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Old 01-02-2012, 03:08 PM   #1

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Hadith Majlis with Shaykh Dr Muhammad Muti’ al-Hafiz (Syria)
- Born in 1940 and he is a specialist in the Islamic History of Syria and editing of Islamic Manuscripts
- He possesses a high chain of transmission (sanad) in awaail ajluniyya and other books of Hadith
- Edited many classical works of Hadith and Hanafi Fiqh and he authored books on the ulama of Syria and the traditional centers of Islamic knowledge
A chance to receive ijaza and link your sanad with the ulama of south Africa and some international ulama
Thursday: Speak about the Wasiyya of Muwaffaq Ibn Qudamah
Friday: Talk about the Legacy of ‘ilm and riwaya in Syria
Monday: Discussion on the Shaykh’s tahqiq on the books in the Hanafi Madhhab (His observations and important aspects)

Attend two days of stimulating discourses:
Saturday: Reading ‘Iqd al-Jawhar al-Thamin (awaail ajluniyya)
Talk by:
Zhuhr & Lunch:


Reading/discussion of Mukhtasar Mashyakhat Muhammad Shakir al-Aqqad (because of Ibn ‘Abdin’s connection to it)

Date: 24-25 March 2012
Venue: Ma’had al-Nur al-Islami, Sunderland Ridge, Pretoria
Registration closes on 2 February 2012
R450 per person
Register by email:
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Old 02-03-2012, 06:41 PM   #2

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I did not know Shaykh Qari Saad Nomani Madani (HA) was/is in South Africa?

My friend tells me know that he just performed Jumuah Salaah at Musjid Khair, St. Gothard Rd in Mayfair West (JHB) imitating Shaykh Abdur Rahmaan Sudais (HA)!!

Can anyone give details?

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Old 02-03-2012, 09:59 PM   #3

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Maulana, long time... South African to be exact.

Forgot to add, our Ijtima will be taking place in April. The venue this year is Azaadville. Last weekend there was the first major mashwera for the coming Ijtima. Jamaats are to be prepared etc.

We have three Ijtimas for the 3 main areas which are Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. The Johannesburg Ijtima is the largest. requesting duas for the success of the Ijtima.

I thought you lived in another Southern Africa country (Namibia or so); am I confusing you with someone else?
EDIT: Never mind, I realized that yes, I confused you with brother qibla. Where is he located, by the way?
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Old 04-01-2012, 07:04 PM   #4

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I was away for couple of weeks and :alham: back now and would like to continue with this initiative.

Any South African guests who are browsing this thread are humbly requested to sign up and register to this forum there will be much benefit for yourselves, the forum and Deen in general.

JulietOreira is offline

Old 05-01-2012, 04:28 PM   #5

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This just in

Assalamu alaykum

Respected Brothers and Sisters

Understanding the Quran, the word of Allah, is the desire of every Muslim and is one of the greatest spiritual experiences. Such that many companions of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wasallam accepted Islam by merely listening to the glorious Quran.

DTI (Dār al-Turāth al-Islāmī) is now offering all learners, male and female, an opportunity to understand the holy Quran and to gain efficiency in other Islamic disciplines. The primary aim of the Institute is to make Higher Islamic Education available to working class people on a part time basis. The syllabus employed is a tried and tested one that has seen hundreds of students read and understand the Quran within the span of only one year. Accordingly, the 1st year of the program focuses on a study of the Arabic language which culminates into the translation of the Quran; the 2nd year of the program focuses on other Islamic disciplines such as ḥadīth, fiqh and so forth. Lessons are interactive, fun and conducted by qualified teachers. In addition modern methods are employed such as digital projector displays for all theoretical work.

The course targets every male and female who wishes to experience the greatest ecstasy in life; who wishes to understand the Kalam of Allah, the inimitable Quran. For every male and female who heard a Hafiz recite the Quran and cried, and thereafter wondered what was recited. For every male and female who wishes to gain closeness to Allah by gaining a deeper understanding of sacred law.

The only requirement is that he/she should be able to recite Quran with ease. Accordingly, the course is aimed at beginners and starts from scratch. There is no minimum or maximum age, thus ALL are welcomed.

please view full breakdown at www.ctme.co.za/daralturath

Our instructors are all qualified, well-equipped and products of the course offered.
They include:
Mln. Abdurragmaan Khan (Rector of DTI and lecturer at DUAI in Strand)
Mln. Muhammad Carr (Co-Rector of DTI and lecturer at DN in Wynberg)
Mln. Sameegh Sieed (Imam of Brooklyn Mosque and lecturer at FTZ)
Mln Siraaj Girie (Graduate of DN and Final year student DUAI)
Mln. Mujaahid White (Graduate DUAI)
Sh. Qaanit Bester (Graduate Darun Naeem)
Mln. Ismaeel Yaghya (Graduate of DN and Final year student DUAI)
Ebraheem Yaghya (Graduate of DN and 5th year student DUAI)

38 Lady May st. Garlandale, Athlone

First Year
Option 1: Monday and Wednesday evenings. Classes commence on Monday the 16th January immediately after magrib and consist of two 40 min periods with a 5min break in between.

Option 2: Saturday mornings. Classes commence on Saturday the 14th January at 09:30 sharp and ends before dhur.

Second Year
Monday and Wednesday evenings. Classes commence on Monday the 16th January immediately after magrib and consist of two 40 min periods with a 5min break in between.

Third Year
Saturday mornings

Portlands Masjid, Mitchell’s Plain

First Year
Option 1: Monday and Wednesday evenings . Classes commence on Monday the 16th January immediately after magrib and consist of two 40 min periods with a 5min break in between.

Option 2: Saturday mornings. Classes commence on Saturday the 14th January at 09:30 sharp and ends before dhur.

Second Year
Monday and Wednesday evenings. Classes commence on Monday the 16th January immediately after magrib and consist of two 40 min periods with a 5min break in between.

Registration fee R150 (includes all text books)
Monthly fee R200 (if able. Learners unable to pay are required to motivate sponsorship)

Please see registration form at www.ctme.co.za/daralturath

Bank: FNB
Account name: Dar al-turath al-Islami
Branch code: 250655
Account no. 62294490405

N.B. Please leave your name and surname as reference.

Cell no. 071 282 8336
Email: daralturath@ymail.com
Temporary website hosted at www.ctme.co.za/daralturath
Online Marketing by Cape Town Muslim Events & Islamic Events Cape Town - Powered by Go Solutions
021 696 1714 | 021 696 6511 | 073 259 6931 | 078 610 4700
events@ctme.co.za | info@gosolutions.co.za | www.ctme.co.za |
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Old 05-01-2012, 04:33 PM   #6

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I was away for couple of weeks and :alham: back now and would like to continue with this initiative.

Any South African guests who are browsing this thread are humbly requested to sign up and register to this forum there will be much benefit for yourselves, the forum and Deen in general.

Wa'alaikum salaam afriki_haqq

I am not from S Africa but would still like to keep in touch, since I find myself reading their works quite a lot; Mufti A S Desai, Mufti Ibrahim Desai, Mufti Afzal Husain Elias etc. etc.

Any way I can contact you?

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Old 05-01-2012, 04:52 PM   #7

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Wa'alaikum salaam afriki_haqq

I am not from S Africa but would still like to keep in touch, since I find myself reading their works quite a lot; Mufti A S Desai, Mufti Ibrahim Desai, Mufti Afzal Husain Elias etc. etc.

Any way I can contact you?

You can leave a comment with your email on the website in my signature and I will get in touch with you.
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Old 07-02-2012, 09:28 PM   #8

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to this brother for the following post:

[B]Assalamualykum Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuh

Shaykh Akram returned from a 10 day tour of South Africa (13-23 Jan. 2012) where he visited Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg. He addressed Ulama, Darul Ulooom students, professionals, university students and Muslims generally.

Nadwi Foundation has uploaded some of these lectures and others are to follow. To listen to the lectures, please see:


Uploaded lectures include:

Shah Waliullah & The Spread of Islamic Knowledge in India – Port Elizabeth 15/01/12
Tolerance in Mathhabs – Port Elizabeth – 15/01/12
Introduction to Islamic Sciences with Q&A – Cape Town – 17/01/12
Unity & Differences in Islam – 21/01/12 – Johannesburg
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Old 08-02-2012, 01:15 PM   #9

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insha allah in April habib Umar bin hafidh will be visiting South Africa. Its not confirmed as yet & the tarteeb isnt ready.
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Old 09-01-2012, 03:26 PM   #10

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Announcing the 2012 tour of Shaykh Akram Nadwi

Organised by Al Nur Islamic Institute in Laudium, Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi of Oxford, England (UK*) (author of 40 volume on the Women Scholars in Islam (Al Muhadithat)* will for the first time ever be on a 10 day whistle stop tour of South Africa, which will include visiting Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg. He will be addressing Ulama, Darul Ulooom students, professionals, university students and Muslims generally on specialist subjects of Hadith, Fiqh and Tafsir and its application in society.

*About Shaykh Akram Nadwi* – see

*His works* – see http://nadwifoundation.co.uk/bibliography/

*SA Itinerary* – see

*Contact details for host in SA *– Shaykh Shoayb Ahmed *Mobile:* 0744894202

*Facebook:* http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nadwi-...05522676125763

*Twitter: *http://twitter.com/nadwifoundation

*Full information: www.nadwifoundation.co.uk*
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Old 09-01-2012, 04:47 PM   #11

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To add, the following are public lectures:

Shaykh Akram Nadwi-

Thursday, 19 January in Marlboro after Esha
Friday, 20th in Laudium at 15:45 (males and females)
Lessons on Saturday and Sunday are opened to public (males only)
Friday Jumua is still to be confirmed

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #12

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Default An appeal to South Africans + UPDATES

It might sound like moaning but since a very long time I have always felt that there is not much activity on this forum by South Africans. We know of the many regular posters from UK, Indopak, Canada, etc...

So I have been encouraging, and will continue doing so, for my fellow South Africans to join and contribute to this forum.

A means of attracting this is via this thread which I hope to update regularly with updates of events in SA, etc. In this way non-members from South Africa are encouraged to join and participate.

PS: Mods may move this to relevant forum after some time.


The OP of this thread does not necessarily subscribe or support to all views, opinions and/or event updates posted on this thread.
Posted: 02 May 2012
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #13

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nice idea!

you may also use the follow site as a resource for upcomming events in the Western Cape region.

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #14

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To all: contact me via details in signature, leave comment with email on first post of website and I will get in touch.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #15

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It might sound like moaning but since a very long time I have always felt that there is not much activity on this forum by South Africans. We know of the many regular posters from UK, Indopak, Canada, etc...

So I have been encouraging, and will continue doing so, for my fellow South Africans to join and contribute to this forum.

A means of attracting this is via this thread which I hope to update regularly with updates of events in SA, etc. In this way non-members from South Africa are encouraged to join and participate.

PS: Mods may move this to relevant forum after some time.

Shaykh bring in some more South African 'ulama!
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #16

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This is something I am looking at. Perhaps others here could help in drafting an invitation letter to the 'Ulama asking them to come on the forum and contribute. It is important because 1) SF currently lacks 'Ulama and 2) South African 'Ulama are very well respected and held in high regard by SFers. it is my wish that they join and I do have a few in mind that I would extend an invitation to.

Shaykh bring in some more South African 'ulama!
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #17

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Insha Allah starting January 2012 the Eldoradopark Jumua Musjid will be hosting a weekly circle of thikr on a Thursday evening ba'dal Esha.

The recitation of the famous Raatib lis SAYYIDUNĀ AL-IMĀM QUTB U’L IRSHĀD AL-HABĪB ‘ABDALLĀH BIN ‘ALAWĪ AL-HADDĀD Rady Allāhu ‘Anhu (1044-1132 H) and thereafter the Wird al Latif by the same honorable author will be conducted.

The recitation will not exceed 45 minutes Insha Allah.

A short History of the arrival of the first Muslims in South Africa will also be presented in piecemeal throughout the year. In this regard we wish to pay homage to our forefathers (namely Imam Tuan Guru and Shaykh Yusuf of Maccasar) for the great lengths to which they had gone in bringing Islam to our shores and to rekindle the Islamic spirit which had served them good for such a long time.

Address: Henkel Avenue , Extension One, Eldoradopark

All Welcome
Womenfolk will be accommodated in the Female section of the Musjid (Second floor, entrance on the right flank of the musjid)
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #18

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will you guys be reading both the wird & the ratib after I'sha. its not possible to do both in 45 min. you might want to change it to doing the wird before isha & ratib after isha. the wird takes about 30 min & is usually read before maghrib & the ratib takes 25-30 min & is read either after the adhan for isha or after the salah.
Also see if the gathering could be moved to another night so that we can get rid of the idea that the Ratibul haddad is a Thursday night thing. Traditionally it is read on a Thursday & Sunday night in South Africa but imaam haddad compiled it for every night.

Masha Allah great effort, will there be a sharh on the ratib.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #19

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Have not updated in a while, will try to do so regularly.

A few updates from South Africa:

1. Hadhrat Maulana Ebrahim Bham passed away on Monday - 22 January 2012. He served the Zeerust community in the North West province (+/- 300km from Johannesburg) tirelessly for several decades. He was a graduate of Darul Ulum Deoband. May Allah elevate his stages and grant him Jannah. Ameen. [PS: Not to be confused with Maulana Ebrahim Bham of Johannesburg who is the Secretary-General of the Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal. He is alive and well.]
To listen to a tribute on the life of Hadhrat Maulana , click here.

2. A Seerah programme is to be conducted tonight in Middelburg by the team of Cii. The speakers will include Mufti AK Hoosen and Maulana Moosa Laher. Catch live streaming on http://www.ciibroadcasting.com/

3. On Thursday, 2 Febuary 2012, a programme will be held at Masjid Rahma in Greenside, Johannesburg. Guests will be Qari Ayoob Essack and Maulana Yunus Daya. After Maghrib, 07:00PM GMT2+.

4. Cii and other organizations are hosting Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui, the sister of Dr. Afia Siddiqui. For more info on this latest campaign check this link out: http://www.ciibroadcasting.com/?ad_click=27

That is all for now.

Request duas,
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #20

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Nice to see africans are active here
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