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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #1

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Default To niqab or not to niqab - a bad man is going to stare anyway?
A Muslimah might be in perfect hijab with the oval of her face showing but a man (Muslim or not) with bad intention is still going to stare / lust at her face so that would imply hijab (without niqab) isn't sufficient? Or she should not be free mixing anyway... But she is allowed to go to the market and interact with the shop keeper? So it could be argued even in hijab the whole body is covered but the most interesting part (the face) is not so would this not infer niqab is mandatory?

What's the % of Muslimahs who wear hijab that veil also? Not much?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #2

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I think since the third to fourth century AH, the ruling of all four Madhabs has been that the Niqaab is obligatory, based on the moral decline in most societies. Sisters who wear the Hijaab, but not the Niqaab, should be commended and encouraged to adopt the Sunnah of the wives of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) who wore the Niqaab in an era during which the hearts of men and women were incomparably more pure.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #3

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Here is the detailed answer by Mufti Husain Kadodia sahib: http://www.deoband.org/2009/04/fiqh/...anafi-madhhab/
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #4

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A Muslimah might be in perfect hijab with the oval of her face showing but a man (Muslim or not) with bad intention is still going to stare / lust at her face so that would imply hijab (without niqab) isn't sufficient? Or she should not be free mixing anyway... But she is allowed to go to the market and interact with the shop keeper? So it could be argued even in hijab the whole body is covered but the most interesting part (the face) is not so would this not infer niqab is mandatory?

What's the % of Muslimahs who wear hijab that veil also? Not much?
I think woman's should wear Hijab with a intention to please Allaah(SWT) only, and not to think much about lusting men.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #5

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to niqab.
in times of digital cameras with high resolution women must be very very careful. whichever country they are in, or madhab they belong to.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #6

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A Muslimah might be in perfect hijab with the oval of her face showing but a man (Muslim or not) with bad intention is still going to stare / lust at her face so that would imply hijab (without niqab) isn't sufficient? Or she should not be free mixing anyway... But she is allowed to go to the market and interact with the shop keeper? So it could be argued even in hijab the whole body is covered but the most interesting part (the face) is not so would this not infer niqab is mandatory?

What's the % of Muslimahs who wear hijab that veil also? Not much?
Assalaamualaikum My dearest sister,
as the brothers may have previously stated the hukm/ruling of niqaab (though it may be argued there is differences or what not), honestly , no hukm of the most wise is without over flowing hikmah (wisdom) even though at times it may not be apparent to our very limited understanding. the ruling is a different thing which will inshaAllaah hold great rewards if done correctly (intention etc) But the beauty of it is subhaanAllaah indeed another thing. theres more than one beauty, the beauty of first obeying our Creator , most high. and the 2nd one can only be felt by a sister veiling herself willingly. ( i say this because perhaps there are some who don't do it as such hence don't experience its sweetness)
its a means of great protection for the sisters themselves and others. the feeling u feel/get when ur covered, u feel secure! u feel valuable/honoured ( shd be with no degree of takabbur obv). u feel ur Creator cares to this extent abt u n ur protection. laa ilaaha illAllaah!
sorry may have went a bit off track, but just shared few thoughts from experience!
May Allaah guide us to the acts of His pleasure, aameen!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #7

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I think since the third to fourth century AH, the ruling of all four Madhabs has been that the Niqaab is obligatory, based on the moral decline in most societies. Sisters who wear the Hijaab, but not the Niqaab, should be commended and encouraged to adopt the Sunnah of the wives of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) who wore the Niqaab in an era during which the hearts of men and women were incomparably more pure.

"If Allah had not concealed my faults, and my true self was displayed, people would not even spit on me."

assalaam brother, thiis msg .. is it a mistake when u mention "ppl would NOT even spit on me" or is it correct and u mean something else ?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #8

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Don't you think its almost impossible for sisters to wear a Niqab in the West?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #9

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Don't you think its almost impossible for sisters to wear a Niqab in the West?
and niqab comes in many forms. you have to look at what you have to hide. it can be done via the 'shawl' they are wearing. this is how my mother does it, she wraps the end of it around her nose and mouth. its not niqab but it does the purpose. though she has to constantly look after it. niqab frees your hands : )
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #10

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If the sister is extremely good looking and will attract attention, perhaps wearing a niqab is not a big must for them.. Simply dressing like a sack ought to suffice. Similarly brothers need to grow beared so as to not look from the hijabis
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #11

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what would you say about women being attacked & raped because they are wearing niqab. a few years back there was a lady raped just a few roads down from my house.the men targeted her & told her its because they know the women with this clothing are virgins.
for this reason ulama like sh Nuh keller have said that if a women feels threatened in any way then it is wajib to remove the niqaab.

now I would like to ask the sisters who wear niqaab if they understand the rulling of hijaab. two of my sister in laws wear niqaab & they are both alimas who graduated at the khanqah zakariya madrasah but they started off at darul uloom zakariya. both of them dont know what the limits of their awrah is. they close the face but then part of the neck shows or the hair sticks out. there far doesnt really care as long as the face is covered. once i will never forget the one sister was doing a facial & her face was covered in this thick cream. she was wearing a shorts & a t shirt & they made a video of her as a prank. first the father said dont show him, then he said oh its ok her face is closed. but her hair, legs & arms were open.

so any sister who would like to cover her face should first know & understand the awrah which is wajib in all circumstances.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #12

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As for saying all four madhhabs are in agreement that niqab is obligatory (generally) etc, let us leave the other schools to their experts rather than looking at some of their books; their scholars know better. The problem starts when some hanafis try to tell what the other schools mu'tamad is without having learned from their scholars properly and just picking up books.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #13

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I have seen niqabis in Arab countries flauting their fiqurres!! They attract more attention then non niqabis!!
The key is to dress like sack
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #14

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Don't you think its almost impossible for sisters to wear a Niqab in the West?
alhumdulillaah, no brother
no command of Allaah ta'ala is nearly impossible to follow/obey.. however @ times it may be our own weaknesses that doesn't allow us to.
the harder the effort, the greater the reward inshaAllaah. surely Allaah knows best
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #15

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what would you say about women being attacked & raped because they are wearing niqab. a few years back there was a lady raped just a few roads down from my house.the men targeted her & told her its because they know the women with this clothing are virgins.
for this reason ulama like sh Nuh keller have said that if a women feels threatened in any way then it is wajib to remove the niqaab.
in some places men with beards and/or sunnah clothing might also get mugged, harrassed, beaten.

so should they shave it off and wear western clothing?

there is a reason why women are supposed to measure carefully why they are going out - niqab or not.

i do not have a comment for sh. keller's opinion.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #16

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If the sister is extremely good looking and will attract attention, perhaps wearing a niqab is not a big must for them.. Simply dressing like a sack ought to suffice. Similarly brothers need to grow beared so as to not look from the hijabis
If the female is good looking then it makes more sense to veil the face? This is what I read from scholars that if she normally wears just hijab but is beautiful then it is better to veil too? But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So even an "average" looking female might be very attractive to a man rather than a "stunner" to another? It depends on the person - so how do you draw the line - who is "beautiful"?

A female might think a bearded bro is more macho and mature (and thus more attractive) than when he's shaven like a little boy!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #17

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in some places men with beards and/or sunnah clothing might also get mugged, harrassed, beaten.

so should they shave it off and wear western clothing?

there is a reason why women are supposed to measure carefully why they are going out - niqab or not.

i do not have a comment for sh. keller's opinion.
could you compare being mugged or beaten to being raped. a man being attacked because of his islamic apearance is not the same as a women being attacked because she seems to be a virgin.

in the time of fitnah it becomes wajib to wear the niqaab but when the niqaab becomes the fitnah then its better to not wear it. if Im not mistaken that is the understanding of what came from sh Nuh. however sh Nuh does not speak to his female murids unless in niqaab. & all his female mureeds in Jordan do wear the niqaab
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #18

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what would you say about women being attacked & raped because they are wearing niqab. a few years back there was a lady raped just a few roads down from my house.the men targeted her & told her its because they know the women with this clothing are virgins.
a person doesnt even know the age of a woman who is wearing niqab. because the people cant see the face of a woman with niqab on how can even he know that the woman is virgin!!!
because she seems to be a virgin.
with Hijab on its more easier to know is the girl virgin or not cause of the girls age. To assure other that a girl is not virgin she gotta walked naked on the street to stay safe from those rapist who just only looks for virgin girl!!! And not all rapist looks for only virgin girl. I doubt very much a rapist will go for a virgin girl who doesnt look beautiful that much but surely they will want to rape a girl whose beauty is shown at publich(doesnt matter is the girl virgin or not)
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So even an "average" looking female might be very attractive to a man rather than a "stunner" to another? It depends on the person - so how do you draw the line - who is "beautiful"?
there are 80% of beautiful girls who will be considered as beautiful by majority of man, so they shouldnt be worry about who considers them as beautiful or not, they should just for niqab.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #19

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a person doesnt even know the age of a woman who is wearing niqab. because the people cant see the face of a woman with niqab on how can even he know that the woman is virgin!!!
with Hijab on its more easier to know is the girl virgin or not cause of the girls age. To assure other that a girl is not virgin she gotta walked naked on the street to stay safe from those rapist who just only looks for virgin girl!!! And not all rapist looks for only virgin girl. I doubt very much a rapist will go for a virgin girl who doesnt look beautiful that much but surely they will want to rape a girl whose beauty is shown at publich(doesnt matter is the girl virgin or not)
there are 80% of beautiful girls who will be considered as beautiful by majority of man, so they shouldnt be worry about who considers them as beautiful or not, they should just for niqab.
akhi lets put it this way there was and still is an assumption by some black south africans that girls in niqaab are virgins-they look like nuns.
then there still is a large group of black south africans who believe that sex with a virgin can cure aids.

understand now.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #20

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I live in the west and started wearing niqab a year ago and can honestly say it has been one of the best decisions I have made. The most important aspect isn't even being 'protected' from men, it's the way it connects you to Allah swt and can increase your iman and your awareness of the nature of being a woman. The fact that people can't ogle you is a side point.

Don't you think its almost impossible for sisters to wear a Niqab in the West?

what would you say about women being attacked & raped because they are wearing niqab. a few years back there was a lady raped just a few roads down from my house.the men targeted her & told her its because they know the women with this clothing are virgins.
for this reason ulama like sh Nuh keller have said that if a women feels threatened in any way then it is wajib to remove the niqaab.
If a woman lives in the kind of place where people are raped and attacked then she shouldn't be going out alone full-stop, whether in niqab or not. It's better that she stays home and doesn't leave the house than removes the niqab because of a 'safety' issue, women shouldn't leave their houses unless they have to and it's best to go out accompanied in that case.
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