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Old 07-08-2012, 10:12 PM   #1

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Default Shaming of Bangladesh Muslims who betrayed Rohingyas
Members of the Rohingay minority in Rakhine State were being dragged from their homes and being burnt alive in the streets. No one was spared; men, women and children all suffered the same fate. This wasn't just violence involving civilians. Members of the Burmese army and police also joined in the killing spree, including raping their victims. The blood-lust included babies being sliced in half by swords.

Many have attempted to flee Burma by boat and have tried to seek refuge in Bangladesh. Burmese helicopter gunships have then murdered many of those attempting to get to safety by strafing boats while out at sea. The few that have made it to Bangladesh have been trying to tell the world about the horrors they have witnessed.

To give a scale of the ethnic cleansing, over 30,000 refugees have fled to Bangladesh. There, instead of being given refuge and care, the survivors are being treated with little compassion. Forced to sit on piers in the baking sun, they are barely being given enough water to survive by the Bangladeshi authorities. They are given a bottle of water and small bag of rice and being forced to return to Burma and to near certain death. Indeed many of the Bangladeshi soldiers have been taunting the refugees with the refrain “Allah will look after you”. Shockingly, these are the lucky ones. Over 1,500 survivors have simply been turned back by their Muslim brothers in Bangladesh.

Can you imagine if this was Saudi Arabia or other gulf states? I'm sure the debates here would be lively.

The truth still remains, Bangladesh Muslims have proved to be simps and two faced wimps in the face of other Governments policy of returning Rohingya Muslims back to the Burmese Buddhist death squads.

Not a word or even demonstrations from Ulema, Muslims or any group from the Bangladesh regarding this issue.
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Old 07-08-2012, 10:41 PM   #2

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Salaam Brother

I would refrain from making broad generalisations.

The local media is full of this news by now - mostly anti government articles. There were some protests as well from what I understand - not sure if led by Ulama. Also - have you been to the local mosques to listen to the Friday khutbahs? How are you so sure that they are not talking about this issue?

The fact is that religious figures hold little sway over what the government policies are. So even if they did do all of the above, it wouldn't count for much.

What we need is the UN and other similar bodies mounting pressure on the Bangladeshi government. Religious sentiments count little for the secularists. However, when they are “looking bad” in the international arena, that’s when they might be moved to do something about it.

And again – I wouldn’t cheerlead Saudi too much. They are after all providing military bases for the US army who continue their occupation of Iraq. They are one of greatest wellwishers of the USA.

We are all sinners May Allah forgive us.
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Old 07-08-2012, 10:55 PM   #3

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Its not the fault of Bangladeshi people. Only the government is responsible for this. If anyone want to justify my claim, he should come in Bangladesh.
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:02 PM   #4

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Its not the fault of Bangladeshi people. Only the government is responsible for this. If anyone want to justify my claim, he should come in Bangladesh.
Jotil response. Abar jigs.
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:46 PM   #5

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who says the bengalis didnt protest and hold demos?!? This is shameless generalization! a quick google search will answer that and then u can apologize to bengalis for calling them wimps and simps.
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Old 07-09-2012, 12:42 AM   #6

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But then again Bangladeshis Muslims are led by a woman who they willingly elected into office

not being anti women but that says alot when a Muslim country elects a woman as their commander in Chief. Not saying other Muslim majority countries led by men fare better but Bangladesh happens to be a special case

and listening to Bangladesh ambassador to UK defending this policy of forcing Rohingyas back to their death just makes my heart sink

so much so for Muslim solidarity....one would have thought the Bengali community would barricade their embassy in London but nothing...
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Old 07-09-2012, 12:56 AM   #7

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Its not the fault of Bangladeshi people. Only the government is responsible for this. If anyone want to justify my claim, he should come in Bangladesh.
The Government which was ''democratically'' elected by Muslims into office

If the Ulema came out and condemned the Bangla govt stance this shows that they do not have much sway within Bangladesh because if they did and the Government would not dare to go ahead with the Rohingya repatriation policy or even refusing aid from the UN.

This is what some of us are tired of. We have too many Ulemas/Maulanas who are on TV 24/7 giving out edits but in reality they do not have much sway withing the society.

At times like this we need REAL Muslim leaders and not youtube fatwa leaders who are silent when real issues struck

We cant just sit around and make dua only. Even the battle of Badr wasnt won by just sitting and making duas. Muslims had to do something.

I have few hours before I break my fast but how can I feed myself with all sorts of food and then go to Tarawih while my fellow brother in Iman is struggling to stay in the high seas and animal infested jungles of Burma and Bangladesh simply because he has been refused safety by a fellow Muslim

In sha Allah will make dua for them but this Rohingya really shames us all.

Martin Luther King (the civil rights leader) once said : ''In the end we will remember NOT the deeds and abuse from our enemies, but the silence from our OWN people''
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Old 07-09-2012, 01:17 AM   #8

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The Government which was ''democratically'' elected by Muslims into office

If the Ulema came out and condemned the Bangla govt stance this shows that they do not have much sway within Bangladesh because if they did and the Government would not dare to go ahead with the Rohingya repatriation policy or even refusing aid from the UN.

This is what some of us are tired of. We have too many Ulemas/Maulanas who are on TV 24/7 giving out edits but in reality they do not have much sway withing the society.

At times like this we need REAL Muslim leaders and not youtube fatwa leaders who are silent when real issues struck

We cant just sit around and make dua only. Even the battle of Badr wasnt won by just sitting and making duas. Muslims had to do something.

I have few hours before I break my fast but how can I feed myself with all sorts of food and then go to Tarawih while my fellow brother in Iman is struggling to stay in the high seas and animal infested jungles of Burma and Bangladesh simply because he has been refused safety by a fellow Muslim

In sha Allah will make dua for them but this Rohingya really shames us all.

Martin Luther King (the civil rights leader) once said : ''In the end we will remember NOT the deeds and abuse from our enemies, but the silence from our OWN people''
Brother - I think you need to have a better understanding of the geo-political situation in the region before making such comments. It's not like the Bangladeshis love Sh. Hasina or Khaleda. It's always been a case of choosing the lesser evil. You make it sound like we love these ladies and want them to be our leaders.

Protests are part of everyday life and they don't mean anything anymore. Just ask any Bangladeshi about the no. of hartals they had to endure over the past decade.

You also need to understand the reason why Ulama don't have sway over the government. This is due to the incidents of 1971 which has created this perception that religious leaders are anti-liberation and backstabbers (AKA rajakars).

So I go back to my previous comment - pressure must be mounted by the various international organisations such as the UN and other NGOs. That's the only way that the govt. will budge. Protests by the locals + ulama don't count for much in Bangladesh.
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Old 07-09-2012, 01:33 AM   #9

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Members of the Rohingay minority in Rakhine State were being dragged from their homes and being burnt alive in the streets. No one was spared; men, women and children all suffered the same fate. This wasn't just violence involving civilians. Members of the Burmese army and police also joined in the killing spree, including raping their victims. The blood-lust included babies being sliced in half by swords.
Bismihi Ta’ala

The images circulating are horrific. This too is an understatement. It is almost unbelievable that human beings can inflict such persecution and such torture.

Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Daamat Barakaatuhu) had said that the dua of the Believers is more powerful than atom bombs.

Even if we do not have the capacity to do much – we can definitely make sincere and deep-hearted dua for our Muslim brothers and sisters – from whichever part of the world we reside.
So let us not waste these opportunities : It is Ramadaan: Duas draw special acceptance. The fasting person’s duas are accepted. The Malaa`ikah are instructed to say ‘Aameen’ on our duas. The duas during each and every night are accepted.

We need to make a lot of dua for them as well as our brothers and sisters who are oppressed in other parts of the world.

May Allah Ta’ala forgive us for our incapacity and weakness. May Allah Ta’ala be with them and grant them His Special Assistance and Protection.

…One billion in number … and our condition, as the Muslim Ummah, is so utterly sad.

It brings to mind the Hadeeth:
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi waSallam) said: "The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people, when eating, invite others to share their food…."
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Old 07-09-2012, 06:45 AM   #10

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Is it not the duty of the Ulema in Bangladesh to condemn the actions of the government and make it known it is the duty of bangladesh to take there brethren muslims in. I dont know what is going in in Bangladesh but I would expect this a minimum course of action.

We are in such a sad state right now. Our enemies can do what they want.
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Old 07-09-2012, 06:57 AM   #11

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Is it not the duty of the Ulema in Bangladesh to condemn the actions of the government and make it known it is the duty of bangladesh to take there brethren muslims in. I dont know what is going in in Bangladesh but I would expect this a minimum course of action.

We are in such a sad state right now. Our enemies can do what they want.
We are our worst enemies

we all want to get to firdous janat by just praying only.
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Old 07-09-2012, 07:18 AM   #12

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We are our worst enemies

we all want to get to firdous janat by just praying only.
What do you suggest to do? Alhamdulillaah many brothers (including me) are ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of Deen. But this should not be discussed on this forum. One of my thread has been deleted recently. You should make Dua and take preparation. Whats the benefit to blame others?
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Old 08-08-2012, 12:30 PM   #13

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Bangladesh government behaviour is absolutely a shame and no justification can be used for them.


Not a word or even demonstrations from Ulema, Muslims or any group from the Bangladesh regarding this issue.
So, which charities did the shameless bangledeshi government ban for helping the Rohingyas, if no one was doing anything?
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Old 08-08-2012, 12:33 PM   #14

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The Government which was ''democratically'' elected by Muslims into office

If the Ulema came out and condemned the Bangla govt stance this shows that they do not have much sway within Bangladesh because if they did and the Government would not dare to go ahead with the Rohingya repatriation policy or even refusing aid from the UN.

This is what some of us are tired of. We have too many Ulemas/Maulanas who are on TV 24/7 giving out edits but in reality they do not have much sway withing the society.

At times like this we need REAL Muslim leaders and not youtube fatwa leaders who are silent when real issues struck

We cant just sit around and make dua only. Even the battle of Badr wasnt won by just sitting and making duas. Muslims had to do something.

I have few hours before I break my fast but how can I feed myself with all sorts of food and then go to Tarawih while my fellow brother in Iman is struggling to stay in the high seas and animal infested jungles of Burma and Bangladesh simply because he has been refused safety by a fellow Muslim

In sha Allah will make dua for them but this Rohingya really shames us all.

Martin Luther King (the civil rights leader) once said : ''In the end we will remember NOT the deeds and abuse from our enemies, but the silence from our OWN people''
Venom against scholars, racism against Indo-Pak-Bengali people, modernist in views, anti-"ritualist".. Are you by any change a member of MPAUK?
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:47 PM   #15

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Is it not the duty of the Ulema in Bangladesh to condemn the actions of the government and make it known it is the duty of bangladesh to take there brethren muslims in. I dont know what is going in in Bangladesh but I would expect this a minimum course of action.

We are in such a sad state right now. Our enemies can do what they want.
Once again - please read my posts. It's a big assumption you are making that none of this is taking place at a grass roots level.
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Old 08-08-2012, 05:00 PM   #16

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Once again - please read my posts. It's a big assumption you are making that none of this is taking place at a grass roots level.

Bhaijan, Bangali hoeo apni Shafi'i kano? Its just my curiosity, nothing else.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:45 PM   #17

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Bhaijan, Bangali hoeo apni Shafi'i kano? Its just my curiosity, nothing else.

What can I say bhaijan? The proofs were too compelling.

NB: I was hanafi once but didn't really know what madhabs were back then. Going through the Reliance of the Traveler and the biographies of the Shafi'i a'imma (Imam Nawawi, the 2 Ibn Hajrs, Suyuti, Ghazali, Dhahabi, Ibn Kathir, As-Subki, Bayhaqi, pretty much all the muhadittheen) opened my eyes. Consider all the branches of knowledge - the contributions of the Shafi'is are tremendous and indispensable (all types of usool, hadith, tafseer, logic, history, aqeedah, fiqh, tasawwuf etc.). I was convinced that the haqq lay with the Shafi'is. And the hanaabila are pretty much 80% shafi'i as well.

Nonetheless - hanafis do rock - no one's challenging that. I do spend some "hanafi days" now and again to ensure that I don't forget the fiqh.
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Old 09-04-2012, 04:22 AM   #18

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anyone know what OIC will do about this situation in Burma?
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Old 09-04-2012, 04:22 AM   #19

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Bangladeshis and their leaders have proved in this case to be munafiqs
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Old 09-04-2012, 04:22 AM   #20

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anyone know what OIC will do about this situation in Burma?
OIC will say "Oh I See!"
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