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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #1

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Default The Great Deception - Arab Spring!
Salami Alaikum,

America is placing "Islamists" in power without Islam.

The US is the sole super power of the world we live in today. She continues to wage war on Islam, but the style she is executing is no longer military warfare, rather its an intellectual struggle, a battle for hearts and minds.

American is executing her Greater Middle East initiative, which she revealed at the G8 summit in 2004. She plans to democratise the Muslim world, where she wants Muslims to adopt the values of Capitalism (I.e. freedoms, democracy, human rights, free market etc). As Muslims we cannot adopt anything from another millah or religion or ideology.

The only way of life that stands up to America and its Capitalist ideology is Islam, after the demise of Communism.

A new religion called Moderate Islam is being sold to the Muslims, which is merely a selfish, self centred, spiritual religion, that almost seperates religion from everyday life. Islam is both political and spiritual.

These leaders such as Mursi who have been blessed by America, are very dangerous in misleading our noble ummah, who craves sincere Islamic leadership.

May Allah swt destroy the plots and plans of the enemies of Islam. Ameen!
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #2

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I pretty much agree with your post. Except the values of the west are not free markets, their markets are highly socialized and controlled by money power and central banks.

They may also be creating a new Islamic 'threat' as a false way to create conflict and expand their millitary industrial complex.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #3

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #4

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?

I think the best plan is the plan that Allah (swt) has given us through muhammad (saw). Ikhwaan have decided to go through the current political process in order to bring about islam. Firstly, this is not the way to bring back is islam as muhammad (saw) did not do it this way, and secondly it has not brought back islam (e.g Egypt). We should always refer back to the Quraan and sunnah in every matter, including this urgent matter of bringing back the islamic way of life.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #5

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?
Check this.



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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #6

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?
Internet forums can be useful in promoting an understanding of the deen to others, they are not useless always. Ikhwani muslimeen have failed for over 50 years, there is nothing to suggest that now they will succeed. The Arab Spring has been instigated by America...they do not want Islam the real thing, they possibly want a fake Islam as applied by the Ikhwan, a secularised and accomodating Islam.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #7

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Internet forums can be useful in promoting an understanding of the deen to others, they are not useless always. Ikhwani muslimeen have failed for over 50 years, there is nothing to suggest that now they will succeed. The Arab Spring has been instigated by America...they do not want Islam the real thing, they possibly want a fake Islam as applied by the Ikhwan, a secularised and accomodating Islam.
To find out how Muslim brotherhood and some other Islamic groups might be used as tools in the grand plan of one-world dictatorship , check this.

According to Fritz Springmeier,

" While the politicians of the world allow themselves to look incompetent, the movers and shakers (the puppeteers) know in a very detailed way what they are doing and the effects that their actions are causing. The West’s leadership has had very detailed studies about the Islamic world and what the impact of certain actions will have.

Their detailed plans have been repeatedly leaked in vague ways to the unsuspecting public. For instance, H.G. Wells, one of their Fabian Socialist-Masonic-Illuminati prophets, in his film “Things to Come” made in the late 1930’s, shows delta-winged planes (resembling stealth fighter-bombers) flying over Iraq’s oil fields to bomb.

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Sudan were used as incubators to create fierce Moslem fundamentalist Jihad warriors.
Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other spots were used to create incidents that would fuel natural passions.

When one realizes that the non-Islamic leaders (i.e. the U.K., U.S., USSR etc.) who subtly helped create these incidents had advisors who knew totally well how these incidents would create Islamic fundamentalism, it is impossible not to realize that the catalyst that created Moslem fundamentalism turns out to be the global elite themselves.

Of course, Islamic fundamentalism is a natural reaction to the modernization, secularization, and corruption that is accelerating in what is termed “the West” (European civilization). Such a strong reaction to the sinfulness of the West has taken place that the Sunni and Shiite fundamentalists are in full collaboration. Devout Christians who hold to wholesome family values, freedom from global corporate tyranny, and the destruction of communities are also having some similar “reactionary” reactions to the New World Order. Christian fundamentalists turn to the Bible and Biblical law, and the Moslem of course turns to the Koran and its Sharia (Islamic law). The trick of the elite is to harness those natural reactions to destroy their opposition. This is why both the Christian Patriot movement and the Islamic fundamentalists are infiltrated with agent provocateurs who will encourage both groups to run to their own destruction.

The elite are not above actually stepping in and taking leadership of their opposition. This is why George Hunt discovered that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and other leading capitalists were leaders of the UNSED environmental activities. This is why the anti-big corporation movement that rioted in Seattle against the WTO, has its share of connections back to the elite. This is why many of the leaders of Islamic fundamentalism have ties back to powerful rich Capitalists or Communists. (Communism has been a great front for the elite.) While I am not attacking the concerns of the Islamic fundamentalists, I am pointing out that their leaders are tainted with puppet strings. Moslems have threatened me in the past for being so frank. "
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #8

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?

At first it's important we need to recognise theres a problem which requires a solution. Once we've passed this hurdle, we need to turn to Islam for our solution. Do you agree with this point?

Ikhwaan are a pragmatic group, who has sold their religion to gain power . They are an ideal "islamist" party for the US. Their slogan use to be ISLAM IS THE SOLUTION, waving the Quran in the air, but now they are in power they say they are not an Islamic party!

If you want I can show u comments made by Mursi
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #9

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I think the best plan is the plan that Allah (swt) has given us through muhammad (saw). Ikhwaan have decided to go through the current political process in order to bring about islam. Firstly, this is not the way to bring back is islam as muhammad (saw) did not do it this way, and secondly it has not brought back islam (e.g Egypt). We should always
refer back to the Quraan and sunnah in every matter, including this urgent matter of bringing back the islamic way of life.

Alhamdullilah, jzk khair.

Agreed. The method to resume the islamic way of life has to come islam. More specifically the life of Muhammad (saw).
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #10

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They have barely come into power. Have patience. And after enough time then start discussing the pros and cons.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #11

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what do you plan on doing for the ummah then chanda? Do you have a better plan than the ihkwanul muslimeen? Or will you just go around criticising other muslims on internet forums and then feel you've done your duty in serving the ummah?
We shouldn't see it as criticism but thoughts built upon the reality.
Reality is that the Arab Spring (started as genuine protests against regimes) was quickly hijacked by the West, in particular US.
The US mobilised the Youth Movements which she created/funded herself. These movements were quickly mobilised by slogans such as freedom and democracy which all fit into the Greater Middle East Initiative (GMEI).
The GMEI was devised in 2004 after the US realised it's failure of creating a beacon of democracy in Iraq which they thought would lead to a domino affect throughtout the Middle East i.e. out with the old leaders and in with the new.

As part of the GMEI the West along with those who promote her plans have been promoting the Turkish model of government which is nothing but a secular state. The struggle in Turkey today is between the government and the military where the military should play no part in politics leading to a civilian/democratic state. This is the same game being played in Egypt but with less success at the moment.
Is it any surprise that the US has welcomed and greeted the Ikhwaan and Mursi as rulers of Egypt? The likes of Mursi and Ganouchi appeal to the masses due to their Islamic rhetoric because as muslims our call is Islam but what they are doing has nothing to do with the Shariah.
Do you really think the US would allow a genuine Islamic leadership based upon the method of the Messenger? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would be pragmatic in their approach to Islam? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would honour and abide the agreements/treaties if they contradicted Islam?
There are many questions we need to ask and link Islam to the reality we live in and only then will we be able to see how the Ummah is being deceived with the plots and plans of the West.

Surely, AbuFatimah, you must have some thoughts on the issue rather than criticising the brother's post for what he considers to be the reality?

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #12

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Internet forums can be useful in promoting an understanding of the deen to others, they are not useless always. Ikhwani muslimeen have failed for over 50 years, there is nothing to suggest that now they will succeed. The Arab Spring has been instigated by America...they do not want Islam the real thing, they possibly want a fake Islam as applied by the Ikhwan, a secularised and accomodating Islam.
Agreed 100%. They want this new religion called "moderate Islam" to supersede ISLAM.
It is our duty to expose the plots and plans of the kuffaar.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #13

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We shouldn't see it as criticism but thoughts built upon the reality.
Reality is that the Arab Spring (started as genuine protests against regimes) was quickly hijacked by the West, in particular US.
The US mobilised the Youth Movements which she created/funded herself. These movements were quickly mobilised by slogans such as freedom and democracy which all fit into the Greater Middle East Initiative (GMEI).
The GMEI was devised in 2004 after the US realised it's failure of creating a beacon of democracy in Iraq which they thought would lead to a domino affect throughtout the Middle East i.e. out with the old leaders and in with the new.

As part of the GMEI the West along with those who promote her plans have been promoting the Turkish model of government which is nothing but a secular state. The struggle in Turkey today is between the government and the military where the military should play no part in politics leading to a civilian/democratic state. This is the same game being played in Egypt but with less success at the moment.
Is it any surprise that the US has welcomed and greeted the Ikhwaan and Mursi as rulers of Egypt? The likes of Mursi and Ganouchi appeal to the masses due to their Islamic rhetoric because as muslims our call is Islam but what they are doing has nothing to do with the Shariah.
Do you really think the US would allow a genuine Islamic leadership based upon the method of the Messenger? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would be pragmatic in their approach to Islam? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would honour and abide the agreements/treaties if they contradicted Islam?
There are many questions we need to ask and link Islam to the reality we live in and only then will we be able to see how the Ummah is being deceived with the plots and plans of the West.

Surely, AbuFatimah, you must have some thoughts on the issue rather than criticising the brother's post for what he considers to be the reality?

Great post. Jzk.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #14

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muslims have still not learnt their lesson.

when obama came on the scene we had muslims jumping on the band wagon, encouraging other muslims to vote for him, cheering him on - telling everyone how obama is going to the change the world lol. wasnt that his slogan, 'change'?

look where that got us! we are so dumb that we are being manipulated from outside the religion and inside the religion as well.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #15

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And those showing this great authority to criticize at this stage should at the same time put forward the alternate better workable realistic solution for the time right now in Egypt. Mere theoretical bold claims and fantasy utopia built upon simplistic notions with no touch on the ground is useless. The other notion of replacing a tyrant with another Muslim version of tyranny where a few group of people who self label as "Shuraa" and impose wholescale by force their own half learnt notions, is also better not suggested. And finally no conspiracy theories.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #16

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And those showing this great authority to criticize at this stage should at the same time put forward the alternate better workable realistic solution for the time right now in Egypt. Mere theoretical bold claims and fantasy utopia built upon simplistic notions with no touch on the ground is useless. The other notion of replacing a tyrant with another Muslim version of tyranny where a few group of people who self label as "Shuraa" and impose wholescale by force their own half learnt notions, is also better not suggested. And finally no conspiracy theories.
the solution is there. but you don't like it. of course it is a poor way to deflect criticism of MB :' if not us then who'...look we can also jump to insulting MB by calling them secularists who are imposing their half learnt notions. but would that solve anything? kindly maintain some semblance of respect in your criticism otherwise you can't really blame the others for slinging mud at you.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #17

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And those showing this great authority to criticize at this stage should at the same time put forward the alternate better workable realistic solution for the time right now in Egypt. Mere theoretical bold claims and fantasy utopia built upon simplistic notions with no touch on the ground is useless. The other notion of replacing a tyrant with another Muslim version of tyranny where a few group of people who self label as "Shuraa" and impose wholescale by force their own half learnt notions, is also better not suggested. And finally no conspiracy theories.
You haven't disagreed with the 'critique' as of yet nor have you commented upon it as of yet but you mention conspiracy theory. One must be living in cloud cuckoo land to think this is the case.I'm not talking of UFOs or aliens coming from space and carrying out the Arab Spring nor is it a case of an 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'.
If you cannot determine fact from fiction then what can one say?
This is nothing personal against MB nor any other party but what is established as fact. So maybe you can give us some facts as to why you thnk the Arab Spring is not deception as this is how normal/civilised conversations/discussions pan out.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #18

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You haven't disagreed with the 'critique' as of yet nor have you commented upon it as of yet but you mention conspiracy theory. One must be living in cloud cuckoo land to think this is the case.I'm not talking of UFOs or aliens coming from space and carrying out the Arab Spring nor is it a case of an 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'.
If you cannot determine fact from fiction then what can one say?
This is nothing personal against MB nor any other party but what is established as fact. So maybe you can give us some facts as to why you thnk the Arab Spring is not deception as this is how normal/civilised conversations/discussions pan out.

he is not talking about aliens. he is talking about alq@EDA
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #19

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the solution is there. but you don't like it. of course it is a poor way to deflect criticism of MB :' if not us then who'...look we can also jump to insulting MB by calling them secularists who are imposing their half learnt notions. but would that solve anything? kindly maintain some semblance of respect in your criticism otherwise you can't really blame the others for slinging mud at you.
Forget whether I like it or not. Would the people of Egypt or even half the population at this point in time like it or not? That's the whole point. If yes, then bring the solution on the table for the world to see. If not then have some controlled criticism, for MB is better than the previous tyrant. Everyone can fantasise their own notions of what islam is and shariah is and how "if I were a king" or "if I had power single handed" make bold claims. Reality is something different. Its about what you can do and not what you think. And its about bringing Muslims community to the religion and not one man dictating like a know it all tyrant. Any man with a power of a tyrant can do what they want. It not at all makes it a great achievement that something was done in tht way.

If there are a few People who ascribe to the ideology that vast majority of Muslims are in shirk and everything around them is shirk then let them establish a Madinah by themselves (not impose it upon a poor unwilling people using guns.) whereever they have their followers and capable to do so and expand their dominion. If they can't then too bad they don't belong to the Muslim community. This notion of the Muslim world going to carry someone on their shoulders because some guy personally thinks he only understood what true islam is and only knows the solution to all the problems although he drastically failed in convincing anyone but a dozen men, is something that would not even happen in dreams. The guidance from hadith is to cling to the roots of a tree if you ccan't find the true Islamic jamaah. No where did it say to form sleeper cells and make anarchic plots to establish shariah.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #20

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We shouldn't see it as criticism but thoughts built upon the reality.
Reality is that the Arab Spring (started as genuine protests against regimes) was quickly hijacked by the West, in particular US.
The US mobilised the Youth Movements which she created/funded herself. These movements were quickly mobilised by slogans such as freedom and democracy which all fit into the Greater Middle East Initiative (GMEI).
Just mere open general assertions that could apply to anyone who comes to power in Egypt. "We started it" "they hijacked it" "boo hoo""conspiracy theories". No matter who comes in power, one side will complain this way.

The GMEI was devised in 2004 after the US realised it's failure of creating a beacon of democracy in Iraq which they thought would lead to a domino affect throughtout the Middle East i.e. out with the old leaders and in with the new. The older Middleeast was declared as kafir anyway by the same people who complain today. So does it matter ? Do you want to go back to the time and live under Hosni Mubarak ?

As part of the GMEI the West along with those who promote her plans have been promoting the Turkish model of government which is nothing but a secular state. The struggle in Turkey today is between the government and the military where the military should play no part in politics leading to a civilian/democratic state. This is the same game being played in Egypt but with less success at the moment. The ones in power in Egypt today have declared that anything contrary to shariah is not going to be allowed. What else do you want ? Turkey is coming from a anti -religious secular background. That background should not be dragged along when someone praises the AKP's efforts, as the praise is for the positive efforts of AKP for Islam. Would you have done it better if you were in place of AKP's prior rise to power ?

Is it any surprIse that the US has welcomed and greeted the Ikhwaan and Mursi as rulers of Egypt? Its called diplomacy and foreign relations.

The likes of Mursi and Ganouchi appeal to the masses due to their Islamic rhetoric because as muslims our call is Islam but what they are doing has nothing to do with the Shariah.
Do you really think the US would allow a genuine Islamic leadership based upon the method of the Messenger? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would be pragmatic in their approach to Islam? Do you think the Messenger (saw) and his noble companions would honour and abide the agreements/treaties if they contradicted Islam?
There are many questions we need to ask and link Islam to the reality we live in and only then will we be able to see how the Ummah is being deceived with the plots and plans of the West. Mere empty assertions based on assumptions you havent proved and not in context. Its like me asking you as an argument against you : Do you think the companions would support shirk?
Obviously not. Which person in the world is incapable of understanding that ? No one. Then what wrong with my question ? my assertion of shirk upon you is first to be proved.
Secondly, the context. Applying shariah in Mecca is quite different from applying shariah in Madinah at the early stages of revelation.

I'm not arguing that evrything is perfect and status quo should be accepted. But this form of criticism built upon conspiracy theories, assumptions, speculative skepticism, unproved ideological assertions of a few, non-grounded upon reality of humans, false utopia, and arguments being built merely as a justification of ones own personal ideas is something I don't see any use in except spreading hopeless negativity and anarchist thought.
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