Does anyone know of any institutes in Pakistan that take a simillar aproach to Nadwa, base their curriculum on Nadwa's or are affiliated with them?
I don't think so that there are any Madaris in Pakistan which has the similar chemistry as that of Nadwa. The Nadwi tradition (which is also called Dabistan e Shibli) has manifested itself in very different ways in Pakistan. It has produced moderate Salafi scholars like Shaykh Muhammad Hanif Nadwi rahimahullah who was a gem in this age , it has produced many Nadwi Jamatis who have done no good to be mentioned and finally Javaid Ahmad Ghamidi attributes himself to the "Shibli-Nadwi tradition" and runs his own "Islamic education system" in Pakistan but he is far too much of a modernist and far away from the Aqaid and usool of Ahle Sunnah wal jamaat to be even considered as an option.