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Old 05-28-2011, 03:42 PM   #1

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Default 50 Stations of the Chistiyyah

“And those who struggle and strive in Our Way,
most certainly We will guide them to the Paths leading to Us.”


Compiled from the Teachings and Writings of Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Jalalabadi
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Quddisa Sirruhuma


1. Fanaa-fish-Shaikh (Immolation of one’s self at the altar of the Shaikh’s direction)
• I’tiqaad (Faith)—To believe that this Shaikh’s ta’leem and tarbiyat (teachings and training) are the most beneficial to one in the whole wide world.
• I’timaad (Confidence)—To be confident in the ta’leem and tarbiyat of the Shaikh to the extent that one does not exercise one’s own opinions and ideas.

2. Mutaala’ah (Study)
• Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part One—Thrice the whole kitaab and thereafter the Chapter of Akhlaaq; i.e. the detestable traits and the praiseworthy traits applying what is read to one’s life and judging oneself in hypothetical situations.
• Lectures of Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih). In his encyclopaedia of Mawaa’iz one will find a wa’z of Hazrat Thanwi on every station of this incredible sojourn to Allah Ta'ala.
• Malfoozaat of Hazrat Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih)
• Mawaa’iz and Malfoozaat of Hazrat Maseehul Ummat (Rahmatullahi alaih)
• Writings and compilations of Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat and Hazrat Maseehul Ummat (Alaihimar Rahmah)
• Ashrafus Sawaanih
• Hayaat-e-Maseehul Ummat
• Behishti Zewar

Note: Shariat wa Tasawwuf, Behishti Zewar and one of the remaining kitaabs on the list are compulsory for daily study.

3. Payment of Debts
• Debts owed to people
• Outstanding Zakaat, Fitrah, etc.

4. Huqooqullah (Rights Owed to Allah)
• Discharging of all Qazaa Salaat and Sowm
• Absolute obedience to the Shariat

5. Huqooqul Ibaad (Rights Owed to the Creation of Allah Ta’ala)
• Study Huqooqul Islam of Moulana Thanwi and daily take stock of rights due to others.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z titled Khairul Irshaad li Huqooqil Ibaad (A Noble Instruction in regard to the Rights of Allah’s Creation).

6. Muhaasabah (Stocktaking)
• Daily reflect over your actions and deeds. Express shukr over a good deed and resolve to continue with it. Express Towbah over an evil deed and resolve to abstain from it.

7. Muraaqaba-e-Mowt (Meditation on Death)
• Daily reflect on death and the events to transpire thereafter.
• Alternatively study a kitaab on the events of Mowt and the stages thereafter. Hazrat Shaikh Zakariyyah’s Zikr-e-Mowt translated into the English language with the title Remembrance of Death is a valuable kitaab in this regard.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z Muraaqabatul Ardh (Meditation on the Earth).


8. Hirs Alal Maal (Greed for Wealth)
• Reduce your expenditure.
• Do not worry and preoccupy yourself with the future.
• Think that a greedy person is perpetually in disgrace.

9. Hirs alal Umr (Desire for Longer Life)
• Remove love of the world from the heart.

10. Tama’ (Carnal Passion)
• Keep your carnal desires under check.
• Do not succumb to your inordinate desires. Desires should be under the reins of the Aqal (intelligence) and the Aql under the reins of the Shariat.

11. Ghussah (Anger)
• Think that Allah Ta’ala has complete power over you. If He punishes you at once for each wrong, then what will your condition be?
• Think of your wrongs.
• Understand that nothing happens without the will of Allah Ta’ala.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z Al-Ghadhab(Anger)

12. Darogh (Falsehood)
• Be attentive before speaking.
• Have courage when speaking.
• Make amends after speaking.
• Repent at any sinful talk.
• Think about the harms of false talk.

13. Hasad (Jealousy)
• Praise the one you are jealous of.
• Treat whom you are jealous of with humility and respect.

14. Bukhl (Miserliness)
• Remember death in abundance.
• Reflect on the Hadeeth: “A miser is far from people, far from Jannat, close to Jahannam.”

15. Riyaa (Ostentation)
• Rid yourself of love for the world.
• Discharge non-congregational acts of Ibaadat in privacy.
• With excessive repetition turn Ibaadat into aadat (habit) and the aadat into Ikhlaas (sincerity).

16. Ujub (Vainglory)
• Think of the favours of Allah Ta’ala.
• Reflect over the power of Allah Ta’ala. Whenever He wishes He can snatch the favour away.
• Think of the highest stage of perfection.
• Reflect over your external faults and shortcomings.
• Reflect over your internal faults and shortcomings.

17. Takabbur (Haughtiness)
• Bring to mind and reflect over the highest stage of perfection.
• Approach others with humility and respect.
• Think and meditate over one’s origin (sand and sperm), current state of carrying najaasat (filth, i.e. waste matter in the stomach) and one’s ending (decomposing in the grave).
• Reflect over each ni’mat (bounty) of Allah Ta'ala. If it be snatched away, what would your condition be? For instance, had one become insane—Allah forbid—what would one’s condition be?

18. Keenah (Malice)
• Forgive the one despised.
• Meet him with humbleness.

19. Hubb-e-Jaah (Love for Fame)
• Think that neither are those people who praise me going to remain, nor am I.

20. Hubb-e-Dunya (Love of the World)
• Excessive remembrance of death
• Abandon distant and remote plans and ideas.
• Stop thinking much about the future.


21. Mujaahadah (Spiritual Discipline)
• Do not overeat. Stop eating when you can take a morsel or two more.
• Do not speak anything unnecessary.
• Sleep 6 to 8 hours.
• Do not mix with people unless necessary.

22. Towheed (Unshakeable Belief in the Oneness of Allah)
• Think of creation’s weakness and helplessness.
• Think of the omnipotence of Allah Ta’ala.

23. Ikhlaas (Sincerity)
• Eradicate love for fame.
• Engage in Ibaadat in privacy.
• Do an act of Ibaadat abundantly by virtue of which it will become a habit and after it becoming a habit the Ibaadat will then become packed with sincerity.

24. Towbah (Repentance)
• Bring to mind and reflect over the warnings of Allah Ta’ala.
• Study the kitaab Jazaa-ul A’maal of Moulana Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih).This kitaab has been translated into English with the title Deeds and Retribution.

25. Muhabbat (Love for Allah Ta’ala)
• Think about the perfection of Allah Ta’ala.
• Reflect over the attributes of Allah Ta’ala.
• Recall the favours of Allah Ta’ala
• Carry out the Commandments of Allah Ta’ala.
• Engage in excessive Zikr.
• Purify your heart from all else besides Allah Ta’ala.

26. Showq (Eagerness)
• Inculcate Divine Love.

27. Uns (Attachment)
• Have love for Allah Ta’ala.

28. Khowf (Fear)
• Bring to mind the warnings of Allah Ta’ala and reflect over it.

29. Rajaa (Hope)
• Think over the vast Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala.
• Reflect over the favours and kindness of Allah Ta’ala.

30. Zuhd (Abstinence)
• Think of the evils of the world.
• Think of the harms of the world.
• Think of the perishing of the world.
• Think of the benefits of the Aakhirat.
• Think of the permanence of the Aakhirat.

31. Tawakkul (Trust)
• Reflect over the favours of Allah Ta’ala.
• Reflect over the promises of Allah Ta’ala.
• Think about your past successes.

32. Qanaa’at (Contentment)
• Think about the perishing of the world.

33. Hilm (Tolerance, Forbearance)
• Eradicate anger.
• Think about Allah Ta’ala’s power over you.
• Think about your disobedience and Allah Ta’ala overlooking your mistakes.
• Think that nothing can come into existence without the Will of Allah Ta’ala.

34. Sabr (Perseverance, Patience)
• Weaken and suppress the dictates of the nafs. . This is achieved by opposing the desires of the nafs, which is in reality Mujaahadah.
• “Allah Ta'ala is with the Saabireen.” Meditate over this gracious Aayat.
• Engage in the recitation of Inna Lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’oon and think over its meaning, i.e. “Verily we belong to Allah and verily to Him will we return.”

35. Shukr (Gratitude)
• Think and reflect over the bounties of Allah Ta’ala daily. It will be of utmost benefit to record the bounties and favours of Allah Ta'ala upon one, although we cannot encompass all His favours and gifts upon us.
36. Sidq (Perfection)
• Know what it takes to achieve perfection.
• Exercise special care when rendering Ibaadat.
• Rectify your shortcomings by meditating over your deeds.

37. Tafweez (Resignation to the Will of Allah)
• Think of the Divine Wisdom in things that go against your nature.
• Study Hazrat Thanwi’s wa’z Ad-Dawaam alal Islam.

38. Razaa (Divine Pleasure)
• Inculcate Divine Love.

39. Fanaa-e-Nafs (Immolation of One’s Carnal Self)
• Adopt Mujaahadah.
• Excessive Zikr
• Excessive Meditation

40. Fanaa-ul-Fanaa (Immolation of the Immolation) /Baqaa
• Perpetual Zikr
• Perpetual Fikr (Meditation)


41. Husn-e-Khulq (Beautiful Character)
• Ward off evil in the best possible manner.

42. Husn-e-Kalaam (Beautiful Speech)
• Dignified, cultured and polite words
• Soft tone

43. Husn-e-Mu’aasharah Ma’al Awlaad waz Zowjah (A Beautiful Life with the Children and Wife)
• Daily note down what beautiful conduct you displayed to each member of the household.

44. Fanaa-fir-Rasool (Perfect Obedience to Rasoolullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
• Daily study and note taking of one’s obedience and imitation of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) under the guidance of the study of Shiyamul Habeeb wa Shammut Teeb (Part Four of our English translation of Nashrut Teeb).

45. Zikr (Engrossment of the Tongue and Heart with the Remembrance of Allah Azza wa Alaa)
• Careful study of Chapters One and Two of Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part Two and according to one’s health, strength and time putting into practice.

46. Fikr / Muraaqabah (Contemplation / Meditation)
• Careful study of Chapter Four of Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part Two and according to one’s health, strength and time applying the directives.

47. Shaghl (Spiritual Exercise)
• Careful study of Chapter Three of Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part Two and a cautious implementation of the Ashghaal. It is of vital importance here to bear one’s physical health in mind and not impose strain on one, otherwise, instead of any benefit, there is a real possibility of harming oneself.

48. Tilaawat-e-Kaamilah (Perfection in the Art of Recitation of the Qur’aan)
• Careful study of Chapter Seven of Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part Two and its implementation.

49. Salaat-e-Kaamilah (Perfection in Salaat)
• Careful study of Chapter Eight of Shariat wa Tasawwuf Part Two and its implementation.

50. Khidmat-e-Khalq (Service to Creation)
• Verbal
• Written Physical
• Monetary / Financially
• Moral Support

NB It will be of immense benefit if one records each stage in a book and daily record one's progress.
Posted on the orders of Hazrat London786 (db)

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Old 05-29-2011, 12:49 AM   #2

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Is it that only after attaining all these 50 stages that one is given khilaafat?

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Old 05-29-2011, 12:54 AM   #3

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Here is the direct link to the book online:
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Old 05-29-2011, 01:13 AM   #4

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Assalamu alaykum

I may not move not more than few stations.
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Old 05-29-2011, 06:01 AM   #5

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Just for the sake of clearification, does that mean one shouldn't try to internalize praise-worthy traits as Sabr, Shukr & Tawakkul as long as one is not fanaa fish-Shaikh? Or is it meant more of a list to simply keep the priorities of the seekers and what they should concentrate on in order?

I like what I heard from Shaykh Saleem Dhorat [HA] a few times, that it would take the entire life to only eliminate pride from your heart, but what with the other spiritual maladies then? So, he advices to make place for Allah (SWT) in your heart and insha'Allah all the maladies will leave.

Btw. who compiled the list?
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Old 05-29-2011, 10:54 AM   #6

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Just for the sake of clearification, does that mean one shouldn't try to internalize praise-worthy traits as Sabr, Shukr & Tawakkul as long as one is not fanaa fish-Shaikh? Or is it meant more of a list to simply keep the priorities of the seekers and what they should concentrate on in order?

I like what I heard from Shaykh Saleem Dhorat [HA] a few times, that it would take the entire life to only eliminate pride from your heart, but what with the other spiritual maladies then? So, he advices to make place for Allah (SWT) in your heart and insha'Allah all the maladies will leave.

Btw. who compiled the list?

I think Fana fish Shaykh here means following the Shaykhs advice down to the letter as the 2 points below that have described. When this happens the Shaykh will take the mureed on the correct path which will get rid of the blameworthy traits and bring in the praiseworthy ones.

It has been compiled by a South African Alim i guess, the people who run that site have links with the Jamiat. You can mail them to see who the Author is
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Old 05-29-2011, 10:57 AM   #7

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Is it that only after attaining all these 50 stages that one is given khilaafat?

No brother, khilafat is given for many reasons, the link below describes some of them. I saw a thread on here sometime back discussing it.

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Old 05-29-2011, 01:00 PM   #8

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‘It has always been an outstanding feature of the Chishti masters that they do not have a established or rigid curriculum for the traveler on the path (sulook).

Instead, it is the insight of the Shaykh which is used to diagnosis the spiritual ailment and taking into consideration the disposition of the seeker a treatment is prescribed.


Each seeker is dealt with differently based on his individual disposition and capability.


Due to this individual consideration the benefit is also achieved very quickly.’

Tazkirah e Suleman ra, page 328


-taken from http://www.ashrafiya.com/2010/12/27/chishti-sulook/
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Old 05-29-2011, 01:21 PM   #9

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‘It has always been an outstanding feature of the Chishti masters that they do not have a established or rigid curriculum for the traveler on the path (sulook).

Instead, it is the insight of the Shaykh which is used to diagnosis the spiritual ailment and taking into consideration the disposition of the seeker a treatment is prescribed.


Each seeker is dealt with differently based on his individual disposition and capability.


Due to this individual consideration the benefit is also achieved very quickly.’

Tazkirah e Suleman ra, page 328


-taken from http://www.ashrafiya.com/2010/12/27/chishti-sulook/
Hazrat Damatbarkatuhum,

Since it is not easy to catch you elsewhere and since it is not easy to put this worldly matter to other Masha-ikh I shall seize the opportunity and with apologies to brother Ahlezikr ask the following question.

There was the sacrifices of Tipu Sultan. There were the sacrifices in Balakot. There were sacrifices in 1857. There were sacrifices from Shamli to Malta. There are constant sacrifices where brother (and sisters) go out for three days, forty days or 120 days. The sacrifices of Masha-ikh are there with tawatur. And there are more. And there will be sacrifices that are unknown to me. Now there was a time when every thing changed in 23 years but in present times no such thing has happened even in two and half centuries. Why?

May Allah (SWT) keep you in best of health.
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:01 PM   #10

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Bismihi Ta'ala,
Wa 'alaykum Assalaam,

Many great things have happened in the recent past...One has to but look with the heart and see. Tajdid of the Deen occurs in every century and in many ways. Masha Allah, you belong to the silsilah of Hazrat Hakeem-ul-Ummat (RA). The fact that his mere wujood (existence) in the past century is sufficient leaving aside his sacrifices for the Muslim peoples. Hazrat Muhy-us-Sunnah (RA) and his sacrifices are also not unknown to the Ahlullah. The list could go on an on.

However, our problem is that we try to seek out the big things and lose focus on the things that are very close to us or staring at us in the face. Everyone knows that a mountain is nothing but a collection of small stones joined together. The fact that the purposes of prophethood are still being meted out in the form of ta'leem, tazkiyah, and tableegh is miracle. The system of madaris, khanqahs, and jama'ats are proof of this.

We are so busy looking for the Junayd Baghdadi (RA) of yesteryears, that we become deprived of the fruits the present-day awliyaa' have to offer. In matters of Deen, it is imperative that we become rafeeq (supporters) of each other and not fareeq (separators) of one another. Masha Allah, you record the malfuzat of your Shaykh (DB). That too is a sacrifice. We should be grateful for what is present for us today. As is mentioned in the narrations, that the next generation will be worse of than the previous one. It is therefore inappropriate to have unreasonable expectations, especially from the creation of Allah (makhlooq). The makhlooq will let you down. Place your reliance upon Allah, and you shall be taken care of.

Also, every era has its own needs and requirements. Perhaps, this is the the extent that we may need or that we can handle. If it were beyond this, than we would fail miserably. Allah will never burden anyone or a people with something they cannot handle. Alhamdulillah, we have everything we need, and that too with great ease. We would not be able to go through the sacrifices our pious elders went through. I just pray that Allah enable to overcome any an all hurdles and obstacles that we are required to face.

May Allah grant us all tawfeeq which leads to His pleasure. Aameen.

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Old 05-29-2011, 02:15 PM   #11

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Hazrat (DB),

It was very soothing.
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:19 PM   #12

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this is a great thread. Very enlightening.
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Old 05-29-2011, 03:52 PM   #13

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21. Mujaahadah (Spiritual Discipline)
• Do not overeat. Stop eating when you can take a morsel or two more.
• Do not speak anything unnecessary.
• Sleep 6 to 8 hours.
• Do not mix with people unless necessary.
Sheikh Sahib,

Good post. One question Sheikh, When you take mureeds, You make them work from the first point? Does fana fis sheikh mean that you have to look exactly like the sheikh?

In the 21 point mentioned above, please add Polygamy, Marrying again is the biggest Mujahadah of our times

P.S: You are one the nicest sheikhs i know...
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Old 05-29-2011, 06:27 PM   #14

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‘It has always been an outstanding feature of the Chishti masters that they do not have a established or rigid curriculum for the traveler on the path (sulook).

Instead, it is the insight of the Shaykh which is used to diagnosis the spiritual ailment and taking into consideration the disposition of the seeker a treatment is prescribed.


Each seeker is dealt with differently based on his individual disposition and capability.


Due to this individual consideration the benefit is also achieved very quickly.’

Tazkirah e Suleman ra, page 328


-taken from http://www.ashrafiya.com/2010/12/27/chishti-sulook/
as salamu alaikum wrwb

JazakAllah and thanks for the clarification.

Stations would be the translation of 'maqamat'. It should not be confused with lessons or 'asbaq'.

The lessons are to be done in chronological order fixed in a tariqa.

There are none such lessons in the Chishtiya sulook as you kindly pointed out.

MashaAllah, the compilation of the essential stations in this orderly manner is indeed very beneficial. JazakAllah.

was salam
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Old 05-29-2011, 06:43 PM   #15

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Hazrat Damatbarkatuhum,

Since it is not easy to catch you elsewhere and since it is not easy to put this worldly matter to other Masha-ikh I shall seize the opportunity and with apologies to brother Ahlezikr ask the following question.

There was the sacrifices of Tipu Sultan. There were the sacrifices in Balakot. There were sacrifices in 1857. There were sacrifices from Shamli to Malta. There are constant sacrifices where brother (and sisters) go out for three days, forty days or 120 days. The sacrifices of Masha-ikh are there with tawatur. And there are more. And there will be sacrifices that are unknown to me. Now there was a time when every thing changed in 23 years but in present times no such thing has happened even in two and half centuries. Why?

May Allah (SWT) keep you in best of health.
as salamu alaikum wrwb

This a very intelligent and thought provoking question.
It is directed to Hazrat Shaikh Nabeel sahib db and he has answered very appropriately.

It will be very beneficial for all of us who worry about the political failure of Muslims to read a concise booklet, 'Hakimul Ummat ra kay siyasi afkar' (it is available online) by sayyadi Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani sahib db.

In summary we Muslims want to jump to the 'Madani' way without living the 'Makki' hardships that are essential to develop a pure Islamic character.

All the intelligent readers of Islamic history will note that the failure of Muslims have alway been related to moral character short comings. Ujub in ghazwa-e-Hunain and recently indiscriminate (zulum) killing of Shias in Mazar sharif are an example.

wAllahu 'alam
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:18 PM   #16

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very beneficial thread
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Old 05-29-2011, 11:24 PM   #17

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Assalamu alaykum

I may not move not more than few stations.

Brother the list looks formidable but one should remember that these things are done in the supervision of an Expert (Kamil) Shaikh. And people are covering these steps. You too can do it. I hope you have found a Shaikh. For any traveler it should be taken as a karamat of the Shaikh that these steps get covered at all.
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Old 05-31-2011, 06:25 AM   #18

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:NB It will be of immense benefit if one records each stage in a book and daily record one's progress.
Posted on the orders of Hazrat London786 (db)

I didn't understand this part.
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