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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #1

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Default Hamza Yusuf and Fons Vitae (Perennialist Publishing company)
Despite claims that Hamza Yusuf does not survey and read the more problematic works printed by Fons Vitae, we have evidence that substantiates the fact that Hamza Yusuf has read the perennialist publications of Fons Vitae, and happily endorses them. Most recently, Fons Vitae have published a single volume work entitled ‘ Spiritual Teachings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him); Hadith with Commentaries by Saints & Sages of Islam’. A work in which Fons Vitae have commentated on the sayings of the best of creation (Peace be upon him) with the musings of non-Muslim thinkers. Wal Iyadhu billah!

To give but one example; on pg. 152 a Hadith on the merit of alms is presented with a commentary taken from the works of Frithjof Schoun. Mark Sedgwick in his exposition of the perennialists/traditionalists ‘Against the Modern World; Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century’ writes on Schoun, highlighting how he would be offended to hear that non-Muslims would enter hell, how he abolished the Sunna prayers in place of supererogatory Dhikr, how he claimed to have a divine experience whilst reciting the Bhagavad Ghita, how he claimed to see visions of the prophets and Buddha whilst in seclusion, how he maintained impermissible relationships with women (at times even spying on them and watching them dance), and how Schoun infiltrated and promoted himself to the status of ‘Shaykh’ in the blessed Alawi Tariqa. Sedgwick concludes on Schoun’s infiltration of the Alawi Tariqa:

Shortly before this event Schuon went shopping to furnish his new apartment. In a shop window he saw an antique statuette of the Virgin Mary and was struck by its beauty and the incongruity of its surroundings. Despite its high price and his relative poverty, Schuon bought the statuette, took it home, and installed it in a place of honour. Statues are forbidden to Muslims by the Sharia, and the statues of the Virgin are commonly associated with Catholic churches; mindful of this restriction, Schuon later explained: “I was always painstaking in questions of holy rules, but on the other hand I stood above all on the ground of the Religio Perennis and did not allow myself to be imprisoned by forms that for myself could have no validity – for myself, since I would not allow another to break the same rules.”

This statement nearly summarizes the status of the Alawiyya at the end of the 1930s: a Traditionalist Sufi order whose members followed Islam and the Sharia, but whose shaykh privately stood on more universalist ground and included among his most prized possessions a copy of the Bhagvad Ghita and a statuette of the Virgin Mary.

Despite claims that Hamza Yusuf does not survey and read the more problematic works printed by Fons Vitae, we have evidence that substantiates the fact that Hamza Yusuf has read the perennialist publications of Fons Vitae, and happily endorses them. Most recently, Fons Vitae have published a single volume work entitled ‘ Spiritual Teachings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him); Hadith with Commentaries by Saints & Sages of Islam’. A work in which Fons Vitae have commentated on the sayings of the best of creation (Peace be upon him) with the musings of non-Muslim thinkers. Wal Iyadhu billah!

To give but one example; on pg. 152 a Hadith on the merit of alms is presented with a commentary taken from the works of Frithjof Schoun. Mark Sedgwick in his exposition of the perennialists/traditionalists ‘Against the Modern World; Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century’ writes on Schoun, highlighting how he would be offended to hear that non-Muslims would enter hell, how he abolished the Sunna prayers in place of supererogatory Dhikr, how he claimed to have a divine experience whilst reciting the Bhagavad Ghita, how he claimed to see visions of the prophets and Buddha whilst in seclusion, how he maintained impermissible relationships with women (at times even spying on them and watching them dance), and how Schoun infiltrated and promoted himself to the status of ‘Shaykh’ in the blessed Alawi Tariqa. Sedgwick concludes on Schoun’s infiltration of the Alawi Tariqa:

Shortly before this event Schuon went shopping to furnish his new apartment. In a shop window he saw an antique statuette of the Virgin Mary and was struck by its beauty and the incongruity of its surroundings. Despite its high price and his relative poverty, Schuon bought the statuette, took it home, and installed it in a place of honour. Statues are forbidden to Muslims by the Sharia, and the statues of the Virgin are commonly associated with Catholic churches; mindful of this restriction, Schuon later explained: “I was always painstaking in questions of holy rules, but on the other hand I stood above all on the ground of the Religio Perennis and did not allow myself to be imprisoned by forms that for myself could have no validity – for myself, since I would not allow another to break the same rules.”

This statement nearly summarizes the status of the Alawiyya at the end of the 1930s: a Traditionalist Sufi order whose members followed Islam and the Sharia, but whose shaykh privately stood on more universalist ground and included among his most prized possessions a copy of the Bhagvad Ghita and a statuette of the Virgin Mary.

Firthjof Schoun: Messenger of the Perennial Philosophy:

To add to the disgust, the Hadith is further commented on, in a footnote, with references to Christian Tradition:

It is a question of relative equilibrium consonant with particular cyclic conditions. St. John of the Cross said that “a spark of pure love is more precious to God, more useful for the soul and more rich in blessings for the Church than all other works taken together, even if to all appearances one does nothing.”

I was sent a copy of this book by computer in Madinah. I happened to be sick an unable to leave my room. I could not stop reading it. By the time I was finished, I was well again. It is a wonderful book, with beautiful insights into the spiritual secrets of our Beloved’s words. Imam al-Haddad said that the reason Imam al-Ghazali, toward the end of his life, read only the Quran and Hadith is that his station was so high and his state so elevated that by then only direct revelation could nourish his soul. This book is a feast with wonderful explanations of the ingredients of the soul nourishing hadiths and their benefits to one’s spiritual health.
- Shaykh Hamza Yusf Hanson, Zaytuna College, Bekley, California

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #2

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Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is definitely not a perrenialist.

He is just tolerant with them.

It doesn't mean that he shares their views.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #3

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Perennialism is outright Kufar and anyone who knowingly agrees with the Kufar , endorses it or does not call it Kufar is outside the fold of Islam. I remember Imam Anwar Shah Kashmiri ra has a Fatwa on it which was earlier shared by a brother in a thread concerning Perennialism.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #4

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Perennialism is outright Kufar and anyone who knowingly agrees with the Kufar , endorses it or does not call it Kufar is outside the fold of Islam. I remember Imam Anwar Shah Kashmiri ra has a Fatwa on it which was earlier shared by a brother in a thread concerning Perennialism.
check your facts about Sheikh Hamza Yusuf before you start casting him 'outside the fold of Islam'
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #5

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check your facts about Sheikh Hamza Yusuf before you start casting him 'outside the fold of Islam'
Brother , this is the fact that i came to know.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is definitely not a perrenialist.

He is just tolerant with them.

It doesn't mean that he shares their views.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #6

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“…One who does not call the people of other religions as kafir due to any reason: He says: Therefore (because of the uncertainty of takfir of those who misinterpret and distort clear-cut and unanimous nusus), we regard a person kafir who does not call the followers of other religion as kafir or hesitates to call them kafir, or doubts in their kufr, or thinks their religion is right, though he claims himself to be Muslim and calls other religions other than Islam as false, then also he is kafir who does not call the people of other religions as kafir; since this person opposes Islam by opposing to call kafir as kafir and this is belying and refuting religion. (In short, not calling any person not following Islam as kafir is tantamount to oppose and refute Islam, and that individual is kafir.)”

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #7

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Perennialism is outright Kufar and anyone who knowingly agrees with the Kufar , endorses it or does not call it Kufar is outside the fold of Islam. I remember Imam Anwar Shah Kashmiri ra has a Fatwa on it which was earlier shared by a brother in a thread concerning Perennialism.
I would be more worried about the state of your imaan then anyone elses brother. Do not use the kafir word lightly.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #8

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I would be more worried about the state of your imaan then anyone elses brother. Do not use the kafir word lightly.
Cool. One should fear the state of the Imaan of the one who uses the word "Muslim" lightly as well. I have presented the opinion of a scholar on the issue at hand and what i said is in line with what Imam Anwar shah Kashmiri ra has said.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #9

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Cool. One should fear the state of the Imaan of the one who uses the word "Muslim" lightly as well. I have presented the opinion of a scholar on the issue at hand and what i said is in line with what Imam Anwar shah Kashmiri ra has said.
Here Shaykh Hamza Yusuf praised a well known perennialist Martin Lings

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf provided an elegant and eloquent introduction and vote of thanks for a man who had inspired generations of scholars and students with insights and wisdom.

Both Habib ‘Ali and I felt that, while Dr.
Lings’ view on perennialism was not
mainstream, it was not a complete
rejection of the classical Islamic position
which holds that previous religious
dispensations were abrogated by the final
message of the Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him, and certainly his
own conversion to Islam indicated this.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #10

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so is Habib Ali in for a machine gunning too now?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:56 AM   #11

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this is getting ridiculous.

May Allah give us all excellent adab with those whom we disagree. Let scholars offer nasiha and advice to other scholars and let their teachers advise, correct and provide guidance to their students. Amen. That is how the students and scholars themselves were advised in the past.

This realm of critiquing ulema (regardless of their orientation) by laymen, its quite problematic to be honest.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #12

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Why are perennialists being defended here? lets address these issues first i am not interested in emotional rantings like oh but the shaykh oh hes so nice points need to be addressed.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #13

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nobody is defending perrenialists

perrenialism is kufr

and fons vitae company are dodgy (although they have done some good translations)

as for Martin Lings do we know that he died on perrenialism?

no we don't

so we should leave him alone and hope the best for him.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #14

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this is getting ridiculous.

May Allah give us all excellent adab with those whom we disagree. Let scholars offer nasiha and advice to other scholars and let their teachers advise, correct and provide guidance to their students. Amen. That is how the students and scholars themselves were advised in the past.

This realm of critiquing ulema (regardless of their orientation) by laymen, its quite problematic to be honest.
Oh yeah, now let's bury 'aqidah below "adab" and "respect" and bla bla bla...
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #15

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bla bla bla...
more Adab needed in that post too, we modern Muslims have sickness of weak Adab
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #16

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more Adab needed in that post too, we modern Muslims have sickness of weak Adab
And "traditionalists" have sickness of justifying each and everyhing - every bid'ah, every isolated opinion, etc. (oh, unless it's a "salafi-wahhabi" one!) - under the excuse of "having adab", "respecting legitimate difference of opinion", etc. etc. (=bla bla bla)...

I see I'm repeating myself; in other posts had already said:

It's not about judging about cover, it's about judging through the criteria and parameters laid down by Allah and His Prophet .

We have only one criteria: Shari'ah; there is no place for relativism.

As you can see, defenders of such acts only have big talks about adab, respect, hikmah, differences of opinions, context, but no proof for their actions.

Everyone a great "Sufi" and intellectual, but nothing to back them from Qur'an Sunnah and real "traditional" Fiqh.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #17

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Revealing his perennialistic instincts , Here Mr Hamza explains the influence of Buddhism on the Maturidi and Ashari creed and how the "softness" arrived in Islam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyxYEJcEYXI
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #18

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Hamza Yusuf is not saying anything perrenialist there he is talking about gentleness.

He is saying tht gentleness is a good quality that some people who were influenced by Buddhists had

and that helped them to see Islam in a merciful light, but that this was textually justified (i.e. they found the justification for this view that they inclined to from Islamic texts).

Perrenialism is not saying that some people in other religions can have some good qualities that is just common sense,

Perrenialism is saying that other religions other than Islam are also valid 'paths to God'.

Hamza Yusuf is not a Perrenialist.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #19

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Problem with some of the muqallids is that they have such a high estimation of some of the people and when suddenly they come across any activity of that person they try to defend at him at every cost. During this they compromise on many core issues even.

No matter how learned and pious a person he is, he can err. And so i believe Shaikh hamza Yousuf has erred. Infallibility belongs to Quran and Sunnah. Even if a deobandi does this, its wrong. If a salafi does this, he needs to be corrected.

We are muqallids because we feel that the person we follow understands Shariah better but if he commits such a blunder, then we must was our hands off such activity.

I personally respect and listen to Sheikh Hamza Yousuf because i feel our ummah lacks scholars of such calibre but yes i cant second this.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #20

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Perennialism is outright Kufar and anyone who knowingly agrees with the Kufar , endorses it or does not call it Kufar is outside the fold of Islam. I remember Imam Anwar Shah Kashmiri ra has a Fatwa on it which was earlier shared by a brother in a thread concerning Perennialism.
salaam br.

wow a takfir on an ahlus sunnah scholar!

have you read up on shaykh hamzas side of the story before you did so br?

shaykh hamza is far more learned and intelligent than the general scholars from the indian subcontinent in my view so to issue takfir on him based on a fatwa from alamah 'kashmiri' is to be a bit hasty i'd say br.

go into that perrenialism is kufr thread again and read up the posts on how takfir is not issued on 'taweel' even if the opinion is apperant kufr; haamza yusuf bases his 'tollerance' of perrenialism on that but even he says it falls into the catogory of a foul bidah
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