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Old 03-27-2008, 12:12 AM   #1

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Default Hadhrat Isa and Mahdi--Hanafis?

Below is the link to an article, published in the monthly journal of the Darul-Uloom Deoband regarding the madh’hab of HAdhrat Isa(AS)—it clearly refutes those who say that he (AS) will be a HAnafi, saying that it is a slander against him as he(AS) is a prophet. Further, the author quoted Allamah ali Qari, Allamah Sayyuti and Allamah Ibn HAjr regarding this matter, stating some other possible ways in which Hadhrat Isa (AS) might derive the rulings of the Shar’iah of our Prophet (SAW) (As he IS going to follow the Shari’ah of Prophet (SAW) as mentioned in a no. of Ahadith).

It also said that Imam Mahdi, also, wont be a Hanafi, quoting Hadhrat Hakim-ul-Ummat in accordance (Malfuzat Hakim-ul-Ummat). But I’ve heard that Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf Thani wrote that Imam Mahdi IS going to be a Hanafi—Is this true?

The Urdu knowers must read it!


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Old 03-27-2008, 12:19 AM   #2

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the whole school didn´t exist at the time of prophet mohhammad(sw) with the form which we have today, and that reason there is also no hadiths that imam mahdi will follow any school. it could be possible that he will be a mujtahid. i dont know which hadiths scholars use to say , which school will be followed bý imam mahdi.

any comments from any scholar will be appreciated.
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Old 03-27-2008, 12:25 AM   #3

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the whole school didn´t exist at the time of prophet mohhammad(sw) with the form which we have today, and that reason there is also no hadiths that imam mahdi will follow any school. it could be possible that he will be a mujtahid. i dont know which hadiths scholars use to say , which school will be followed bý imam mahdi.

any comments from any scholar will be appreciated.
it was based on Kahsf of Mujadid Alf thani. But it was states that Hazrat Easa would follow more in line with the hanafi madhab with some diffrencess. So not exactley the hanafi madhab. As for Sayidna Mahdi as .. he will be a mujtahid Mutlaq .. so dunno which way he will ephasize. Whole point at that time will be to obey .. not to complain and say but this is not in our madhab .. u cant combine madhabs etc etc. So those who follow the madhabs blindly will be the most in trouble.
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Old 03-27-2008, 12:39 AM   #4

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There is a hadith in Saheeh Muslim concerning this; "and he will lead you with the Book of your Lord and the Sunnah of your Prophet (salalahu alaihi wasalam)."
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Old 03-27-2008, 01:14 AM   #5

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it was based on Kahsf of Mujadid Alf thani.
Right akhi, i also thought something in this direction. But as we know we cant use any story or comments whihc is occurd in kashf as shariah evidence or other things. MAy be just for motivation.
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Old 03-27-2008, 01:22 AM   #6

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Right akhi, i also thought something in this direction. But as we know we cant use any story or comments whihc is occurd in kashf as shariah evidence or other things. MAy be just for motivation.
that is correct. But if we looks at it many of his predictions just happen to be right.
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Old 03-27-2008, 02:09 AM   #7

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I was taught that Isaa will be a mujtahid mutlaq, and thus will follow His own ijtihad.

The same may be true for Imam Mahdi as well.
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Old 03-27-2008, 02:58 AM   #8

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Asslamo Allaikum,

When I read the statement of Mujaddid Alf Thani (RA) I understood it differently.

To me he is not saying that Isa (RA) will follow the Hanafi Madhab, he is saying that Isa (AS) will be a Mujtahid Mutlaq but his Ijethad will match the Hanafi Madhab and Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi (RA) is talking in probability terms in his statement.

The conclusions of some Hanafi Ulama that Isa (AS) will follow the Hanafi Madhab (out of above) is just wrong and I have seen the book of a famous Mufti in India where he has blatantly said exactly that.

Its like somebody twisting my underlined statements to say that I am saying Isa (AS) will follow the Hanafi Madhab (which is not what I am saying).

The quotation of Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi (RA) i.e. Mujaddid Alf Thani (RA) must be understood in the context and you have to read what he says about the Shaf'ae Madhab and then you will know what he is saying and why he is saying it.

In terms of Marifah it is critical to read his views on both Shaf'ae & Hanafi Madhabs and then you will know what he means by his statements.

Lastly, at the end of the day its his opinion and he is entitled to one.

Allah (SWT) knows best.

P.S: The article also deals with the issue of Mahdi and quotes Mullah Qari (RA) to say that attribution of Hanafi Madhab to Mahdi is not only baseless but it shouldn't even be mentioned. The article also quotes the statement of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) that to say that Mahdi will follow the Hanafi Madhab is Ghuloo (extremism). So to say that Isa (AS) will follow the Hanafi Madhab is even a bigger Ghuloo!

This article really needs to translated in full!
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Old 03-27-2008, 05:29 AM   #9

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He can't be following Hanafi madhab because some of the narrations concerning him show certain actions he will be doing differently and this has already been addressed. The claim that he will be Hanafi is just conjecture based on the fact that certain actions of his (rah) will be akin to modern Hanafi madhab but this doesn't mean anything, if we take other actions of his than we can attribute a variety of madhahib to him (rah) and add the principle of "with some differences".

This article really needs to translated in full! InshaAllah I will have this done within the week.
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Old 03-27-2008, 06:39 AM   #10

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Ibn Arabi said in Fuhuhat al-Makkiyya about the Mahdi:

"He will manifest Religion as it (really) is in Itself, the Religion by which the Messenger of God would judge and rule if he were there. He will eliminate the different schools (of religious law) so that only the Pure Religion (Kor. 39:3) remains,8 and his enemies will be those who follow blindly the 'ulama', the people of ijtihad,9 because they will see the Mahdi judging differently from the way followed by their imams (i.e., the historical founders of the schools of Islamic law). So they will only accept the Mahdi's authority grudgingly and against their will, because of their fear of his sword and his strength and
because they covet (the power and wealth) that he possesses. But the common people of the Muslims and the greater part of the elite among them will rejoice in him, while the true Knowers of God among the People of the (spiritual) Realities will pledge allegiance to him because of God's directly informing them (of the Mahdi's true nature and mission), through (inner) unveiling and immediate witnessing."

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Old 03-27-2008, 06:52 AM   #11

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Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani [ r.h] said in his Maktubaat:

"Whatever Khawaja Muhammed Parsa [r.h] has written in his book Fasool-e-Sitta that Hazrat Isa [a.h] will follow the madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa [r.h], meaning that His ijtehad will be in accordance [muwafiq] to that of Imam Abu Hanifa [and his sutdents in Usool], not that He will do taqleed of Imam sahab, because the status of Hazrat Isa is way above that he do taqleed of anyone from among this Ummat [because he will be Mujtahid-e-Mutlaq]. Without any biasness it can be said from the eyes of Kashaf that Nuraniat of Hanafi madhab is like a big river, while other madahibs are seen as ponds. And this is also known from zahir that majority of of the Ummat follow Imam-e-Azam. May Allah be pleased with him."

In the same Maktub he talks about Imam Shafi [r.h] and says:

"Even after being a Hanafi, I have personal love for Imam Shafi, and I think very highly of him, and that's why in few matters I follow Imam Shafi."

And then Mujaddid says:

"But what can I do, even with so much knowldege, taqwa, kamal, I still find other[Imams] as kids of Imam Abu Hanifa."

[Maktubaat, Daftar II, Maktoob # 55]
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Old 03-27-2008, 07:14 AM   #12

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Was the article posted written by the pride of London, Hazrat Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib (damat barakatuhum)?
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Old 03-27-2008, 08:42 AM   #13

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He's a Nabi, he's not going to follow a madhab. He may be human like one of us, but he is way more blessed by Allah. He will probably follow just the Qur'an and Sunnah.
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Old 03-27-2008, 10:10 PM   #14

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Given the awesome nature of the events that will take place at the return of Sayyiduna Isa, peace be upon him, I doubt anyone then will be concerned with what madhdhab he follows. And since the madhdhabs are all legitimate means to understanding the Quran and Sunnah, I expect they will all be validated by Sayyiduna Isa (assuming they are around then), just as certain differences of opinion were validated by the Prophet even during his lifetime.


Below is the link to an article, published in the monthly journal of the Darul-Uloom Deoband regarding the madh’hab of HAdhrat Isa(AS)—it clearly refutes those who say that he (AS) will be a HAnafi, saying that it is a slander against him as he(AS) is a prophet. Further, the author quoted Allamah ali Qari, Allamah Sayyuti and Allamah Ibn HAjr regarding this matter, stating some other possible ways in which Hadhrat Isa (AS) might derive the rulings of the Shar’iah of our Prophet (SAW) (As he IS going to follow the Shari’ah of Prophet (SAW) as mentioned in a no. of Ahadith).

It also said that Imam Mahdi, also, wont be a Hanafi, quoting Hadhrat Hakim-ul-Ummat in accordance (Malfuzat Hakim-ul-Ummat). But I’ve heard that Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf Thani wrote that Imam Mahdi IS going to be a Hanafi—Is this true?

The Urdu knowers must read it!


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Old 03-27-2008, 10:43 PM   #15

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A question I am more concerned about: When Imam Mahdi/Hadhrat Isa come are we supposed to follow our Madhab or leave it and follow so to speak the Madhab of them?

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Old 03-28-2008, 01:09 AM   #16

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A question I am more concerned about: When Imam Mahdi/Hadhrat Isa come are we supposed to follow our Madhab or leave it and follow so to speak the Madhab of them?

Do you listen to the khalifa or go against him forget madhabs in that time. Most ppl won't be able to listen .. because they are not accustom to listening and obeying now.
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Old 03-28-2008, 01:15 AM   #17

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Well, it could be possible that Imam Mahdi or Hadhrat Isa will not be involved in Fiqh at all. Know what I mean?
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Old 03-28-2008, 04:00 AM   #18

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He can't be following Hanafi madhab because some of the narrations concerning him show certain actions he will be doing differently and this has already been addressed. The claim that he will be Hanafi is just conjecture based on the fact that certain actions of his (rah) will be akin to modern Hanafi madhab but this doesn't mean anything, if we take other actions of his than we can attribute a variety of madhahib to him (rah) and add the principle of "with some differences".

InshaAllah I will have this done within the week.
Asslamo Allaikum,

Jazakullah Khairun Brother...

To say that Isa (AS) will follow the Hanafi Madhab is not only conjecture, its Ghuloo (Exaggeration) and we shouldn't really say things like that as Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) has clearly stated as it is disrespectful.

Do you listen to the khalifa or go against him forget madhabs in that time. Most ppl won't be able to listen .. because they are not accustom to listening and obeying now.

Well, it could be possible that Imam Mahdi or Hadhrat Isa will not be involved in Fiqh at all. Know what I mean?
Asslamo Allaikum,

Following an Ameer or Khilafah and personal Madhab of a Muslim have no bearings on each other.

Muslims for 1300+ years have lived with Khalifahs & Ameers (in Jihad) who followed one Madhab and the laymen followed another.

A blatant example is Nurud-Deen Zandi RA (Hanafi) and then Salahud-Deen Ayuubi RA (Shaf'ae) but the Generals of the Army stayed the same and followed a mix of Hanafi (Kurdish) and Shafae (Arabs).

To this day the many Arabs who fought and lived with Ottomans are Shaf'es (in Turkey)...I have myself seen Shaf'ae Arabs in Hanafi Naqshbandi-Mujaddadi Majalis in Turkey and I have myself spoken to Arab children in Hanafi Turkish Madrasas and they have lived in Turkey for over 600 years.

Mulla Umar of Taliban (RA) is Hanafi while his deputy Mulla (*** what's his name Khanbaba who died 2 days before Eid a few years ago?) RA was Ahlul-Hadeeth...There were many Ahlul-Hadeeth who were/are with Hanafi Taliban and it was/is not an issue.

During Afghan Jihad Hanafees/Shaf'aes/Ahlul-Hadeeth/Salafees fought the Russians shoulder-to-shoulder and side-by-side and it was never an issue.

Even in Kashmir, Bosnia, Chechniyya the same happened and happens.

All praise be to Allah (SWT) who preserved all Sunnahs of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam).

You follow a Madhab according to the Scholars which you have access to and the studying which you do.

The key problem is Bigotry and thats what we (Muslims) need to get rid of!
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Old 08-03-2008, 01:43 AM   #19

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He's a Nabi, he's not going to follow a madhab. He may be human like one of us, but he is way more blessed by Allah. He will probably follow just the Qur'an and Sunnah.
I think you should read up a bit more on this brother, as for one, Hazrat Isaa will NOT return as a nabi. This is basics of Islam, as there is NO prophet after Hazrat Muhammad saw. Secondly, he will pray BEHIND Imam Mehdi in fajar before they attack Dajjal. A prophet never prays behind a non prophet. He will therefore return as an Ummati of Muhammad saw. I've heard once in a talk, that after hearing of the status of this Ummah, all prophets made dua to Allah to be a part of this Ummah and only Hazrat Issa's dua was accepted, hence his second coming. (Correction required on this if I'm wrong)

Regards what madhab he will follow, Allah knows best. All we know is he will be THE Khalif and supreme reformer of muslims at the time. What he says, we will do, and if he says follow Shaafi madhab, so be it, if he says follow Hanafi madhab, so be it, if he says follow the madhab you have been following till now, then we do it, though for the sake of unity, I'd say he will order taqlid. Just makes sense from what he will represent. "Quraan and Sunnah" is very easy to say, but true understanding of that lies in the 4 madhabs. Thousands of outstanding scholars through the ages have testified to that and I don't see how he would disrupt that.
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Old 08-03-2008, 02:42 AM   #20

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whats all this obsession with the Mahdi..its unhealthy
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