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Old 06-19-2012, 11:29 PM   #1

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Default sabotage by family and friends
Hi everyone, my name is Julie and I wanted to share what I've been experiencing on my journey with hcg. Been at it for about 2 and a half weeks and down around 13 pounds so far. I wanted to share my experience with people attempting to sabotage our hard work and persistant effort!

My coworker and I frequently drive around as a requirement for our job. She is well aware that I am fed up with my weight and attempting a change of lifestyle, however she is not aware i am on hcg as she will not understand or approve of the protocol ( we have discussed hcg in passing before I started and she is TOTALLY against it) and will forever try to talk me out of it. In order to avoid this annoyance I keep the hcg part to myself, and just tell people I'm doing low carb heart healthy.

Anyways, the other day (keep in mind she is in the know that i have myself on a strict diet plan) she says while on the road, "man, I could go for a reeses cup sundae from carvel, lets swing by there" knowing FULL WELL that this is my UTMOST junk food weakness. To this comment I reply, "No way, I'm not blowing all my efforts." she replies "oh you can have a frozen yogurt. If you deny yourself you're gonna fail." I just said "nope not doing it, I have my own food." She rolls her eyes and throws a "you've lost your mind" in there.

fast forward to this afternoon, I go out to lunch with her and my 2 bosses. Its around noon and I have not been able to have anything I've brought from home yet as I've been running around all morning, so I'm HUNGRY. We stop at a diner and I announce that I have my own food and I will eat when we get back. My coworker says "oh just eat will you? This diet thing with you is getting ridiculous." she made several comments after that "oh but Julie wont have anything, she's on her insanity diet." I just sipped by black coffee and lemon water with an inward smile on my face.

It kills her to see me stick to my guns.

Just wanted to create a place where people could share their sabotaging experiences if they would like, and to remind you that LIFE IS DIFFICULT ON THIS DIET, and not many people will understand what we are doing and will try DESPERATELY to derail you, but you aren't alone! When people see us making such positive changes in our lives and looking better, feeling better and living better, it brings their own insecurities to the surface. Don't give in! Rock on
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:42 PM   #2

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Congratulations for sticking to the program and resisting temptation!!! Keep your eye on the prize. Does your co-worker need to lose some weight?

I feel pretty supported by my friends and family.. thankfully...
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:57 PM   #3

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that's fantastic that you're supported in your efforts. Wish we all could be so lucky

she constantly claims she needs to lose weight and is unhappy with her body but in all honesty she can lose maybe 15 to 20 pounds. I want to lose around 35 more to end up at my goal of 135!!
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Old 06-20-2012, 02:53 PM   #4

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It sounds like you're doing a great job despite her attitude. Kudos on bringing your own food and avoiding the restaurant food.
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Old 06-20-2012, 03:19 PM   #5

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This is great! Thank you, you'll be my inspiration when I get tempted.
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Old 06-20-2012, 03:19 PM   #6

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she constantly claims she needs to lose weight and is unhappy with her body but in all honesty she can lose maybe 15 to 20 pounds. I want to lose around 35 more to end up at my goal of 135!!
Why not just be honest with her and tell her how you are feeling?
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Old 06-20-2012, 04:19 PM   #7

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It is easy to just give it but you are on a mission for a healthier you. WTG!!! Stay strong!!!
During my first round we went on a few outings with my dad and his gf. We rode the motorcycles to fun places to sightsee and pubs he knew I wanted to visit. I had WATER!!! It was warm out so I think he chalked it up as I was just thirsty. Then we went out to lunch. the look on his facce when I ordered a plain lettuce salad and was specific with the amount of chicken, no cheese and a few slices of lemon on the side. He started questioning me and I politely told him I was watching what I consumed so I could get ready for our trip to Hawaii in Septemeber. He asked about me working out and I slipped and told him I didint consume enough calories to work out. His gf quickly changed the subject to the fun things we would be doing in Hawaii.
On the way out the door his gf told me she knew what I was doing and be careful. Be careful? What does she mean? But then I thought...everything one chooses to do, many will question regardless.
Once we got back on the bikes, we said our goodbyes and I told her to have a great day at work tomorrow but to be careful. Her reply "well taken."
Now that I have lost 18 lbs, and have stabilized, my dad comments every time I see him how great I look.
Long story but the point it, do what you know is best for you. You know your body.
She may be jealous that you are possessing the will power she lacks! And in the end she will still be in the same out of shape unhappy body while you will be strutting your stuff!
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Old 06-20-2012, 04:47 PM   #8

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From one Julie to another --- well done!

Some people are barely conscious of their motives--- usually jealously and ego are involved but they are not aware enough to realize it. her behavior is petty and confronting her will probably make things worse but you can say that you know she has your best interests at heart and you would appreciate her support. But if she cannot support you than to please be silent instead of demeaning. I have a friend who was always telling me to EAT!!!! and I was well over 200 lbs. I finally had to let her know that if she loved me she would not keep pushing me to eat as I wanted to be healthy. then of course there are the others who do not say anything at all --- take no notice.

So you have to just keep on doing this for you! You are the only one you need to please and you are the one who will live with the consequences - whatever they may be --- good or bad. I dont tell anyone that I am taking HCG ---- I dont want to hear it. I say as you do --- low carb and healthy!

Good luck! You are doing terrific!
DeronBoltonRen is offline

Old 06-21-2012, 02:37 AM   #9

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Julie, your co-worker sounds very threatened by your resolve & success. We can't ever control how other people respond to what we do, & I commend the way you have handled this situation. Good job, girl!
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Old 06-21-2012, 02:57 AM   #10

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You totally rock, Julie! So proud of you!
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Old 06-21-2012, 03:27 AM   #11

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Julie as I type my husband is in our living room consuming massive amounts of taco bell...yesterday it was chinese takeout...I am in ur boat too so let's just paddle our smaller butts to success and try not to hurt those that tempt us..LOL I would tell this girl to back the hell up and maybe that will make her rethink her actions...but then again I've asked the hubby to keep the junk away and that gets me here typing this to u good luck and hopefully we can keep each other sane .
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Old 06-22-2012, 01:44 PM   #12

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Those bitches. Stick to your guns, girl. Nothing makes them madder than seeing others succeed where they fail.
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Old 06-22-2012, 01:49 PM   #13

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@NMFT - no judge in the world would sentence you if you just reverted to violence now. Makes me realize how lucky I am to be single...
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Old 06-23-2012, 06:03 AM   #14

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@NMFT - no judge in the world would sentence you if you just reverted to violence now. Makes me realize how lucky I am to be single...
I have to agree with you 100%, I'm glad to be single too! My 5 year old isn't a junk food lover and she is full vegetarian so it is easy to stay away from temptation.
I do have a friend that has been bitten by the green eyed monster so lately when i say oh im just going to stick to my diet ( she doesnt know im using hhcg) she has been making comments like " oh I bought myself these pants IN A SIZE LARGE" they have it in an extra large if you want to go back and get a pair".

Between us she and I wear the same size XL I just dress in comfortable clothes that fit not styles where my rolls can be counted
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Old 06-23-2012, 06:30 AM   #15

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I have an acquaintance like that.

I expect trouble from two girls in my group when I continue to shrink - one is is anorexic and takes my weight as a personal insult, the other is not far away from my size, but likes me for being fatter. I always dress in comfy/ flowing clothes; the other girl still wears boob tops, the tunika type? Only the roomy part in the middle of the top is actually stuffed with her belly. But she is proud to still be shopping in the regular clothes section. I prefer plus-sized shops that actually carry stuff that fits. Curious what she will do when I am actually thinner than her... girls sometimes tend to lash out.
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Old 06-23-2012, 03:10 PM   #16

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I have an acquaintance like that.

I expect trouble from two girls in my group when I continue to shrink - one is is anorexic and takes my weight as a personal insult, the other is not far away from my size, but likes me for being fatter. I always dress in comfy/ flowing clothes; the other girl still wears boob tops, the tunika type? Only the roomy part in the middle of the top is actually stuffed with her belly. But she is proud to still be shopping in the regular clothes section. I prefer plus-sized shops that actually carry stuff that fits. Curious what she will do when I am actually thinner than her... girls sometimes tend to lash out.
Nothin' sweeter than when you feel good about yourself and people hate you for it. Those people can suck it
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Old 06-23-2012, 04:58 PM   #17

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yeah girls! So glad I'm not the only one facing issues with jealousy! Keep up the great work
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Old 06-23-2012, 05:08 PM   #18

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Between us she and I wear the same size XL I just dress in comfortable clothes that fit not styles where my rolls can be counted
This cracked me up!
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Old 06-23-2012, 05:57 PM   #19

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[quote]yeah girls! So glad I'm not the only one facing issues with jealousy! Keep up the great work
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Old 06-24-2012, 01:55 AM   #20

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I love this!
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