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Old 12-18-2006, 06:37 AM   #21

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Another person you can contact in Chicagoland is Maulana Omer Husaini. He is doing his residency at the moment in chicago and he finished his final year (daura-e-hadith) with me in Darul Uloom Zakariyya, South Africa. We both graduated in Shabaan of this year. Since he was engaged in both sciences before coming to South Africa, he might be able to give you good sound advice on this issue. He's also a mureed of Shiekh Husain Sattar. And if you wish to contact me, i'm also available to help out.

There are many other young ulema in the Chicagoland area who can give you good advise as well.
how do i get in touch with him?
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Old 12-18-2006, 07:58 AM   #22

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Asalamu-alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,

Definitely make istikhaarah inshallah. Although I would say the interest and passion in which you speak about going to SA to do the aalim and hifz shows what you really do want to do.

I know a lot of people have mentioned doing both, just to comment that although you can be smart both things need time and dedication. And sometimes its almost impossible to do everything, which is why you have to prioritise what comes first in life.
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Old 12-20-2006, 06:23 AM   #23

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Mashallah many good advices have been given to you here. I would like to point out one more thing. That at the end of the day you have to be the one to decide and you have to follow your heart. Just like being a doctor is not for everyone, in the same way being an alim is also not for everyone. Being an Alim is not Fardh, but being a good muslims is. Just as we need Ulema in our community, we also need pious doctors, engineers, lawyers, ect. And on the same note doing both is not impossible either. My colleague, Maulana Omer Husaini did very well in his final year of Alim course and came overall 4th in the class. He is also very good in his medical studies. Going through Medical School might even help you out in your alim course studies. So it depends how devoted and dedicated you are. Both ivolve serious work and no play.
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Old 12-20-2006, 09:07 AM   #24

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You could probably contact mufti Azeemuddin Ahmad (from Kankakee) as well. He is teaching a couple of us beginners hidayatun nahw and he is teaching one advanced student al-hidayah, mishkat sharif, and jalalayn.
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Old 01-08-2007, 01:45 AM   #25

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

While this thread was going, i had a chance to sit down with Maulana Abdul Haleem Sahab from Shariah board of america, he was like baba, jo bhi cheeze karai, usko pakar kei rehna, meri yei rai hai kei tum quran achi tariqai sei yaad karlo, aik do din mat ao, par roze auw"

Translation, whatever you do, be consistent in it, youve spent to much time thinking its now time to act upon it, my suggestion is that you properly redo your quran first, but be consisten not one or 2 days, if you want to be a doctor, then go ahead but be consisten with that as well.

Brother Someguyseeking knowledge, ive came to the conclusion, that Alhamdulillah i became hafiz, and now i will become a doctor and set an uncorrupt example for the Youth insha Allah and encourage them to strive at their best as well, as well as your right! We do need doctors etc, in chicago do you remember some of the doctors get together like 4 times a year, Dr. Anwar Mohiuddin, Dr. Raziuddin Ahmed, Dr. Fatima, and they get together and provide coverage for those muslims who dont have coverage, all at the doctors cost. Which is so noble. And when the Masjids get built, you will find that alot of the contributions come from doctors etc.

Another Example, if im correct you will find alot of Dr. Presidents of masjids, IE Dr. Sattar of MCC if im correct?

and a bunch, and i will want my children to go to madrassah without a problem, (i can afford them to go to madrassa) so i will do both, slowly but consistenly, but im so lazy, insha Allah i will make dua, and become unlazy, and be the best Allah wants me to be for the benefit of the Ummah. Thats why i am Muslim, and serve Allah swt.
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Old 01-08-2007, 02:34 AM   #26

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Sorry if I repeat coz I haven't read the entire thread but just wanted to post.

Becoming an Alim i.e. gaining Islamic knowledge is one of the best things that can happen to you. As well as ur days being filled with so much barakah, u or whoever paying for u staudying will be receiving so much reward and u'll definately see it in the akhirah insha'Allah!

Becaoming a doctor is also good, and it can be even better depending on ur intentions but then, there;s nothing more rewarding than becoming an Alim. Subhanallah! The amount of mercy Allah showers upon u.

You could always become a doctor and then do Alim studeies but then it's entirely up to you.

That's my two dollar post.

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Old 01-08-2007, 02:36 AM   #27

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Okay just seen ur last post.

Alhamdulillah it's ur choice, so all I can say is that may Allah Ta'ala make u seuccessul in both worlds. Ameen. Always try and remember what u are doing is for Islam, for pleasing Allah and a way to help the muslims and whoever else is suffering etc. and insha'Allah this will be a means of u getting the most highest of abodes in the hereafter.
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Old 01-08-2007, 02:41 AM   #28

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Sorry if I repeat coz I haven't read the entire thread but just wanted to post.

Becoming an Alim i.e. gaining Islamic knowledge is one of the best things that can happen to you. As well as ur days being filled with so much barakah, u or whoever paying for u staudying will be receiving so much reward and u'll definately see it in the akhirah insha'Allah!

Becaoming a doctor is also good, and it can be even better depending on ur intentions but then, there;s nothing more rewarding than becoming an Alim. Subhanallah! The amount of mercy Allah showers upon u.

You could always become a doctor and then do Alim studeies but then it's entirely up to you.

That's my two dollar post.

Yes i completely agree, that way i will be a doctor and also becoming an Aalim, insha Allah i will die, when im a Mufti Insha Allah. Make Dua, i appreciate it. and yes! it does depend on your intentions, i was so lost, i completely forgot that i can become an Aalim after becoming a doctor too.
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Old 01-08-2007, 02:43 AM   #29

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Assalamu Alaikum

Are u intending on becoming an alim too? After becoming a doctor?
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Old 01-08-2007, 03:26 AM   #30

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Good choice bro, whatever you pick, Allah has picked it for you. All is for good.
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Old 01-08-2007, 06:49 AM   #31

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Assalamu Alaikum

Are u intending on becoming an alim too? After becoming a doctor?
Yes insha Allah, i had a few months ago, but you know what is funny is, how Allah swt shows you something you already know. But insha Allah i will become an Alim after i am done with Med school
or i will do aalim course on the weekends, they have a course for that to, but it would be to much strain on me.

Good choice bro, whatever you pick, Allah has picked it for you. All is for good.
I am afraid that i havent done istikharah, but insha Allah, this is a good choice. In my lifetime, there are many obvioius signs that i was making the wrong choice but Allah swt, always steered my right back to the proper path Alhamdulillah.

Please insha Allah make dua for me all of you, make dua i become a good doctor (anesthesiologist or Orthopedic surgeon insha Allah, I start school Monday) who is there for the benefit of the ummah, and a greater alim who is there for MORE benefit to the Ummah, and a great mufti for the benefit of the Ummah and insha Allah make dua that All of these thing will benefit my akhirah and intercede on my behalf, ameen.
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Old 01-08-2007, 09:38 PM   #32

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become a doctor and then continue with your islamic education..thats the most logical step
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Old 01-08-2007, 09:44 PM   #33

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Please insha Allah make dua for me all of you, make dua i become a good doctor (anesthesiologist or Orthopedic surgeon insha Allah, I start school Monday) who is there for the benefit of the ummah, and a greater alim who is there for MORE benefit to the Ummah, and a great mufti for the benefit of the Ummah and insha Allah make dua that All of these thing will benefit my akhirah and intercede on my behalf, ameen. ameen
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Old 01-09-2007, 03:06 AM   #34

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I think Sh Hussain IS an Alim...I only say this because in one of his talks he mentions something about his daura hadeeth year...does this not mean he is an alim? we benefit from him either way!
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Old 01-09-2007, 03:21 AM   #35

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Become Hafiz and Aalim in south africa and then go onto becoming a doctor.

Peform istikharah and The Holy Prophet (saws) has described the method of a prayer which in common parlance is called Salah Al Hajah or 'prayer for fulfillment of a need' whenever a Muslim has a need or faces an anxiety or desires something which seems difficult to achieve then he must ffollow the advice of the Holy Prophet (saws) and offer the salah Al-Hajah, and make the supplication of his Hajah, then he may present his need or desire before Allah in his own words. If there is good for him in that, the merciful Allah will surely fulfill his Hajah. or need. Thus, it is the sunnah, (practice) of the Holy Prophet (saws) to offer the Salah Al-Hajah, at the time of need.
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Old 01-09-2007, 05:06 AM   #36

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if hifzing the quran wont take long i would suggest you finishing the quran first...because your only 18 and you could start school after your done....because im 16 doing home school write now so i could finish hifzing the quran as well..and once im done i could start school cause inshallah im thinking of being an optometrist..so i think u should finish the quran first and then start college and once your done you could do what ever you want because youll be done w/both hifzing the quran and w/med school!
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Old 04-12-2011, 10:52 AM   #37

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asalamu aliekom, my name is Dr. Ramy Taher Shams

ok first of all i know this may be a bit late but i just came across it today, actually right now... what you wrote is exactly the same that happened in my life... it sounded like my exact story... i went to AJAX MADRASSAH and i left 2004 so it was right before you came... i made not only friends but brothers... until this day ive been trying to reach them... i live in california... after i left AJAX i went onto college and became the president of the MSA then went to another college and also became the president of their MSA... i led taraweeh a couple of times... i memorized about 13 juz alhamdulillah... oh and most importantly i always wanted to become a doctor, but at the same time i wanted to complete my hifz and continue with ilm... and i felt like islam is not about grabbing the stick from one end... and i knew i can control myself, stay away from all fitnas, still have the religious part in me, and also continue my degree in medicine... which i changed to dentistry after taking a couple of dental classes... but either way i decided to grab the stick from the middle and become a religious doctor that helps ppl both religiously and medically... till now i speak to ppl about religion and medicine and alhamdulillah they love to hear me... i know you can choose or have already chosen the best path for yourself... and inshallah you grabbed the stick from the middle =]

also if you have any questions my facebook is RAMY SHAMS DDS feel free to leave a message in my inbox... and btw if you still have any contact with any students from the madrassah plz let me know i really miss them greatly... i just saw a video on youtube for UBAIR, SAAD, AND AN ARTICLE BY ABDULLAH WAHEED... miss them and everyone from from that madrassah very much...

salamu aliekom =]
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Old 04-13-2011, 05:12 AM   #38

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A lot of young guys are in similar circumstances.

What is your objective? To be an alim, to be a doctor or what?

If you are going to be an alim what is your objective to be an alim?

If you are going to be a doctor what is your objective for that?

Better that you consult directly with Hazrat Mufti sahib db himself and get an idea. He is very wise, has a lot of foresight and he knows you from your studies with him, he probably has an idea what your capacity is like. Put the entire situation from a to z before him and then ask him what he recommends. Just because someone else did something doesnt necessarily mean that you can do the same. The examples of the people mentioned above, I am almost certain that their situation and circumstances were much different than yours. I dont think they had to worry about looking after their mother and such. So you have to look at the entire situation front and back and consider everything and weigh everything before you decide something. These are life decisions.

If you go to med school how will you finance it? Will you take an interest loan? There go your alim studies down the drain unless some guy is giving out fatwa you can take out interest loan for studies which I am not aware of - have you thought of that?

If you go to alim school what about your responsibilities at home that you mentioned above?

People here can vote on stuff and give you all sorts of ideas but no one is familiar with your personality, no one knows what your intellectual capacity is like, no one knows how studious you are, people are not totally aware of your responsibilities. Better that you consult with Hazrat Mufti sahib db put the whole situation before him and then get his opinion. You went to consult with Moulana while Hazrats office is just one door away.
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Old 04-13-2011, 05:26 AM   #39

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Do both but is up to you which one to do first. Many people I have seen, they first became doctor then became Alim deen.
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