Collective Responsibility Acts in the Frontier Crimes Regulation.'

The Illuminati Satanists are waging a war on Islam. The local men of South Waziristan are warriors and refuse to allow the destruction of their culture. Their leaders are assassinated and referred to in our media as 'Al-Qaeda leaders.'
Brother, this is a war without a face,no one knows exactly how many players are involved in it,and who is fooling whom The story starts even before the Russian invasion of Afghanistan,when Z.A.Bhutto accommodated some afghan leaders including Gul Badin Hikmatyar & the late Masood,and trained them for insurgency in Afghanistan against President Daud,who was a strong supporter of Pukhtoonistan.After the Russian invasion the role of CIA and ISI is well known to all."Mujahideen" from all corners of the world were brought & facilitated,glorified,armed,supported and nurtured,in pakistan, to be abandoned later as " terrorists" not accepted even by their own native countries.On the other hand a large number of very committed Mujahideen were created and fully trained for Jehad in Kasmir and were as easily abandoned as the Mujahideen of Afghanistan were abandoned before them, Lashkar being one of them.Fully motivated ,trained & armed,these mujahideen grouped into Pakistani Taliban ,now turned on their own country,treating Pak, Army as traitors.
Even if Americans, Indians & israeli,s are now using. them directly or indirectly,Pakistani Government can not be absolved of the responsibility for providing them with trained human material__"A monster turned against its own Master"
Pukhtoons are the only nation in the world,other than Kurds, who are practically divided into 4 parts by imaginary lines.They are in Afghanistan,FATA,Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa and they comprise almost 50% of Balochistan in numbers.I will call it " Balanization " of Pukhtoons.Added to that,they are kept economically backward,Politically in effective and now at war,suffering by the hands of Americans, Taliban and Pakistan Army alike.Were it not a very resilient nation,it would have perished.All these factors combined, makes the case of an independent Pukhtoonistan very convincing. One reason Pukhtoon intellegentia is not fully behind the idea of a separate state is that they know being geographically a land locked country,they will never be fully independent.History has shown clearly that Economic independence is a must for physical independence.
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Old 06-01-2011, 01:34 PM   #5

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....Pukhtoons are the only nation in the world,other than Kurds, who are practically divided into 4 parts by imaginary lines.They are in Afghanistan,FATA,Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa and they comprise almost 50% of Balochistan in numbers.I will call it " Balanization " of Pukhtoons.Added to that,they are kept economically backward,Politically in effective and now at war,suffering by the hands of Americans, Taliban and Pakistan Army alike.Were it not a very resilient nation,it would have perished.All these factors combined, makes the case of an independent Pukhtoonistan very convincing. One reason Pukhtoon intellegentia is not fully behind the idea of a separate state is that they know being geographically a land locked country,they will never be fully independent.History has shown clearly that Economic independence is a must for physical independence.
But never forget about the power of the myth of Pakistan.....never lose sight of this and the "why" of the current situation will always be clear.
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Old 06-18-2011, 05:35 AM   #6

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A grim plan to capture Pakistan is found . Be sure that the terroists who will attack , in the first place , are manipulated by the West. using ideologues ,double agents and dupes.


China is Pakistan’s new best friend. This is a major geopolitical shift. It comes on the heels of Obama administration approval of aggressive tactics against Pakistan, amongst them, first use of nuclear weapons by NATO to prevent their potential use by terrorists or a rogue state. According to the London Sunday Express: “US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nation’s nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden… Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air force’s central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles.” Enter China. China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. The stakes are perhaps as high as they have ever been for the post-Cold War United States as Bilderberg dealt with quagmire in Pakistan.

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Old 06-28-2011, 06:15 AM   #7

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The West is trying to invent an excuse to invade Pakistan. This article shows this clearly.


Pakistan 'can't protect atomic arsenal from Islamic extremists'
Pakistan is unable to protect its growing atomic arsenal from the threat of Islamic extremists, according to one of the country's leading nuclear scientists.

Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy, who teaches at universities in Lahore and Islamabad, said there was evidence that the Army had been infiltrated by extremist elements.

"We have reason to worry because the most secure installations, bases, and headquarters of the military have been successfully attacked by Islamic militants who have sympathisers within the military," he said.

"What is the proof that nuclear installations or weapon stocks would be exempt from this? My worry is not limited to nuclear arsenals because places that deal with fissile materials can also be similarly infiltrated."
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Old 06-29-2011, 05:21 AM   #8

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A grim plan to capture Pakistan is found . Be sure that the terroists who will attack , in the first place , are manipulated by the West. using ideologues ,double agents and dupes.


China is Pakistan’s new best friend. This is a major geopolitical shift. It comes on the heels of Obama administration approval of aggressive tactics against Pakistan, amongst them, first use of nuclear weapons by NATO to prevent their potential use by terrorists or a rogue state. According to the London Sunday Express: “US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nation’s nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden… Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air force’s central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles.” Enter China. China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. The stakes are perhaps as high as they have ever been for the post-Cold War United States as Bilderberg dealt with quagmire in Pakistan.

"No body gives you freedom,you have to fight for it.No body fights for you,you have to fight for yourself"
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