What I simply found on TV in Malaysia here has made me feel really dismayed, our politicians are tossing dung today. In the Masjid in Putrajaya, after Jumaat, a in front of the TV, keeping Qur'an, promised by Allah that he and a particular popular political person was in a scandal video, and that person had completed zina to the girl in the video. He invoked la'nat upon himself if laying. It had been nearly as surprising as when, in 1998 Prime Minister Mahathir continued TELEVISION blaming a particular individual (political opponent) of liwat. Such as the atmosphere would drop I felt. I'm therefore dismayed. In the place of speaing frankly about economy, or treating problem, or solving both strange death-in-custody of witnesses (perhaps not suspects), our politicians are dredging the septic tanks and flinging dung. I miss I examined in the united kingdom, when I observed Brit politicos talking mainly about Budget and spending allocations the times. They'd shenanigans but declined to make use of it as ammunition against one another. But invest one penny for the incorrect cause and it is shouted by them out. Aaaaaahhh.... this point shouldn't be on TV! I'm dismayed.