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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #21

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Hazrat Maulana Syed Salman Hussaini Nadwi sahab db is known for his brave oratory skills.. a relative of Mufakkir e Islam Hazrat Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi sahab

one of the very few indian scholars who speaks openly on jihad and situations in kashmir and palestine.. he has also been arrested.
also a shaikh of Tasawwuf.. Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Syed Nafees Shah al Hussaini ( khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdul Qadir sahab Raipuri ) incharge of his khankah in Pakistan.

shall get back later if i have more info


wa assalam..
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #22

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one of the very few indian scholars who speaks openly on jihad and situations in kashmir and palestine.. he has also been arrested.

wa assalam..
V interesting stuff. Pls provide some books on what he said...
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #23

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You deserve it.Enjoy the break,Sir!!!
I am back on the wheel.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #24

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I am back on the wheel.
Good to have You back Sir.
I was almost thinking like, "Hadhrat ney kuch lambi hii chutti lee hai".(Sir has taken quite a long break).
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Old 09-07-2012, 08:13 PM   #25

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off the topic bro.. i see that u have changed the madhab to hanafi.. any change in ur stance lately.. sorry if that makes u feel uncomfortable.. u may chose not to reply.. u remain my brother no matter what madhab u chose..

do remember me in ur duas..

wa assalam..

Brother i will be in a better position to respond to this question after a few days but i must say that recently i came across some brutal academic dishonesty of some Salafi scholars of Pakistan and it has revealed a shockingly ugly face of Salafism to me.

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Old 09-07-2012, 08:17 PM   #26

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Aap humein satayein nahin warna hum aap ki shaan mein gustakhi kar baithenge.
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Old 09-07-2012, 08:31 PM   #27

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Brother i will be in a better position to respond to this question after a few days but i must say that recently i came across some brutal academic dishonesty of some Salafi scholars of Pakistan and it has revealed a shockingly ugly face of Salafism to me.

What is this Dr Sahab? Even if you are with us because some one else does not have a pretty face you should still say that our face is pretty and that is why you are with us. You see our egos are so fragile!

Love you for the sake of Allah (SWT) only.
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Old 09-07-2012, 08:33 PM   #28

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Brother i will be in a better position to respond to this question after a few days but i must say that recently i came across some brutal academic dishonesty of some Salafi scholars of Pakistan and it has revealed a shockingly ugly face of Salafism to me.

May Allah help u through brother..

wa assalam..
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Old 09-07-2012, 08:38 PM   #29

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What is this Dr Sahab? Even if you are with us because some one else does not have a pretty face you should still say that our face is pretty and that is why you are with us. You see our egos are so fragile!

Love you for the sake of Allah (SWT) only.

what do u mean hazrat.. we keep a magic mirror on sf and repeat everytime we log in..
"Mirror Mirror on the wall.. whoz the fairest of them all.."
love u both for the sake of Allah

wa assalam..
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Old 09-08-2012, 12:26 AM   #30

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Done here.
for supplications.
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Old 09-08-2012, 02:23 AM   #31

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I sat back and enjoyed the conversation between the doctors and an intelligentsia.It was like wow and I want more please.....
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Old 09-08-2012, 02:25 AM   #32

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Done here.
for supplications.

May Allah reward you for your hard work.
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Old 09-21-2012, 10:26 AM   #33

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Can anybody give me a biography of Shaykh Suleman Nadwi (HA) , some details of his Islamic activities and his relations with the deobandi scholars?

@ Brother Maripat I think i have found the gold here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m4xP...eature=related

Just got the opportunity to listen to the speech.
I shall say bravo!

Keep an eye on this post.
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Old 09-21-2012, 07:08 PM   #34

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Just got the opportunity to listen to the speech.
I shall say bravo!

Keep an eye on this post.
Abb dekhrein yeh aap.(now u r seeing this...)
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Old 09-21-2012, 08:32 PM   #35

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the official website of him
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:13 PM   #36

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May Allah reward you for your hard work.
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Old 09-21-2012, 11:06 PM   #37

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Assallaamualaikum wa rah wa bar,

MashaAllah another "MUST listen to" speech by Maulana Salman Nadwi Saheb..may Allah taala preserve him. This is from Azad Maidan Mumbai a couple months ago at the protest against government attempts to alter rulings in Muslim Personal Law Board....


Jazakumullahu khair

Thats Maulana Salman Nadvi Saheb db, brilliant oratory skills, and the man hypocrite Indian media will NOT call upon to speak on Muslim issues - 'coz he'll slay them outright. Here's a bayan I uploaded few months ago:

A must listen lecturefor every single Muslim - by Ml Salman Nadvi Saheb db
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Old 09-22-2012, 01:47 AM   #38

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Abb dekhrein yeh aap.(now u r seeing this...)
And translation will take further time - going on holiday!
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Old 09-22-2012, 02:58 AM   #39

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Assalamu alaykum

Doctor Sahib.

Copy and Paste from other site:

(For more detail, see his thorough biography and list of sanads in al-‘Iqd al-Lujayni fi Asanid al-Shaykh Salman al-Husayni by Dr. Akram Nadwi, Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut.

This biography was adapted by Mawlana Bilal Ali Ansari from Shaykh ‘Abd al-Majid al-Ghawri’s brief biographical mention of Shaykh Salman al-Nadwi in the introduction to his edited version of Muqaddimah fi Usul al-Hadith li ‘l-Muhaddith al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq al-Dihlawi)

Shaykh Salman al-Husayni al-Nadwi

Birth and Lineage

Salman ibn Tahir al-Husayni al-Nadwi, born in 1954 CE in the city of Lucknow, was born into a pious, noble, and erudite family of scholars. His lineage can be traced back to Sayyiduna Husayn ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), whose noble progeny would become famous for its tireless services in propagating the religion and sacrifice in the path of Allah, the likes of the great mujahid Imam Ahmad ibn ‘Irfan al-Shahid (died 1246 AH) and the great mufakkir ‘Allamah Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali al-Hasani al-Nadwi (died 1420 AH).


Shaykh Salman began his elementary education at a branch school of Nadwat al-‘Ulama where he memorized the Qur’an at an early age. After completing a middle school level education of Islamic studies, he matriculated to a graduate program at the College of Shari‘ah and Usul al-Din in Dar al-‘Ulum Nadwat al-‘Ulama’. After graduation in 1974 CE, he, alongside a group of other graduates, established the Jam‘iat Shabab al-Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly), an organization that is considered today to be one of the largest and most active Islamic organizations in India.

Shaykh Salman completed a masters degree in Hadith (al-Hadith al-Sharif wa ‘Ulumuhu) from Nadwat al-‘Ulama’ in 1976 CE. A year later, he was admitted into the College of Usul al-Din at the Jami‘at al-Imam Muhammad ibn Sa‘ud al-Islamiyyah (Riyadh) and continued to pursue higher education in the field of Hadith. He received his masters degree in Hadith studies with high recognition in 1980. His dissertation, Jam‘ Alfaz al-Jarh wa ‘l-Ta‘dil wa Dirasatuha min Kitab Tahdhib al-Tahdhib li ‘l-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, was completed under the supervision of the erudite hadith and usul scholar, ‘Allamah ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah (may Allah shower mercy on him). Shaykh Salman benefited heavily from Shaykh Abu Ghuddah in the field of hadith studies during his stay at the Jami‘ah and was amongst his most distinguished and beloved students.


Upon his return to India, Shaykh Salman was appointed a lecturer on Hadith at Dar al-‘Ulum Nadwat al-‘Ulama’ and later a full-time professor of Hadith. Eventually, he was chosen to be director of faculty for both the Shari‘ah and Usul al-Din colleges.


Shaykh Salman has travelled extensively throughout the world for the sake of Islam. He has served as a guest lecturer at numerous universities and Islamic institutions in dozens of Muslim and non-Muslim countries around the world. As a representative and now substitute for his indirect grandfather, ‘Allamah Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi (may Allah shower His mercy on him), he has attended countless Islamic conferences and spoken on a wide variety of topics, the Arabic speeches of which are always delivered in eloquent, fluid Arabic. His tender and mild character, boldness upon the truth, and purity of language have captured the hearts of audiences wherever he has travelled. Coupled with the eloquence of his tongue and the magnificence of his speech, Shaykh Salman is also a true inheritor of his grandfather’s academic prowess and zeal for da‘wah.


Shaykh Salman has served the Muslim community in India through various methods and Islamic institutions over the years. Amongst his most lasting and significant contributions has been the establishment of the Madrasat al-Imam Ahmad ibn ‘Irfan al-Shahid al-Islamiyyah in 1975 CE, one of India’s largest and most successful institutions of Islamic learning today.

He has likewise helped to lay the foundations for a large number of other religious and secular schools, institutes of technology for Muslim children, and free hospitals for the poor and needy.

Academic Works

Despite the Shaykh’s numerous travels and time constraints, many academic works in both Urdu and Arabic can be attributed to his name. Likewise, he has contributed greatly to the publication of many of his grandfather’s (‘Allamah Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi) works and their translation into Arabic. Below is a brief list of some of Shaykh Salman’s works:

1. Jam‘ Alfaz al-Jarh wa ‘l-Ta‘dil wa Dirasatuha min Kitab Tahdhib al-Tahdhib li ‘l-Hafiz Ibn Hajar

2. Al-Amanah fi Daw’ al-Qur’an

3. Al-Ta‘rif al-Wajiz bi Kutub al-Hadith

4. Al-Imam al-Dihlawi wa Ara’uhu fi al-Tashri‘ al-Islami

5. Lamhah ‘an ‘Ilm al-Jarh wa ‘l-Ta‘dil

6. Muqaddimah fi Usul al-Hadith li ‘l-Muhaddith al-Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq al-Dihlawi (editing , annotation, and brief marginal notes)

7. Al-Fawz al-Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir li ‘l-Imam Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi (translation from Persian to Arabic and marginal notes)

Some of ‘Allamah Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi’s books that have been translated into Arabic by Shaykh Salman include:

8. Rijal al-Fikr wa ‘l-Da‘wah fi ‘l-Islam (Imam Sarhindi volume)

9. Rijal al-Fikr wa ‘l-Da‘wah fi ‘l-Islam (Imam Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi volume)

10. Fi Masirat al-Hayat (Volumes 1 and 2)

Just to add more:
Shaykh Salman Al Nadwi currently is the rector of Jamia Syed Ahmad Shaheed, president of the Jamia-u-Shabab-il-Islam, dean and professor of the faculty of Shariah & Usuluddin at Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, and chairman of the Dr. Abdul Ali Unani Medical College and Hospital. He is also a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, member of the court of Aligarh Muslim University and a member of many other Islamic organizations. In addition, he is a founding member of numerous medical, IT and engineering colleges in India. Shaykh Salman is also the editor and co-editor of thirteen different periodicals in English, Urdu, Persian and Arabic languages published in India and abroad. He regularly attends international religious seminars and forums.

Yes, he is. I believe he is also a khalifah of the late Hadrat Sayyid Nafis Shah al-Husayni (may Allah sanctify his secret).

There is a wonderful brief treatise based on a lecture by Shaykh Salman entitled, Muhaddithin Key Han Fiqh awr Fuqaha Ki Ahmiyyat, which is worth reading.
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Old 09-22-2012, 03:19 AM   #40

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And translation will take further time - going on holiday!
You deserve it.Enjoy the break,Sir!!!
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