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#21 |
Syed Qutb was educated. Mawlana Mawdudi was educated in both deeni and dunyawi fields. The khilaaf of our ulema with them was on account of what emerged from their pens and ideas which they saw as a potential threat to the integrity of the Islaam brought by Muhammad(saw) A'laa muraadillah wa a'laa muraadi rasoolillah(saw) |
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#22 |
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#23 |
![]() Yes, the "imaginary friend" are you! ![]() I would have no problem if you would mention the good and the bad sides of Salafis in Egypt, but if you only concentrate on the bad sides, then this is where the problem starts! Ohh and could you please tell me about which "good Sufis in Egypt" you are talking? If you would tell me that there are good Ash'ari Shuyookh in Egypt, I would agree with you! But please tell me the names of some good tariqah Shuyookh in Egypt!?!? While you only concentrate on how to show how "misguided" Salafis in Egypt are, why didn't you mention that the Salafi Shuyookh have made a really good da'wa and many many people do care more for their deen because of them! Why don't you mention who spoke against the secularists?? Why don't you mention these things?? I already told you and I tell you again: You've no idea about the Arab world!! Are you blind or are you not seeing that right after the revolution in Egypt the media starts to say "Salafis make this and that!" and this is not just in Egypt but the media has started a campaign against Salafis in many arab countries! After the revolutions the secularists started to fear that some people would try to establish an islamic state, so what's best one can do in such a situation?? Answer: Attack those who are known to be pro-shari'ah and depict them as barbaric and backwards and blame them of all kinds of things!! Tell me do you think that all the things that the media in Egypt accuses the Salafis are all true?? Most of that of what they accuse them are lies and if some few of these claims are true, does this automatically mean that all Salafis are evil?? Have you actually listened to the known Salafi Shuyookh and what they said regarding this media campaign? Or do you want to depict them all as "extremists" without even listening to what their Shuyookh and Da'ees say?? The Salafis in the middle-east have done very much for Islam... weather it was da'wa, tabligh, refuting kuffar/zanadiqa (i.e. secularists) , qital/jihad... and only a person who does know nothing about the Arab world or a person who is not truthful could deny this!! Tell me why don't those Arabs, who are in tariqahs, go to Afghanistan/Shishan/etc. to support the Afghan/Shishani/etc. brothers?? Why is it only the "evil, crazy and extremist" Salafis?? I have no problem with you critisizing Salafis, but be just and mention also how much they have worked for Islam in the Arab world! ![]() |
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