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Old 10-11-2012, 03:41 PM   #1

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Default I'tikaf Experience 2012

How many Brothers/ Sisters were in I'tikaf this year? In some places this Blessed Sunnah is disappearing. Wherever there is I'tikaf, many changes can be seen in those areas, specially in the youth.

It will be great if those who went into I'tikaf tell us their experiences and what happened during I'tikaf and the changes they saw, it might motivate readers to make I'tikaf next year.

PS: I heard there was an SF I'tikaf Jamat in Masjid e Nabawi (sallallahu alayhi wsallam) too!
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Old 10-11-2012, 04:20 PM   #2

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Jee hazrat, there was a SF J...... jamaat in Masjid e Nabawi.

Many strange things happened there. One brother with us wore a black imamah all the time in aitekaaf. People would kiss his forehead and give him money. People used to request him to just give them five minutes and sit with them.

Our jamaat became v famous in masjid e nabawi due to our strange tasawwuf practices like sitting in muraqabah

We were also famous because of our water melons

Saudis would come to us asking about tasawwuf and trying to prove its bidat.

We also saw the barakaats of Nisbat Shareefah (naqshbundi).

Btw, can you please pick up my call or reply to my messages. its important.

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Old 10-11-2012, 04:40 PM   #3

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Jee hazrat, there was a SF J...... jamaat in Masjid e Nabawi.

Many strange things happened there. One brother with us wore a black imamah all the time in aitekaaf. People would kiss his forehead and give him money. People used to request him to just give them five minutes and sit with them.

Our jamaat became v famous in masjid e nabawi due to our strange tasawwuf practices like sitting in muraqabah

We were also famous because of our water melons

Saudis would come to us asking about tasawwuf and trying to prove its bidat.

We also saw the barakaats of Nisbat Shareefah (naqshbundi).

Btw, can you please pick up my call or reply to my messages. its important.

Sorry Habibi, phone was charging and i just missed your call. I cant see your messages. What you asked me yesterday - i feel positive on it, go ahead Allah put barkat in it

I had thoughts when i was typing the Title of this thread that the first person to reply to this thread is you because last year you replied first

So you mean i should have worn my Imaamah much earlier in Madinah Munawwarah?

You should share the Questions and Answers with the Saudis. Would be good. Also what barakaats? Thats what were interested in knowing.

You had a schedule or each of you would do what you wanted?
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Old 10-11-2012, 06:47 PM   #4

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How many Brothers/ Sisters were in I'tikaf this year? In some places this Blessed Sunnah is disappearing. Wherever there is I'tikaf, many changes can be seen in those areas, specially in the youth.

It will be great if those who went into I'tikaf tell us their experiences and what happened during I'tikaf and the changes they saw, it might motivate readers to make I'tikaf next year.

PS: I heard there was an SF I'tikaf Jamat in Masjid e Nabawi (sallallahu alayhi wsallam) too!

Spent mine in IDA leceister (Shaykh Saleem Dhorat). It was beneficial as always. To be in his company and hearing his advices/words are priceless, also the environment of actions (nafl salat, dua, quran, zikr etc) is like a magnet, and a person who comes there will find it so easy doing these amaals.

I took 2 brothers with me last year to IDA, this year 10 came, and now the brothers have inserted itekaf as a fixed schedule every year inshallah.

First 10 days or the first 20 days we go in Jaamat, and the last 10 days in itekaf.
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Old 10-11-2012, 06:55 PM   #5

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Hazrat Mawlana Ayyub Surti Sahib (Majlis e Dawatul Haqq, Leicester UK) was in Zambia this year for I'tikaf. He recalls the I'tikaf in the following audio

20th August 2012 Islahi Majlis - Safarnama which can be found here http://www.majlisedawatulhaq.org.uk/index.php/audio

Briefly, he says that when he was younger, he experienced I'tikaf with Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Zakariyya (rahimahullah) and that the I'tikaf in Zambia reminded him of those days.
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Old 10-11-2012, 07:03 PM   #6

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Hazrat Mawlana Ayyub Surti Sahib (Majlis e Dawatul Haqq, Leicester UK) was in Zambia this year for I'tikaf. He recalls the I'tikaf in the following audio

20th August 2012 Islahi Majlis - Safarnama which can be found here http://www.majlisedawatulhaq.org.uk/index.php/audio

Briefly, he says that when he was younger, he experienced I'tikaf with Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Zakariyya (rahimahullah) and that the I'tikaf in Zambia reminded him of those days.

Listening to it now.

Bro Rahmaniyyah, have you been to the Zambian Itefak?
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Old 10-11-2012, 08:38 PM   #7

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Spent mine in IDA leceister (Shaykh Saleem Dhorat). It was beneficial as always. To be in his company and hearing his advices/words are priceless, also the environment of actions (nafl salat, dua, quran, zikr etc) is like a magnet, and a person who comes there will find it so easy doing these amaals.

I took 2 brothers with me last year to IDA, this year 10 came, and now the brothers have inserted itekaf as a fixed schedule every year inshallah.

First 10 days or the first 20 days we go in Jaamat, and the last 10 days in itekaf.
Subhannallah. Wow, thats ideal, I’d love to do that tarteeb – emaan would be just on a totally different level. ER for here also done that last year...
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Old 10-11-2012, 09:55 PM   #8

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It used to be a tension to persuade someone to do A'itikaaf in our local mosques. Normally some simple person would be trapped. This year it looked a bit smooth, with multiple people doing it. Also got a fleeting opportunity to visit Hazrat Haji Rafiq Ahmed Sahab (DB) in A'itikaaf in Dadri, UP, very near to Delhi. This year Hazrat Maulana Iftakhar-ul-Hasan Sahab Kandjalwi (DB) asked ten of his senior Khulafa to start A'itikaaf in their respective areas and Hajiji is one one them. This locality is Gurjar area but the A'itikaaf was very exciting and Lord Most High willing this sinner might join the crowd next year. Crowd is expected to surge.
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Old 10-11-2012, 09:57 PM   #9

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Spent mine in IDA leceister (Shaykh Saleem Dhorat). It was beneficial as always. To be in his company and hearing his advices/words are priceless, also the environment of actions (nafl salat, dua, quran, zikr etc) is like a magnet, and a person who comes there will find it so easy doing these amaals.

I took 2 brothers with me last year to IDA, this year 10 came, and now the brothers have inserted itekaf as a fixed schedule every year inshallah.

First 10 days or the first 20 days we go in Jaamat, and the last 10 days in itekaf.
What was the schedule of amals? What changes do you see after the I'tikaf? I heard in India somewhere 500 youth stayed I'tikaf. I dont know where. Mufti Usman (db) told us when he was here in I'tikaf for the first 10 days of Ramadan this year.

Hazrat Mawlana Ayyub Surti Sahib (Majlis e Dawatul Haqq, Leicester UK) was in Zambia this year for I'tikaf. He recalls the I'tikaf in the following audio

20th August 2012 Islahi Majlis - Safarnama which can be found here http://www.majlisedawatulhaq.org.uk/index.php/audio

Briefly, he says that when he was younger, he experienced I'tikaf with Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Zakariyya (rahimahullah) and that the I'tikaf in Zambia reminded him of those days.
Hope you are well brother. Its been a long time. Can you summarize what Hazrat (db) is saying when you get time? No one from your Jamat went to Zambia this year?
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:03 PM   #10

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This year was good for Sri Lanka. First 10 days we had Mufti Usman Madani (db) do I'tikaf and last 10 days I'tikaf in many places. People are just getting used to it here as most of us are Shafi'i here
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:43 PM   #11

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Hazrat Miyanji Abdur Rahman sahab db was at Masjid un Nabawi for itikaaf.. did anyone meet him..?
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:31 PM   #12

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Spent this Ietikaaf at Darul Uloom bury this year Alhamdulillah
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:36 PM   #13

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This year was good for Sri Lanka. First 10 days we had Mufti Usman Madani (db) do I'tikaf and last 10 days I'tikaf in many places. People are just getting used to it here as most of us are Shafi'i here

Is it true that the effort of Dawah and Tabligh is so strong in Sri Lanka that they have permission from NIzamuddin to go for Jola to nonmuslims and that they same number of people that go for Jumah are the same number of people that go for Fajr?
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:50 PM   #14

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Is it true that the effort of Dawah and Tabligh is so strong in Sri Lanka that they have permission from NIzamuddin to go for Jola to nonmuslims and that they same number of people that go for Jumah are the same number of people that go for Fajr?

The effort is strong, just become a little weak at the moment. But thats how the effort is.
No we do not have permission to go to non Muslims for Da'wa. The Jummah and Fajr is an exaggeration. We are far from it.

There is another organization doing Da'wa to non Muslims, they are Tabligh oriented but Markaz has nothing to do with it http://www.nida.lk
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:51 PM   #15

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Spent this Ietikaaf at Darul Uloom bury this year Alhamdulillah

Can you please give us karghuzari? Did you meet the infamous London786 there? He was there for the last 15 or so days
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:09 AM   #16

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There was one Itekaaf jamat in Masjid e Nabwi who's itekaaf was made up of IRON. They could do anything like going out of the masjid , wash TURBAN , take GHUSL etc , and still their itekaaf dint break. This jamaat was unique in a sense that each member had his own special role. One person was allocated to take care of the place and make sure no one takes the place. One did a monitoring role. He observed whats happening in the surrounding. One of the senior member used to smuggle Date-Milk & other food items in his wazeristani jacket. One kid somehow became a fake dum wala peer. (cont)
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:11 AM   #17

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There was one Itekaaf jamat in Masjid e Nabwi who's itekaaf was made up of IRON. They could do anything like going out of the masjid , wash TURBAN , take GHUSL etc , and still their itekaaf dint break. This jamaat was unique in a sense that each member had his own special role. One person was allocated to take care of the place and make sure no one takes the place. One did a monitoring role. He observed whats happening in the surrounding. One of the senior member used to smuggle Date-Milk & other food items in his wazeristani jacket. One kid somehow became a fake dum wala peer. (cont)

So you did end up doing I'tikaf in Masjid e Nabawi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)! Looking forward to more inshaAllah...
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:16 AM   #18

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So you did end up doing I'tikaf in Masjid e Nabawi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)! Looking forward to more inshaAllah...
yes Allah pak gave me taufeeq. I dint make full use of it but still was a very good and memorable experience. People in madina were so hospitable and reminded me of how Ansaar were.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:24 AM   #19

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There were many different people who came. Some for Sunnah I'tikaf, some Nafl I'tikaf. Some came for Iftar, stayed until morning and left for work in the morning. Work - I'tikaf - Work. Some came to see what!! we were doing with curtains all over the Masjid. I was behind the curtain when I heard an old Uncle come and ask if the curtains were on because a Ladies Jamat has come to the Masjid

Our schedule for the day was:

Iftar and then some rest until Isha

After Isha we would do Tarawih and take more rest or engage in personal amals like Zikr or Tilawat

At around one we start Qiyam al Lail until Sehri time

After Sehri and Fajr, we would sit in Masjid Ta'leem for 10-15 minutes and then move into our quarters for Islahi Majlis. Islahi bayan, sometimes kitab reading and then Majlis of Zikr would take place. It would finish around Ishraq time.

Some kitabs we read from:

Fadhail e Durood Sharif by Hazrat Shaykh (rah)
Malfoozat by Hazrat Thanvi (rah)
Irshadul Mulook
Jamal e Muhammadi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) by Maulana Yusuf Motala (db)
Hazrat Shaykh (rah)'s Mamoolat Kitab
Dawa e Dil by Pir Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)
Love for Allah by Pir Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)
Aap Beti by Hazrat Shaykh (rah) and others

After Majlis it would be open for Q and A and after that, one on one time and people would discuss their ahwal, problems, dreams, get new mamoolat etc

Most people rest after that and wake up at different times and engage in personal Amals. After Zuhr there would be Bayan in the Masjid for a short while. We would return and read a kitab for 5 mins and then make some Zikr.

After Asr brothers would engage in personal amals until about an hour before Iftar and then we would read kitab again and have another Majlis of Zikr ending with Dua.
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:32 AM   #20

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By grace of allah swt this sinner also got chance this ramadan to spend last ten days in masjide nabwi ,but because of my sin and bad luck cant get chance to do i'tikaf ...they didn't allowed me with my baggage lol....beside that i did try to get pass till sehri time of 21st night...poor me!!!! and i dont have anybody who can provide daily basic needs like clothes and exc...i was there with my parents and i didn't like to get khidmah from them....and so end up maximize my time in masjide nabwi with nafl i'tikaf....

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