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Old 10-02-2012, 06:44 AM   #1

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Default please,please,answer somebody
Well,this question may sound silly to you,but I would really like to know the answer.Is it haram if I say that some food which contains haram ingridients (but not all ingredients are haram) is delicious or if i say that meat that was not slaughtered in halal way is tasty,is that kufr? I mean,if I still believe that is haram to eat that? It's like I'm saying that meat,like food is delicious,but the it was slaughtered is not good and halal? Please,answer if you know ...or send me a website where I can get answer fast. Thank you

P.S. If your answer is that is haram,please write if is that kufr.
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Old 10-02-2012, 07:49 AM   #2

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Eating haram in itself is a very dangerous thing to do for the soul.
I will leave it for other more knowledgeable people to answer the details, but haram food should be avoided unless it is a matter of life or death, and even that comes with strict conditions such as not enjoying the food! Source: http://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa/8295

I found this for you regarding the dangers of eating haram food, hope it is of benefit.
Extracted from: http://islamqa.org/hanafi/askimam/5806


Consuming halāl is an order of Allah and an essential part of the Islamic faith. Allah has repeatedly emphasised the consumption of halāl in the Qur῾an. Ponder over the following:

“O you who believe, eat from the pure things which we have provided you” (Quran 2:172)

“And do not eat that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed it is a grave disobedience”. (Quran 6:121)

By being negligent about the dietary laws of Islam, one puts himself in danger in this world and the world hereafter. In this ephemeral world, the consumption of an unlawful morsel deprives oneself from having any of his good deeds and dū῾ā accepted. In the hereafter, his body will not be eligible to enter Paradise. All this is confirmed in the following ahādīth:

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu ahnu) relates that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

Verily Allah is pure and He accepts only what is pure and indeed Allah has given those orders to the believers, which he has given to the Messengers. He has said, “O Messenger, eat from the pure foods and work righteous”. He -also- has said: “O you who believe, eat from the pure things which we have provided you.” Then (the Prophet) made mention of a man who undergoes a lengthy journey in a state that he is dishevelled and dusty. He spreads his hands towards the sky (calling), “O my lord, O my lord”, however his food is harām, his drink is harām, his clothes are harām and he has been nourished with harām! So how will his call be answered?”[1] (Sahīh Muslim hadith number 1015)

Sayyiduna S’ad (radiallahu anhu) relates that the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said “O S’ad purify your food (and as a result) you will become one who’s supplications are accepted. I swear by Him in whose hands the soul of Muhammad lies, verily a servant (of Allah) tosses a harām morsel in his stomach (due to which) no deed is accepted from him for 40 days”[2] (Tabarani hadīth no.6395)

Sayyiduna Ka`b Ibn Ujrah (radiallahu anhu) relates that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “a body nourished with harām will not enter Jannah”. (Tirmidhi hadith no.614)[3]

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “A time will come upon the people wherein a man will not bother what he intakes; whether from a halāl source or harām.”[4] (Bukhari hadith no.2059)

In our times, it becomes even more important to ensure the meat and poultry consumed is genuinely halāl due to the excessive deceit, cheat and false labelling of halāl in the industry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mawlana Faraz Ibn Adam,
Student Darul Iftaa


Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
This is part of a longer fatwa, but i hope those hadith are very clear to you.

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Old 10-03-2012, 05:16 AM   #3

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Thank you very much for reply.I know that eating that food is haram,and I try to avoid eating it most of the time.But,a few months ago,I really didn't pay attention to that (for example,I was eating Nutella) ,and now I want to know is it kufr if I say that it was tasty?If I still believe that it is haram to eat.I hope you will understand me now.
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Old 10-03-2012, 05:40 AM   #4

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no its not kufr to say that a haram food is tasty any more than it is kufr for a perverted girl to say she enjoyed an affair with her brother.

however it is kufr if someone knowingly tries to make the haram into halal or the halal into haram due to their harmful lusts and hungers.
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Old 10-03-2012, 06:05 AM   #5

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Thank you,these days that little voice in my head is telling me that almost everything I do or say is kufr...maybe it's just waswasa..thans again
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Old 10-03-2012, 06:42 AM   #6

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Nutella is haraam?
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Old 10-03-2012, 06:48 AM   #7

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Thank you very much for reply.I know that eating that food is haram,and I try to avoid eating it most of the time.But,a few months ago,I really didn't pay attention to that (for example,I was eating Nutella) ,and now I want to know is it kufr if I say that it was tasty?If I still believe that it is haram to eat.I hope you will understand me now.
I wasn't aware Nutella was haram.. you're referring to the hazelnut spread correct?

At first glance, those ingredients look halal to me. But now, I just want to check your source of info to clarify on this.

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Old 10-03-2012, 06:57 AM   #8

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Thank you,these days that little voice in my head is telling me that almost everything I do or say is kufr...maybe it's just waswasa..thans again
can you tell me how ur coping with this because i have this same problem....
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:00 AM   #9

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Well,I've read it somewhere,I'm not sure but I'm not eating it anymore...I was just giving an example to you and I didn't check informations,sorry...
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Old 10-03-2012, 09:17 AM   #10

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Pinkflower, yesterday I was reading your posts with hope that I will find answer to the same question...I don't really know,it has begun about a week ago,and I always keep analysing my words if I said something that might be kufr. So I end up repeating Shahadah many times again and "accepting Islam" again (also doing Ghusl) I sometimes just ignore that,but I still feel guilty ...then I repeat Shahadah and Ghusl and so on...As you can see,I'm writing all words that have to do anything with Islam with capital letter,because I'm scare to do the opposite.I also read somewhere that you can have Waswasa for years,and that really scared me.I can keep writing,but I don't know if this can help you...

And please can you give me your opinion for the question in my first post?
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Old 10-03-2012, 10:18 AM   #11

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Pinkflower, yesterday I was reading your posts with hope that I will find answer to the same question...I don't really know,it has begun about a week ago,and I always keep analysing my words if I said something that might be kufr. So I end up repeating Shahadah many times again and "accepting Islam" again (also doing Ghusl) I sometimes just ignore that,but I still feel guilty ...then I repeat Shahadah and Ghusl and so on...As you can see,I'm writing all words that have to do anything with Islam with capital letter,because I'm scare to do the opposite.I also read somewhere that you can have Waswasa for years,and that really scared me.I can keep writing,but I don't know if this can help you...

And please can you give me your opinion for the question in my first post?

Read this small booklet. It helped me come over my waswasa which I had, alhamdulillah.


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Old 10-04-2012, 02:53 AM   #12

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Thank you,these days that little voice in my head is telling me that almost everything I do or say is kufr...maybe it's just waswasa..thans again
it sounds like it may be, ignore it the best that you can sister. If it gives you a big problem seek advice from a Sheikh.
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Old 10-04-2012, 03:27 AM   #13

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thanks for advice,it really is a big problem,and I try to ignore,but sometimes I think that I should'nt ignore it because if I do that I will become kafir...i'm really confused,I'll try to read that book,maybe it will help
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Old 10-04-2012, 03:45 AM   #14

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thanks for advice,it really is a big problem,and I try to ignore,but sometimes I think that I should'nt ignore it because if I do that I will become kafir...i'm really confused,I'll try to read that book,maybe it will help
i read that book already, the first time with my waswas it helped, but my waswas came back all over again, and for advice remember these: if you didn't intend kufr, it didn't happen from assim al hakeem, and: Based on this Qur'anic verse, nobody would become a kafir (unbeliever) unless he or she intends to be. This does not mean that speaking or uttering words of disbelief is a minor issue; it is actually a major sin that should not be taken lightly or as a subject of humor and jesting. Any person who has spoken any word(s) of disbelief, must repent to Almighty Allah and seek forgiveness for the sin he or she has committed taken from http://www.onislam.net/english/ask-t...idation/176982

sheikh assim also told me:

You shouldn’t listen to your shaitan.

Making unlawful things lawful is Kufr only when a person knows for sure that these are unlawful.

This doesn’t apply in your case.

i asked him: is it okay to ward off the waswas of kufr, by saying like if he whsipers to me she said something wrong it might be kufr, what would you do if u said it, and i say if i said it i would ask the sheikh to clarify if it is kufr, and deep inside i dont intend to commit kufr, but jksut to ward off the waswas, say that i will ask the sheikh to clarify if it is or not, is this ok, and would this be kufr?

he said:

When you say “it might”, you must ignore it.

these hopefully will help but yea it is very annoying u dont know if what ur saying is right and wrong, its hard to distinguish between sins and innocent htings
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Old 10-04-2012, 03:53 AM   #15

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btw, i asked the sheikh about the ghusl issue: today i was coming back fromfriday prayer and i thought something and i thought i did kufr, it was unitnetional i dont remember what it was, so i thought to myself its better to start iover be clean start from a new plate so when i came home i asked allah for forgivenss from all th kufr and shirk i have ever commied, and i intdned never to commit any kufr or shirk againm, and i said the shadah, i did not do ghusl though, because i fear that if i do ghusl i will keep having the ocd that already got me to this part already, and i saw that in som websites its not obligatory to do ghusl jsut preferable, can i adopt that opinion bc of the waswas

he said:

Yes, you can.

Even ebfore, i used to do the shahadah more than 25 times a day, now i know that if you didnt intend kufr it didnt appen, also even then i didnt use to do ghusl. I hate this waswas so much, i spend so much time on the comp searching, i had it from oct 2011 to mar 2012 i think, then it left and came back on sept 1 or like aug 31. ALhamdulillah that it enever came in ramadan, which makes me relieved,. ( see this that i am writing, i am getting that doubt that i became kafir,m but i know i should ingore it insh'allah i will bc i didnt inted kufr, i hate it sooooo much)

for ur first post, this may help: i asked (bottom part), sheikh answered:

He is ignorant. But this is not an act of kufur as long as he does not believe that it is halal

today, i read the ingredients on the box, and my brother told me no enough
reading because i usually read everything that is in front of me, and he said
i dont care if it has pork, im eating it something like that. did he become
kafir? or is it just a major sin?
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Old 10-04-2012, 05:11 AM   #16

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Thank you very much,sister...today I tried to ignore that,and I hope that it will be better soon.I also sometimes can't control my laugh and I feel really guilty,because I really didn't want to laugh..but i will try to think that is not an act of kufr because I really couldn't control that(or didn't know how). I've read on some websites that ghusl does not effect your Iman,like you can say Shahadah and that will be accepted without ghusl,but if you want to pray or fast after accepting Islam ,then you need to do Ghusl. I don't really know if this is correct.

I really don't know about your brother,sorry. And which Sheikh you asked? I asked Mufti Waseem Khan a few days ago and he also said that it is not kufr,but I still doubt .I'm still waiting for reply from this website http://*************/en . Have you ever send them an e-mail? If yes,did you get an answer ? I' m maybe a little annoying with all these questions but I don't have anybody to talk with about all this stuff. I keep it all in myself and sometimes it's really hard. I hope that you will get rid of those Waswasa soon. (:
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Old 10-04-2012, 05:13 AM   #17

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It was Islam q & a website,the link doesn't work
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Old 10-04-2012, 05:25 AM   #18

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It was Islam q & a website,the link doesn't work
for my bro, dont worry about it, sheikh said he is ignorant, not kufr so long he didnt beleive its permissible (halal). also, for the sheikh its assim al hakeem. and for islam qa , i have sent in twice, and they did reply, second time in arabic, i dont rememeber the first time. its hard to talk to someone esp if they dont understand what ur going through, it makes u feel so crazy, and u dont know what words u can say, what u cant, what u can laugh with, what u cant, its soooo frustrating and i also think this issue needs to be brought up in videos, lectures, you always ar waswas in wudu, prayer, and thoughts of kufr, but neverm, if not rarely of actsand stataemnts. its very confusing.
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Old 10-04-2012, 08:24 AM   #19

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Regarding asking for a fatwa.
I believe these are good websites for people of the Hanafi madhab.


-> i took all of them from islamqa.org
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Old 10-04-2012, 08:40 AM   #20

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[quote]Regarding asking for a fatwa.
I believe these are good websites for people of the Hanafi madhab.


-> i took all of them from islamqa.org
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