On 20th Might the Muslims joining the Jumuah prayer at Sofia's mosque were attacked by the ultra-nationalist party Ataka. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/180981.html Muslims in Sofia wish to develop a mosque and an Islamic middle since the only mosque in the town doesn't accommodate all hoping people and they hope in the road. Since 2008 any answer hasn't been received by the Muslims from the town for making the mosque. A week ago a female pupil was attacked by nationalist due to her hijab. Muslim women are scared to day hijab due to such shaytans. 14 days before a lady with hijab wasn't permitted to enter a bank! In some colleges and colleges hijab is barred! Muslims in Bulgaria constitute to two decades of the populace but our rights are now being limited. Note us in your duas, inshaallah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEhqV...eature=related