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#1 |
I'm having a REALLY bad day. Astaghfurallah I'm having these haram thoughts and Ya Allah they are BAD. I know they are because I'm imagining Allah SWT in a form and I don't know how to control it. It's becoming a real problem for me right now because I can't stop thinking about it. I've tried saying astaghfurallah al-Azim and I've tried to occupy myself and it's still lingering. Even in prayer it's sneaking up on me and I can't stop it. It's never happened to me before and I'm afraid HE'S getting mad at me and I'm afraid I'm going to be judged for it on judgment day. Does anyone know the best way to deal with this. Astaghfurallah. it's really bothering me. Please help.
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#3 |
But it is stated that during Ramadan the shaytan is locked up, so what i'm understanding is that he can still influence us in Ramadan? I know what you mean about "thinking about not thinking about it" it makes it worse. Ya Allah.
Jazak Allah khayr for the advice. I'm just mortified that I'm going to burn in hell(aoozo bilah) for these thoughts. ![]() |
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#5 |
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
According to some muhaditheen, they say that that hadith might only refer to the big shayateen being locked up. Small do the job. They say that becuase people in ramadan still get decieved and attacked by shayateen. I mean, literally, physically, attacked by the shayateen. Ma salam |
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#7 |
![]() But it is stated that during Ramadan the shaytan is locked up, so what i'm understanding is that he can still influence us in Ramadan? Jazak Allah khayr for the advice. I'm just mortified that I'm going to burn in hell(aoozo bilah) for these thoughts. ![]() ![]() With Peace. |
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#8 |
For All Member- Specially for Jaylen
AKHLAKEY BATENI ( SPRIRITUAL CHARACTER) To become a SUFI and to acquire ‘Spiritual Character’ a man is to be free from the hidden or internal qualities of Sinfulness / Bad Habits / Tendency to evil act. . Internal bad qualities influence man to be involved in sin. These bad qualities are: a. Pride b. Self-conceit c. Misery d. Cheating e. Jealousy b. Anger g. Suppression/ Oppression h. Desire for enjoyment /oppression, i. Desire to gain wealth and fame. 2. For the emancipation on the day of Judgment the following ten (10) good qualities are essentially required to be acquired by everyone. a. Be ashamed of Sinful work (Tawba ) b. Have patience in sufferings/ misfortune (Sabar) c. Remain pleased with the wish /order of Allah ( Reja) d. Be grateful to the blessings of Allah (Shukur) e. Be afraid of Allah ( Khauf) f. Remain hopeful for the blessings of Allah (Rwaja) g. Practice austerities and self-restraint (Johod) h. Perform prayer to Allah sincerely and wholeheartedly (Ekhlas) i. Well behave with all the creature of Allah (Good Behave) j. Have Love & Respect for Allah (Hobbey Fillah) 3. The qualities of the great people has been mentioned in Sura Bakara -Ayat 177. To acquire Spiritual Character a man must have the qualities mentioned above. WHAT IS ELME TARIKAT AND WHAT IS ITS NECESSITY There are some impediments / hindrances (viz. Sex-passion, anger, greed, infatuation, vanity and envy, expectation, etc.) in following the rules and regulations of Shariat. The special means which is followed for leading life fully as per Shariat, overcoming those impediments / hindrances is known as TARIKAT. Tarikat is an arduous practice and life long struggle. Struggle in remaining away from the influences of the enemies Nafs-e Ammara ( as mentioned above) , Iblish, Jinn and bad man ; as mentioned in Sura Naas. Those enemies give harmful advice to the heart of the man and try to push them towards the wrong and evil path. Hard struggle is required to remain safe from those evil counseling ,otherwise it becomes difficult to keep Iman (faith /belief) and Amal (practice) properly. The way of this struggle as set by those who are closer & friendly to Allah is known as Tarikat. About this struggle Prophet Mohammad (sm) has said, “ We have returned to comparatively strong Jihad (Struggle against Nafs-e- Ammara) from the comparatively weaker Jihad (A holy war).” - (Al Hadis ). Huzur (sm) has said, “ Amongst your enemies great enemy is your Nafs/Ripu (six inherent /cardinal passions of man) and that is situated on the middle of your both ribs.” ( Al Hadis ). NAFS There are three types of Nafs. Nafs -e- Ammara, Nafs -e- Lawama , and Nafs-e-Mutmayenna. Nafs-e-Ammara: It is very dirty, worst, and sinful. As such always try to provocate for doing sinful work. It does not repent after doing sin. It is uncultured, shameless and immodest. Nafs-e-Lawama: It is a bit modest and pious. As such it can identify good and bad. If it does any wrong , then & then it repent for that and self reproach is created. Nafs-e-Mutmayenna: This is educated and perfectly pious. It never does any wrong and sin. It becomes visible due to enlightening by luster of Allah. Until and unless the internal enemy (six inherent passions of man) is controlled, a man cannot become pious and achieve the Mohabbat (Love/Friendship) of Allah. It is not possible to become favorite to Allah unless a man make his Nafs(Desires) free from bad habits including Excess drinking & Eating, Excess talking, Excess sleeping, Anger, Hot temper, Calling names and fighting/ animal behavior, Speaking ill of others( Gibat), Illegal sexual desire, Greed, Misery, Telling lie, Enmity, Envy, Proud ness, Hate etc. These are the companions of Nafs -e- Ammara. Following any ‘Tarikat’ is essential for controlling these bad practices/ habits. Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (sm ) has said, “ Shariat is my Kawol (Basis), Tarikat is my Aamal (Practice) and Hakikat is my Haal. (Situation ). ( Al Hadis). NB: From this Hadis it is easily understood that practicing & following the rules-regulation of Shariat properly is called Tarikat. If we go into depth, we see that in Hadis-e-Kudsi Allah says: “ Al Insanu Sirri Wa Ana Sirrahu.”- Mankind is my mystery and I am mysterious to mankind. Allah Rabbul Alamin also mentioned, “ Hidden knowledge is one of my mystery ,which I have bestowed in the ‘Kalb’ of my obedient followers and nobody except aware about that mystery’’. So Tarikat is the process of establishing the relation between Almighty Allah Subhanahu Taala by discovering the mystery between Allah and his mankind. Huzur (sm) has said, “ Maan Arafa Nafsahu Fakad Arafa Rabbahu”. To know the identity of Allah Rabbul Alamin , get the identity of yourself. Allah has said, “ Mankind is my mystery. So it is not easy to understand this mystery’’. Oh my Lord Allah! Please show me the truth correctly and give me capability to find out that. Which is not truth, please also show that and give me the strength to refrain from that.... .................................................. .................................................. ........................................ For your Specific Question on " I'm imagining Allah SWT in a form and I don't know how to control it." Please read the following: 1. “Allahu La Elaha Ellah Hual Haiyul……………………….Aliul Azim” He is Allah, There is no God Except Allah. He is immortal, Ever Existing, He doesn’t sleep or doss. Everything in this universe belongs to him………..(Sura Bakara-255) 2. Directives from Allah:- “Hello ! The believers of Islam, you search the media to get closer to me and fight against Nafs (Nafs -e-Ammara/Bad will force) Definitely you will become successful.”- (Al-Quran, Sura Maida-35 ) 3.“ALA INNA AWLIALLAHI LA KHAUFUN ALAIHIM WALAHUM YAHJANUN”- Those who have become Awlia (Favorite to Allah) they have no fear, no worry at all.- (Al Quran) 4. “ He ,who is knowledgeable about Almighty Allah (who is kind) , inquire about Allah to him.”- (Al Quran.) 5. Almighty Allah says,“ My Awlia stay under the cloth (Chador) of my love. Nobody knows them except myself.”- (Hadis -e- Kudsi) 6. The Sovereignty of the Sky and the Earth is only of Allah. There is nobody to help you except Allah. (Sura Bakara- Ayat - 255 ) 7. The Skies and the Earth is created by Allah . When he decides to create something , he only utters “Koon (Be)” and that is created. (Bakara- 117) 8. The sovereignty over the Skies and the Earth is only of Allah. He is the creator of life and death. There is no guardian and no helping hand (helper) except Allah. (Sura Tawba-Ayat-116) 9. Whatever is there in the skies or in the earth everything belongs to him (Allah). Everybody is his servant. ( Sura Rum-Ayat-26) 10. Allah is one and none but one. Allah is not dependent to anybody , but everybody is dependent on Allah. He has not given birth to anyone and no one has given birth to him. There is none equivalent to him. (Sura Ekhlas) 11. Every living creature will get the pain of death. After that you will return to me. (Sura Ankabut Ayat-57) 14. Those who repent for their sin and do Tawba , Put faith and do good work , Almighty Allah replace their sin with pious work. Allah is kind and purdoneous. He who do Tawba and do good work, he returns toward Allah the place of return. (Sura Furkan-Ayat-70-71) So my suggestion is: Please read : 1. “Allahu La Elaha Ellah Hual Haiyul……………………….Aliul Azim” more & more. 2. Read Sura Ekhlas three times in the Morning & before going to bed. 3. Read " Huollahol Laji La Elaha Ella Hua............ Wa hual azzizul Hakim" (22, 23 & 24 Ayats of Sura Hasr) after Fazr and Asr. 4. Do Tawba in the Morning & Evening before going to bed. In Sha Allah you will overcome the problem. Please Let me know the developement after following this. |
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#9 |
wow, jazak Allah khayr for that post. That was VERY informative. I did read Surat-Al Ikhlas, Al-Nas and Al-Falaq, said "astaghfurallah" and La ilaha illa Allah" as many times as I could when this first happened. Alhamdulilah by blocking it out and concentrating on his "power" and "might" I was able to focus and remove these thoughts from my head. Alhamdulilah.
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#10 |
oh, one more question. I came across something and I'm not sure if this is halal. It stated that if the thoughts were bad enough then you could lightly burn yourself
![]() Oh bro, I tried all the stuff you stated and really took time to read it all. Alhamdulilah I'm focusing much better. Jazak Allah khayr a million times. I never had my nafs go so bonkers before. Subhana Allah. All is good. |
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#11 |
oh, one more question. I came across something and I'm not sure if this is halal. It stated that if the thoughts were bad enough then you could lightly burn yourself ![]() ![]() With Peace |
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#12 |
Assalamu alaikum sister.
Even if you think of Allah in a form, the truth is Allah is in a form which can never be comprehended my any creation. As Sura Ikhlas suggests, there is absolutely nothing that one can conjure up in herself or himself that would be descriptive of Allah in anyway. Alhamdulillah that you are worried about it, this means that there is nothing to be worried about as inshallah it is just a passing problem. Allah will not punish you for something that you dont intend to do, it is not your fault. Lastly, whenever you get these thoughts, try not to stress about it. I think its this stress and anxiety that keeps these thoughts comming back over and over again. So next time you get these thoughts, pay no heed! Inshallah eventually it will go away. Assalamu alaikum. |
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#13 |
I'm still having the problem and I know why. IT's like you said, I'm worried about Allah being mad at me and I have to stop thinking about it. It's probably a dillusion from fasting..I'll leave it at that. Also I'm stressed about a lot of things so I think my nafs is going crazy with too many thoughts. I'll keep at it until it's gone Insha Allah.
jazak Allah khayr again to everyone for their help. |
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#14 |
Oh, I found this and I thought I would share it. It was really good
Wa `alaykum as-Salam: Allah Most High said: {And whosoever STRIVES (JAAHADA), STRIVES (YUJAAHIDU) only for himself} (29:6). {As for those who STRIVE (JAHADU) in Us (the cause of Allah), We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good doers.} (29:69) This is a Meccan Sura and the two verses refer to Jihad al-Nafs. There was no military jihad then. Without jihad of the nafs, fighting leads to Hellfire. Allah Most High said: {WA NAFSIN WA MAA SAWAAHA, FA-ALHAMAHA FUJURAHA WA TAQWAHA. QAD AFLAHA MAN ZAKAAHA WA QAD KHAABA MAN DAS-SAAHA} "By the nafs and the proportion and order given to it, and its inspiration as to its wrong and its right; Truly he succeeds who purifies it, and he fails that corrupts it" (91:7-10). This is also a Meccan Sura. Without purification, the nafs remains a "soul that enjoins evil" (al-nafs al - ammara bil-su') until it surrenders itself in total obedience to the call of animal passions and shaytan. Allah Most High said: {Have you seen the one who chooses for his god his own lust?} (25:43). {He followed his own lust. Therefore his likeness is as the likeness of a dog; if you attack him he pants with his tongue out and if you leave him he pants with his tongue out} (7:176). These are both also Meccan Suras. About the person who controlled the passion of his ego Allah says: {But as for him who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from lust, Lo! The garden will be his home} (79:40-41). This is also a Meccan Sura. The above are among the many Meccan verses and Suras enjoining jihad al-nafs. One that denies that there was/is such a Divine command commits kufr. Such a command cannot mean military jihad, as there was no permission - much less an order - for such a jihad until the Madinan period. Further, the Prophet said, upon him peace: 1. The mujahid is he who makes jihad against his nafs (ego) for the sake of obeying Allah. - Ibn Hibban (#1624, 2519): Authentic; - Shu`ayb al-Arna'ut (Commentary on Ibn Hibban): authentic; - al-Hakim: sahih; - `Iraqi confirms him; - it is also in Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Tabarani; - Albani included it in the "Sahiha". 2. "`A'isha, Allah be well-pleased with her, asked: 'Messenger of Allah, we see jihad as the best of deeds, so shouldn't we join it?' He replied, 'But the best jihad is a perfect Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari #2784) 3. On another occasion, a man asked: "Should I join the jihad?" The Prophet asked, upon him peace, "Do you have parents?" The man said yes. The Prophet said: "Then do jihad by serving them!" (Sahih Al-Bukhari #5972) 4. Another man asked: "What kind of jihad is better?" The Prophet replied, upon him peace: "A word of truth spoken in front of an oppressive ruler." (Sunan Al-Nasa'i #4209) 5. The Prophet also said, upon him peace: The strong one is not the one who overcomes people, the strong one is he who overcomes his nafs [ego]. Al-Haythami declared it authentic in Majma` al-Zawa'id. 6. The Prophet, upon him peace, said to Abu Sa`id al-Khudri: "Even if one strikes unbelievers and idolaters with his sword until it breaks, and he is *completely* dyed with their blood, the Rememberers of Allah are above him one degree." The above authentic hadiths provide additional explicit evidence - especially 1 and 5 - refuting the lie that "all the evidence for jihad al-nafs is fabricated or weak." Further: Allah Most High is Tayyibun and accepts only the Tayyib. He declares in the Qur'an that He accepts acts of worship only if they are based on: - purification of the self (qad aflaha man zakkaha) - soundness of the heart (illa man ata Allaha bi-qalbin salim) - an humble spirit (wa-innaha lakabiratun illa `alal khashi`in) Purification of the Intention is the general heading for these. That is why the Imams (e.g. Bukhari, Shafi`i, Nawawi) always began their books of fiqh with the hadith of intention: "Actions count only according to intention." An act outwardly considered worship but performed without pure intention is not considered worship, even fighting and dying in defense of Muslims. The Prophet, upon him peace, explicitly said of one such fighter that he was bound for the fire. In fact, purification of intention is needed for all five pillars of Islam. Such purification is a fard `ayn and is required of all. Thus those that claim there is no jihad al-nafs in Islam have imperiled their Islam and might make their shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, hajj, AND jihad worthless. Allah is our refuge from this. |
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