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Old 05-20-2011, 02:50 AM   #1

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Default Years of missed Salah...

I have missed many many years of salat, i was taught to read quran at a young age until about 13/14 at mosque and then stopped and 'just got on with life' at school etc.

Now i am 22, i started salat daily a few months after turning 21. So have been praying salat and reading quran daily for about 14 months now.

The questions are in regards to making up salat that i have missed over the 21 years.
Is there a hadith which states it is obligatory to make up salat that is missed in the past? If so care to share

Also when praying qada salat for these missed salats, is it okay to pray all fajr salat qada that i have missed over the 21 years, then start on zohar and the asr then maghrib and then isha? Is this okay?

Or do i have to pray one of each fajr then zohar then asr maghrib isha, then repeat?

Also it is okay to spend time at night making up fard salat, i hear at night time is a good time to spend praying and making up salat?

My intention is to definetly make up missed salat, but just had a few questions regarding it.
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:48 AM   #2

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and warm welcome!

The questions are in regards to making up salat that i have missed over the 21 years. Is there a hadith which states it is obligatory to make up salat that is missed in the past? If so care to share.
Scholars unanimously agree than making up missed salah is also wajib/fardh. As for the hadith, here is one:

« مَنْ نَسِىَ صَلاَةً فَلْيُصَلِّ إِذَا ذَكَرَهَا ، لاَ كَفَّارَةَ لَهَا إِلاَّ ذَلِكَ »

"Whoever forgets [performing] salah, he must pray when he remembers it. There is no substitute/kaffara for it other than this. (Bukhari)

Also when praying qada salat for these missed salats, is it okay to pray all fajr salat qada that i have missed over the 21 years, then start on zohar and the asr then maghrib and then isha? Is this okay? Or do i have to pray one of each fajr then zohar then asr maghrib isha, then repeat?
If I remember correctly although both are valid, but the second method is preferred day-by-day order 2fajr - 4zuhr - 4asr- 3maghrib - 4isha -3witr. And yes, don't forget to pray 3 rak'at of witr as it is wajib to make it up as well.

Also it is okay to spend time at night making up fard salat, i hear at night time is a good time to spend praying and making up salat?
Actually night is one of the most rewarding times to pray salah; yes go ahead with it. But keep it a pace that you can continuously afford. Don't overburden yourself with one time overloads and causing to cease it eventually. So it is better to stick to a less but continues pattern.

My intention is to definetly make up missed salat, but just had a few questions regarding it.
The intention of a Muslim is better than his actions. May Allah reward your intention and make you steadfast in His Deen.
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:50 AM   #3

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Asalam Alykum WrWb,

Brother do not despair, there are many people who miss their salat for years. Realizing and making an effort to make them up is an intention loved by Allah SWT.

It is "THE" most crucial thing. The act of making up salat has a higher rank than praying nafals or other nafal-oriented worship.

To answer your questions

Do not go with the pattern you described with finishing off one and starting the other.

Yes, shuyukh also recommend making up missed salat rather than praying tahajud at night.

1. calculate your missed prayers
2. Allot the prayers in time you can pray

The best method is to pray 1 missed prayer with every fard prayer of the day. So for e.g you pray Fajar on the day, after finishing, complete 1 extra fajr and so on for the 5 daily prayers. At the end of the week, youl have prayed 35 missed prayer. Which means in a months time, you are completing 1 month of missed prayer.

You stopped at 14 and re started at 21. Thats only 7 years. Hence if you continue to pray one missed prayer with every prayer of the day, youl be finishing off your missed prayers when you turn 29.

On the practical side, this is very hard if you are a student or if you work etc. So you could push 3 days or prayer on the weekends and 4 days of the prayer on the weekdays.

Work out something that fits you. Starting with low number is better, when you get consistent, then you can increase it. Pace your momentum and take it slow initially.

May Allah SWT reward your for the intention.

Jazak Allah khair

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Old 05-20-2011, 03:55 AM   #4

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If I remember correctly although both are valid, but the second method is preferred day-by-day order 2fajr - 4zuhr - 4asr- 3maghrib - 4isha -3witr. And yes, don't forget to pray 3 rak'at of witr as it is wajib to make it up as well.

Thanks for the quick response. So would it be okay to say read all my fajr qada first? Like if i have 5000 fajr qada to make, up, spend say an hour a night praying fajr qada's until all complete, then do zohar and so on...
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:00 AM   #5

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Do not go with the pattern you described with finishing off one and starting the other.

You stopped at 14 and re started at 21. Thats only 7 years. Hence if you continue to pray one missed prayer with every prayer of the day, youl be finishing off your missed prayers when you turn 29.
Is there something wrong with doing it with the pattern i described? Surely it shouldnt make a difference either way?

When i was young i only read quran up until i was 13/14, so no salat. So i have calculated from the day of birth until the day i started praying salat and have a figure on how many days of qada to pray. This is okay right?
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:07 AM   #6

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Thanks for the quick response. So would it be okay to say read all my fajr qada first? Like if i have 5000 fajr qada to make, up, spend say an hour a night praying fajr qada's until all complete, then do zohar and so on...

bro go through this post inshallah:

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Old 05-20-2011, 04:14 AM   #7

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Thanks for the quick response. So would it be okay to say read all my fajr qada first? Like if i have 5000 fajr qada to make, up, spend say an hour a night praying fajr qada's until all complete, then do zohar and so on...

Yes definitely it is okay especially if you find it more easy that way. But the Sunnah practice is on the second method which -Allah knows best - might be more rewardful. Also with the second method of day-by-day, suppose you die before completing all those years. You can present to Allah all those completed days and your pure intention for missed days and ask for His forgiveness.

But again, both methods are okay.

So i have calculated from the day of birth until the day i started praying salat and have a figure on how many days of qada to pray. This is okay right? You should start counting it from your puberty day onwards. You are NOT obliged or held responsible for salah before the puberty. Exact ages although would vary from person to person, girls experience it at 9, and boys at 12 as lower limit. Upper limit for girls is 17, for boys 18. According to Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, the upper limit for both genders is the age of 15.

If you don't remember your exact puberty date, you can go with the safer lower limit of 12. That means you should make up 9 years.

Hope that helps.
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:18 AM   #8

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Yes definitely it is okay especially if you find it more easy that way. But the Sunnah practice is on the second method which -Allah knows best - might be more rewardful. Also with the second method of day-by-day, suppose you die before completing all those years. You can present to Allah all those completed days and your pure intention for missed days and ask for His forgiveness.

But again, both methods are okay.

You should start counting it from your puberty day onwards. You are obliged or held responsible for salah before the puberty. Exact ages although would vary from person to person, girls experience it at 9, and boys at 12 as lower limit. Upper limit for girls is 17, for boys 18. According to Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, the upper limit for both genders is the age of 15.

If you don't remember your exact puberty date, you can go with the safer lower limit of 12. That means you should make up 9 years.

Hope that helps.
Thanks. I will try both methods and settle for one or the other. Also there is no harm in reading qada from the day i was born? You said "You are obliged or held responsible for salah before the puberty" You ment after right?
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:20 AM   #9

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You said "You are obliged or held responsible for salah before the puberty" You ment after right?
My mistake. I corrected it on my previous post.
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:22 AM   #10

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This is wonderful post. for it br abulayl.
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:24 AM   #11

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Is there something wrong with doing it with the pattern i described? Surely it shouldnt make a difference either way?

When i was young i only read quran up until i was 13/14, so no salat. So i have calculated from the day of birth until the day i started praying salat and have a figure on how many days of qada to pray. This is okay right?
Brother Verdana has answered your question and brother abulayl has put up a good thread.

Brother can i ask, how are you calculating?

Between your passion and jazba is very evident. Keep it up brother !
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:53 AM   #12

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Calculated between the day i was born until the day i began praying. Used Excel to work out number of days of salat i have missed up until i begain praying salat. Works out around 7800 days.

The way i look at it, one day, in this life or the next, we each may know soooo much about islam, knowledge, whats right and wrong and etc. We each may one day pray 5 times a day and read quran say 5 times a day as well. But there will come a time where you may ask yourself, should i be striving for more? Is doing what im doing enough for allah? Will allah be happy with me if i just read my 5 salat and read 5 times a day quran. It might sound alot of praying for some people, but a time will come where you have to choose whether to carry on as you are and hope allah is happy with the prayers you are offering, or KEEP striving for more in the hope of pleasing allah more and more
Will allah be happy more with the person reading 5 prayers a day and quran 5 times a day or more happy with a person reading 5 prayers a day, quran 5 times a day and memorizing the quran and making up missed salat.

There is so much knowledge of islam to learn and sooo much you can do to please allah.
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Old 05-20-2011, 05:20 AM   #13

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Calculated between the day i was born until the day i began praying. Used Excel to work out number of days of salat i have missed up until i begain praying salat. Works out around 7800 days.

The way i look at it, one day, in this life or the next, we each may know soooo much about islam, knowledge, whats right and wrong and etc. We each may one day pray 5 times a day and read quran say 5 times a day as well. But there will come a time where you may ask yourself, should i be striving for more? Is doing what im doing enough for allah? Will allah be happy with me if i just read my 5 salat and read 5 times a day quran. It might sound alot of praying for some people, but a time will come where you have to choose whether to carry on as you are and hope allah is happy with the prayers you are offering, or KEEP striving for more in the hope of pleasing allah more and more
Will allah be happy more with the person reading 5 prayers a day and quran 5 times a day or more happy with a person reading 5 prayers a day, quran 5 times a day and memorizing the quran and making up missed salat.

There is so much knowledge of islam to learn and sooo much you can do to please allah.
MashaAllah. You are right brother. What ever we do is not enough. Allah SWT gives us infinite amount of blessings from the air we breath, fully functional body parts, intellect, health to material things like house, car etc. And in return he asks us to do minimum farayad and those to ocome with bonuses like making an intention and thats it. Deed accounted.

Keep up this level of emaan and you will be successful inshaAllah.

Brother i dont mean to discourage you by any means but we need to be a little practical. Allah SWT knows that we are weak and could subject to exaustion. Thats why shuyukh are there to guide us step by step.

Brother its better to do something small but be consistent with it. If you start to sprint, you might give up very soon.

So dont pray from the time you were born because you will be going against the will of Allah SWT. We are obliged to pray from our puberty and if Allah SWT has set that rule, we should follow it.

So, calculate your prayer from age 13/14. I know you want to do excess and thats good but pacing is better for longer lasting emaan.

I really think you should get a shaykh as a teacher. Its like "teacher for life". You excel in deen, Allah SWT will excel you in "everything". And to excel in deen we need a tutor.

SF is full of helpful members, tell them your place and theyl find a shaykh for you.

With this height of emaan, i highly encourage you to give baya to a shaykh.

Read up on baya, tazkiya, tasawuf, tariqa etc and youl get a general understanding..

All the best my brother.
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Old 05-20-2011, 05:39 AM   #14

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Calculated between the day i was born until the day i began praying.

Brother I may have missed out something but you don't have to make up the prayers missed before you reached puberty, so no need to calculate from your birth day. You should calculate from the period in which you reached puberty up to when you started praying, and make up the prayers of that period.
If you wanna pray more than this, pray nawafil..

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Old 05-20-2011, 06:10 AM   #15

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Brother I may have missed out something but you don't have to make up the prayers missed before you reached puberty, so no need to calculate from your birth day. You should calculate from the period in which you reached puberty up to when you started praying, and make up the prayers of that period.
If you wanna pray more than this, pray nawafil..


As i cant remember when i reached puberty, i should take it from 12 years old then until i started praying?

I will ask my local imam in regards to reading qada for salat before the age of puberty and what is the standing on this.

Jazakallah for your help bro
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Old 05-20-2011, 06:13 AM   #16

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As i cant remember when i reached puberty, i should take it from 12 years old then until i started praying?

As the brothers said that's the earliest possible age, yes, that would be the cautious better way.

Wa anta min ahl-il-jaza', you're welcome and may Allah grant you steadfastness and the tawfiq to complete all your missed and future 'Ibadat, amin.
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Old 05-20-2011, 07:52 AM   #17

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A chart to help you: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...ll=1#post88481
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