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Old 09-03-2012, 02:14 AM   #21

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what about barelwis? should they carry on following raza khan?
You need to ask Khidr or some jinn for that?
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:13 AM   #22

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You need to ask Khidr or some jinn for that?
did i say SOME jinn?

i said jinn from the salaf.

and asking a Prophet (as) or a jinn from the salaf could help clarify the matter and bring those who are on the wrong path, onto the right path.
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:34 AM   #23

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this is the weirdest thread on SF i have ever seen.
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:38 AM   #24

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and also perhaps the best thread ever.

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Old 09-03-2012, 06:16 AM   #25

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has any amil ever asked a jinn from the salaf as to which is the correct aqeedah and which path should we follow....madhabs or salafism?
I dont think we would get an appopriate or straightforward answer. Firstly I hear Jinn have short attention spans and dont like to think or speak too many complicated things. Secondly, their were no madhabs during the time of the salaf. Madhabs institutionalized around the 4th-5th century. Most of the salafs were in so close proximity to the time of nabi s.a.s that the oral transmission of hadith and teaching around that and Quran was sufficient. Jinn will probably say both are correct and that is the logical answer. Madhabs are correct because they are based on classical scholarship by great, transformed souls and salafism is also true since it conforms with the hadith of prophet that hold onto the Quran and sunnah and that is the motto of the salafis.

If prophets didnt resolve the disunity amongst humans and our prophet s.a.s clearly gave hadith to sectarianism, Khidr a.s wont be able to do that as well nor would any Jinns. Quran also points towards a sectarian nature of human beings.
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Old 09-03-2012, 06:24 AM   #26

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If prophets didnt resolve the disunity amongst humans and our prophet s.a.s clearly gave hadith to sectarianism, Khidr a.s wont be able to do that as well nor would any Jinns. Quran also points towards a sectarian nature of human beings.
i believe xs11az was talking about disunity of muslims not humans. and your usage of word sectarian is incorrect here sorry to say
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Old 09-03-2012, 07:54 AM   #27

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Walah Alam

I've heard both sides to be honest and both are conflicting

A few years ago whilst I was travelling through Syria I went to mosque Ummaya and was told by the group leader that according to online sources Khidr a.s is burried there and he pointed to a wall inside the mosque which has a brick pointing outwards, however their is no grave which I did ask for he said its just a symbol to show that he is burried there.

A few years later I told the same thing to a cousin of mine who said no that's wrong he's alive and Sufis believe he's alive, go look it up and that's all he said.

Allah knows best, interesting thread nonetheless.
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Old 09-03-2012, 01:24 PM   #28

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did i say SOME jinn?

i said jinn from the salaf.

and asking a Prophet (as) or a jinn from the salaf could help clarify the matter and bring those who are on the wrong path, onto the right path.
It is great that you are seeking clarifications from Khidr or Jinns from the Salaf. Even though the Deen has been completed and perfected on My Nabi . The Group on the correct path is the one on the Way of Rasulullah and his Sahabah aka Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

In the past couple centuries there arose some people who wanted to seek clarification directly from Allah ! Do you know what happened. They opened the doors to Fitna and Disbelief. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani the founder of the Qadianis and Bahaullah 'The Bab' the founder of the Bahais.

Isn't it ironic to note the slogan of the Qadianis 'Love for All, Hatred for None'.
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Old 09-03-2012, 03:39 PM   #29

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If you people know any great wali like that of status of adbal or awtaad, ask him about al khidr, he may have most probably met al khidr....!

The issue of al khidr is strange, there is an incident written in fadhail aamal where someone was going to madeenah and al khidr met him and at the end al khidr told him when he reach madinah tell prophet that his brother al khidr has sent him a salaam..!

The other incident written in fadhail aamal shows that al khidr was a wali (most probably) , in that incident someone asks al khidr whether he had seen any big wali than him....(the whole incident has been written in my previous post...here)

Wallahu Aalam
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:30 PM   #30

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what about barelwis? should they carry on following raza khan?

sorry for my late reply.

App meri baat ko nahi samjay,

but no problem I will try my best to explain again maybe in a different way.

Today is a time of fitnah, every jamaat such as brelvi/salafi/qadiyani e.t.c say that they are on the right path. And since you know yourself that the 'ulama of deoband are on the haq, the true path and I know myself as I have seen enough proofs true kashf of awliya Allah who are alive in this time.

If you go out to brelvi and start saying "you should not follow raza khan, or you should do this and that and not this and that e.t.c " they would not accept. Because in their mind they are filled up with hatred of deobandi. What will happen is that you will end up with arguement which will reach no conclusion and no agreement.

But once again I am not saying all brelvis are wrong. Because there are such brelvi that they have "no difference" in aqeedah with the deoband, I heard this from Moulana Makki (db) [Of masjid al haram and pure deobandi and ...one of the best 'alim I have seen around. His father was the student of shaykh ul hind (ra)] he said, a top brelvi alim wrote a letter about his aqeedah to moulana makki (db), and when he read it he was shocked to see that how much 'ilm this brelvi alim has and also is aqeedah correct according to deoband.

Also, there was actually no difference between brelvi and deobandi back then in the time of Allamah Anwar Shah kashmiri (ra), Moulana Ahmed Ali Lahori (ra) e.t.c they actually even visited brelvi ulama. It is this time that we find that there is hatred, and in the end there is no big difference but people have made a minor difference a big issue.

My friend who is studying in Moulana Tariq Jameel's Madarassa, said that he has seen brelvi , ahled hadith going in tabligh jamaat. He met and asked them certain questions about aqeedah, what I found is that they had no difference. What the problem with brelvi is that some people have not studied properly, and they end up hating but some scholars who have studied well know that there is no difference between deoband and brelvi.

I also want to say that I hate using the term brelvi and deobandi. In the end we are all the branches of ahlus sunnah wal jama'a.


Today, jahilliya is wide spread. And because of this they take "pride" over "knowledge" what I mean is that people have pride that they are salafi, they are proud that they are brelvi. And if you go and start an argument with them, you will be wasting time as none will admit who is right and wrong. This also creates hatred between brothers.

It was in the time of Imam Malik (ra) and Imam Abu Hanifa (ra), when they heard a truth they accepted straight away. If you read the incident when Imam Malik (ra) met Imam Abu Hanifa (ra), and they discussed the issue of opnions in madhab. When Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) left and was asked about Imam Malik (ra), Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) said that "I have never seen someone who accepts truth so fast [i.e Imam Malik (ra)]. "

But today, there is also shaytan along with nafs who is partnering us to bombard others. Whenever you start an argument even with your blood brothers you will notice it will not end but continue, [rarely one will accept the mistake but most of the time both will try to prove themselves that they are right] shaytan fuels the heart along with nafs. And this creates hatred with no agreement between each other.

And this is where I want to say that "keep things to yourself." Speak when it is neccassary, when someone asks you about your aqeedah, just tell them you follow the maslak of Ahlus sunnah Wal Jama'a. And stay quite.

And finally find a mashaykh who you can sit under and learn some gems from them. And do zikr of Allah (swt) to become a wali inshallah.

So just keep things to yourself, do tabligh, do tazkiya and become a jannati. Hope you understand.

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Old 09-03-2012, 04:37 PM   #31

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sorry for my late reply.

App meri baat ko nahi samjay,

but no problem I will try my best to explain again maybe in a different way.

Today is a time of fitnah, every jamaat such as brelvi/salafi/qadiyani e.t.c say that they are on the right path. And since you know yourself that the 'ulama of deoband are on the haq, the true path and I know myself as I have seen enough proofs true kashf of awliya Allah who are alive in this time.

If you go out to brelvi and start saying "you should not follow raza khan, or you should do this and that and not this and that e.t.c " they would not accept. Because in their mind they are filled up with hatred of deobandi. What will happen is that you will end up with arguement which will reach no conclusion and no agreement.

But once again I am not saying all brelvis are wrong. Because there are such brelvi that they have "no difference" in aqeedah with the deoband, I heard this from Moulana Makki (db) [Of masjid al haram and pure deobandi and ...one of the best 'alim I have seen around. His father was the student of shaykh ul hind (ra)] he said, a top brelvi alim wrote a letter about his aqeedah to moulana makki (db), and when he read it he was shocked to see that how much 'ilm this brelvi alim has and also is aqeedah correct according to deoband.

Also, there was actually no difference between brelvi and deobandi back then in the time of Allamah Anwar Shah kashmiri (ra), Moulana Ahmed Ali Lahori (ra) e.t.c they actually even visited brelvi ulama. It is this time that we find that there is hatred, and in the end there is no big difference but people have made a minor difference a big issue.

My friend who is studying in Moulana Tariq Jameel's Madarassa, said that he has seen brelvi , ahled hadith going in tabligh jamaat. He met and asked them certain questions about aqeedah, what I found is that they had no difference. What the problem with brelvi is that some people have not studied properly, and they end up hating but some scholars who have studied well know that there is no difference between deoband and brelvi.

I also want that I hate using the term brelvi and deobandi. In the end we are all the branches of ahlus sunnah wal jama'a.


Today, jahilliya is wide spread. And because of this they take "pride" over "knowledge" what I mean is that people have pride that they are salafi, they are proud that they are brelvi. And if you go and start an argument with them, you will be wasting time as none will admit who is right and wrong. This also creates hatred between brothers.

It was in the time of Imam Malik (ra) and Imam Abu Hanifa (ra), when they heard a truth they accepted straight away. If you read the incident when Imam Malik (ra) met Imam Abu Hanifa (ra), and they discussed the issue of opnions in madhab. When Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) left and was asked about Imam Malik (ra), Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) said that "I have never seen someone who accepts truth so fast [i.e Imam Malik (ra)]. "

But today, there is also shaytan along with nafs who is partnering us to bombard others. Whenever you start an argument even with your blood brothers you will notice it will not end but continue, [rarely one will accept the mistake but most of the time both will try to prove themselves that they are right] shaytan fuels the heart along with nafs. And this creates hatred with no agreement between each other.

And this is where I want to say that "keep things to yourself." Speak when it is neccassary, when someone asks you about your aqeedah, just tell them you follow the maslak of Ahlus sunnah Wal Jama'a. And stay quite.

And finally find a mashaykh who you can sit under and learn some gems from them. And do zikr of Allah (swt) to become a wali inshallah.

So just keep things to yourself, do tabligh, do tazkiya and become a jannati. Hope you understand.

Very good post bro. Very good mashAllah. Need more people like you on this forum.
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Old 09-03-2012, 05:31 PM   #32

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Very good post bro. Very good mashAllah. Need more people like you on this forum.
Jazakallah. Sorry for my poor english.

People like me are too young [and it is true through age-wise but not too young tho] to write post in this manner, and also to be praised. This message was not only for brother xs11ax, who is mashallah a great brother strieving for the truth, this message was for the public users here who are indulged in this problem. As I am noticing alot in this forum.

I do not understand there are many good users around who can make a better post then me, but they are not giving the lessons what our akabir taught. Is it because they also get indulged in this problem, or is it they stay quiet for some reasons, or is it for personal reasons e.t.c I don't know, I am sure they have a good reason for it.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #33

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Default Al khidir aka the green man

Does anyone remember the story of musa (as) when he met khidhir (a.s) ?

does anyone remember the story of dhul qurnayn when he went with khidir (as) to look for the fountain of 'the Eternal Youth ?

and the story of ouy prophet muhammad (saw) when he passed away and members of his family heard khidhir (as) comforting them ?

Is khidir (as) still alive ????

i have heard loads of stories, some people say he wonders the earth carrying out dutys for allah just like he was doing when musa (as) visited him....and thers say he wonders the earth visiting pios people and sharing his knowledge ....

what do you think ???

and if you heard similar stories please share
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #34

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khidr is alive the interesting question is has anyone met him? now that would be some nice bed time story to tell the kids
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #35

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Does anyone remember the story of musa (as) when he met khidhir (a.s) ?

does anyone remember the story of dhul qurnayn when he went with khidir (as) to look for the fountain of 'the Eternal Youth ?

and the story of ouy prophet muhammad (saw) when he passed away and members of his family heard khidhir (as) comforting them ?

Is khidir (as) still alive ????

i have heard loads of stories, some people say he wonders the earth carrying out dutys for allah just like he was doing when musa (as) visited him....and thers say he wonders the earth visiting pios people and sharing his knowledge ....

what do you think ???

and if you heard similar stories please share


In the Maktoobat (letters) of Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi aka Mujaddid Alf Thani (RA) his meeting with Khadir (RA) and Sayyidina Ilyaas (AS) [the prophet] is discussed.

This is his (RA)'s biography:

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #36

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Assalamu Alaykum,

Yes Nabi al-Khidr (alayhi assalam) is very much alive and many Awliya through out the past have met with him.

I have a question about the article posted above. It says that Imam Nawawi (rahmat'Allahi alayh) denied him being alive. I have a quote saying that Imam Sakhawi said, “It is well-known that al-Nawawi used to meet with al-Khadr and converse with him among many other unveilings (mukashafat).”

The source given is Tarjima Shaykh al-Islam Qutb al-Awliya al-Kiram wa Faqih al-Anam Muhyi al-Sunnah wa Mumit al-Bidah Abi Zakariyah Muhyiuddin al-Nawawi.

Is this Hafeth al-Sakhawis (rahmat'Allahi alayh) book?

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #37

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so khidhir (a.s) and ilyas (a.s) are still alive ??

I have heard this before,

do you think the two have met ?

and are they going to play any major roles when imam mehdi and isa (a.s) appear ????
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #38

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Assalaam Walaykum

I personally know 3 Talibs of my sheikh who met Sheikh Kidhr (AS), although they did not know who he was at the time.

They were in the mountains in Pakistan and stoped by a creek to make wudhu. as they kneeled down to the waters edge they saw an old man on the other side of the creek, they exchanged Salaams, and the man asked if they were Talibs of Sheikh Mubarek Ali Shah Jillani. They replied yes and he said "mashAllah".

They made salaat and asked the Sheikh about this man and if he knew him. Shah JI replied "Yes, this was Sheikh Kidhr(AS)"
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #39

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Hope some one answers bro Rifai's question concerning shaykh Nawawi () and his opinion on khidr...

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #40

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Alaykum salam

T h e A n s w e r : He is alive, but there are five degrees of life. He is at the second degree. It is because of this that some religious scholars have been doubtful
about it.

The First Level of Life is that of our life, which is very restricted.
The Second Level of Life is that of the lives of Khidr and Ilyas (May God grant them
peace), which is free to an extent. That is to say, they can be present in numerous places
at the same time. They are not permanently restricted by the requirements of humanity
like us. They can eat and drink like us when they want to, but are not compelled to like
we are. The saints are those who uncover and witness the realities of creation, and the
reports of their adventures with Khidr are unanimous and elucidate and prove this level of
life. There is even one degree of sainthood which is called ‘the degree of Khidr.’ A saint
who reaches this degree receives instruction from Khidr and meets with him. But
sometimes the one at that degree is mistakenly thought to be Khidr himself.

The various levels of life are further explained here inshaallah. http://www.wordvision.org.au/Risale/...7;20Letter.pdf
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