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Old 04-12-2011, 10:22 AM   #1

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Default celebrating milad
maulana sahab
i am told by one of my class fellows that celebrating milad is haram,
i first used to celebrate but now i have left it, please tell me that is there any muafi for me or not?
tell me some fatwa on it so that i may forbid my cousines and family,
ismail sajjad
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Old 04-12-2011, 11:10 AM   #2

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Do you say that the commemoration of his (Allah bless him and grant him peace) birth is deemed blameworthy (mustaqbah) in the Shari‘ah, from the evil and prohibited innovations (al-bid‘at al-sayyi’ah al-muharramah), or [do you believe] otherwise?


Far be it that any of the Muslims say, let alone we, ourselves, say, that commemorating his noble birth (upon him blessing and peace), rather even commemorating the dust on his shoes and the urine of his (Allah bless him and grant him peace) camel, are deemed blameworthy in the Shari‘ah, from the evil and prohibited innovations; for, commemorating the states which have the least connection with the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) is from the most desirable of recommended acts (ahabb al-mandubat) and the greatest of preferable acts (a‘la l-mustahabbat) according to us, whether it is the commemoration of his noble birth or commemoration of his urine, feces, standing, sitting, sleeping and waking as is stated clearly in our treatise called Al-Barahin al-Qati‘ah at various junctures therein, and in the fatwas of our teachers (mashayikh) (may Allah have mercy on them), as [is mentioned, for example] in the fatwas of Mawlana Ahmad ‘Ali al-Muhaddith al-Saharanpuri, the student of Shah Muhammad Ishaq al-Dahlawi then al-Muhajir al-Makki, which we will quote in translation, that it may become an example of all [the other fatwas]:

He (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the milad function, in which manner is it permissible and in which manner is it impermissible? He replied [saying] that:

Commemorating the noble birth of our master, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) using sound narrations, during times devoid of the obligatory duties of worship, and in forms not contravening the path of the Companions and the people of the three generations whose greatness has been attested to, and [in forms not] containing beliefs that may be conceived of as shirk and bid‘ah, and in manners which do not contravene the conduct of the Companions which is the measure of his (peace be upon him) statement, “What I and my Companions are upon,” and in gatherings free from abominations of the Shari‘ah, is a cause for goodness and blessing, with the condition that it is accompanied by pure intention and sincerity and the belief that it is included within the totality of recommended good remembrances (jumlat al-adhkar al-hasanah al-mandubah), and is not restricted to a time from the times. When it is so, we do not know of any Muslim who rules it to be unlawful (ghayr mashru‘) or bid‘ah. To the end of the fatwa.

It is learnt from this that we do not denounce the commemoration of his noble birth. Rather, we denounce the abominable acts that are associated with it as you [may] have seen in the mawludi functions which [take place] in India, of narrating weak and forged narrations, the mixing of men and women, extravagance in lighting candles and decorations, and the belief that it is obligatory, by vilifying, insulting and anathematising those who do not attend their function with them, and other such abominations of the Shari‘ah which are almost not found to be absent from them. If they were free of these abominations, far be it that we say that commemorating the noble birth is abominable and a bid‘ah. How can this ugly belief be suspected of a Muslim? Hence, this attribution to us is also from the inventions of the deceptive lying deviants (Allah Exalted is He disgrace them, and curse them on land and sea and on smooth and rough land).[1]

Al-Muhannad ‘ala l-Mufannad ya‘ni ‘Aqa’id ‘Ulama Ahl Sunnah Deoband, pp. 60-63 http://www.deoband.org/2011/02/fiqh/...and-on-mawlid/

Any action is forgivable once one makes sincere repentance to allah. furthermore that which is done in ignorance is forgiven.
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Old 04-12-2011, 01:15 PM   #3

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maulana sahab
i am told by one of my class fellows that celebrating milad is haram,
i first used to celebrate but now i have left it, please tell me that is there any muafi for me or not?
tell me some fatwa on it so that i may forbid my cousines and family,
ismail sajjad
Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

Celebrating mawlid has been discussed on several threads on SF. Do search for these threads; they may prove useful.

In one of those threads, I posted as follows:

Celebrating Mawlid is celebrating the day Allah(SWT) sent to humanity at large the Best of His Creation, the Holy Messenger (SAW), to perfect, complete and show the Way to Him.

Sending our blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger (SAW) individually or in Jama'a, can be but an action that pleases Allah(SWT) and certainly the Holy Messenger (SAW) himself. Sending blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger(SAW) cannot be bida'a because Allah(SAW) Himself has invited us to do so. Allah(SWT) did not limit this invitation to one day, to one particular time, to the period during which the Holy Messenger(SAW) was with us. He only said: Do so. He is my Beloved.

An action can only be bida'a, if it is made compulsory. A voluntary action becomes bida'a if one who does that action looks down upon, mocks, insults someone who does not do such action. Because then the one who does the action is qualifying the action as being obligatory.

Actions that make us remember Allah(SWT) through his dhikr and / or sending blessings / salaams on the holy Messenger(SAW) need no proof, require no answers to any questions. Whether such actions were done by the Holy Messenger(SAW), were done by the Sahaba during the days of the Holy Messenger or after the veil fell in between him and the world, were done by the tabi'een and so on are irrelevant.

There are reasons why the Holy Messenger(SAW) did not do certain actions. This is clear from the Hadiths. So, saying that the Holy Messenger(SAW) did not do this, and, therefore, we should not do this is totally wrong.

However, we should be careful how we celebrate mawlid or perform dhikr. No means that lead to sins (minor or major) should obviously be there. There should be no exagerration in the way(s) we wish to show our love for Allah(SWT) or for His Beloved. In the Ummah, there have been and there are a lot of exaggerations. They abound in literature. Bias or excess of love??? We must be careful. If we have taqwa for Allah(SWT), there should be no problem.

I personally do not attend such celebrations where politicians are invited. But I do attend when these celebartions are held at a masjid.

Research into these topics are welcome. But conclusions reached in the absence of wisdom may be wrong.

Hopw, Insh'Allah, above may help.

Brotherly yours
loginereQQ is offline

Old 04-12-2011, 03:40 PM   #4

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Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

Celebrating mawlid has been discussed on several threads on SF. Do search for these threads; they may prove useful.

In one of those threads, I posted as follows:

Celebrating Mawlid is celebrating the day Allah(SWT) sent to humanity at large the Best of His Creation, the Holy Messenger (SAW), to perfect, complete and show the Way to Him.

Sending our blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger (SAW) individually or in Jama'a, can be but an action that pleases Allah(SWT) and certainly the Holy Messenger (SAW) himself. Sending blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger(SAW) cannot be bida'a because Allah(SAW) Himself has invited us to do so. Allah(SWT) did not limit this invitation to one day, to one particular time, to the period during which the Holy Messenger(SAW) was with us. He only said: Do so. He is my Beloved.

An action can only be bida'a, if it is made compulsory. A voluntary action becomes bida'a if one who does that action looks down upon, mocks, insults someone who does not do such action. Because then the one who does the action is qualifying the action as being obligatory.

Actions that make us remember Allah(SWT) through his dhikr and / or sending blessings / salaams on the holy Messenger(SAW) need no proof, require no answers to any questions. Whether such actions were done by the Holy Messenger(SAW), were done by the Sahaba during the days of the Holy Messenger or after the veil fell in between him and the world, were done by the tabi'een and so on are irrelevant.

There are reasons why the Holy Messenger(SAW) did not do certain actions. This is clear from the Hadiths. So, saying that the Holy Messenger(SAW) did not do this, and, therefore, we should not do this is totally wrong.

However, we should be careful how we celebrate mawlid or perform dhikr. No means that lead to sins (minor or major) should obviously be there. There should be no exagerration in the way(s) we wish to show our love for Allah(SWT) or for His Beloved. In the Ummah, there have been and there are a lot of exaggerations. They abound in literature. Bias or excess of love??? We must be careful. If we have taqwa for Allah(SWT), there should be no problem.

I personally do not attend such celebrations where politicians are invited. But I do attend when these celebartions are held at a masjid.

Research into these topics are welcome. But conclusions reached in the absence of wisdom may be wrong.

Hopw, Insh'Allah, above may help.

Brotherly yours

Sending our blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger (SAW) individually or in Jama'a, can be but an action that pleases Allah(SWT) and certainly the Holy Messenger (SAW) himself. Brother, can u tell us more why should we pleases the Holy Messenger (SAW) beside Allah?

Quran says

Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds: (6:162)

Sending blessings and peace on the Holy Messenger(SAW) cannot be bida'a because Allah(SAW) Himself has invited us to do so. Allah(SWT) did not limit this invitation to one day, to one particular time, to the period during which the Holy Messenger(SAW) was with us. He only said: Do so. He is my Beloved. Absolutely Sending blessings to our prophet is ok. It was an order from Allah, but how to implement this order, didn't our prophet show it?

An action can only be bida'a, if it is made compulsory. A voluntary action becomes bida'a if one who does that action looks down upon, mocks, insults someone who does not do such action. Because then the one who does the action is qualifying the action as being obligatory. An action can be bida'a if it's not in harmony with the principles of our religion.

Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861:
Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

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Old 04-13-2011, 12:44 AM   #5

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Brother, can u tell us more why should we pleases the Holy Messenger (SAW) beside Allah?

Quran says

Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds: (6:162)

Absolutely Sending blessings to our prophet is ok. It was an order from Allah, but how to implement this order, didn't our prophet show it?

An action can be bida'a if it's not in harmony with the principles of our religion.

Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861:
Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

Brother, can u tell us more why should we pleases the Holy Messenger (SAW) beside Allah?

Quran says

Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds: (6:162) No doubt, everything that we do should be for the pleasure of Allah(SWT) ONLY. We please Allah(SWT) by submitting to His Will, to His Commands. And amongst His Commands we have, inter alia, (a) Obey My Beloved Messenger - thus will you obey me, (b) send peace and blessings on my Beloved like I and the Angels do. Allah(SWT) could have said "OBEY ME" - FULL STOP.

If we consider the two above -mentioned Commands, we may conclude that Allah(SWT) is saying: Come close to Me through My Beloved . If he, My Beloved, is Pleased with you, I am pleased with you. Is this not why the Friends of Allah(SWT) cling to the Sunnah0f the Holy Messenger(SAW)?

Further, why did the Holy Messenger(SAW) say that he would receive peace and blessings sent to him by his Ummah? if such peace and blessings had no importance for him, then why did he say so? Why did Allah(SWT) requested us to do so? If same were not for the "pleasure" of His Beloved Messenger (SAW)?

Absolutely Sending blessings to our prophet is ok. It was an order from Allah, but how to implement this order, didn't our prophet show it? I have often said that the Holy messenger was a Model, a Guide sent to us by Allah(SWT). This Model / Guide taught us the minimum that we would require to progress along the Straight Path. His duty stopped there. Did he explain anything? Or did he only advise, and in certain cases instruct?

An action can be bida'a if it's not in harmony with the principles of our religion.

Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861:
Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected." NO DOUBT. Any action not in harmony with the principles of our religion would be HARAAM - not ONLY Bida'a. And what are the principles of our religion, of the Deen of Allah? The fundamental principle of our religion is Remembrance of Allah(SWT) and no association of any partner with Allah(SWT). No more no less. Is celebrating mawlid against these underlying principles ? Remembrance of Allah(SWT) can only be through obedience to and love for the Holy Messenger(SAW), for without him there would have been no creation.

What are haraam during mawlid celebrations? Free mixing? What is free mixing? Recitation of Naats? Recitation of the Holy Qur'an? Celebrating mawlid on a special day or during a specific period? Does any of these actions go against the underlying principles of our deen? Doing something that the Holy Messenger(SAW) did not do? The Holy Messenger(SAW) never specified this criterion. He said that "anything against the principles of our religion is wrong".

Brotherly yours
loginereQQ is offline

Old 04-13-2011, 01:17 AM   #6

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Celebrating Eid Milad is one of the most dangerous innovations brought into Islam by the Shias in 8th century.The last of the Sahabi ra lived till 100 years after Syedna Muhamad SWS so it gave Sahaba almost 123 chances to celebrate Eid Milad but they did not. Saying now that we celebrate Eid Milad just in the love of Syedna Muhammad SWS generates the meaning that probably we are better "Ashiq E Rasool" than the Sahaba. Syedna Muhammad SWS was so careful about innovations that he ordered the Sahaba Karam to do Jihad against the one who Innovates.

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There was never a Nabi that Allah raised amongst his Ummah before me except that he had in his Ummah some Hawaaryyoon (helpers) and Sahabah (companions) who held fast to his Sunnah (way) and followed his commands. They were then succeeded by a people who professed what they did not act upon and did that which they were not commanded to do. So he who makes Jihad against them with his hand is a believer, and the one who makes Jihad against them with his tongue is a believer, and one who makes Jihad against them with his heart is a believer, but beyond that there is not even a mustard seed (worth) of Emaan (faith).” [Sahih Muslim]
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Old 04-13-2011, 06:33 AM   #7

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Brothers and sisters lets not argue about this issue. different scholars have different opinions.
i just would like to say it's BEST if we follow the prophet step by step.
If any of you want to celebrate the birthday of the prophet then i would advice you to fast on mondays for the prophet used to fast on mondays, because he was BORN on a monday.
Allah knows best.
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Old 04-13-2011, 09:50 AM   #8

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Celebrating Eid Milad is one of the most dangerous innovations brought into Islam by the Shias in 8th century.The last of the Sahabi ra lived till 100 years after Syedna Muhamad SWS so it gave Sahaba almost 123 chances to celebrate Eid Milad but they did not. Saying now that we celebrate Eid Milad just in the love of Syedna Muhammad SWS generates the meaning that probably we are better "Ashiq E Rasool" than the Sahaba. Syedna Muhammad SWS was so careful about innovations that he ordered the Sahaba Karam to do Jihad against the one who Innovates.

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There was never a Nabi that Allah raised amongst his Ummah before me except that he had in his Ummah some Hawaaryyoon (helpers) and Sahabah (companions) who held fast to his Sunnah (way) and followed his commands. They were then succeeded by a people who professed what they did not act upon and did that which they were not commanded to do. So he who makes Jihad against them with his hand is a believer, and the one who makes Jihad against them with his tongue is a believer, and one who makes Jihad against them with his heart is a believer, but beyond that there is not even a mustard seed (worth) of Emaan (faith).” [Sahih Muslim]
Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum

My dear brother, how about addressing each and every point I made in my post? How about trying to look for answers to each of the questions I have asked?

There is no need to reply. But do meditate on each of the points / questions mentioned. Could prove useful.

Brotherly yours
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Old 04-13-2011, 11:10 AM   #9

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Brothers and sisters lets not argue about this issue. different scholars have different opinions.
i just would like to say it's BEST if we follow the prophet step by step.
If any of you want to celebrate the birthday of the prophet then i would advice you to fast on mondays for the prophet used to fast on mondays, because he was BORN on a monday.
Allah knows best.

Absolutely strong advice. We can celebrating milad by fasting on Monday.

Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Massenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me. (Muslim: Book #006, Hadith #2606)

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