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Old 08-03-2012, 04:22 AM   #1

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i cant believe people even take him seriously. people should be warned away from him.
some correct some maybe not so,as any other human being,

is he wrong here?

and allah knows best
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Old 08-03-2012, 06:37 AM   #2

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"He thinks that Paper currency is Haram " that is a BIG BIG BIG pointer that he is on the right path. Whichever person in a position of islamic authority, peer, ulema etc.. who asks/accepts monetary donations for himself is FAKE. e.g. if an imam asks for x amount (reasonable) for nikah that is o.k. but same imam says give me x amount I will do dua for you=fake/non-muslim.

Wallah, Alhumdullilah. it's quite hard to break free of the illusion of the reality of money in our modern world, even the most educated ulema of our times are unaware of this aspect of things. i only know becasue I was obsessed with illumanati/freemason (they don't technically exist).

One big clue to the above is the current/recent banking crisis. Also the USA the richest country is nearly $15,000,000,000,000 ($15 trillion)in debt. think about it.

think more....Arabia under control of the ibn saud family (saudi arabia) is in debt of about $85 billion, this is more than countries like pakistan, bangladesh and south africa. I wonder if this debt is without interest. i doubt it. but that's ok they are "non-bidatees".

Imran Hosein himself says his methodoligy in his interpretation of such hadith is to concentrate on symbolism while other ulema take hadith related to the end of days literally.

You have to understand that for example many modern/futuristic concepts would be quite hard to explain at the time of the prophet(pbuh) without symbolism.

it's funny how people are trying to lump him into a certain group so they know how to attack him.
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Old 08-03-2012, 07:35 AM   #3

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"He thinks that Paper currency is Haram " that is a BIG BIG BIG pointer that he is on the right path. Whichever person in a position of islamic authority, peer, ulema etc.. who asks/accepts monetary donations for himself is FAKE. e.g. if an imam asks for x amount (reasonable) for nikah that is o.k. but same imam says give me x amount I will do dua for you=fake/non-muslim.

Wallah, Alhumdullilah. it's quite hard to break free of the illusion of the reality of money in our modern world, even the most educated ulema of our times are unaware of this aspect of things. i only know becasue I was obsessed with illumanati/freemason (they don't technically exist).

One big clue to the above is the current/recent banking crisis. Also the USA the richest country is nearly $15,000,000,000,000 ($15 trillion)in debt. think about it.

think more....Arabia under control of the ibn saud family (saudi arabia) is in debt of about $85 billion, this is more than countries like pakistan, bangladesh and south africa. I wonder if this debt is without interest. i doubt it. but that's ok they are "non-bidatees".

Imran Hosein himself says his methodoligy in his interpretation of such hadith is to concentrate on symbolism while other ulema take hadith related to the end of days literally.

You have to understand that for example many modern/futuristic concepts would be quite hard to explain at the time of the prophet(pbuh) without symbolism.

it's funny how people are trying to lump him into a certain group so they know how to attack him.
I have listen to a couple more of his lectures on youtube and I agree with you...I feel he is right on with many things.May Allah continue to protect him.Ameen
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Old 08-03-2012, 07:45 AM   #4

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This guy makes a LOT of weird interpretations...

Read this:

He says that a hadeeth that describes an event is actually describing a dream (!) without any supporting evidence from other ahadeeth but from his own faulty rationalizing - which itself is based on hypotheticals and theories! How can anyone trust such a person?
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Old 08-06-2012, 06:42 PM   #5

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Actually, Imran Hosein seems to be the only scholar who makes sense out of all the issues he talks about. His view on Gog and magog fits the evidence on the ground, the
prophet (pbuh) talked about the huge amount of natural resources the gog and magog would use, namely, they will drink the lake of galilea dry. Well, a few years ago the water
level in the lake hit the red limit line, meaning that it's at the stage where it will now dry up.

His views on dajjal make perfect sense also. We see the symbolism of dajjal every day and the sheikh explains how the dajjal's mission is so close to completion, with the state of Israel. Furthermore, this sheikh was able to predict the arab uprising in a lecture "a muslim response to 9/11" in 2001!

Out of all his topics, I respect him most for identifying the riba consuming the world, which the prophet spoke about, and finding a soloution. I respect him for his urging of uniting the
the different sects of islam, he is actively pushing for a khilafah state and is the only sheikh out there with enough guts and righteousness to make dua for Sheikh anwar al
awlaki at the time of his death. From this and his background, he seems like the one real authentic sheikh out there.

He even refuses to travel to countries like the UK, Pakistan etc...for their oppression of the muslims in Afghanistan. He deals with the real problems of the ummah whiile all the
other ulemaa are busy fighting over where to place your hands when you pray.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:11 AM   #6

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i see people have been amazed by the words of M, Imran Hosein. His views on the Dajaal and GOG magog have already been pointed out earler. Just because one mans "speaks out" dosent necessarily mean they are on the Huq. Back in the days i was a bit like you, any sheikh that mentioned Damn america and western imperialism, i got very excatic. i kinda changed my tone and realised until i read the verse 3:54 And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. Dont be one of those people who are wowed by a youtube video, e.g arrivals. theres much more to it. And regards to you implying that the Ulema are busy with other matters e.g placing your hands, i woulddnt concern yourself with that. They are the knowledgable people. Just because you dont see them doing it dosent that theya arent doing it.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:28 AM   #7

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I don't want to go into any detail but as people on the forum seem to be very influenced by him - please avoid/ignore his opinions on Syria.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:42 AM   #8

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Dajjal - The Dark Messiah
A Student of Darul Uloom, Bury, U.K.
‘…But I will tell you something which no Prophet has told his people.Verily he (Dajjal) is one-eyed and Allah is not one-eyed.’
The change in the weather had been sudden and dramatic, tossing the small fishing vessel around like a piece of flotsam; until it was no more than that. Its crew, a group of Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum (the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace & blessings be upon him, peace & blessings be upon him), were washed up onto the shore of a foreign beach.

When they regained consciousness, they found that they all had survived the wreck. They decided to explore the island to see whether they could find someone to help them, maybe supply them with a boat.

It wasn’t long before they met a woman washing her hair in a rock pool. She directed them to a cave, managing to convey to them that there was someone there who wanted to speak with them. Intrigued, they entered the cave.

Within, they found a short man with only one eye, chained to the cavern wall. Right away, he began to ask them questions, whether certain events had taken place or not. They answered truthfully because of their nature. They could feel the evil of this man like a physical presence. When they had confirmed all that he had asked, the man said, ‘Alas, my time is near.’

The companions managed to get off the island and returned home safely. Upon arriving, they told their story to the Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him). It was then that they first heard of Dajjal, the Dark Messiah.

There are three aspects of Dajjal:

1. The individual

2. A world wide social and cultural phenomenon

3. An unseen force.

The latter two aspects of Dajjal have been explained and outlined brilliantly by Ahmed Thomas in his book ‘Dajjal - The King Without Clothes.’ Through intense research, he has managed to write a brilliant account of scary facts that bring home the full weight of reality. He explains the social and cultural phenomenon as a system that is being prepared by the minions and followers of Dajjal, through which he will operate and spread his evil. The Unseen Force is defined as the supernatural beings, such as Djinns and UFO’s, who abduct and posses humans to further his cause. Contemporary books such as ‘Omen’ and ‘Body Snatchers’, paint a frightening image of possibilities.

In this article, I intend to unveil the first aspect; the individual. The Book of Revelations by John (New Testament) contains prophecies regarding the Anti-Christ. However, over the times, many alterations have occurred in the original text and the commentaries have deviated from the actual meanings. That and the lack of consistency have left it in doubt of reliability and accuracy. Hence, there only remains the Hadith of the Noble Prophet Mohammedpeace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) as the only accurate source of information.

In a Hadith narrated by Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhum, the Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘Since the birth of Adam till the advent of Qiyaamah (Judgement Day) there is no fitnah (tribulation) much greater than that of Dajjal.’
In anyone’s book, Dajjal is the embodiment of evil. A wise man once said, ‘Know your enemies and keep them close to you. By knowing them, you know your weakness, thus neutralising their potency.’ There are many Hadith which describe Dajjal’s appearance, his height and his powers.

Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Last Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) said, ‘I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh-ud-Dajjal will be short and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’

Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Last Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) regarding Dajjal, ‘…red complexioned, fat, curly haired man, blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’
According to the many Ahaadith describing Dajjal, the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters.

It has also been ascertained from the Hadith that he will emerge from between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan, at a place called Judea. He will be of Jewish origin and the Jews of Isfahaan will be his main followers and they will refer to him as the Messiah. As he goes on through the world, Jews and a great number of non-Jewish women will flock to him upon witnessing his false miracles.

Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrated from the Prophet Mohammed peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Those who hear about Dajjal should stay away from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer. But on seeing his amazing feat he will become his follower.’
(Abu Dawood)
‘The Beast was taken and with him the false prophet who wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them.’
The miracles and feats spoken of by the Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) and John, the writer of the Book of Revelations, are further clarified by the Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Huzaifah radiyallahu anhu:

‘Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. He will have thick hair on his body and he will also have Paradise and Hell with him. Though his Paradise will appear as Jannah, in reality it will be Hell, and likewise, though his Hell will appear like Jahannnam, in reality it will be Paradise.’
Those who obey the Dark Messiah will enter his Paradise (and thus enter Hell), and those who denounce him will enter his Hell (and so shall in reality be entering Paradise). He will travel by means of a gigantic mule, at impossible speeds. He will cause droughts and famine upon those who reject him. But the remembrance of the true Lord will satiate them.

Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘If you still have any doubts regarding him (Dajjal), then remember, your Sustainer is not one-eyed.’

Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Noble Prophet peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘Allah is not one-eyed, while Maseeh-ud-Dajjal is blind in the right eye.’
He will remain on the Earth for a period of forty days, of which the first day will be as long as a year, the second day as long as a month, the third as a week and the rest will be normal in length. He will try to gain entry to the two holy cities Makkah and Madinah, but the angels who guard them will bar him from them. From there, he will flee to Syria, where he will meet resistance from the forces of Imam Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims. Then shall the battle between Good and Evil begin in earnest.

Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet Mohammed peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him), ‘There will always be a group of people upon the path of Allah, overpowering their enemies until the Order Of Allah comes and Isa alaihis salaam (Jesus - peace be upon him) descends.’

Finally, when the spirit of the Muslims begins to ebb, Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) will be commanded by Allah to descend from the heavens. He will not descend as a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad peace & blessings be upon him (peace & blessings be upon him) and Islam.

‘Anti Christ in Christian Theology, the opponent of Christ. The appearance of the Anti Christ is believed to signal the Second Coming, at which Christ would conquer his opponent. The concept may stem from the idea of conflict between light and darkness, which is present in Persian, Babylon and Jewish literature and which influences early Christian Theology.’
(Hutchinsons Encyclopaedia)
As before, through the medium of the Hadith, the event of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him)’s return and all that follows has been accurately recorded. He will descend on Mount Afeeq, on the white Eastern Minaret of Damascus. He will descend from the heavens with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels. His cheeks will be flat and his hair straight. When he lowers his head it will seem as if water is flowing from his hair, when he raises his head, it will appear as though his hair is beaded with silvery pearls.

He will descend during the time of Fajr and the leader of the Muslims will address him thus, ‘O`Roohullah, lead the salat.’

Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will decline with the words, ‘The virtue of this Ummah is that they lead each other.’

After the prayer, Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will prepare himself to do battle and shall take up a spear. An army shall return from a campaign launched before the arrival of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him). They shall bring glad tidings of victory over India, granted to them by the Lord Almighty. Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall set out in pursuit of Dajjal. All those who embraced the evil of Dajjal shall perish even as the breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) touches them. The breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall proceed him as far as the eye can see. Dajjal will be captured at Lydda. The Dark Messiah shall begin to melt, as lead melts in fire. The spear of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) shall plunge into Dajjal’s chest, ending his dreaded reign. The followers of Dajjal will be rooted out, for even the trees and rocks will speak out against them. Then all battles shall cease and the world will know an age of peace. Then truly the sheep will lie in the shadow of the wolf without fear. The rule of Jesus will be just and all shall flock to him to enter the folds of the one true religion, Islam.
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:26 AM   #9

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The man would deemed as a kaafir by an Islamic judge for denying rajm. He doubts the age of sayyida Aisha when she got married, and criticizes the mujahideen in Syria.

Nowadays it is easy to become famous amongst foolish youngsters on the net. Talk about the signs of the last day, the dajjaal, about politics and there you go.

But if you talk about indepth issues of fiqh and aqida nobody listents to you.
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Old 09-02-2012, 11:05 AM   #10

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He really does not make sense in most of the issues.
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Old 09-02-2012, 06:55 PM   #11

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Guys why dont actually quote what he says and be more accurate? alot of stuff is incorrect. A lot of what he says makes sense. and regarding his own opinions he always states that is infact only that "his opinion and could be wrong"

regarding Gog and Magog. What he says does make sense to be honest but would need to be looked into further. and Hadiths are open to interpretation everyone these days has an opinion so whos right and whos wrong? you back it up authentically and its a strong case but not the definitive answer its good to have dialogue and discussion.

If you dont agree with the man dont listen and take it all in. his background into History is quite strong as to how the Caliphate fell etc. But go research it yourself.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #12

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Default What do the scholars say about Shaykh Imran Hosein?
Assalaam Alaikum

I sometimes listen to Shaykh Imran Hosein on youtube.He seem to be on target about some things and other things he says I am not sure about.Do anyone have more info on him and his beliefs.JazakAllah khair
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #13

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Assalaam Alaikum

I sometimes listen to Shaykh Imran Hosein on youtube.He seem to be on target about some things and other things he says I am not sure about.Do anyone have more info on him and his beliefs.JazakAllah khair
I think his extreme views against wahabis/ aale saud regeme cause criticism.
He is traditional sunni scholar, and his beliefs look more close to beralvis.

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #14

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I think his extreme views against wahabis/ aale saud regeme cause criticism.
He is traditional sunni scholar, and his beliefs look more close to beralvis.

Salaam brother.
If you don't mind me asking what are his extreme views against Wahabi's/Saudi regime?
What makes you say his beliefs are close to Barelvis?
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #15

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Wa AlaykumuSalaam,

I do know that he also dislikes Tableegh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdnA92OWh68 (Watch from 7 minutes)
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #16

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the guy bashes square pegs into round holes.

he claims without any logic, sense or evidence that dajjal is in the UK.

when asked if dajjal is in the UK then why did the Prophet say that dajjal is in the east, he then claims without any logic, sense or evidence that dajjal was in a different dimension when the Prophet said this.

i cant believe people even take him seriously. people should be warned away from him.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #17

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doesnt he believe that USA (was), UK (is) and Israel (will be) are the Dajjal and Gog and Magog are the people living in some country right now??? correct me if i am wrong...
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #18

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i cant believe people even take him seriously. people should be warned away from him.
Asslamo Allaikum,

"Maulana" Imran Hosein studied in Karachi and was Bayt to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) and then he moved away from Dr Israr Ahmed (RA).

He is very similar to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) in his views with the main exceptions being:

a) "Maulana" Imran Hosein practises the Qadri Chishti Silsila and practises Tassawuff while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) had no Tareeqa. I have no idea who gave him Khilafah and who is his Shaykh.

b) "Maulana" Imran Hosein is Barelwee leaning while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) was very Deobandi leaning. Please note that I am not saying that he is "Barelwee" but he is Barelwee leaning BUT he does criticise Barelwees a lot and makes fun of them

Some examples where "Maulana" Imran Hosein differs with our Ulama, actually Ulama of the whole world

a) He thinks Yajuj/Majuj are the White European (Jews) while Shaykh Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) has thoroughly refuted this idea in the last book of his life entitled, "Al-Bawadirun-Nawadir". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views read "Jerusalem in the Qur'aan"

b) He thinks that the Island where Dahjjal is chained up is UK while our Ulama say "Allah knows best"... How can Britain be the Island refered to in Hadeeth when Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said Dajjal is "East of Madina" and last time I checked Britain is not "East of Madina". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal

c) He thinks that Dajjal is already out while almost ALL Ulama believe that Dajjal is YET to emerge. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal

d) He thinks that Paper currency is Haram while Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) and others differ with him. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on "Islamic Monetary System"

Other then these weird and wacky ideas "Maulana" Imran Hosein has some good political insight and his thoughts about Monetary system and Dajjal are very good to read and interesting...

But on a thorough discussion on Dajjal and end times I recommend reading the latest "Dajjal" books by "Maulana Asim Umer" which are currently being translated into English by people in Karachi.

Maulana Asim Umer's thorough research has been summarised by "Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor" who is the Khalifah of Shaykh (Mufti) Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanwi (RA) and currently at Jamia Rasheediya (Karachi) and I believe that the book is available for free (in English) on the web or about to be finished. Brother TN007 on Sunniforum is co-ordinating the translation work.

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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #19

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His views are interesting... I think he is on the spot on most of his current affairs and geo political analysis and his views on the monetary system are bang on and a MUST WATCH for every one... On Dajjal he seems to be the most active scholar, as for his views on the hadith that states Dajjal is in east, i belive in those time of SAW, the directions use to be oppersite of what they are today i.e west was east, east was west, north was south, south was north.
I dont belive in the theories of Dajjal being a super human or jinn, but have my own analysis, which is Dajjal refers to the system of Riba and a big group of people running the world which are the Zionists. However i believe his theories on Gog and Magog are spot on.

As for him, he was trained by Dr Fazlur Rahman Ansari of Karachi

looking at his stuff he seems to be very pro-taliban and claims that for over a year he was trying to persuade the Taliban to abandon paper money, return to Gold Dinar and call all Islamic countries to establish a Khilafat and that a few months before 9/11 he succeeded in persuading the Taliban to do it.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #20

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On Dajjal he seems to be the most active scholar, as for his views on the hadith that states Dajjal is in east, i belive in those time of SAW, the directions use to be oppersite of what they are today i.e west was east, east was west, north was south, south was north.
what do you base your belief on that the directions were opposite to what they were now?

what does that even mean that the directions were opposite? is there a difference between north and south? is there a difference between east and west? apart from the difference in names obviously.

besides, according to hussain, the directions were the same as now. but according to him dajjal was in a different dimension when Prophet said he is in the east. what does hussain base this conclusion on?

I dont belive in the theories of Dajjal being a super human or jinn, but have my own analysis, which is Dajjal refers to the system of Riba and a big group of people running the world which are the Zionists. However i believe his theories on Gog and Magog are spot on.
so how do you reconcile the hadith of tamim ad dari who told the Prophet that he saw the dajjal and talked to the dajjal?

and how do you reconcile the hadith about yajuj majuj that they will number 90% (please clarify this figure) of the people of jahannum. if that is the case then where is this HUGE numbers of people?

these are just a couple of hadith that mention dajjal and yajuj majuj. there are many more. your opinions regarding them should not contradict hadith.

..........and that a few months before 9/11 he succeeded in persuading the Taliban to do it.
can you post some links for this as i have never heard of this before.
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