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Old 05-26-2011, 11:08 PM   #1

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Default Turkey's 'Gulen movement'

Any from Turkey here (or have Turkish roots) that can shed light on who/what the 'Gulen Movement' in Turkey is?

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Old 05-27-2011, 12:33 AM   #2

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Although you can find his biography and general information about the movement, here I want to tell something which you won't find.

It is by far the largest Jamaah rooted in Turkey, then spread out all over the globe. Fethullah Gulen, a very respected and reputable scholar and hafiz of Qur'an, has traditional Ijazah from high caliber scholars of the late Ottoman. The movement has more than 500 schools (teaching both positive sciences and akhlaq), and number of Universities all over the world. His scholarship is amazing; he has countless of bayans, lectures, books and talks. In that regard he is like an ocean - a true Allamah indeed; his knowledge stretches from classical Arabic morphology, grammar, prose, balaghah, Persian language, to usul al-fiqh, hadith, rijal, tafsir, qiraat, da'wah, akhlaq, tasawwuf and positive sciences. He instilled the love of Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his companions (r.a) in the millions of people. He made popular previous works such as hayatu's-sahabah, hilyatul awliyah, sifatu's-safwa and others. In of his speeches he said: "I may not recognize my nephews, but Alhamdulillah I know 10.000 Sahabah by their names, distinctions and all." I don't remember any of his lectures in which he mentioned the name of Rasulullah and didn't cry. That's how he loves Him. Really he has influenced millions till this days. He is the man who moves the mountains by the help, grace and permission of Allah.

Here are some of the books he studied under his scholars:

Sarf: Amthila, Bina, Maksud, Izzi wa Marah
Nahw: Awamil, Izhar, Kafiyah, Sharh Kafiyah Molla Jami
Balaghah: Talhis, Muhtasaru’l-Maani, Majmau’l-Mutun
Fiqh: Multaqa’l-Abhur, Mir’atu’l-Usul
Kalam: Bad'ul Amali Sharh Aliyyul Qari, Tawailul Anwar by Qadi Baydawi
Tafsir: Anwaru't-Tanzil by Qadi Baydawi, and Jalalain
Mantiq: Mugni't-Tullab

and many others.

And here is the list of the books he taught:


1. Tafsir-i Jalalayn
2. anwaru’t-Tanzil and asraru’t-Ta’wil
3. Ibn Kasir’in
4. Kashaf of Zamahshari
5. Fi Zilali’l-Kur’an
6. Rawaiu’l-Bayan Tafsir-i ayati’l-Ahkam Muhammad Ali as-Sabuni
7. Isharatu’l-I’caz
8. M. almalılı Hamdi Yazır
9. al-Ikna fi’l-kıraati’s-sab’of Ibn Bazish
10.Ta’wilatu’l-Kur’an of Imam Maturidi


1. Sahih al-Bukhari with tha Sharh of Qastalani, Badruddin al-Ayni and Fathul Bari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Sunan Abu Dawud with tha Sharh of Halil Ahmad as-Saharanfuri and Mahmud Muhammad Hattab as-Subki
4. Sunan at-Tirmizi’nin with tha sharh of al-Mubarakfuri callad Tuhfatu'l-ahwaz
5. Muwatta of Imam Malik
6. Sunan an-Nasai
7. at-Tacu’l-Jami of M. Ali Nasif
8. Uqudu Jawahiri’l-Munifa of Murtaza az-Zabidi
9. Kanzu’l-ummal of Ali al-Muttaki
10.Riyadu’s-Salihin of Zakariya an-Nawawi
11. Ash-Shifa of Kadı Iyaz
12. Al-Lu’luu wa’l-marcan of Muhammad Fuad Abdulbaki


1. Quduri
2. al-Ihtiyar lita’- lili’l-mukhtar
3. al-Hidaya
4. al-Hadiyya-tu’l-Alaiyya
5. Multaka’l-abhur
6. al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa adillatuhu of wahba Zuhayli
7. al-Fiqhu’l-Hanafi wa adillatuhu of asad Muhammad Said Sagharji
8. Fathu Babi’l-inaya bi sharhi’n-Nuqaya of Ali al-Qari

Usul al-Fiqh

1. Mir’atu’l-Usul
2. al-waciz of Abdulkarim Zaydan
3. al-Muwafakat of Ibrahim ash-shatıbi
4. Madhal of Sayyid Bey


1. ar-Risalatu’l-Kushayriyya fi Ulumi’t-Tasawwuf by Kushayri
2. Maktubat of Imam Rabbani
3. ar-Riaya Lihukillah of Haris al-Muhasibi
4. Ihyau ulumi’d-din
5. Nafahatu’l-uns
6. ar-Riyadu’t-Tasawwufiyya of Abdulhakim Arwasi

Arabic Grammar - sarf:

1. Amthila
2. Bina
3. Maqsud
4. Izzi

Arabic Grammar - nahw:

1. Awamil
2. Izhar
3. Al-Kafiyah of Ibul Hajib
4. Nahwu’l-wadih
5. Sharh of Alfiyah by Ibnul Aqil
6. Jamiu'd-Durusul Arabiyyah
7. Mabadiu’d-Durusi’l-Arabiyya by Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdulhamid
8. al-Muntahap wa’l-muktadab fi kawaiidi’s-sarf wa’n-nahw by Mahmad Zihni afandi
9. Takallum his own book series for practical Arabic

Arabic Grammar - balaghah:

1. Talhisu’l-Miftah of Hatib al-Kazwini
2. Jawahiru’l-balağa fi’l-maani wa’l-bayan wa’l-badi’ of Ahmat al-Hashimi
3. al-Balagatu’l-wadiha of Ali Jarim-Mustafa amin


1. Sharhu akaidi’n-Nasafiyya of Sadaddin at-Taftazani
2. Risala-i Nur collections
3. Al-Akaidu’l-Hayriyya of Mahmad Wahbi afandi
4. Imam Maturidi-Kitab-ı Tawhid

Various books:

1. ar-Rasail by Hasan al-Banna
2. Makalat of Muhammad Zahid al-Kawsari
4. Qasidatul Bur'a Sharh Harputi

Hope this helps to understand his status.
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Old 05-27-2011, 12:56 AM   #3

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I have heard Turkish brothers (particular those affiliated with Mili Gorush and Cubbeli Ahmet) spreaking quite bad of him and calling him a modernist.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:46 AM   #4

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I have heard Turkish brothers (particular those affiliated with Mili Gorush and Cubbeli Ahmet) spreaking quite bad of him and calling him a modernist.
They were proven wrong each and every time.

Fethullah Gulen is not a modernist nor is he a reformist; he is far from any of these. Being able to combine positive sciences and sciences of heart successfully in their methodology, just like Bediuzzaman did, showed the genius of their ways. As a result, students become rooted in religious tradition while their heads are capable of reading the Universe as a magnificent creation of the Creator with His beautiful names manifested everywhere.

Fethullah Gulen and his jamaah consider Mahmud Efendi in high esteem; they never speak ill of them or any other jamaah at all, never ever. But when people such as those mentioned, come along to throw in some falsehood, which are eventually proven wrong time and again anyway, just saddens them and nothing more. That's all, the life goes on.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:59 AM   #5

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As for the idea mentioned in the article, that he plans to overthrow the state, that's just hilarious accusation that anyone would laugh at. Anyone who knows Fethullah Gulen, knows that he has nothing to do with the politics and adheres strictly to the well-known rooted principle:

"We do not accept rebellion against our Imam or those in charge of our affairs even if they are unjust, nor do we wish evil on them, nor do we withdraw from following them. We hold that obedience to them is part of obedience to Allah, the Glorified, and therefore obligatory as long as they do not order to commit sins. We pray for their right guidance and ask for pardon for their wrongs." Aqida at-Tahawi
As for the Sik and Nedim mentioned in the article, they are the members of ~100-year-old godless mafia called Ergenekon who overthrew the government many times just to construct a state which crushes fellow innocent Muslims and favoring the secularists. Their arrest has nothing to do with the movement - nor freedom of speech. They were arrested because of their such hideous connection with the terrorist godless organization, Ergenekon. This was all documented in the court.
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Old 05-27-2011, 04:34 AM   #6

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As for the idea mentioned in the article, that he plans to overthrow the state, that's just hilarious accusation that anyone would laugh at. Anyone who knows Fethullah Gulen, knows that he has nothing to do with the politics and adheres strictly to the well-known rooted principle:

"We do not accept rebellion against our Imam or those in charge of our affairs even if they are unjust, nor do we wish evil on them, nor do we withdraw from following them. We hold that obedience to them is part of obedience to Allah, the Glorified, and therefore obligatory as long as they do not order to commit sins. We pray for their right guidance and ask for pardon for their wrongs." Aqida at-Tahawi
As for the Sik and Nedim mentioned in the article, they are the members of ~100-year-old godless mafia called Ergenekon who overthrew the government many times just to construct a state which crushes fellow innocent Muslims and favoring the secularists. Their arrest has nothing to do with the movement - nor freedom of speech. They were arrested because of their such hideous connection with the terrorist godless organization, Ergenekon. This was all documented in the court.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي الفاضل

Are you Turk brother? It's hard to imagine you know all of this about Fethullah Gülen and not be a Turk :P. Anyway I wondered if you can reply to the following allegations regarding Fethullah Gülen:

- Does he believe that Jews/Christians in this time can go to Heaven?
- Does he believe that it's not necessary to acknowledge the prophethood and belief in his صلى الله تعالى عليه واله وسلم message?

BarakAllahu fikum and thank you in advance.
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Old 05-27-2011, 04:57 AM   #7

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Although you can find his biography and general information about the movement, here I want to tell something which you won't find.

It is by far the largest Jamaah rooted in Turkey, then spread out all over the globe. Fethullah Gulen, a very respected and reputable scholar and hafiz of Qur'an, has traditional Ijazah from high caliber scholars of the late Ottoman. The movement has more than 500 schools (teaching both positive sciences and akhlaq), and number of Universities all over the world. His scholarship is amazing; he has countless of bayans, lectures, books and talks. In that regard he is like an ocean - a true Allamah indeed; his knowledge stretches from classical Arabic morphology, grammar, prose, balaghah, Persian language, to usul al-fiqh, hadith, rijal, tafsir, qiraat, da'wah, akhlaq, tasawwuf and positive sciences. He instilled the love of Rasulullah (s.a.w) and his companions (r.a) in the millions of people. He made popular previous works such as hayatu's-sahabah, hilyatul awliyah, sifatu's-safwa and others. In of his speeches he said: "I may not recognize my nephews, but Alhamdulillah I know 10.000 Sahabah by their names, distinctions and all." I don't remember any of his lectures in which he mentioned the name of Rasulullah and didn't cry. That's how he loves Him. Really he has influenced millions till this days. He is the man who moves the mountains by the help, grace and permission of Allah.

Here are some of the books he studied under his scholars:

Sarf: Amthila, Bina, Maksud, Izzi wa Marah
Nahw: Awamil, Izhar, Kafiyah, Sharh Kafiyah Molla Jami
Balaghah: Talhis, Muhtasaru’l-Maani, Majmau’l-Mutun
Fiqh: Multaqa’l-Abhur, Mir’atu’l-Usul
Kalam: Bad'ul Amali Sharh Aliyyul Qari, Tawailul Anwar by Qadi Baydawi
Tafsir: Anwaru't-Tanzil by Qadi Baydawi, and Jalalain
Mantiq: Mugni't-Tullab

and many others.

And here is the list of the books he taught:


1. Tafsir-i Jalalayn
2. anwaru’t-Tanzil and asraru’t-Ta’wil
3. Ibn Kasir’in
4. Kashaf of Zamahshari
5. Fi Zilali’l-Kur’an
6. Rawaiu’l-Bayan Tafsir-i ayati’l-Ahkam Muhammad Ali as-Sabuni
7. Isharatu’l-I’caz
8. M. almalılı Hamdi Yazır
9. al-Ikna fi’l-kıraati’s-sab’of Ibn Bazish
10.Ta’wilatu’l-Kur’an of Imam Maturidi


1. Sahih al-Bukhari with tha Sharh of Qastalani, Badruddin al-Ayni and Fathul Bari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Sunan Abu Dawud with tha Sharh of Halil Ahmad as-Saharanfuri and Mahmud Muhammad Hattab as-Subki
4. Sunan at-Tirmizi’nin with tha sharh of al-Mubarakfuri callad Tuhfatu'l-ahwaz
5. Muwatta of Imam Malik
6. Sunan an-Nasai
7. at-Tacu’l-Jami of M. Ali Nasif
8. Uqudu Jawahiri’l-Munifa of Murtaza az-Zabidi
9. Kanzu’l-ummal of Ali al-Muttaki
10.Riyadu’s-Salihin of Zakariya an-Nawawi
11. Ash-Shifa of Kadı Iyaz
12. Al-Lu’luu wa’l-marcan of Muhammad Fuad Abdulbaki


1. Quduri
2. al-Ihtiyar lita’- lili’l-mukhtar
3. al-Hidaya
4. al-Hadiyya-tu’l-Alaiyya
5. Multaka’l-abhur
6. al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa adillatuhu of wahba Zuhayli
7. al-Fiqhu’l-Hanafi wa adillatuhu of asad Muhammad Said Sagharji
8. Fathu Babi’l-inaya bi sharhi’n-Nuqaya of Ali al-Qari

Usul al-Fiqh

1. Mir’atu’l-Usul
2. al-waciz of Abdulkarim Zaydan
3. al-Muwafakat of Ibrahim ash-shatıbi
4. Madhal of Sayyid Bey


1. ar-Risalatu’l-Kushayriyya fi Ulumi’t-Tasawwuf by Kushayri
2. Maktubat of Imam Rabbani
3. ar-Riaya Lihukillah of Haris al-Muhasibi
4. Ihyau ulumi’d-din
5. Nafahatu’l-uns
6. ar-Riyadu’t-Tasawwufiyya of Abdulhakim Arwasi

Arabic Grammar - sarf:

1. Amthila
2. Bina
3. Maqsud
4. Izzi

Arabic Grammar - nahw:

1. Awamil
2. Izhar
3. Al-Kafiyah of Ibul Hajib
4. Nahwu’l-wadih
5. Sharh of Alfiyah by Ibnul Aqil
6. Jamiu'd-Durusul Arabiyyah
7. Mabadiu’d-Durusi’l-Arabiyya by Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdulhamid
8. al-Muntahap wa’l-muktadab fi kawaiidi’s-sarf wa’n-nahw by Mahmad Zihni afandi
9. Takallum his own book series for practical Arabic

Arabic Grammar - balaghah:

1. Talhisu’l-Miftah of Hatib al-Kazwini
2. Jawahiru’l-balağa fi’l-maani wa’l-bayan wa’l-badi’ of Ahmat al-Hashimi
3. al-Balagatu’l-wadiha of Ali Jarim-Mustafa amin


1. Sharhu akaidi’n-Nasafiyya of Sadaddin at-Taftazani
2. Risala-i Nur collections
3. Al-Akaidu’l-Hayriyya of Mahmad Wahbi afandi
4. Imam Maturidi-Kitab-ı Tawhid

Various books:

1. ar-Rasail by Hasan al-Banna
2. Makalat of Muhammad Zahid al-Kawsari
4. Qasidatul Bur'a Sharh Harputi

Hope this helps to understand his status.
thats quite surprising as theres been a couple threads on this forum discussing present high ranking ulama in Turkey and the main names that came up were Shaykh Mahmood Effendi and Mufti Muhammed Amin and Mufti Muhammed Emin....but no one mentioned Shaykh Fethullah Gulen??
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:48 AM   #8

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As-salamu ´alaykum,

What I have heard from their main men in Istanbul behind closed doors is nothing but khayr. However, talking openly about the "political aspects" of Islam in Turkey is very dangerous, especially for such a high-profiled man like Fethullah.

A lot of Turks (and other muslims for that matter!) have fallen so hard that sometimes it is thought that it is better to start with the basics such as belief in Allah and cleaning up the country. That way people can become receptive to Islam. Unfortunately, not everyone is.

We may not agree with everything that they do, that's not the point. The point is that they do a tremendous amount of khayr, especially their schools. Sure, to me they may appear a bit modernist. But alhamdulillah, Islam and its Da'wah is bigger than me
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:11 AM   #9

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Here are some of the books he studied under his scholars:

Sarf: Amthila, Bina, Maksud, Izzi wa Marah
Nahw: Awamil, Izhar, Kafiyah, Sharh Kafiyah Molla Jami
Balaghah: Talhis, Muhtasaru’l-Maani, Majmau’l-Mutun
Fiqh: Multaqa’l-Abhur, Mir’atu’l-Usul
Kalam: Bad'ul Amali Sharh Aliyyul Qari, Tawailul Anwar by Qadi Baydawi
Tafsir: Anwaru't-Tanzil by Qadi Baydawi, and Jalalain
Mantiq: Mugni't-Tullab

and many others.

And here is the list of the books he taught:


1. Tafsir-i Jalalayn
2. anwaru’t-Tanzil and asraru’t-Ta’wil
3. Ibn Kasir’in
4. Kashaf of Zamahshari
5. Fi Zilali’l-Kur’an
6. Rawaiu’l-Bayan Tafsir-i ayati’l-Ahkam Muhammad Ali as-Sabuni
7. Isharatu’l-I’caz
8. M. almalılı Hamdi Yazır
9. al-Ikna fi’l-kıraati’s-sab’of Ibn Bazish
10.Ta’wilatu’l-Kur’an of Imam Maturidi


1. Sahih al-Bukhari with tha Sharh of Qastalani, Badruddin al-Ayni and Fathul Bari
2. Sahih Muslim
3. Sunan Abu Dawud with tha Sharh of Halil Ahmad as-Saharanfuri and Mahmud Muhammad Hattab as-Subki
4. Sunan at-Tirmizi’nin with tha sharh of al-Mubarakfuri callad Tuhfatu'l-ahwaz
5. Muwatta of Imam Malik
6. Sunan an-Nasai
7. at-Tacu’l-Jami of M. Ali Nasif
8. Uqudu Jawahiri’l-Munifa of Murtaza az-Zabidi
9. Kanzu’l-ummal of Ali al-Muttaki
10.Riyadu’s-Salihin of Zakariya an-Nawawi
11. Ash-Shifa of Kadı Iyaz
12. Al-Lu’luu wa’l-marcan of Muhammad Fuad Abdulbaki


1. Quduri
2. al-Ihtiyar lita’- lili’l-mukhtar
3. al-Hidaya
4. al-Hadiyya-tu’l-Alaiyya
5. Multaka’l-abhur
6. al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa adillatuhu of wahba Zuhayli
7. al-Fiqhu’l-Hanafi wa adillatuhu of asad Muhammad Said Sagharji
8. Fathu Babi’l-inaya bi sharhi’n-Nuqaya of Ali al-Qari

Usul al-Fiqh

1. Mir’atu’l-Usul
2. al-waciz of Abdulkarim Zaydan
3. al-Muwafakat of Ibrahim ash-shatıbi
4. Madhal of Sayyid Bey


1. ar-Risalatu’l-Kushayriyya fi Ulumi’t-Tasawwuf by Kushayri
2. Maktubat of Imam Rabbani
3. ar-Riaya Lihukillah of Haris al-Muhasibi
4. Ihyau ulumi’d-din
5. Nafahatu’l-uns
6. ar-Riyadu’t-Tasawwufiyya of Abdulhakim Arwasi

Arabic Grammar - sarf:

1. Amthila
2. Bina
3. Maqsud
4. Izzi

Arabic Grammar - nahw:

1. Awamil
2. Izhar
3. Al-Kafiyah of Ibul Hajib
4. Nahwu’l-wadih
5. Sharh of Alfiyah by Ibnul Aqil
6. Jamiu'd-Durusul Arabiyyah
7. Mabadiu’d-Durusi’l-Arabiyya by Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdulhamid
8. al-Muntahap wa’l-muktadab fi kawaiidi’s-sarf wa’n-nahw by Mahmad Zihni afandi
9. Takallum his own book series for practical Arabic

Arabic Grammar - balaghah:

1. Talhisu’l-Miftah of Hatib al-Kazwini
2. Jawahiru’l-balağa fi’l-maani wa’l-bayan wa’l-badi’ of Ahmat al-Hashimi
3. al-Balagatu’l-wadiha of Ali Jarim-Mustafa amin


1. Sharhu akaidi’n-Nasafiyya of Sadaddin at-Taftazani
2. Risala-i Nur collections
3. Al-Akaidu’l-Hayriyya of Mahmad Wahbi afandi
4. Imam Maturidi-Kitab-ı Tawhid

Various books:

1. ar-Rasail by Hasan al-Banna
2. Makalat of Muhammad Zahid al-Kawsari
4. Qasidatul Bur'a Sharh Harputi

Hope this helps to understand his status.
Br verdana, can i ask where you got your source/s from for the above history of the shaykh?
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:24 AM   #10

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي الفاضل

- Does he believe that Jews/Christians in this time can go to Heaven?
- Does he believe that it's not necessary to acknowledge the prophethood and belief in his صلى الله تعالى عليه واله وسلم message?

BarakAllahu fikum and thank you in advance.
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I know that much not because I am a Turk, but because I studied his works in detail, listened to all of his lectures including the Sharh Izharu'l Asrar - a brilliant nahw manual by Imam Birgivi. His books and lectures are all available online for free; he doesn't put forth any copyrights. I was interested in him because he was an outstanding figure in the revival of the lost Muslim spirit. I mean he is a very sincere scholar, not married, homeless, poor and devoted his entire life for the greatest cause.

As for the allegations such as these:

Br verdana, can i ask where you got your source/s from for the above history of the shaykh?
It's been published by his student Dr. Ergun Capan in Yeni Umit magazine. Some of those lectures are recorded and circulated all over. I got hold of Takallum, and Izah al-Asrar for the Arabic Nahw part. There are videos of lectures as well, but they are difficult to find.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:30 AM   #11

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و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I know that much not because I am a Turk ...
I implied more the necessity of the Turkish language since most of his bayaans/works are in Turkish :P.

"Lâ ilahe illallah"ın, "Muhammedün Resûlullah"tan ayrılamayacağını, şehadetin ancak ikisini beraber söylemekle gerçekleşmiş olacağını gösteriyoruz. Üstad Hazretleri'nin de Mektubât'ta belirttiği gibi, kelime-i şehadetin iki kelâmının birbirinden ayrılamayacağını, onların birbirini tazammun ve isbat ettiğini, biri birisiz olmayacağını ifade ediyoruz. Evet, madem Peygamberimiz (aleyhissalâtü vesselâm) Hâtemü'l-Enbiya'dır, bütün enbiyanın vârisidir. Elbette O, bütün vusûl yollarının başındadır. O'nun cadde-i kübrâsından hariç hakikat ve necat yolu olamaz. Umum ehl-i marifetin ve tahkikin imamları, Sadi-i Şirazî gibi derler: "Ey Sâdî! Muhammed'i (sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem) örnek almadan bir kimsenin selâmet ve safâ yolunu bulması imkânsızdır."
Here we show that "La ilaha illallah" cannot be separated from "Muhammadu’r-Rasulullah"; and the shahadah can be only by accepting both! We say just as Hz. Ustad stated in his book Maktubat, kalimatu’sh-shahadah cannot be separated from one another, each one proves the other, and one cannot be without another, Yes, since Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) is the final messenger, he is the inheritor of all prophets, of course, he is at the head of all salvation paths. Thus, there cannot be any truth and salvation other than his blessed way. Like all rightly guided Imams say as Sadi-I Sirazi said: “O Sadi, it is impossible for one to find the salvation and guidance without taking Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) ” Short and clear, barakAllahu fik ^^
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Old 05-27-2011, 08:07 AM   #12

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They were proven wrong each and every time.

Fethullah Gulen is not a modernist nor is he a reformist; .
Why Gulen movement promotes Interfaith dialogue ? That is quite suspicious !!

In the following article , you will find this.

Gulen movement participants have founded a number of institutions across the world which promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue activities. Gulen personally met with leaders of other religions, including Pope John Paul II, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomaios, and Israeli Sephardic Head Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron.[21] In recent years, movement initiated dialogue with also those of no faith. For example, the Dialogue Society in London, which is inspired by Gülen’s teaching, has more atheist and agnostic members of its Advisory Board than it has Muslims
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Old 05-27-2011, 08:20 AM   #13

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Why Gulen movement promotes Interfaith dialogue ? That is quite suspicious !!
I don't understand your objection. Dialog does not mean approval.
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Old 05-27-2011, 08:50 PM   #14

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After the flotilla incident (where 9 turkish brothers became shaheed), I read on more than one turkish website that Fethullah Gülen critisized the flotilla and said that they should have asked for permission from Israel before trying to deliver the aid (he said it during a Interview with the "Wall Street Journal")!

Here is the interview with the "Wall Street Journal":

Reclusive Turkish Imam Criticizes Gaza Flotillal

Now my question is: Did he really say that? Or is this just propaganda?

As for the idea mentioned in the article, that he plans to overthrow the state, that's just hilarious accusation that anyone would laugh at. Anyone who knows Fethullah Gulen, knows that he has nothing to do with the politics and adheres strictly to the well-known rooted principle:

"We do not accept rebellion against our Imam or those in charge of our affairs even if they are unjust, nor do we wish evil on them, nor do we withdraw from following them. We hold that obedience to them is part of obedience to Allah, the Glorified, and therefore obligatory as long as they do not order to commit sins. We pray for their right guidance and ask for pardon for their wrongs." Aqida at-Tahawi
As for the Sik and Nedim mentioned in the article, they are the members of ~100-year-old godless mafia called Ergenekon who overthrew the government many times just to construct a state which crushes fellow innocent Muslims and favoring the secularists. Their arrest has nothing to do with the movement - nor freedom of speech. They were arrested because of their such hideous connection with the terrorist godless organization, Ergenekon. This was all documented in the court.
I don't want to start a discussion, but I've to mention this: Please don't misuse the saying of Imam at-Tahawi . Turkey is a state of disbelief and the kufr of the Turkish state is soo clear that no one can deny it! (I'm not saying one should rebell against the Turkish state, because that would result in more harm than benefit.)

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Old 05-28-2011, 05:06 AM   #15

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Oct 2005
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thats quite surprising as theres been a couple threads on this forum discussing present high ranking ulama in Turkey and the main names that came up were Shaykh Mahmood Effendi and Mufti Muhammed Amin and Mufti Muhammed Emin....but no one mentioned Shaykh Fethullah Gulen?? Maybe because he doesn't grow a beard

I know a lot of people of their jamaah and they are all good people. I have read some of his books and they are excellent in my opinion. He has a lot of books on dawah and that's good.

One thing I don't like in this jamaah, and not only in this but in every jamaah, is that there are some people among them who are blind following a particular person, reading only his books and even not wanting to hear about other scholars. That causes a big fitnah sometimes.
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