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Old 04-02-2012, 11:11 PM   #1

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Default Please Learn For Friday Asr And Bump Every Week | Reward = -80 Sins + 80 Good Actions
TO EARN MORE REWARD (SALAT AND SALAM) PLEASE VISIT = http://yunuspatel.co.za/books-duroodsalaam.php


Abu Hurairah Radiallahu anhu reports that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever recites the following Durood eighty times immediately after Asr Salaat on Friday, before standing up from his place, Allah will forgive eighty years of sins and grant him the reward equivalent to eighty years of worship.”

(Allahumma salli alaa muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa-ala aalihi wasallim tasleema)

Translation: O Allah bless Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them best of peace.


Benefits of Reciting Salaat-Salaam (Durood Shareef)

Listed below are some of the many benefits a person receives by reciting Durood Shareef:
  1. Almighty Allah sends ten mercies upon a person who recites Durood once.
  2. Ten of his sins are forgiven.
  3. The person’s rank is raised by ten degrees.
  4. Ten rewards are written for him.
  5. There is acceptance of Dua where Durood is recited at the beginning & at the end.
  6. T he person will be blessed with the intercession of Rasulullah (SAW).
  7. Almighty Allah will forgive his sins.
  8. Almighty Allah is pleased with him.
  9. The person will be nearer to the Prophet (SAW) on the day of Judgement.
  10. The person will have all his worries removed in this world and the hereafter.

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Old 04-02-2012, 11:46 PM   #2

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Recite the following Durood 80times after Asr and get reward of 80 YEARS of worship:

Transliteration: Allahumma Salle 'Alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa-'Alaa Aalehi wa-sallim Tasleeyma. x 80

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Old 04-06-2012, 04:59 PM   #3

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Old 04-06-2012, 05:09 PM   #4

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Recite the following Durood 80times after Asr and get reward of 80 YEARS of worship:

Transliteration: Allahumma Salle 'Alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa-'Alaa Aalehi wa-sallim Tasleeyma. x 80

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Old 04-27-2012, 04:32 AM   #5

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Old 04-27-2012, 12:31 PM   #6

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Old 04-27-2012, 09:00 PM   #7

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don't forget.
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Old 05-18-2012, 09:37 PM   #8

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Old 06-16-2012, 03:20 AM   #9

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Old 06-16-2012, 03:34 AM   #10

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Old 06-16-2012, 09:47 AM   #11

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I did this today, but only halfway, unfortunately i didnt do it all , would it be okay if i slowly got to 80 after a few weeks of practise?
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Old 06-16-2012, 12:26 PM   #12

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I did this today, but only halfway, unfortunately i didnt do it all , would it be okay if i slowly got to 80 after a few weeks of practise?

Allah is Most Mericiful, keep trying brother and Insha'Allah you will get there. Even though you didn't finish the 80, you still did 40 or so which is, Alhamdulillah, Insha'Allah a lot of reward for you as reciting durood, regardless of time & day, carries much reward Insha'Allah. Then, there are extra rewards for reciting durood on Friday, again regardless of which time on Friday you are doing it. So even if someone doesn't get to finish the 80, they may or may not get the reward which is promised for the 80 (Allahu'Alam), but they most definitely Insha'Allah got the reward for reciting this much durood! Insha'Allah. So, even if one doesn't get to finish the 80 and has to get up before for whatever reason, it's not like they did it for 'no reason', they still earned much reward Insha'Allah. Though of course the reward for the 80 is absolutely extraordinary so our full focus, intention, and effort should be to complete the 80 to the best of our ability Insha'Allah.

When I started doing this a little while ago, it seemed like a very 'hefty' task. I had an image of the durood saved on my phone and I read it off of there and had no intentions of memorizing it, rather I was just trying to make sure that I am reading it properly. Alhamdulillah, in a couple of weeks time, I had it memorized without even realizing it and now I recite this durood often, on a daily basis, when I'm out and about, Alhamdulillah. Not saying so to boast but rather just reminding everyone that don't limit yourself to reciting this durood on Fridays after 'Asr only rather make it part of your daily dhikr routine also, Insha'Allah. It also doesn't seem like such a 'hefty' task anymore. I just sit after 'Asr, start reciting it while using my fingers to count. 4 times on each finger of right hand + thumb (so 20 total per 'round'), when one 'round' is complete, close/fold your thumb on your left hand, then after another 'round' on your right hand, close your index finger on your left hand [so each closed finger signifies 20 count], then so and so forth until you close your middle then your ring finger on your left hand, that means your 80 are Insha'Allah done. Then I just recite it another 3 times or so for good measure, in case I missed any by mistake, ask Allah to accept my recitation of this durood and forgive my mistakes, and then go about my routine. I definitely don't get to do it every week though I would like to, but circumstances don't always allow it. May Allah give me and all of us the taufeeq to do this diligently every week. Ameen.

For me it takes about 15 mins if I do it at a 'fair' pace (not too slow but not in 'fast forward' either), 20 min if I do it a bit slowly. In the beginning it took longer than that. Just think about it, even if it takes someone just starting to do this 30 min or even an hour to do this... for what we are getting in exchange, it is not a bad deal at all. .

The other thing is to have full, 100% yaqeen (belief, faith) that as soon as you finish the 80th recitation of this durood as mentioned in the hadith, you have now been forgiven 80 years of your sins. So, unless one is older than 80, you are basically getting up 100% clean of sins after this, INSHA'ALLAH. So, when you walk away from your prayer area and start getting back into your life and routine, keep in mind that you are now 100% clean of sin Insha'Allah and you should now try your utmost best to stay that way and not 'mess it up'. For example, "born" Muslims always say to any brother/sister who is saying their shahadah something to the effect of; "hey you are now 100% clean of sin so we are kind of jealous of you", etc... and it's true. We need to realize that doing this is the same chance for all of us, "born" Muslim or not, to be 100% free of sin & Insha'Allah to get a 'fresh' start. May Allah give us all the taufeeq to understand and implement this. Ameen. Similarly, one should realize that now the reward which was promised for reciting this durood 80 times as per the hadith, the reward of 80 years of worship, has been written in our account, so we need to thank Allah swt for that and realize that, Insha'Allah, one day we will physically see this reward (or the effects of it) when we are in our grave and so on. It should be a humbling experience altogether Insha'Allah.

Please remember in your duas.

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Old 06-16-2012, 12:47 PM   #13

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I just found out about the reward for this durood today. Im trying to memorize it and will start doing this dhikr starting next Friday, insha'Allah.

@abdul baset: Dont worry bro, Allah is al-Kareem, He'll reward you for what you did recite, even if you didn't go all the way.

Jazakllah Student of Knowledge for making this very beneficial thread.
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Old 06-17-2012, 10:40 AM   #14

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Allah is Most Mericiful, keep trying brother and Insha'Allah you will get there. Even though you didn't finish the 80, you still did 40 or so which is, Alhamdulillah, Insha'Allah a lot of reward for you as reciting durood, regardless of time & day, carries much reward Insha'Allah. Then, there are extra rewards for reciting durood on Friday, again regardless of which time on Friday you are doing it. So even if someone doesn't get to finish the 80, they may or may not get the reward which is promised for the 80 (Allahu'Alam), but they most definitely Insha'Allah got the reward for reciting this much durood! Insha'Allah. So, even if one doesn't get to finish the 80 and has to get up before for whatever reason, it's not like they did it for 'no reason', they still earned much reward Insha'Allah. Though of course the reward for the 80 is absolutely extraordinary so our full focus, intention, and effort should be to complete the 80 to the best of our ability Insha'Allah.

When I started doing this a little while ago, it seemed like a very 'hefty' task. I had an image of the durood saved on my phone and I read it off of there and had no intentions of memorizing it, rather I was just trying to make sure that I am reading it properly. Alhamdulillah, in a couple of weeks time, I had it memorized without even realizing it and now I recite this durood often, on a daily basis, when I'm out and about, Alhamdulillah. Not saying so to boast but rather just reminding everyone that don't limit yourself to reciting this durood on Fridays after 'Asr only rather make it part of your daily dhikr routine also, Insha'Allah. It also doesn't seem like such a 'hefty' task anymore. I just sit after 'Asr, start reciting it while using my fingers to count. 4 times on each finger of right hand + thumb (so 20 total per 'round'), when one 'round' is complete, close/fold your thumb on your left hand, then after another 'round' on your right hand, close your index finger on your left hand [so each closed finger signifies 20 count], then so and so forth until you close your middle then your ring finger on your left hand, that means your 80 are Insha'Allah done. Then I just recite it another 3 times or so for good measure, in case I missed any by mistake, ask Allah to accept my recitation of this durood and forgive my mistakes, and then go about my routine. I definitely don't get to do it every week though I would like to, but circumstances don't always allow it. May Allah give me and all of us the taufeeq to do this diligently every week. Ameen.

For me it takes about 15 mins if I do it at a 'fair' pace (not too slow but not in 'fast forward' either), 20 min if I do it a bit slowly. In the beginning it took longer than that. Just think about it, even if it takes someone just starting to do this 30 min or even an hour to do this... for what we are getting in exchange, it is not a bad deal at all. .

The other thing is to have full, 100% yaqeen (belief, faith) that as soon as you finish the 80th recitation of this durood as mentioned in the hadith, you have now been forgiven 80 years of your sins. So, unless one is older than 80, you are basically getting up 100% clean of sins after this, INSHA'ALLAH. So, when you walk away from your prayer area and start getting back into your life and routine, keep in mind that you are now 100% clean of sin Insha'Allah and you should now try your utmost best to stay that way and not 'mess it up'. For example, "born" Muslims always say to any brother/sister who is saying their shahadah something to the effect of; "hey you are now 100% clean of sin so we are kind of jealous of you", etc... and it's true. We need to realize that doing this is the same chance for all of us, "born" Muslim or not, to be 100% free of sin & Insha'Allah to get a 'fresh' start. May Allah give us all the taufeeq to understand and implement this. Ameen. Similarly, one should realize that now the reward which was promised for reciting this durood 80 times as per the hadith, the reward of 80 years of worship, has been written in our account, so we need to thank Allah swt for that and realize that, Insha'Allah, one day we will physically see this reward (or the effects of it) when we are in our grave and so on. It should be a humbling experience altogether Insha'Allah.

Please remember in your duas.

walaikumassalam, and barakallahufeek for taking your time to help me out and support me. inshaallah i will begin to properly take advantage of this durood and recite after asr in the coming friday.
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Old 06-29-2012, 07:16 AM   #15

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Bump for Jumm'ah Insha'Allah!

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Old 06-30-2012, 04:25 AM   #16

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Todays Jumuah, dont forget to do this!
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Old 07-06-2012, 09:20 AM   #17

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Bump for Jumuah tomorrow.
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Old 07-13-2012, 06:30 PM   #18

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Old 08-24-2012, 06:45 PM   #19

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Bump for Friday! Let's all do this today Insha'Allah (apologies to those where Jummah has already passed, Insha'Allah remember it next week).

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Old 08-26-2012, 05:53 AM   #20

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sallAllaahu alahi wa sallam fil aakhirati wal oola

can anyone plz share the arabic text for this hadeeth if possible?
also, I've previously heard that its necc to recite this durood "before speaking to anyone" also.. is this correct? what if parents are calling..or theres a need to answer the house door/phone etc?
I recall an incident, I once met an aunty after asr on a jumuah, she had perhaps forgotten to recite this durood after asr salaah..she was so sad, you could see her devotion (inshaAllaah) maashaAllaah.. she asked if she should pray her asr salaah again just to complete the act of reciting this durood! SubhaanAllaah
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