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Old 04-07-2011, 02:18 AM   #21

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Taken from Muslim Degenaration and its only Remedy (page 22) ((The arabic can be found there if Moulana AbuHajira can verify the translation.))

Hadhrat Anas (radiallaho anho) relates: "We inquired of the Holy Prophet , 'O Prophet of Allah , is it right that we should not enjoin virtue unless we practise all the virtues ourselves, and should not forbid the wrongs unless we ourselves completely abstain from them all? 'Nay,' said the Prophet , 'do enjoin others to practise good deeds even though you do not practise all of them, and do forbid evil actions even though you do not abstain from them all'."
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:19 AM   #22

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At least while doing da'wah don't propagate things you are not sure of.
stick to the 6 points innit brah!
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:26 AM   #23

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....bro Abdullah, the link is not opening.......would love to read what this article says...can you provide another link for the same or post a summary...

Please check this link:


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Old 04-07-2011, 02:35 AM   #24

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if i remember correctly, there is a chapter in targhib wa tarhib which talks about "learning ilm but not acting upon it" in which the thread related hadith was also mentioned. or it could be another book
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:45 AM   #25

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Please check this link:


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Old 04-07-2011, 11:06 AM   #26

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OK, there is no doubt that we will be punished for not following what we say. But, does this stop us from calling people towards Allah?

Status of ilm for dawah.

English - Ma'ariful Qur'an - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA
Say, 'This is my way. I call (people) to Allah with full cognition - myself and my followers. And pure is Allah. And I am not among the Mushriks*." [12:108]

Say: This is my Way: I call on Allah with sure knowledge. I and whosoever followeth me - Glory be to Allah! - and I am not of the idolaters. (12:108)

does this stop us from calling people towards Allah? How will u call others towards Allah? Do these and don't do these? Or only tell them just stories?
Look brother, Muezzins is calling by Adan & if he doesn't attend at salat what should be meaning of that call?

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Old 04-07-2011, 02:38 PM   #27

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Taken from Muslim Degenaration and its only Remedy (page 22) ((The arabic can be found there if Moulana AbuHajira can verify the translation.))

Hadhrat Anas (radiallaho anho) relates: "We inquired of the Holy Prophet , 'O Prophet of Allah , is it right that we should not enjoin virtue unless we practise all the virtues ourselves, and should not forbid the wrongs unless we ourselves completely abstain from them all? 'Nay,' said the Prophet , 'do enjoin others to practise good deeds even though you do not practise all of them, and do forbid evil actions even though you do not abstain from them all'."
Thankyou very much brother. Thanks for showing me this hadith.
When i quoted this hadith, my friend told me that i am lying on huzoor (PBUH), and that he is 100 % sure that there is no such hadith.
That made me worried, as lying on nabi (alaihis salam) is kufr. Atleast i am relieved now.
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:50 PM   #28

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Status of ilm for dawah.

English - Ma'ariful Qur'an - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA
Say, 'This is my way. I call (people) to Allah with full cognition - myself and my followers. And pure is Allah. And I am not among the Mushriks*." [12:108]

Say: This is my Way: I call on Allah with sure knowledge. I and whosoever followeth me - Glory be to Allah! - and I am not of the idolaters. (12:108)

How will u call others towards Allah? Do these and don't do these? Or only tell them just stories?
Look brother, Muezzins is calling by Adan & if he doesn't attend at salat what should be meaning of that call?

rqsnnt. How are you? Make sure that Hizbiyya does not make you say lies. Here is a fatwa by Ibn Uthaymin that might be of benefit to you and people of your party:


Is da’wah (calling) to Allâh obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman, or is it to be left for the Scholars and the students of knowledge only? Is it permissible for the lay person to do da’wah to Allâh?

“When a person has knowledge and insight into that which he is calling to, then there is no difference between the one who has a great amount of knowledge, or a student of knowledge who has recently started in pursuit of knowledge or a lay person - as long as he has certain knowledge of the issue at hand. The Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said: “Convey from me, even if it is one verse.” [al-Bukhaaree] So it is not a condition upon the dâ’î (the one calling) to attain a great amount of knowledge, but the condition is that one must have knowledge of what one is calling to. If this calling is established upon ignorance and built upon emotion and passion, then it is not permissible.
Thus, we see that some of the brothers who call to Allâh, they do not have except a little knowledge. We see them, due to their strong emotions, prohibiting that which Allâh has not prohibited, whilst making obligatory that which Allâh has not made obligatory upon His worshippers. This is a very dangerous matter, since permitting what Allâh has made harâm (unlawful) is like prohibiting what Allâh has made halâl (lawful). So when they begin prohibiting people for making a particular matter then others will rebuke them for making it harâm. Allâh - the Most High - says: “And do not say, concerning that which your tongues falsely put forward, ‘This is lawful and this is forbidden,’ so as to invent lies against Allâh. Indeed, those who invent lies against Allâh will never prosper.” [an-Nahl 16:116-117] As for the lay person, then he must not call to Allâh if he does not have knowledge. Rather, it is essential to have knowledge in accordance with the saying of Allâh - the Most High -: “Say: This is my path. I call to Allâh upon sure knowledge.” [Yoosuf 12:108] So it is a must to call to Allâh upon knowledge. However, if a matter is clearly known to be evil or good, then one can command it - if it is good, or forbid it - if it is evil.

So the callers to Allâh must start with knowledge. Whosoever calls to Allâh without knowledge, then such a person will cause greater harm than good - as is evident. So it is obligatory for a person to first acquire knowledge, then to do da’wah. As for the clear evils and that which is clearly good, then the good is enjoined and the evil prohibited.”
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
As-Sahwatul-Islâmiyyah (pp.75-76) of Shaykh lbn al-’Uthaymîn.
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:55 PM   #29

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to all,
stick to the 6 points innit brah!
Was not referring to tablighis in particular, but like some friends talk to each others and wanna display their "vast" knowledge with juicy stories, approximative fiqh etc... for what they call "da'wa"

Tablighis have their shortcomings but their good compensate them.
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Old 04-07-2011, 03:00 PM   #30

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Status of ilm for dawah.

English - Ma'ariful Qur'an - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA
Say, 'This is my way. I call (people) to Allah with full cognition - myself and my followers. And pure is Allah. And I am not among the Mushriks*." [12:108]

Say: This is my Way: I call on Allah with sure knowledge. I and whosoever followeth me - Glory be to Allah! - and I am not of the idolaters. (12:108)

How will u call others towards Allah? Do these and don't do these? Or only tell them just stories?
Look brother, Muezzins is calling by Adan & if he doesn't attend at salat what should be meaning of that call?

Are these daleels for one to act before calling.
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Old 04-07-2011, 03:07 PM   #31

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rqsnnt. How are you? Make sure that Hizbiyya does not make you say lies. Here is a fatwa by Ibn Uthaymin that might be of benefit to you and people of your party:


Is da’wah (calling) to Allâh obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman, or is it to be left for the Scholars and the students of knowledge only? Is it permissible for the lay person to do da’wah to Allâh?

“When a person has knowledge and insight into that which he is calling to, then there is no difference between the one who has a great amount of knowledge, or a student of knowledge who has recently started in pursuit of knowledge or a lay person - as long as he has certain knowledge of the issue at hand. The Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said: “Convey from me, even if it is one verse.” [al-Bukhaaree] So it is not a condition upon the dâ’î (the one calling) to attain a great amount of knowledge, but the condition is that one must have knowledge of what one is calling to. If this calling is established upon ignorance and built upon emotion and passion, then it is not permissible.
Thus, we see that some of the brothers who call to Allâh, they do not have except a little knowledge. We see them, due to their strong emotions, prohibiting that which Allâh has not prohibited, whilst making obligatory that which Allâh has not made obligatory upon His worshippers. This is a very dangerous matter, since permitting what Allâh has made harâm (unlawful) is like prohibiting what Allâh has made halâl (lawful). So when they begin prohibiting people for making a particular matter then others will rebuke them for making it harâm. Allâh - the Most High - says: “And do not say, concerning that which your tongues falsely put forward, ‘This is lawful and this is forbidden,’ so as to invent lies against Allâh. Indeed, those who invent lies against Allâh will never prosper.” [an-Nahl 16:116-117] As for the lay person, then he must not call to Allâh if he does not have knowledge. Rather, it is essential to have knowledge in accordance with the saying of Allâh - the Most High -: “Say: This is my path. I call to Allâh upon sure knowledge.” [Yoosuf 12:108] So it is a must to call to Allâh upon knowledge. However, if a matter is clearly known to be evil or good, then one can command it - if it is good, or forbid it - if it is evil.

So the callers to Allâh must start with knowledge. Whosoever calls to Allâh without knowledge, then such a person will cause greater harm than good - as is evident. So it is obligatory for a person to first acquire knowledge, then to do da’wah. As for the clear evils and that which is clearly good, then the good is enjoined and the evil prohibited.”
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
As-Sahwatul-Islâmiyyah (pp.75-76) of Shaykh lbn al-’Uthaymîn.

I m fine, AlhamdullilLah.

I was showing status of ilm for Dawah.

Make sure that Hizbiyya does not make you say lies. Here is a fatwa by Ibn Uthaymin that might be of benefit to you and people of your party: But i can't understand u above statement. Can u plz make it more clear?

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Old 04-07-2011, 03:08 PM   #32

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Those who seek "perfection" in everything before acting need to read this hadith day and night, again and again:

"None of you shall be saved by his works." A man said, "Not even you yourself, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Not even me myself, unless Allah envelopes me in mercy from Him. But aim to do right" (Muslim).
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Old 04-07-2011, 07:20 PM   #33

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The dawah of the the tablighis is for self rectification, thus when someone is going for ghushst, it should never be his intention that he forgets himself. the dawah of the tablighi is first and foremost for himself.

to give dawah on complete Iman and Yaqeen so that it comes into ones own life. They dont talk about Iman and Yaqeen claiming they have reached that stage but they talk about it to get to the stage. A tablighi should never ever forget himself in his call.ever. Whoever(tablighi) forgets himself in his call, will eventually give up. whoever keeps his own rectification infront when giving dawah,will inshallah stay steadfast,as he will realise the dawah is for himself.

Ive seen on occasions that even if one advises others which one may not be doing themselves, so long as one has the intention to bring it into their own life, the talking about does bring the amal into ones life eventually.

I mention above so as to clarify the tablighis call as many many are misunderstood to the actual intention of the dawah amal of the tablighi.

Every amal of a tablighi is for his own islah. wether it be dawah,teaching/learning,worship,khidma etc.
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Old 04-07-2011, 07:37 PM   #34

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I m fine, AlhamdullilLah.

I was showing status of ilm for Dawah.

But i can't understand u above statement. Can u plz make it more clear?

For status of 'ilm for da'wa maybe this following hadith can also be of some benefit, "Convey from me, even if it is one verse." (Bukhari)
The process of gaining 'ilm, working on 'amal and inviting towards Deen is a simultaneous one. It runs concomitantly not one after another.
About that other statement, the meaning is simple. Don't stop people from doing good because they belong to a group with which you don't identify. I have found your Ahl Hadith people to be very forward in stopping people from doing good when those who are doing the good deed belong to some other Islamic group. This is a shameful habit and should be dropped. WS.
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Old 04-07-2011, 08:09 PM   #35

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For status of 'ilm for da'wa maybe this following hadith can also be of some benefit, "Convey from me, even if it is one verse." (Bukhari)
The process of gaining 'ilm, working on 'amal and inviting towards Deen is a simultaneous one. It runs concomitantly not one after another.
About that other statement, the meaning is simple. Don't stop people from doing good because they belong to a group with which you don't identify. I have found your Ahl Hadith people to be very forward in stopping people from doing good when those who are doing the good deed belong to some other Islamic group. This is a shameful habit and should be dropped. WS.
brother Abu_Tamim,

Let me share my last month experience with u. I was sitting a mosque after Magrib salat to listen Bayan of TJ. Story said by the AMIR, i didn't hear before.

Sahaba made Gusl of a dead child and bought dead body to our prophet to perform Janaza salat. Prophet asked sahaba did child mother know this? They reply no. (A question arise here how without informing mother sahaba arranged this janaja salat). Sahaba went to dead child mother & inform that her child is dead. Then mother perform Wudu & offer 2 Rakat salat. After salat she made a big supplication to Allah(No need to put here what was supplication). After supplication dead child became alive!!!.

I wanted to know Name of this Sahaba (Mother & Child) after bayan, but they couldn't inform me. They requested for time. After a few days i was informed a Book name which i didn't hear before.

Only Allah knows what is the true & False.

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Old 04-07-2011, 08:26 PM   #36

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brother Abu_Tamim,

Let me share my last month experience with u. I was sitting a mosque after Magrib salat to listen Bayan of TJ. Story said by the AMIR, i didn't hear before.

Sahaba made Gusl of a dead child and bought dead body to our prophet to perform Janaza salat. Prophet asked sahaba did child mother know this? They reply no. (A question arise here how without informing mother sahaba arranged this janaja salat). Sahaba went to dead child mother & inform that her child is dead. Then mother perform Wudu & offer 2 Rakat salat. After salat she made a big supplication to Allah(No need to put here what was supplication). After supplication dead child became alive!!!.

I wanted to know Name of this Sahaba (Mother & Child) after bayan, but they couldn't inform me. They requested for time. After a few days i was informed a Book name which i didn't hear before.

Only Allah knows what is the true & False.

yes, this kind of thing is definatelely a problem with tabligh jamaat. Moulana Ilyas (ra) wanted an alim present with every jamaat. if the ulama take on this responsibility then we would not have this problem.
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Old 04-07-2011, 08:31 PM   #37

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brother Abu_Tamim,

Let me share my last month experience with u. I was sitting a mosque after Magrib salat to listen Bayan of TJ. Story said by the AMIR, i didn't hear before.

Sahaba made Gusl of a dead child and bought dead body to our prophet to perform Janaza salat. Prophet asked sahaba did child mother know this? They reply no. (A question arise here how without informing mother sahaba arranged this janaja salat). Sahaba went to dead child mother & inform that her child is dead. Then mother perform Wudu & offer 2 Rakat salat. After salat she made a big supplication to Allah(No need to put here what was supplication). After supplication dead child became alive!!!.

I wanted to know Name of this Sahaba (Mother & Child) after bayan, but they couldn't inform me. They requested for time. After a few days i was informed a Book name which i didn't hear before.

Only Allah knows what is the true & False.

I understand what you are saying brother. However mistakes are a part of every human effort. You need to correct peoples' mistakes, not stop them from doing work.
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Old 04-07-2011, 08:46 PM   #38

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brother Abu_Tamim,

Let me share my last month experience with u. I was sitting a mosque after Magrib salat to listen Bayan of TJ. Story said by the AMIR, i didn't hear before.

Sahaba made Gusl of a dead child and bought dead body to our prophet to perform Janaza salat. Prophet asked sahaba did child mother know this? They reply no. (A question arise here how without informing mother sahaba arranged this janaja salat). Sahaba went to dead child mother & inform that her child is dead. Then mother perform Wudu & offer 2 Rakat salat. After salat she made a big supplication to Allah(No need to put here what was supplication). After supplication dead child became alive!!!.

I wanted to know Name of this Sahaba (Mother & Child) after bayan, but they couldn't inform me. They requested for time. After a few days i was informed a Book name which i didn't hear before.

Only Allah knows what is the true & False.

so what is the name of the book?

are you implying that just because you have not heard of the book that its false?

Have you gone to look for the book and tried to ascertain its authenticity?

on a side issue, Maulana Saad is very blunt in saying only mention stories of the Prophets and the companions within ones 6 points.

Maulana Ilyas used to talk about the lives of the Prophets and Maulana Yusuf used to talk about the lives of the companions more.

stories of shaykhs,ones own stories,miracles of the awliya etc are 100% not to be mentioned,especially in a general gathering.
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Old 04-07-2011, 08:55 PM   #39

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so what is the name of the book?

are you implying that just because you have not heard of the book that its false?

Have you gone to look for the book and tried to ascertain its authenticity?

on a side issue, Maulana Saad is very blunt in saying only mention stories of the Prophets and the companions within ones 6 points.

Maulana Ilyas used to talk about the lives of the Prophets and Maulana Yusuf used to talk about the lives of the companions more.

stories of shaykhs,ones own stories,miracles of the awliya etc are 100% not to be mentioned,especially in a general gathering.

are you implying that just because you have not heard of the book that its false? No

Brother let me know the names of Sahaba(Mother & Child) of this Famous incident( Alive after death) in the period of our Prophet. Not now, when u get time.

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Old 04-07-2011, 09:06 PM   #40

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Brother let me know the names of Sahaba(Mother & Child) of this Famous incident( Alive after death) in the period of our Prophet. Not now, when u get time.
hayatus sahaba 3rd volume page 392


After a few days i was informed a Book name which i didn't hear before.
What was the book name?

as if you are muhaddith and memorised 7000 books name.

What you know is few, what you dont know is immense. what books name do you know except sahih muslim and bukhari bro?

How many books about sahaba life you have read? may i guess? its 0.
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