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#1 |
I have mostly learned Islam through reading books and from the internet with no particular attention to following a specific madhab. Recently, I have decided to follow the Shafi'i madhab and I would appreciate direction from an imam or other knowledgeable person following the Shai'i madhab.
1) Should I say the adhan and iqamah prior to prayer even when I am at home or at work? 2) For fajr, maghrib and isha,does one say "Bismillah Rahmani Raheem" out loud before al-Fatiha? 3) Is the basmallah said out loud for the following surah in the 1st two rakat? 4) Should one wear a kufi in salah? 5) What should one do if his pants leg is below the ankle? 6) Can one wear his shirt tail tucked in his pants? 7) In rising from ruku does one raise his hands while saying "sami alahu liman hamida" or when saying "Allahu akbar" before going into sujud? 8) Does one say 'Ameen' after al-Fatiha when praying alone or leading others (wife) in salah? 9) Does one sit briefly after coming up from sujud and before standing? 10) How does one sit between the 2 sajdahs and before standing? 11) In sitting for tashahud, does one hold the right hand closed with the thumb alongside the forefinger and then point the index finger with the thumb and second finger making a circle only while saying the shahadah or just the part 'il Allah' - 'except Allah'? Additional direction would be appreciated. |
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#2 |
I too have lot of doubts. The following book has been very helpful. A lot of explanations in the Salat section.
'Reliance of a Traveller' |
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#3 |
I have mostly learned Islam through reading books and from the internet with no particular attention to following a specific madhab. Recently, I have decided to follow the Shafi'i madhab and I would appreciate direction from an imam or other knowledgeable person following the Shai'i madhab. 2. yes 3. yes 4. its not necessary but if you want to 5. the opinion of nawawi is that it is makrooh to let your pants go below the ankles 6. never heard of this 7. raf yadain is done in opening takbeer, rising from the first sitting, and going into/rising from ruku 8. yes 9. yes, you come to a rest before rising 10. reliance of the traveler describes tawarruk and iftirash (the two sitting styles) 11. closed fist with finger extended down and circle with second finger and thumb, raise finger when saying "la ilaha ila Allah" then lower. there is an opinion to move the finger as well shafi`i fiqh pdf resources/ |
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#4 |
1) Should I say the adhan and iqamah prior to prayer even when I am at home or at work? Yes. I suppose not raising one's voice while at work is OK. What if I have a clock that announces the adhan? Is that suffiecient or must I say it with my own voice? |
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#5 |
Beloved Brother
Please visit the following website to read more about Shafi Fiqh (check out the download section for awesome English translations of some of the basic kutub of the mathab) As far as when should onee lift one's hands up, in salaah, is concerned, it is 'sun-nah' to lift ones hands, on four occasions, in salaah: 1] when one starts one's salaah, with the takbeeratul-ihraam 2] when one goes into ruku 3] when one comes up from ruku 4] when one stands up from the second raka-ah, for the third raka-ah, because Sayyidunaa Ibn Umar (radiyal-laahu anh) narrates that the Nabee (sal-lal-laahu alaihi wa sal lam) used to lift his hands up, until they were opposite his shoulders, when he used to start his salaah and when he used to say "Allahu akbar" for going into ruku and when he used to lift his head up from ruku and because Sayyidunaa Ali (radhiyal-laahu anh) narrates that the Nabee (sal-lal-laahu alaihi wa sal-lam) used to, when he stood up from the two sajdas (of the second raka-ah, for the third) lifted his hands, likewise and say "Allahu akbar". Al-bukhaari and Muslim reports the hadeeth of Sayyidunaa Ibn Umar. Abu Dawood and At-tirmithi reports the hadeeth of Sayyidunaa Ali. From the two above-mentioned hadeeths it is clear that the Nabee (sal-lal-laahu alaihi wa sal-lam) used to lift his hands up, in salaah, on four occasions The short sitting between Sujood and Qiyaam of the odd numbered rakaats is called Jalsatul Istiraha. Refer to the hadith compilation of Ibn Hajar Asqalani entitled Bulugh Al Maram min Adilatil Ahkaam (It has been translated into English) in it you will find the hadith from Bukhari where Malik Al Huwayrithi mentions that he saw the Nabi alayhis salaam practicing this short sitting. Yes the Basmala is said out loud when you begin reciting the surah after the Fatiha. This will be done only when you are beginning a surah from it's first verse otherwise should you choose to recite part of a surah you will then NOT recite the basmala aloud. |
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#6 |
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