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Old 06-18-2012, 08:15 PM   #1

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Default Black Magic done on siblings - Please advise

Black magic or/and shir has been done on 2 of my brothers who are married with children. Some helpful advise will be appreciated. Just to give some background info -

One brother unfortunately now does not pray his salah and does no other amaals. I dont know if he will even fast fully for ramadhan. When he comes to his family home, he gets angry without reason. He sits in his car after work for a while before entering his home. During this time he has thoughts in his head to leave his wife and children, to hate his family. Now he has a girlfriend and spends time and money over at her house. Although he comes home a couple of days a week but does not spend quality time with any of his family members. He has nightmares regularly seeing evil in his dream, he cannot go sleep for very long and some nights he cannot go sleep at all. When I read ayatul kursi at night over him and the last 4 quls he breaks down. He always seeing a dream that means something - once he said he was being chased by something evi i.e. the devil himself. He still loves his children but now he has become gullable, stupid, he has lost his common sense and spends time with this other woman who is older than him and has a 20 year old kid.

My other brother is alhamdulilah practising, more so than I. He prays his 5 times salah every day, he reads quran every day, he has implemented the sunnah practically in his life. He also goes on tabligh - he has spent 4 months, without he spends 40 days every year, 3 days every month, 10 days in easter and christmas. He also spends 8 hours a day on gasht and making local effort.
He also has similar dreams, nightmares and thoughts about his family. Because of the nature of his business he is liable to travel around abit to different parts of the country for a day or two here and there. Every week he would put on his suit in the morning and travel to another city over 100 miles away for work and would stay there for 2 or 3 days. However we have just realised that infact he was not working and he would spend his entire time in the hotel room not working, not eating or sleeping, not praying salah and he would have thoughts in his head to leave his wife and children and to hate his family. He would go through this every week. Sometimes this gets too much for him and he will start shouting and crying especially in the night and he would see "someone" in his room pestering him. Sometimes for Fajr he just cant leave his room out of fear and he cries and breaks down. Some days he will just stay in his bedroom all day in his pyjamas on his laptop not bothering to pray his salah even. He spends no time with his family and in his free time he always doing gasht till the early hours. He says on jamat/gasht he is happy and peaceful but at home with his wife he is in pain.

Both my brothers were very intelligent and capable and have become stupid. They spend i.e. waste their money and therfore have no savings for their families despite being on decent salaries.
My family has no grudges with anyone, we have many many relations, we are like a major family in our tribe and because of that as well as where we live, people are always paying attention to my family in how we are doing, making snidy comments and I can just tell that despite the outward friendliness of most of our relations there is deep down jealousy for our family because in their eyes we are doing well religiously and worldly with good jobs, good relations, unity within our family, no divorces, no other misdemeaners etc etc

My brothers are being treated by a scholar in Pakistan over the phone but progress is slow (over 2 years) and it appears that its going to take a long time. The other family members seem fine. both these brothers are married in the same family. both these brothers are stranged from their famly aswell as their parents and other siblings

Since joining the forum I have realised many good brothers and sisters are here - I was wondering what advice can you give or where else can I go to help my brothers.
Affiltavajefe is offline

Old 06-18-2012, 08:46 PM   #2

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May Allah make it easy for your brothers and your family, where about in UK do they live? try someone here Hazrat Moulana Bilal of Bury is very good but he is very busy and he may not be able to see you if you go and visit him for treatment.
There is Shaykh Abdal Jabbar he can come and visit you at home and charges for petrol expenses and gives you ammal to do which have benefit people who have done them.
tactWeiccaf is offline

Old 06-18-2012, 09:03 PM   #3

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Extremely sad to know about this, may Allah SWT help you in ever which way, summa aameen.

Bhai, I second what bro Abu Suliman said with regards to consulting Maulana Bilal Saheb of bury, I can share a very similar experience that my cousin went through and what they did to ward off the sihr, but not on the main forums.
myspacecoo is offline

Old 06-18-2012, 09:10 PM   #4

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Black magic or/and shir has been done on 2 of my brothers who are married with children. Some helpful advise will be appreciated. Just to give some background info -

One brother unfortunately now does not pray his salah and does no other amaals. I dont know if he will even fast fully for ramadhan. When he comes to his family home, he gets angry without reason. He sits in his car after work for a while before entering his home. During this time he has thoughts in his head to leave his wife and children, to hate his family. Now he has a girlfriend and spends time and money over at her house. Although he comes home a couple of days a week but does not spend quality time with any of his family members. He has nightmares regularly seeing evil in his dream, he cannot go sleep for very long and some nights he cannot go sleep at all. When I read ayatul kursi at night over him and the last 4 quls he breaks down. He always seeing a dream that means something - once he said he was being chased by something evi i.e. the devil himself. He still loves his children but now he has become gullable, stupid, he has lost his common sense and spends time with this other woman who is older than him and has a 20 year old kid.

My other brother is alhamdulilah practising, more so than I. He prays his 5 times salah every day, he reads quran every day, he has implemented the sunnah practically in his life. He also goes on tabligh - he has spent 4 months, without he spends 40 days every year, 3 days every month, 10 days in easter and christmas. He also spends 8 hours a day on gasht and making local effort.
He also has similar dreams, nightmares and thoughts about his family. Because of the nature of his business he is liable to travel around abit to different parts of the country for a day or two here and there. Every week he would put on his suit in the morning and travel to another city over 100 miles away for work and would stay there for 2 or 3 days. However we have just realised that infact he was not working and he would spend his entire time in the hotel room not working, not eating or sleeping, not praying salah and he would have thoughts in his head to leave his wife and children and to hate his family. He would go through this every week. Sometimes this gets too much for him and he will start shouting and crying especially in the night and he would see "someone" in his room pestering him. Sometimes for Fajr he just cant leave his room out of fear and he cries and breaks down. Some days he will just stay in his bedroom all day in his pyjamas on his laptop not bothering to pray his salah even. He spends no time with his family and in his free time he always doing gasht till the early hours. He says on jamat/gasht he is happy and peaceful but at home with his wife he is in pain.

Both my brothers were very intelligent and capable and have become stupid. They spend i.e. waste their money and therfore have no savings for their families despite being on decent salaries.
My family has no grudges with anyone, we have many many relations, we are like a major family in our tribe and because of that as well as where we live, people are always paying attention to my family in how we are doing, making snidy comments and I can just tell that despite the outward friendliness of most of our relations there is deep down jealousy for our family because in their eyes we are doing well religiously and worldly with good jobs, good relations, unity within our family, no divorces, no other misdemeaners etc etc

My brothers are being treated by a scholar in Pakistan over the phone but progress is slow (over 2 years) and it appears that its going to take a long time. The other family members seem fine. both these brothers are married in the same family. both these brothers are stranged from their famly aswell as their parents and other siblings

Since joining the forum I have realised many good brothers and sisters are here - I was wondering what advice can you give or where else can I go to help my brothers.

May Allah (SWT) give them speedy and full recovery (Ameen).

Take a look at this...


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Old 06-18-2012, 09:20 PM   #5

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May Allah help you for every benefit and every calamity comes from Allah...!

Insha Allah doing following aamals will help you!
1) You yourself practice full deen...pray 5 times salah, recite quran every morning and evening and do dhikr(remembrance) of Allah morning and evening daily, spent time with tabligh as much as you can...then do following steps!
2)Bring book "Momin kaa hathiyar"(attached as attachment) written by Maulana Younis Palanpuri DB...it contains Duwa from protection against JINS, SIHR, MAGIC(Page No. 31,32,33 on attached Momin kaa hathiyar)...read all those DUWAs every morning and evening so that you may not get affected By evils of JINS and SIHR...it also contains "Manzil"(30+ aayats of quran very beneficial for removing effects of SIHR and JINS.....on From Page No. 101 to P. no 114)
If possible for you ...tell your brothers to recite the duwas (Protection from evil effects of JIN SIHR MAGIC) from Momin kaa hathiyaar...!
3)Read Manzil(From Page No. 101 to P. no 114) daily before sleeping and Make Dum (Blow air) on water...Drink some of water yourself and give some of it to your affected brothers to drink and put some of water reserved in bottle for future use and put some water in a cup then sprinkle water from cup using your right hand on your brothers face, (Pani Chidikna)
4)Read "Ya Qahaaru" 1000 times and make Dum on oil...and make body message of this oil on your brothers ...!
Do all these steps daily...insha allah they will get well soon...!

Also it must be remembered that it is not necessary that your brothers have been done SIHR by humans...sometimes SIHR is from JINS also and sometimes these are effects of JINS also...you follow the prescription for few days like 2 weeks or so...and then tell what happened to you brothers...insha allah...further prescriptions as per conditions of your brother will he told insha allah!
Also download Khamosh Fitnu Kaa Ilaaj(it is attached)...and make its few copies and stick it on walls of your those rooms in which your brothers often sit
I have also attached Jadu se hifazat...its instructions are written on it...if possible do aamals written on it in addition to what i have told you....remember the aamals i told you should be done consistently...insha allah soon you will see their +ve affects...!

Click links below to download

Momin Kaa hathiyaar


Jaadu Se Hifazat-English

Wassalamu alaik
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Old 06-18-2012, 10:37 PM   #6

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jazakallah for the advice. I am checking the links provided.

maulana bilal is too busy I believe and we need progress a bit quicker. the sheikh is too busy with too many people going to him
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Old 06-18-2012, 10:40 PM   #7

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jazakallah for the advice.

maulana bilal is too busy I believe and we need progress a bit quicker. the sheikh is too busy with too many people going to him

Since you are in UK then also try Shaykh (Mufti) Zubair Dudha (HA) also see this...

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Old 06-18-2012, 11:30 PM   #8

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How do you know it is sihr?

I've looked into this world quite deeply and I've not yet found a single piece of evidence that any such talk is ever true. In fact, it is very dangerous because it prevents people from investigating the real sources of their problems and therefore of ever finding a solution.
oneliRafmeene is offline

Old 06-18-2012, 11:33 PM   #9

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How do you know it is sihr?

I've looked into this world quite deeply and I've not yet found a single piece of evidence that any such talk is ever true. In fact, it is very dangerous because it prevents people from investigating the real sources of their problems and therefore of ever finding a solution.

Very good and very wise.

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Old 06-18-2012, 11:49 PM   #10

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How do you know it is sihr?

I've looked into this world quite deeply and I've not yet found a single piece of evidence that any such talk is ever true. In fact, it is very dangerous because it prevents people from investigating the real sources of their problems and therefore of ever finding a solution.
I wanted to say the same thing. I know someone who was divorced after 12 years, arrested and beaten by the police and released, they go clubbing, and about 6 months ago they were told they have a blood cancer...everyone says someone has done sihr on them, the blood cancer is now in remission after chemotherapy treatment but they went to see a person someone recommended, they were told to pay £500 for the ingredients for the treatment...they still go clubbing and have no idea if all the holy water, burning taweezes etc has helped or whether it was a con. Maybe this person was destined to have all these things happen to them and it is not sihr.
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Old 06-19-2012, 12:15 AM   #11

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How do you know it is sihr?

I've looked into this world quite deeply and I've not yet found a single piece of evidence that any such talk is ever true. In fact, it is very dangerous because it prevents people from investigating the real sources of their problems and therefore of ever finding a solution.
I dont know for sure - thats part of the problem. to be honest I am also sceptical and believe its an easy excuse.

but different scholars in Pakistan who have helped out to different extents have said that they have black magic done to them to destroy our family - although they are not possesed by jinns so its not the worst form. Plus the evil dreams, evil thoughts/whispers, break downs and the sheer helplessness makes me think that there is something sinister taken place

btw, I am based in the North West in England.
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Old 06-19-2012, 12:25 AM   #12

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btw, I am based in the North West in England.

Try Mufti Siraj in Bradford (07903 701923) or Maulana Yusuf Makda in Batley (01924 477136).

They are both as good and trustworthy people as you will find in this field.
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Old 10-11-2012, 06:52 PM   #13

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so just to update you on our situation - as it seems many brothers and sisters on this forum as well as in the ummah generally suffer from black magic. So I hope some of you may benefit somehow from me posting this. As my identity is hidden and believe it or not my real name is not elusive and I have not revealed where I live so I think I can share my experiences safely insha allah.

We got hold of a muallim in Pakistan with an impeccable character and reputation to treat us by him doing his own thing and my brothers burning some papers with the names of the enemies of allah swt whilst reading some specific quran ayah. This alhamdulilah worked as the shaytaan in my brother could not bear this treatment and despite being still forced in my brother by other shayateen they all left my brother.
whilst this treatment was ongoing the shaytaan/jinn revealed who did the black magic on us and how and when. unfortunately our suspicions were correct and it was the family members we suspected but what shocked us the most was that the magician was a former imam of a masjid. Both the magician and the family members live in the UK and in our area.

Our problem is now that they keep on renewing their magic, as we remove their bad taweez by the jins who assist our mualim. He says his jins are sahabi jinns and he only uses the quran in his treatement. It seems that our mualim and the magician are almost going through a tug of war - which is not good for our mualim as I think other magician attack him aswell as he helps others out. Its been this tug of war for a few weeks now, one brother alhamdulilah has had the jinn removed from him while the other brother gets attacked by the shayateen who whisper evil thoughts to him and he leave home for a week before coming back and then the same happens a few days later.

Our mualim has advised us to speak to the magician to stop his evil work and we are thinking of confronting our family member about this. Is this adviseable? what do you guys advise what we should do?
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Old 10-11-2012, 07:26 PM   #14

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Brother, unfortunately I´m suffering from this evil curse for quite a long while and am looking for some trustworthy aamil to get the treatment. As you seem to be satisfied by the treatment your brothers have been getting from the Muallim you refered to, I would like to request you to kindly let me have his contact (if you can get his permission to do so), so that I may be able to get the treatment from him.
As not sure you can or like to give contact details on the forum, you may send me an eml to fyr0503 at yahoocom.

Thanking you in advance for your kind and quick reply.

and ALLAH hafiz.

so just to update you on our situation - as it seems many brothers and sisters on this forum as well as in the ummah generally suffer from black magic. So I hope some of you may benefit somehow from me posting this. As my identity is hidden and believe it or not my real name is not elusive and I have not revealed where I live so I think I can share my experiences safely insha allah.

We got hold of a muallim in Pakistan with an impeccable character and reputation to treat us by him doing his own thing and my brothers burning some papers with the names of the enemies of allah swt whilst reading some specific quran ayah. This alhamdulilah worked as the shaytaan in my brother could not bear this treatment and despite being still forced in my brother by other shayateen they all left my brother.
whilst this treatment was ongoing the shaytaan/jinn revealed who did the black magic on us and how and when. unfortunately our suspicions were correct and it was the family members we suspected but what shocked us the most was that the magician was a former imam of a masjid. Both the magician and the family members live in the UK and in our area.

Our problem is now that they keep on renewing their magic, as we remove their bad taweez by the jins who assist our mualim. He says his jins are sahabi jinns and he only uses the quran in his treatement. It seems that our mualim and the magician are almost going through a tug of war - which is not good for our mualim as I think other magician attack him aswell as he helps others out. Its been this tug of war for a few weeks now, one brother alhamdulilah has had the jinn removed from him while the other brother gets attacked by the shayateen who whisper evil thoughts to him and he leave home for a week before coming back and then the same happens a few days later.

Our mualim has advised us to speak to the magician to stop his evil work and we are thinking of confronting our family member about this. Is this adviseable? what do you guys advise what we should do?
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