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#22 |
| There is also a link on our homepage to this talk - The Prophet's صلى الله عليه وسلم Relationship with the Believers. Please pray for everyone at Al Kawthar Academy and of course keep Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq in your duas. |
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#23 |
Jazakumullahu khairan to everyone who has requested this talk. Yes, as stated the link no longer worked since we launched our new website. However, we have now made it available on our website as a free download: ![]() |
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#24 |
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#25 |
![]() A must-listen talk - especially for those who are inclined to disparage the ulama regarding what their intellects perceive to be inaction and apathy. The recent facebook controversy and the Danish cartoons are not a new trend. The kuffar have been disparaging the Prophet ![]() ![]() It only takes just one feeble minded believer with no idea on how to channel his natural anger and hurt to cause an outcry that thrusts a particular insulting material into full public notice. Mufti A. Desai (May Allah preserve him) has written some very good material on this issue all of which are worth reading: One article from the above link Worse than the Cartoons Submitted by Al-Haq on Wed, 2006-03-01 22:40. Publication of the insulting and offensive cartoons is to be entirely expected from the enemies of Islam. While the insults which the kuffaar hurl at Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are hurting to every Muslim, there should be no surprise in our ranks when the crusaders engage in invective and vilification. The Qur’aan clearly informs of the attitude of enemies such as the godless editors who are spiritually bankrupt and morally decadent. About their hatred for Muslims, the Qur’aan Majeed: “O People of Imaan! Do not take as bosom friends (confidants) those besides your own people. They leave no stone unturned (to harm you). They desire that which will cause suffering to you. Verily, hatred (for you) has poured from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is worse. Verily, We have explained the Signs to you, if indeed you have intelligence.” (Surah Ibraheem, Aayat 118) There is therefore no need for Muslims to express surprise and astonishment when the kuffaar desecrate our holy relics and insult our holy personages with their blasphemous utterances, depictions and caricaturing. OUR MISDEEDS Muslims should understand that their own misdeeds are worse than the cartoons of the enemies. Worse than the insulting cartoons is the vile appearance of clean shaven faces of Muslim males. Such appearances are more abhorrent than the cartoons. While the kuffaar cartoons cause no hurt to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the razor the Muslim man puts to his face to shave his beard cuts at the heart of Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Worse than the insulting cartoons are the women of Islam who have abandoned their homes for prowling on the streets like their lewd western counterparts. The wanderings and meanderings in the streets and the markets, in flagrant violation of the Qur’aanic prohibitions pain the heart of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), not so the insulting cartoons. Worse than the insulting cartoons is the abandonment of Hijaab by Muslim women and men. Worse than the insulting cartoons is the emulation of the styles and fashions of the kuffaar and fussaaq. Dressed in the styles of the enemies, the appearance of Muslims is worse than the appearance of the cartoons. Worse than the insulting cartoons is the wholesale slaughter of the Institution of Salaat by Muslims. Ninety percent of the Ummah have abandoned regular performance of Salaat. This destruction of the central Pillar of Imaan causes the greatest grief oof Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The cartoons recede into oblivion in relation to the treacherous neglect of Salaat by the Ummah. Worse than the insulting cartoons is the Bid’ah in which the Ummah is wallowing Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Ulama-e-Soo’ who subvert the Deen; who undermine Islam with their false interpretations for the sake of worldly and nafsaani motives. Worse than the insulting cartoons are the evil Ulama who practise Kitmaanul Haqq (Concealment of the Truth of the Ahkaam of the Shariah). Worse than the insulting cartoons is the total abandonment of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar (Commanding righteousness and prohibiting evil) by even those Ulama who are supposed to belong to the Fraternity of Ulamae-Haq. Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Muslims who enter kuffaar universities for gaining cheap s**** degrees for so-called Islamic studies. Worse than the insulting cartoons are the droves of Muslim girls and boys attending the immoral secular institutions of western learning where Muslim female modesty and Akhlaaq in general are prostituted. Worse than the insulting cartoons are the Muslim women in long flowing gowns, and Muslim men with beards and kurtahs frequenting the immoral dens of vice—the casinos. And Worse than the insulting cartoons are the numerous other acts of flagrant transgression, immorality, treachery, dishonesty, riba, consumption of haraam, etc., etc. perpetrated by both the elite and the masses of this Ummah. HURT & GRIEF In comparison to the gruesome insult Muslims pile on the Nabi and Islam, the insult of the cartoons is of mediocre standard. Furthermore, the insult of the cartoons of the kuffaar cause grief to us Muslims, not to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). What hurts and grieves Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) every Monday and every Friday evening when the A’maal (deeds) of the Ummah are presented to him for viewing is the wholesale massacre of the Shariah and the defilement of the Ahkaam of Allah Ta’ala committed by this rebellious and treacherous Ummah which claims to stand up to defend the honour of Allah’s Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). |
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#27 |
although this is 100% true your missing a very very important point. all the other issues mentioned the scholars do condemn and speak out againt. why not with the cartoons. also by sweeping it under the carpet it will encourge worse things in the future. further the main reason why they insult rasoolullah (saw) is because they want to people to think is he just a NORMAL person. if they can draw tom **** and harry and head of states as pigs and dogs why not Muhammed (swt) sure its all the same their all just ONLY men. over time muslims will lose the love respect and honour that rasoolullah (saw) deserves til a time comes it would even bother them. rasoolullah (saw) is not just a man. he is the GREATEST HUMAN BEING to ever grace the earth. he is the greatest MAN,TEACHER,FATHER,HUSBAND,GRANDAD,FIGHTER,POLITIC IAN,COMMANDER,GUIDER. to grace this world. he is MERCI TO THE WORLDS, IMAM OF ALL THE AMBIYA, THE SEAL OF THE PROPHETS, SAYYIDUNA MURSALEEN, |
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#28 |
salaam ![]() I just gave examples of two scholars in this thread who have addressed this issue thoroughly in the past. There is a thread on Mufti Taqi's most recent Khutbah where he has spoken on this issue. The Imam at my local mosque spoke very strongly on this issue. Search hard enough, and you will find many ulama who are devoted to protecting the honour of the Prophet ![]() Just a sincere advice to myself and others - If there is a particular approach of the ulama we might not be satisfied with, it is always safer to assume that our own understanding of the issue is deficient than think low of the ulama in general. ![]() |
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#29 |
Jazakumullahu khairan to everyone who has requested this talk. Yes, as stated the link no longer worked since we launched our new website. However, we have now made it available on our website as a free download: ![]() Brother rza, can the talk be made available again? ![]() |
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#31 |
| There were Sahaba who drank alcohol. Still the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ordered to kill those who insulted him. |
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#32 |
There is still one main difference between the misdeeds of the Muslims and what the kuffaar have done. The insuler deserves to be killed in Islamic law while the Muslim only remains a faasiq. ![]() Nobody's denying that there are differences. I think the point being made is that if we believers had real concern for the hurt caused to our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) we would be at least as distressed and outraged by the widespread neglect of his Sunnah by us Muslims, which is bound to cause him (Allah bless him and grant him peace) greater grief than anything the kuffar can hurl at him (Allah bless him and grant him peace), and which has directly resulted in the constant humiliation we are being subjected to by Allah. ![]() |
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#34 |
![]() How Should We Protest? Submitted by Al-Haq on Sun, 2006-03-12 19:47. Voicing our indignation, anger and grief when our Deen is insulted is permissible. This right is not contested. But the methods of protest have to be within the bounds of the Shariah. Even peaceful, non-violent methods will not be permissible if any of the limits of the Shariah are transgressed. The Qur’aan Majeed states: “These are the limits of Allah. Therefore do not transgress them. Those who transgress the limits of Allah, verily they are the oppressors.” (Surah Baqrah) FEMALES Thus, a protest march in which females participate is haraam. The perpetration of a haraam act in the name of Islam is haraam. It is not permissible. The Qur’aan commands women: “And, remain steadfastly in your homes, and do not make an exhibition (of yourselves) like the displays of the (times of) Ignorance.” INTER-FAITH A protest which involves interfaith prayer services is not permissible. Islam does not apologise for its claim that only Islamic Tauheed is the sole repository of salvation in the Hereafter. Islam teaches that all religions besides this Deen of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are false. While we are required to refrain from showing any disrespect for the religion of others, it is not permissible to jointly participate with them in their prayer services. PROHIBITED METHODS Taking photos, shouting profanity against others, reviling their religions and their holy personages, injuring people, damaging property, hurling stones, reprisal acts targeting innocent people who may be related to the criminals by race, looting and similar acts of anarchy are all haraam. PERMISSIBLE METHODS Although protest marches are not Islamic nor admirable ways, nevertheless, if maintained within the bounds of the Shariah, will be permissible. Other permissible ways are trade boycotts, petitions, legal action, and any method which is lawful in the country of protest, and which does not conflict with the Shariah. ![]() |
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#35 |
![]() Blasphemy and the Shariah Among the capital sins of blasphemy in Islam is to revile and insult Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Such blasphemy is punishable with death. However, a conviction for blasphemy and execution of the punishment are lawful only after the due process of the Shariah. Only the Qaadhi (the Islamic court) is empowered to try, convict, sentence and execute the accused. No institution other than the Qaadhi, has the right or the power to invoke the Islamic Penal Law to punish the blasphemer. FATWA The blasphemer cannot be punished on the basis of a fatwa issued by a Mufti nor by the decision of any private tribunal or committee of Ulama, whether in an Islamic state (Darul Islam) or in a non-Muslim country (Darul Harb). Only the decree of the Qaadhi in an Islamic state is valid for the crime committed within the borders of the Land of Islam. DARUL ISLAM An essential requisite for the jurisdiction of even the Qaadhi (or an Islamic Court of Law) is that the court must be a properly constituted court in Darul Islam. The jurisdiction of the Islamic Court does no extend beyond the geographical boundaries of the Islamic state. Thus, an Islamic Court in an Islamic state does not have the power nor the status to try, convict and sentence a man who commits blasphemy in a non-Muslim country. From this position of the Shariah, it will be understood that ‘edicts’ of death such as the one which the Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran had issued against the apostate, Rushdie, and the calls of death for the blaspheming editors who had published the insulting cartoons, have no Islamic legality. It is haraam for Muslims to respond to such Islamically illegal edicts and calls. ![]() |
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#36 |
![]() Torching the Embassies Submitted by Al-Haq on Sun, 2006-03-05 00:51. In the light of the Shariah, what is the ruling regarding the stoning, damaging and burning of the Danish and Norwegian embassies by Muslim mobs in Muslim countries? ISLAM NEITHER subscribes to nor tolerates kangaroo courts and mob justice. Islam has its own lofty Divine Code of Justice which operates on the basis of defined and strict rules and regulations. The embassy of a foreign country, including non-Muslim countries, in a Muslim land enjoys the protection of the state. The presence of an embassy signifies the existence of a treaty or pledge between the Muslim and the non-Muslim state. It is haraam for the Muslim state or its inhabitants to treacherously violate the terms of the treaty/ pledge, and attack or damage the embassy or its staff. It is furthermore, haraam to attack , kill or injure any non-Muslim who lives legally in the Muslim state. In fact, it is haraam for the ordinary people in the land to harm or kill even a non- Muslim who lives unlawfully in the Muslim state. Due process of the Shariah will takes its course and mete out the correct punishment decreed by the Qaadhi. Any ordinary Muslim citizen who takes the law into his hands and injures a non-Muslim or damages his property is guilty of grave crimes for which the Islamic court will mete out the appropriate punishment prescribed by the Shariah for such cowardly and dastardly offences. In Islam there is absolutely no room for rampaging mobs running amok, driving fear into the hearts of people, pillaging and plundering. What we are witnessing today in Muslim countries by way of strife and anarchy re the fruits of western civilization. Muslims have adopted western culture, hence they act in emulation of the barbarism which they have inherited from the West. The stoning and burning of building and vehicles in the aftermath of the insulting cartoons are not teachings of Islam. Yes, the anger is fully justified. It is simply the Muslim spirit and the love of Islam which impel us to react with spontaneous anger. But this holy anger does not justify the acts of anarchy we have observed taking place in Muslim countries. Islam commands its adherent to restrain themselves and prevent their anger from spilling beyond the prescribed confines and parameters of the Shariah. The Shariah is a sacred concept— a glittering way of life. Islam targets all mankind with its mission of Tableegh and Da’wa t (Propagation). Islam has come for the salvation of mankind—for the betterment of mankind on earth and for its everlasting salvation in the Hereafter. Elsewhere in this issue of Al-Haq the episode of Hadhrat Amr Ibnul Aa’s (radhiyallahu anhu) graphically portrays the character expected of Muslims. Those who profess to be devotees of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) render the Deen and its goals devastating disservice with misdeeds which are expected of only barbarians or characters like Bush and Blair who wantonly and calculatingly commit genocide, murdering tens of thousands of unarmed civilians with their chemical and cluster bombs. ![]() |
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#37 |
![]() Hooliganism and Thuggery!!! Submitted by Al-Haq on Sat, 2006-02-25 02:02. “These are the limits of Allah. Do not transgress these limits.” (Qur’aan) The pain, grief and anger which Muslims feel and suffer when any facet of Islam is subjected to insult and vilification, are understandable and in fact necessary. A man whose heart is not grieved by any kind of insult directed against Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) cannot be a Muslim. If he verbally professes to be a Muslim while his heart is not jarred by the invective and insults inveighed against Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), he should understand that Imaan has departed from his heart. DISPLAYING ANGER When Islam is insulted, the immediate and spontaneous reaction of Muslims is naturally anger and a burning yearning for revenge. But, at the same time we have the Divine Shariah to contend with. Allah Ta’ala has prescribed limits for everything. Islam is a systematic and a codified sacred Law. It is not a concept of anarchy. Actions and reactions have to be compulsorily channelled within the bounds of the Shariah. Exceeding the limits is never lawful. In fact, transgression of the Divine limits and proscriptions is a punishable offence. ACTION The desire to do something and to avenge the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) sullied by the insulting cartoons of the godless editors of slut newspapers, is perfectly understandable and cceptable. However, the excesses committed in the aftermath of the protests are unacceptable and intolerable in Islam. “Proclaim the Truth even if it be bitter.” — Hadith The truth is generally unpalatable. But it must be told. The Ummah should understand that the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and of Islam cannot be redeemed by acts of hooliganism and thuggery. PAKISTAN The riotous behaviour of the mobs of protesters, is not a service to Islam. It neither enhances nor upholds the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Among the acts of hooliganism perpetrated by the protesters in Pakistan are: • Burning of buses and cars • Torching ships and buildings • Burning foreign businesses • Targeting Europeans in general Brains are not really an imperative requisite for understanding the immorality and hurmat (prohibition) of these acts of thuggery and hooliganism. In the first instance, whose buses, and cars were gutted by the protesters? The rampaging mobs burnt vehicles and property belonging to Pakistanis—Muslims. By what stretch of sanity and Islamic logic is the burning of Muslim property justified for an act of insult perpetrated in Denmark by a godless editor five months ago? And, even if the property belonged to non-Muslims, by which principle or teaching of the Shariah is it permissible to burn and destroy the property of non-Muslims in Pakistan for a crime committed by a hooligan in Denmark? VENGEANCE Extracting vengeance from people unconnected with the crime is transgression of the divine limits. It is a cruel sin, a grave act of injustice inflicted on innocent people. Burning buses, cars, trucks, property and injuring non-Muslims living in a Muslim country for the crime of the editor of a Danish paper are not permissible acts of protest. In fact, the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and Islam are defiled and desecrated to a greater extent than the insulting cartoons. ZULM The Qur’aan Majeed strictly forbids zulm (injustice and cruelty). It is a despicable act of cowardice totally at variance with Islamic honour and chivalry to gang up against a minority non-Muslim community living in peace in a Muslim country, and subjecting them to fear and terror. Such conduct is expected of non-Muslims—of Bush and Blair, not of those who truly follow the beautiful pattern of life taught to the wor ld by Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). It should be borne in mind, that in a Muslim state, the life, property, blood and honour of non-Muslim citizens are accorded the same sanctity and protection by the Shariah as it does to Muslims notwithstanding the betrayal of Islam by the fussaaq rulers holding the reins of government in Muslim lands. CHURCHES, PRIESTS In Beirut, in addition to torching the Danish embassy, stones were lobbed at a Christian church and a priest was killed in Turkey. Similar disturbances occurred in Syria and elsewhere in the Muslim World. What role did the church and the priest play in the publication of the offensive cartoons in Denmark five months ago by an atheist editor? Why was the priest murdered , and why were churches attacked for a crime committed in another country by another man? BESTIAL LUSTS Even in a valid Jihad campaign, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) forbade molesting and killing of priests, women, children and people unconnected with the fighting. The horrible acts of hooliganism committed by the protesters never represent Islamic justice nor do they redeem the honour of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) nor do they defend any institution of Islam. Such acts of wanton destruction and cruelty are perpetrated to satisfy the bestial lusts of the evil nafs of man. The sad dimension of the hooliganism and thuggery is the religious façade with which the zulm is draped. ALLAHU AKBAR! The perpetration of zulm and the commission of acts of thuggery under the slogan of Allahu Akbar!, and the Name of Allah Azza Wa Jal, do not confer legality and religiosity to the criminal acts of the protesters. On the contrary, the commission of such crimes in the name of Islam is in fact profanity, outrageously unjust and an insult to Islam. ![]() |
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#38 |
![]() Hadhrat Amr's Offer of Supreme Sacrifice Submitted by Al-Haq on Fri, 2006-03-31 01:05. “Defeated and dislodged from Syria, the Roman warriors took their last bold stand at Alexandria, then the capital of Egypt. They concentrated all their strength here to arrest the progress of the Muslims, but Amr Ibnul ‘As (radhiyallahu anhu), the invincible Muslim commander, crushed the united might of the Romans even at this place. The victorious General thereafter took into his hand the rule of the conquered territory (by the appointment of Ameerul Mu’mineen, Hadhrat Umar Bin Khattaab—radhiyallahu anhu). General Amr began by granting the fullest liberty to the Christian subjects in all their religious affairs. (In an Islamic state, the non-Muslim citizens are required to pay a special tax called Jizyah which obliges the Islamic state to protect their lives, honour and property. They are allowed freedom of worship in their areas. The term ‘fullest liberty’ is erroneous—Al-Haq) One morning intense commotion was witnessed in the Christian quarter of the city. Bands of the excited inhabitants streamed towards Chawk Bazaar and assembled in a large meeting. One after another, fiery speeches were delivered. Thereafter a number of their leaders with the local Archbishop as their head, arrived at the gate of the house of General Amr Ibnul ‘As. Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) cordially received the deputation. The Bishop explained to Hadhrat Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) the cause of the excitement of the Christian inhabitants. There was a marble statue of Jesus Christ in the Bazaar. The Christians used to worship the idol with great reverence. Someone had broken the nose of the image the previous night. The Christians naturally connected the sacrilege with a Muslim. General Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) gave a patient hearing and came to share the same suspicion (i.e. that a Muslim damaged the idol). He turned to the Bishop and said in a voice of agony: “I am deeply ashamed and pained at what had occurred. It is true, Islam disapproves of idol-worship. But it equally disapproves of the profanation of the gods and goddesses of non-Muslim communities. Please have the statue repaired and I shall bear the entire cost.” The Bishop replied: “But it is impossible to repair it, for a fresh nose cannot be fitted to it.” General Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) said: “Then build a new statue, and I shall meet the cost.” (Lest there be a misunderstanding on the issue of idols, it should be understood that when the non-Muslim community in an Islamic state pays the Jizyah tax and becomes subservient to Islamic rule, the Shariah guarantees them freedom of worship in their own areas. It is not permissible in an Islamic state for either the authorities or the Muslim populace to interfere with the worship, churches and objects of veneration of the Zimmis –the non-Muslim inhabitants in Darul Islam. All of this is part of the pledge between the Islamic state and the Zimmis, hence Hadhrat Amr’s offer— Al-Haq) The Bishop replied: “But even that is not acceptable. You know we believe Jesus to be the son of God; so vulgar money cannot compensate for the profanation of his image. There is one compensation: we shall build a statue of your Prophet (Muhammad—sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and break its nose.” (The bishop had exceeded all bounds of propriety in making this profane and insolent demand—Al-Haq, ence): The face of General Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) blazed up in anger. His eyes rolled fiercely; his lips tightened; his body began to quiver, and again and again his hand grasped at his sword and again and again he extricated his hand from the weapon. General Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) left his seat, walked restlessly to and fro for some time. Then he washed his face with cold water. He then returned to his seat and said in a quiet sorrowful voice: “You propose to erect a statue of the Great Prophet who after years of strenuous struggle abolished idol-worship and then you want to break it with insult — and all this before our eyes! It is better that all our wealth, our children and lives perish! Bishop make some other proposal. I am prepared to cut off and deliver the nose of anyone of us for the nose of your image.” The Bishop accepted the last offer with gleeful alacrity. The following morning Christians and Muslims swarmed to the open square—the Christians would have their revenge in this open place. General Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) addressed the gathering and narrated the circumstances of the unfortunate incident in their fullest details. He then called the Bishop to his presence and said: “You are the head of the Christians, and I am the head of the Muslims here. The responsibility of ruling this country is mine and I must accept the punishment for any insult that may have been offered to your religion or for the weakness of my administration. Take this sword and cut off my nose”. Saying this, he handed the Bishop his sword. The Bishop took the sword in his hand and began to examine the sharpness of the edge. The huge concourse stood silent and breathless in the profoundest astonishment. Suddenly the silence was broken by a Muslim soldier who was running towards the spot and crying: “Stop! Stop Bishop! Here is the nose of your image and herewith the culprit of the day. It is I who broke your idol and this punishment is due to me. The General is entirely innocent.” Then the man stepped before the Bishop and offered his nose. The Bishop threw away the sword and said: “Blessed is the soldier; blessed is the General and above all, blessed is the noble Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) whose ideal has built up men like these. It was no doubt a wrong to break the image, but it will be an immeasurably greater wrong to mangle a human face for that.” —End of episode THE LESSONS FROM THE EPISODE No doubt, every Muslim’s heart will be moved by this touching episode which vividly illustrates the boundless and profound love which the Sahaabi, Hadhrat Amr Ibnul Aa’s (radhiyallahu anhu) cherished in his bosom for Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). It is only the transcendental concept of devotion for the Rasool (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) which can induce a powerful ruler in full control of the land under his jurisdiction to voluntarily offer his face to be mangled by one of his defenceless subjects. Non-Muslims cannever even grasp the very rudimentary elements of the type of devotion and love which the illustrious Sahaabi demonstrated by his actions. very move which Hadhrat Amr made during his dialogue with the Bishop displays his love, the superiority of his intelligence and his lofty state of moral excellence. From Hadhrat Amr’s spontaneous reaction of blazing anger the moment the Bishop presented his suggestion of insulting Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the West, while not being able to understand the spiritual rationale which underlies the surge of almost uncontrollable rage, should at least acknowledge the existence of an inexplicable spiritual force which impels Muslims to react spontaneously and violently when their beloved Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is insulted. This is a reality which the West has to take into account when they formulate their policies and conspiracies in relation to Muslims. THE LESSONS Besides the aforementioned lesson which the West can learn from this wonderful episode, Muslims can learn several lessons. (1) That there is no anarchy in Islam. The way in which Hadhrat Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) acquitted himself in the face of the severest provocation is exemplary. After all, the Sahaabah were beacons of guidance. “All my Sahaabah are just (guiding stars). Whomever you follow, you will attain guidance.”, said Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). (2) That issues are resolved intellectually within the framework of the Shariah, not emotionally at the behest of the inordinate demands of the evil nafs whose counsellor-in-chief is Shaitaan. Hadhrat Amr’s first and spontaneous reaction on merely hearing of the suggestion of insult was the desire to smite the neck of the Bishop and despatch him into the bowels of Jahannam. But he arrested his anger and discharged his obligations as a just ruler representing the Rasool of Allah Azza Wa Jal. He did not permit his blazing anger and his revulsion for the vile suggestion of the Bishop to goad him into the commission of the slightest vestige of injustice. He did not react like a hooligan and a thug. His head was held high aloft in the clouds of morality and spirituality—there where the Angels dwell. (3) That a powerful man is always in control of his anger and his nafs. He is not a slave of his bestial desires. When the fire of anger drove Hadhrat Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) to repeatedly clasp his sword to despatch the Bishop to Hell, most certainly, the words of his Beloved Master Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) for whom he was prepared to mangle his face and disfigure himself for life, rang in his ears: “A powerful man is not he who drops another in physical combat. A powerful man is he who is the master of his nafs at the time of anger.” He then proceeded to wash his face with cold water to cool the flames of his anger because his Beloved Master said: “Anger is from shaitaan and Shaitaan was created from fire. Extinguish fire with water.” Although enflamed with anger, Hadhrat Amr (radhiyallahu anhu) maintained his mental equilibrium and abstained from committing any excesses. (4) That the rights of non-Muslims should be observed. Pledges made with non-Muslims have to be honoured. The insult which the Bishop proposed was not a valid ground for violating the pledge which existed between the Muslim ruler and his non-Muslim subjects. (5) That notwithstanding Islam’s uncompromising concept of Tauhid (Monotheism) and implacable aversion for idolatry, the Sahaabah practised great tolerance of the kufr religions of the non-Muslim people in the conquered territories. Part of the pledge and treaty stipulated freedom of religion for the non-Muslims in their areas. It therefore devolved on the state to guarantee protection of the churches and relics of the non-Muslim subjects. (6) That while Muslim anger is natural, valid and justified when Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) or Islam is insulted, we have to contend with the Shariah. Anger should not constrain Muslims to transgress the prescribed limits of the Shariah which prohibits injustice and anarchy. The action which is to be instituted should be calculated and conform to the Shariah. Mob rampages and commission of destruction are not the Shariah’s ways of resolving issues. These are the limits of Allah. Do not approach even near to them.” (Qur’aan) That is, commit no transgression of the Shariah’s laws. ![]() |
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#39 |
![]() There are a few speeches in this link on this issue from senior ulama such as Mufti Taqi and Shaykh Hanif Luharvi: However, they appear to be in Urdu. Could someone kindly give a quick summary of some of practical steps the senior ulama are advising we adopt with regards to countering the innumerable blasphemous material out there. ![]() |
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#40 |
![]() Very Important and Precious Advices regarding Recent Events by Shaykh Saleem Dhorat During these critical times, the Muslims should observe the following: 1. With love and reverence, carefully study the beautiful life of our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam from authentic reliable sources. 2. Frequently make mention of this beautiful life to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 3. Distribute leaflets and booklets which cover aspects of this great life far and wide. 4. Give place to his illuminating teachings in your daily life so that others can appreciate the greatness of his exemplary conduct. 5. Send salutations and greetings upon him in abundance. 6. Supplicate to Allāh ta‘ālā, beseeching Him to pardon our sins and to grant us assistance and protection from all evil. 7. Exercise patience and remain within the boundary set by our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. ![]() |
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