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Old 07-07-2012, 04:29 PM   #1

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Default Shafi'i Fiqh Questions: Only for the well-trained! Part 2
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Would appreciate some help from the venerable Shafi'i members on this forum.

1) The Imam is praying Dhuhr/Asr - You join the jamaa'ah in the second rak'ah, having missed the first rak'ah.
- When the Imam rises from his first sitting/tasahhud, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say takbeer?
- The Imam is in his third rak'ah. Do you add a surah after the recitation of your own fatihah? (Remember: It's dhuhr/asr)
- When the Imam rises from the last sajdah in his third rak'ah, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say an extra takbeer? (It's the end of your second rak'ah)
- When do you stand up to make up the missed rak'ah? Is it after the first salaam or the second salaam is completed?

2) You have a scalp disease (seborrheic dermatitis) and are going to hajj. Is there anything in the madhab to say that you can forgo the halq and pay a penalty to make up? What will be the penalty?

Jazakumullah Khair

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Old 08-08-2012, 04:25 AM   #2

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I am sure they are not THAT difficult haha!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #3

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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Would appreciate some help from the venerable Shafi'i members on this forum.
I enquired about your doubts to a Shafi'i scholar. He was about to go for a journey, so I couldn't ask in detail, but got answers

1) The Imam is praying Dhuhr/Asr - You join the jamaa'ah in the second rak'ah, having missed the first rak'ah.
- When the Imam rises from his first sitting/tasahhud, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say takbeer? Yes we should do as the imam does and its sunnah to do raf'ul yadain.

- The Imam is in his third rak'ah. Do you add a surah after the recitation of your own fatihah? (Remember: It's dhuhr/asr) Yes one can recite surah if one gets time.

- When the Imam rises from the last sajdah in his third rak'ah, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say an extra takbeer? (It's the end of your second rak'ah) I couldn't ask this.

- When do you stand up to make up the missed rak'ah? Is it after the first salaam or the second salaam is completed? One can get up after the first salaam, but will miss the reward of the second salaam of the Imaam, so its better to get up after the second salaam.

2) You have a scalp disease (seborrheic dermatitis) and are going to hajj. Is there anything in the madhab to say that you can forgo the halq and pay a penalty to make up? What will be the penalty?

Jazakumullah Khair

Wassalam The Imam said, just taking two hairs will fulfill the wajib.

Allahu Alam.

Do make dua for the scholar, he is suffering from a chronic disease.

Edit: i got this from Umdat as salik:

Then men have their entire head shaved,
which is optimal, though one may confine oneself
to (0: removing (A: by any means) three hairs
thereof (0: i.e. from the head, not something else
such as the beard or mustache), or may merely
shorten it, for which the optimal is to dip a little
less than two centimeters from all the hair. .
As for women, it is optimal for them
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #4

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Sometime I joined in second, or third (but never fourth) raka'ah in duhr or asar. What I and other Shafa'i brothers always do in this situation just follow Imam. But then when Imam say salam in the last raka'ah, we raise up and continue our salah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #5

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Sometime I joined in second, or third (but never fourth) raka'ah in duhr or asar. What I and other Shafa'i brothers always do in this situation just follow Imam. But then when Imam say salam in the last raka'ah, we raise up and continue our salah.
Salaam Brother

Jazak Allah for your response. I wasn't debating whether we should follow the Imam in the general sense. But it's more the "nitty gritty" stuff which I asked above. Of course, the Imam should be followed in all the waajibaat of the salah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #6

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I enquired about your doubts to a Shafi'i scholar. He was about to go for a journey, so I couldn't ask in detail, but got answers

Yes we should do as the imam does and its sunnah to do raf'ul yadain.

Yes one can recite surah if one gets time.

I couldn't ask this.

One can get up after the first salaam, but will miss the reward of the second salaam of the Imaam, so its better to get up after the second salaam.

The Imam said, just taking two hairs will fulfill the wajib.

Allahu Alam.

Do make dua for the scholar, he is suffering from a chronic disease.

Edit: i got this from Umdat as salik:

Then men have their entire head shaved,
which is optimal, though one may confine oneself
to (0: removing (A: by any means) three hairs
thereof (0: i.e. from the head, not something else
such as the beard or mustache), or may merely
shorten it, for which the optimal is to dip a little
less than two centimeters from all the hair. .
As for women, it is optimal for them
Jazak Allah Khair br. amr as always. Give my salaam to your Shaykh the next time you see him and ask him to make dua for us. So I suppose the only question remaining is:
"- When the Imam rises from the last sajdah in his third rak'ah, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say an extra takbeer? (It's the end of your second rak'ah)"

NB: I am aware that these are extremely nit picky questions. But it's just to do ihsaan to the outward fiqh of salah inshaAllah. Jazakumullah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #7

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Assalamu 'alaykum,

Sidi Abu_Dahdah, there is a Facebook group regarding the madhhab of Imam ash-Shafi'i. They have scholars and students of knowledge to help you out.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #8

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According to Imam asy-Syafi'e rah., sitting in tasyahud akhir / last tasyahud (ie sitting in tasyahud where after it there is salam), should sit in tawarruk position, whether it is for solat of 1 rakaat, or 2, or 3 or 4 rakaats. This view is also supported by Imam Ibnu Hazm rah.

Although there are ahadith regarding sitting in iftirash position when arRasul s.a.w. prayed 2 rakaats, ulama of Shafi'e school have explained that the ahadith as daleel are of mutlaq nature (ie has general meaning) compared to other ahadith that specifically mentioning sitting in "tawarruk position" in the final rakaat of salat.

wallaahu a'lam.
Jazak Allah Khair. I am taking this to mean:
> We should sit in tawarruk in both tashahhuds when we are praying witr as 2+1
> Opening du'as should also be read twice (beginning of 1st and 3rd rak'ahs)

Jazak Allah
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:51 PM   #9

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Jazak Allah Khair. I am taking this to mean:
> We should sit in tawarruk in both tashahhuds when we are praying witr as 2+1
> Opening du'as should also be read twice (beginning of 1st and 3rd rak'ahs)

Jazak Allah
> yes
> Opening do'a (doa iftitah) is preferable to be read at every 1 rakaat of the solat. (eg in witr 2 + 1, recite du'a iftitah at 1st rakaat, and after salam, and takbirat alIhram, recite du'a iftitah again before alfatihah... it is preferable/sunat)

wallaahu a'lam
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Old 09-21-2012, 12:12 PM   #10

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Jazak Allah Khair brother (ustadh) silat. May Allah raise your rank and increase you in knowledge.

Regarding witr, let's say you are praying witr as 2+1. Do you sit in tawarruk position at the end of the 2? Also, should you do opening supplications (inni wajjahtu...) in the last rak'ah before the fatihah?
According to Imam asy-Syafi'e rah., sitting in tasyahud akhir / last tasyahud (ie sitting in tasyahud where after it there is salam), should sit in tawarruk position, whether it is for solat of 1 rakaat, or 2, or 3 or 4 rakaats. This view is also supported by Imam Ibnu Hazm rah.

Although there are ahadith regarding sitting in iftirash position when arRasul s.a.w. prayed 2 rakaats, ulama of Shafi'e school have explained that the ahadith as daleel are of mutlaq nature (ie has general meaning) compared to other ahadith that specifically mentioning sitting in "tawarruk position" in the final rakaat of salat.

wallaahu a'lam.
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Old 09-21-2012, 04:06 PM   #11

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If rises from sajdah, no need to do raf'ul yadain.

ولا يفعل حين يرفع رأسه من السجود ولا يرفعهما بيت السجدين
and he (s.a.w.) does not raise his two hands when rising up from sajdah, and does not raise his 2 hand when sitting in between 2 sajdain.
- hadith muslim

wallaahu a'lam.
Jazak Allah Khair.

NB: The question was actually prompted by the fact that I saw a knowledgeable malaysian shafi'i brother doing it (i.e. doing raf'ul yadain in the full scenario above)
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Old 09-21-2012, 04:10 PM   #12

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Jazak Allah Khair br. amr as always. Give my salaam to your Shaykh the next time you see him and ask him to make dua for us. So I suppose the only question remaining is:
"- When the Imam rises from the last sajdah in his third rak'ah, do you need to do raf'ul yadain and say an extra takbeer? (It's the end of your second rak'ah)"

NB: I am aware that these are extremely nit picky questions. But it's just to do ihsaan to the outward fiqh of salah inshaAllah. Jazakumullah.
If rises from sajdah, no need to do raf'ul yadain.

ولا يفعل حين يرفع رأسه من السجود ولا يرفعهما بيت السجدين
and he (s.a.w.) does not raise his two hands when rising up from sajdah, and does not raise his 2 hand when sitting in between 2 sajdain.
- hadith muslim

wallaahu a'lam.
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Old 09-21-2012, 04:57 PM   #13

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Another question for the elders:

If one forgets to do the qunut in witr (+last half of Ramadan), does he have to do prostration of forgetfulness at the end?

NB: This isn't hypothetical - it actually happened while we were praying tarawih with some brothers. We forgot it was the last half!!

For fajr - i know you do but wasn't sure about witr in 2nd half of Ramadan
Qunut in witir (last half of Ramadhan) is sunat ab'ad, and hence doing sujud sahwi (sujud of forgetfulness) for not doing qunut in the witir (last half of Ramadhan) is sunat (desirable/supererogatory).

wallaahu a'lam.
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Old 09-21-2012, 11:58 PM   #14

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Another question for the elders:

If one forgets to do the qunut in witr (+last half of Ramadan), does he have to do prostration of forgetfulness at the end?

NB: This isn't hypothetical - it actually happened while we were praying tarawih with some brothers. We forgot it was the last half!!

For fajr - i know you do but wasn't sure about witr in 2nd half of Ramadan
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:12 AM   #15

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Qunut in witir (last half of Ramadhan) is sunat ab'ad, and hence doing sujud sahwi (sujud of forgetfulness) for not doing qunut in the witir (last half of Ramadhan) is sunat (desirable/supererogatory).

wallaahu a'lam.
Jazak Allah Khair brother (ustadh) silat. May Allah raise your rank and increase you in knowledge.

Regarding witr, let's say you are praying witr as 2+1. Do you sit in tawarruk position at the end of the 2? Also, should you do opening supplications (inni wajjahtu...) in the last rak'ah before the fatihah?
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